Resolution 161-2001
- 2001
(LHAP) FOR STATE OF FLORIDA FISCAL YEARS 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-
WHEREAS, Monroe County has successfully participated in the State Housing Initiatives Partnership
(SHIP) since its creation in 1993, and
WHEREAS, Florida Statute 420,9075 and State Rule 9I-37,005 require participating local governments
to submit to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation a Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) at least
every three years, and
WHEREAS, The Special Programs Office, Monroe County Housing Authority, as Programs
Administrator of Monroe County's State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP), has conducted three
public hearing throughout Monroe County to receive public comments on the design and
implementation of the Local Housing Assistance Plan, and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,
Florida, that the County hereby:
1. Adopts the Monroe County Local Housing Assistance Plan.
2, Adopts the maximum and average award schedule as listed III the Local Housing
Assistance Plan.
3, Approves the continued ten (10) percent allowance for administration.
4, Authorizes the Mayor/Chairman to execute on behalf of the County all documents and
certifications required for submission to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation,
PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida
at a regular meeting on said Board on the 18thdayof April , A,D., 2001
Mayor Neugent
Mayor Pro Williams
Commissioner Spehar
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Approved as to form and legal sufficiency:
Prepared in conjunction with
Monroe County's participation in the
State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SIllP) Program
State Fiscal Year 2001-2002
State Fiscal Year 2002-2003
State Fiscal Year 2003-2004
Submitted to
Florida Housing Finance Corporation
May, 2001
Prepared by:
Special Programs Office
140312th Street
Key West, Florida 33040
Ph: (305) 292-1221
State Fiscal Years 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004
Monroe County has participated in the State of Florida's State Housing Initiatives Partnership
(SHIP) Program since its creation in 1993, Monroe County has continued to expand the
strategies used to successfully implement and leverage the SHIP Program within the
framework established by Florida Statute and State Rule,
This Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) covers the State of Florida fiscal years 2001-
The plan was developed based on eight years SHIP administration experience, previously
approved Local Housing Assistance Plans and three public meetings conducted for the sole
purpose of soliciting comment specific to the preparation this LHAP, Advertisements of public
meetings were placed in three separate newspapers serving Monroe County, Three public
meetings were conducted countywide, (1) Harvey Government Center at Historic Truman
School, Key West, Mile Marker 0, (2) Marathon Government Center, 48, and (3) Islamorada
Public Library, Mile Marker 81,5, All facilities were handicapped accessible. Existing and
proposed strategies, budget allocations and SHIP state program requirements were distributed
and discussed, Draft copies of the Plan were posted at all county public libraries, Public input
was incorporated into the plan,
Support services for the implementation of Monroe County's SHIP program will continue to be
provided through the Special Programs Office, Monroe County Housing Authority. This office
has provided continued affordable housing support services through participation in the HOME
Program, Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bond (MRB) Program, Community Development
Block Grant Programs on behalf of Monroe County and the City of Marathon, U,S, Department
of Housing and Urban Development programs and Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) programs, This office also coordinates with the Key West Community Development
Office providing support services, Further, the Special Programs Office provides
administrative support to the Monroe County Housing Finance Authority,
Since the initiation of Monroe County's local SHIP program in 1993, the program has been for
countywide participants within the unincorporated and incorporated areas of the county, There
is not any need for interlocal agreements,
Monroe County has been and will continue to use the SHIP Program to develop successful
partnerships and additional resources to assist in reducing the cost of housing acquisition,
construction and/or rehabilitation, These partnerships include local governments, lending
institutions, housing developers, community based housing and service organizations, A
summary of these partnerships and resources include the following:
The Monroe County Land Authority for Monroe County
The Monroe County Land Authority for City of Key West
Community Development Block Grant
Monroe County Housing Finance Authority
Monroe County
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
City of Key West's Mayor's Revolving Loan Fund
DCA Residential Mitigation Grant Program/Habitat
Habitat for Humanity/ DCA Unmet Needs
Monroe County Land Authority for the City of Key West
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Bahama Conch Community Land Trust (BCCL T)
Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
Center for Independent Living
Habitat for Humanity
$ 750,000
$ 75,000
$ 135,000
$ 100,000
$ 500,000
$ 889,000
$ 503,000
$ 150,000
$ 30,000
Service Provider
Service Provider
Homeowner Wastewater Improvement Strategy
Funding assistance to upgrade sewage treatment and disposal systems,
Eligible activities include cesspool replacement, septic system upgrade
and central sewer lateral connection,
2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004
Very low, low, moderate
Eligible applicants mandated to upgrade under State Health Department,
County or City Ordinance,
Type of Assistance: Grants not to exceed $8,000
Recapture: N/A
Leverage: Community Development Block Grant, Dept. of Environmental Protection
Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Emergency Management
Fiscal Years:
Income Level:
Selection Criteria:
Homeowner Rehabilitation and/or Emergency Repairs Program
Funding assistance for eligible homeowners to secure health and safety
work items (Le, electrical plumbing, roof, public water connection,
structural repairs, or other interior/exterior repairs under HUD's Housing
Quality Standards (HQS),
2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004
Very low and low
Initiation of SHIP fiscal year application cycle on first come/first served
basis until annual funding expended.
Type of Assistance: Grants to $8,500 for very low-income households and to $7,500 for
low-income households, Mortgage loans to $35,000 for very low-income
households and mortgage loans to $25,000 to low-income households.
Mortgage loans will be for a term of twenty (20) years, zero interest with
no regular payment. Principal balance is forgiven at a rate of 1/20th
Due and payable upon sale or transfer of the property or failure to comply
with the mortgage affordability covenants,
Mayor's Revolving Loan Fund, Habitat for Humanity, Community
Development Block Grant
First Time Homebuyers Program/Strategy
Funding assistance for the purchase or construction of single-family
residential property,
Fiscal Years: 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004
Income Levels: Low and moderate
Selection Criteria: Application and Lottery System
Type of Assistance: Mortgage loans not to exceed $40,000 to low-income households and not
to exceed $25,000 to moderate-income households, Annually the SHIP
Administrator shall determine and publish the maximum loan available for
each fiscal year, not to exceed the limits above, Mortgage loans will be for
a period of thirty (30) years, zero interest with no regular payment.
Mortgage and note are Fannie Mae approved as Community Homebuyer
Second, Minimum 3% down payment required, PITI cannot exceed 30%
of the gross household income unless agreement between first mortgagee
and SHIP Administrator that in meeting the programs fiduciary
responsibilities, a higher percent of gross household income may be
expended for PITI, Property must be primary residence of borrower and
eligible for homestead exemption status, Property must meet Housing
Quality Standards (HQS) for health and safety. Any HQS deficiencies
must be corrected prior to or as part of the purchase transaction,
Due and payable upon sale or transfer of the property or thirty years,
whichever comes first.
Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bond Programs
Fiscal Years:
Income Level:
Selection Criteria:
Mortgage Revenue Bond (MRB), Down Payment Assistance Program
Funding assistance for the purchase or construction of a single-family
residential property in conjunction with Mortgage Revenue Bond financing,
Low and moderate
First come/First qualified upon issuance of a primary loan commitment
from an institution participating in a Mortgage Revenue Bond Program,
Type of Assistance: Mortgage loans equal to 3% of the property purchase price, plus $2,000,
not to exceed $10,000. Mortgage loans will be for a period of thirty (30)
years, zero interest with no regular payment. Mortgage and note are
Fannie Mae approved as Community Homebuyer Second, PITI cannot
exceed 30% of the gross household income unless agreement between
first mortgagee and SHIP Administrator that in meeting the programs
fiduciary responsibilities, a higher percent of gross household income may
be expended for PITI, Property must be primary residence of borrower
and eligible for homestead exemption status, Property must meet
Housing Quality Standards (HQS) for health and safety, Any HQS
deficiencies must be corrected prior to or as part of the purchase
Due and payable upon sale or transfer of the property or thirty years,
whichever comes first.
Homeownership Development Strategy
Funds provided loans to public agencies and non-profit affordable housing
development organizations whose occupant clients are very low and low
income households, Funds may be used for acquisition and/or
construction. The SHIP mortgage may be assumed by the qualified buyer
subject to SHIP Administrator approval. In the event the property is
retained by the developer under a long term lease (land trust), the
mortgage may be retained by the developer in the event affordability is
maintained through conditions of the ground lease,
2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004
Very low and low
Initiation of SHIP fiscal year application cycle on a first come/first qualified
basis until annual funding allocation expended, SHIP Administrator must
approve developer's client selection process for compliance with the SHIP
Type of Assistance: Mortgage loans up to $40,000 for properties designated by very low
income households and up to $25,000 for properties designated for low-
income households,
Due and payable upon sale or transfer of the property or thirty years,
whichever comes first. In the case of leased land, affordability covenants
of the lease must be maintained and enforced by the leaseholder
Fiscal Years:
Income Levels:
Selection Criteria:
Fiscal Years:
Income Category:
Selection Criteria:
Federal Emergency Management Agency, HOME Program, Tax
Increment Financing, Community Tax Credit
Homeowner Disaster Mitigation Strategy
Funds provided to homeowners to make temporary emergency health and
safety repairs and/or property rehabilitation.
In the event of a state or federal disaster declaration affecting all or part of
Monroe County, the SHIP administrator, on behalf of the Board of County
Commissioners, shall be authorized to:
1, Request and administer additional state funds to assist with disaster
2, Use unencumbered local SHIP funds to meet the priorities of the
Disaster Mitigation Strategies (Homeownership and Rental) in an
amount not to exceed twenty percent (20%) of the state's annual
SHIP funding allocation. Such funds are subject to the state funding
program requirements,
3, Transfer existing unencumbered SHIP funds within existing
homeownership strategies to the Homeownership Disaster Mitigation
2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004
Very low and low and moderate
Priority consideration to very low and low-income households on a first
come/first qualified basis,
Type of Assistance: Grants not to exceed $5,000.
Recapture: N/A
Leverage: Federal Emergency Management Agency Programs, private insurance
deductibles and state disaster mitigation/emergency management funding
Fiscal Years:
Income Category:
Selection Criteria:
Fiscal Years:
Income Level:
Selection Criteria:
Rental Construction (New or Rehabilitation)
Funds provided for the construction and/or rehabilitation of affordable
housing rental units occupied by very low and low income tenants,
2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004
Very low and low
Initiation of SHIP fiscal year application cycle on a first come/first qualified
basis until annual funding allocation expended, Priority as follows:
1, Existing or proposed units participating under a state or federal
rental assistance program,
2, Conversion of units to annual rentals by non-profit entity,
3, Conversion of units to annual rentals by for profit entity.
Type of Assistance: Loans up to $10,000 per unit, $50,000 per provider, Where a property is
owned fee simple, a fifteen (15) year mortgage/note shall be executed for
a term of fifteen years, no interest, no regular payment. The principal
balance shall be forgiven at a rate of 1 /15th annually, Where the property
is on long term lease (fifteen years or greater) an annual affidavit of
affordability and compliance shall be provided the SHIP Administrator,
Recapture: Loans due and payable upon sale, transfer of the property or expiration or
termination of long term lease containing affordability covenants,
Leverage: HOME, HOPWA,
Special Needs Housing (New or Rehabilitation) Strategy
Funds provided to public and private non-profit entities providing
residential facilities for special needs clients, Eligible activities include
construction and/or rehabilitation of residential units occupied by very low
and low income clients,
2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004
Very low and low
Initiation of SHIP fiscal year application cycle on a first come/first qualified
basis until annual funding allocation expended, Priority as follows:
1, Long term care facility
2, Highest percentage of very low income clients/residents
3, First time SHIP assistance
4. Number of clients served by facility
Type of Assistance: Grants up to $8,000 per facility/per provider, Loans up to $24,000 per
facility/per provider.
Loans due and payable upon sale, transfer of the property or expiration or
termination of long term lease containing affordability covenants,
U.S. HUD grants, State of Florida, Children and Family Services grants,
Foundation grants,
Fiscal Years:
Income Levels:
Selection Criteria:
Fiscal Years:
I ncome Category:
Selection Criteria:
Rental Development Strategy
Funds provided to affordable housing developers for the acquisition and/or
construction of new rental units dedicated to very low and low income
households, Properties must be dedicated by legal instrument with
affordability dedicated for a minimum of fifteen (15) years,
2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004
Very low and low client bases
Initiation of SHIP FY application cycle on a first come/first qualified basis
with priority to government entities and non-profit developers,
Type of Assistance: Maximum assistance is $5,000 per unit/$75,000 per provider. Assistance
up to $25,000 in the form of a grant. Assistance up to $75,000 in the form
of a mortgage loan, Where a property is owned fee simple, a fifteen (15)
year mortgage/note shall be executed for a term of fifteen years, no
interest, no regular payment. The principal balance shall be forgiven at a
rate of 1/15th annually, Where the property is on long term lease (fifteen
years or greater) an annual affidavit of affordability and compliance shall
be provided the SHIP Administrator,
Recapture: Due and payable upon sale or transfer of the property or failure to comply
with the mortgage affordability covenants,
Leverage: Home, Tax Credit, Federal Emergency Management Agency, CDBG,
Rental Housing, Disaster Mitigation Strategy
Funds provided to public and private owners of rental units dedicated by
legal instrument (long term lease agreement, deed restriction, mortgage
covenant., ,) very low and low household occupancy. Funds provided to
make temporary emergency health and safety repairs and/or property
In the event of a state or federal disaster declaration affecting all or part of
Monroe County, the SHIP administrator, on behalf of the Board of County
Commissioners, shall be authorized to:
1, Request and administer additional state funds to assist with disaster
2, Use unencumbered local SHIP funds to meet the priorities of the
Disaster Mitigation Strategies (Homeownership and Rental) in an
amount not to exceed twenty percent (20%) of the state's annual
SHIP funding allocation, Such funds are subject to the state funding
program requirements,
3. Transfer existing unencumbered SHIP funds within existing
homeownership strategies to the Rental Disaster Mitigation Strategy
2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004
Very low and low and moderate
Priority consideration to very low and low-income households on a first
come/first qualified basis,
Type of Assistance: Grants not to exceed $5,000 per unit. Total SHIP assistance not to
exceed $20,000 to any single applicant/provider.
Federal Emergency Management Agency Programs, private insurance
deductibles and state disaster mitigation/emergency management funding
Fiscal Years:
Income Category:
Selection Criteria:
Homeownership Strategies/Activities
The Income limits, adjusted for household size, shall be in the amounts allocated for Monroe
County as published annually by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation for participation in
the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program, Income limits as published by the Florida
Housing Finance Corporation as of April 11, 2001 are as follows:
h /d S.
~ L
ouse 0 Ize ery ow ow o era e
One Person $18,250 $29,200 $43,800
Two Persons $20,850 $33,350 $50,040
Three Persons $23,450 $37,500 $56,280
Four Persons $26,050 $41,700 $62,520
Five Persons $28,150 $45,000 $67,560
Six Persons $30,200 $48,350 $72,480
Seven Persons $32,300 $51,700 $77,520
Eiaht Persons $34,400 $55,000 $82,560
The housing debt, inclusive of Principal, Interest, Taxes and Insurance (PITI) shall not exceed
30% of the area median income adjusted by household size unless the first mortgagee and the
SHIP Administrator agree based on fiduciary responsibilities that the percent of gross
household income may exceed 30%, (A number of community lending programs requiring a
minimum of 3% to 5% down use house payment ratios of 33% and total debt ratio of 38% and
will adjust on individual cases.)
Rental Strategies/Activities
Monthly rental maximums of SHIP assisted units, adjusted to bedroom size, shall be
established for Monroe County by the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program and
published annually by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation.
Rental maximums as published by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation as of April 11,
2001 are as follows:
U 'tS'
~ L
m Ize ery ow ow o era e
Efficiency $456 $730 $1,095
One Bedroom $488 $781 $1 ,173
Two Bedroom $586 $937 $1,407
Three Bedroom $677 $1,083 $1,626
Four Bedroom $755 $1,208 $1,812
Monroe County's median income as published by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation as
of April 11 ,2001 is $52,100,
Very low-income households are those households with incomes of less than 50% of the
median, adjusted for family size, Low-income households are those households with incomes
of between 50% and 80% of median, adjusted for family size, Median income households are
those households with incomes of between 80% and 120% of median, adjusted for family size.
SHIP Program applications will continue to be placed in all county libraries which provides
access to all county residents, Applications may also be requested directly the Special
Programs Office, Availability of applications will also be advertised on the Monroe County
bulletin board that appears on cable TV countywide, Radio PSA's will be issued, News
releases will be furnished to the countywide newspapers.
The county will place a display advertisement in three countywide newspapers announcing the
availability of funding through the local Housing Assistance Program at least 30 days prior to
the beginning of each year's application period,
The Monroe County Local Housing Assistance Plan shall continued to be administered by the
Special Programs Office, Monroe County Housing Authority, 1403 12th Street, Key West,
Florida 33040, (305) 292-1221, pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement approved by BOCC
Resolution 162-1993, April 14, 1993, until further written notification to the Florida Housing
Finance Corporation by the Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, The Director of
the Special Programs Office shall be Monroe County's official SHIP Program Administrator
responsible to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation's SHIP Program until written
notification from the County Administrator.
The SHIP Administrator shall:
(1) be responsible for the implementation of the Local Housing Assistance Plan and to meet
the county's responsibilities under the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program's
regulations and reporting requirements, At a minimum this consists of:
1, A minimum of 65% of annual funds must be spent on eligible homeownership activities.
2, A minimum of 75% of annual funds must be spent on eligible construction activities,
3, At least 30% of the annual allocation must be reserved for very low-income households
4, At least 30% of the annual allocation must be reserved for low-income households
(2) after gO-calendar days from the publication of local Housing Assistance Funding
Availability, have the authority to re-allocate the SHIP dollars within the specific
homeownership strateoies and within the specific rental strateoies as the Administrator deems
necessary to meet actual needs of applicants and in meeting the SHIP regulations,
The previous experience of implementing numerous strategies countywide has provided a
sufficient finding that five (5%) percent of the Local Housing distribution is insufficient to
adequately pay administrative costs of the SHIP Program and the BOCC recognizes and
approves the maximum amount allowable of ten percent (10%) of the Local Housing
Distribution to be used for required administrative costs, Any applicable program
income/recaptured funds shall be subject to a five percent (5%) administrative costs in their
re-allocation to eligible clients through approved strategies, The BOCC shall consider any
additional expense required to administer the local Housing Assistance Plan during its annual
budget process, The SHIP administrative funds shall be allocated as follows:
Descriotion FY 01-02 FY02-03 FY 03-04
Administrator $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000
Program Coordinator $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000
Program Assistant $ 8,000 $ 8,000 $ 8,000
Administrative Assistant $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000
Comptroller $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000
Bookkeeper $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 3,000
Benefits (28%) $ 14,000 $ 14,000 $ 14,000
Heath Insurance $ 1,300 $ 1,300 $ 1,300
Advertising $ 750 $ 750 $ 750
Printing/Copying $ 750 $ 750 $ 750
Postage $ 500 $ 500 $ 500
Phones $ 400 $ 400 $ 400
Supplies $ 750 $ 750 $ 750
Re $ 2,400 $ 2,400 $ 2,400
Equipment (>$750) $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000
Repairs/Maintenance $ $ $
Utilities $ 500 $ 500 $ 500
Books/Publications $ 100 $ 100 $ 100
Travel $ 553 $ 553 $ 553
Professional Service $ $ $
TOTAL $ 73,003 $ 73,003 $ 73,003
Additionally, the Special Programs Office, in its capacity as administrator of the SHIP Program
will provide the following services throughout Monroe County:
1. First time homebuyer education seminars
2, Homeownership counseling
3, Fair Housing education
4, Credit counseling
5, Affordable housing education on affordable housing such as;
a) Community lending programs
b) Mortgage Revenue Bonds
c) Monroe County RaGa requirements
d) Monroe County Cesspool/Sewer system upgrade requirements
e) Leverage opportunities
These activities will be provided participants, industry professionals, elected officials and the
general public, These activities will be conducted throughout the Keys (Upper, Middle and
Lower). It is anticipated there will be a minimum of fifteen seminars/workshops/sessions
annually to address these topics, First time homebuyer education will be provided directly to
Campus South low income clients,
Local Government:
(1) The local government will advertise the availability of SHIP funds pursuant to Florida
(2) All SHIP funds will be expended in a manner which will insure that there will be no discrimination
on the basis of race, creed, religion, color, age, sex, familial or marital
status, handicap, or national origin,
(3) A process for selection of recipients for funds has been developed,
(4) The eligible municipality or county has developed a qualification system for applications for
(5) Recipients of funds will be required to contractually commit to program guidelines,
(6) The Florida Housing Finance Corporation will be notified promptly if the local
government (or interlocal entity) will be unable to comply with the provisions the plan.
(7) The Local Housing Assistance Plan shall provide for the expenditure of SHIP funds within 24
months following the end of the State fiscal year in which they are received,
(8) The plan conforms to the Local Government Comprehensive Plan, or that an amendment to
the Local Government Comprehensive Plan will be initiated at the next available opportunity to
insure conformance with the Local Housing Assistance Plan.
(9) Amendments to the approved Local Housing Assistance Plan shall be provided to the
Corporation with in 21 days after adoption.
(10) The trust fund shall be established with a qualified depository for all SHIP
as moneys generated from activities such as interest eamed on loans,
funds as well
(11) Amounts on deposit in the local housing assistance trust fund shall be invested as permitted by law,
(12) The local housing assistance trust fund shall be separately stated as a special revenue fund in the
local governments audited financial statements, copies of the audits will be forwarded to the
Corporation as soon as available,
13) An interlocal entity shall have its local housing assistance trust fund separately audited
May 29, 1998
for each state fiscal year, and the audit fOlwarded to the Corporation as soon as possible,
Page 2
(14) SHIP funds will not be pledged for debt service on bonds or as rent subsidies,
(15) Developers receiving assistance from both SHIP and the Low Iocome Housing Tax
Credit (LIHTC) Program shall comply with the income, affordability and other LIHTC
requirements, Similarly, any units receiving assistance from other federal programs shall comply
with all Federal and SHIP program requirements,
(16) Loans shall be provided for periods not exceeding 30 years, except for deferred payment
loans or loans that extend beyond 30 years which continue to service eligible persons,
(17) Rental Units constructed or rehabilitated with SHIP funds shall be monitored at least
annually for 15 years for compliance with tenant income requirements and affordability
~ 8'=-,e ~ct-cj-
Chief Elected Official
April 18, 2001