Resolution 359-1991 RESOLUTION NO. 359-1991 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF THE LITTER PREVENTION GRANT TO THE CLEAN FLORIDA COMMISSION FOR FY 1991-92. WHEREAS, the Clean Florida Commission has announced the application deadline for the Litter Prevention Grant Application, and; WHEREAS, the Clean Florida Commission has divided the application into two parts in order to enable the department to calculate the grant awards, and; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, that: 1. The Monroe County Municipal Services District, Recycling Department has approval therefore, to submit the Litter Prevention Grant to the Clean Florida Commission, and that; 2. The Board authorizes the County Administrator to have signature authority on the Litter Prevention Grant Application, and that; 3. Monroe County shall be required to provide matching funds of $25,000, and that; 4. This resolution shall go into effect immediately upon its passage and adoption and authentication by the signatures of the presiding officer and clerk of the Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 9th day of October , A.D. 1991. c ~ c .;) '.. 0'\ '" :::r: ~, ~. ,- r- - c ~ ".A" C-:) .--- {..- i::J .~ ~._- X W ~. -.J ~ C lL 9' L Mayor Wilhelmina Harvey Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Jones Commissioner Cheal Commissioners Stormont Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY \ ..... " .. ~.. .. l\ ...." . dl...-.. ~~ .... ~1I~ Mayor Wilhelmina Harvey (Seal) Attest: .L' By .o~%c. THE CLEAN FLORIDA COMMISSION is accepting LITTER PREVENTION GRANT APPLICATIONS FOR FY 91-92 Litter Prevention Grant Applications are due in the Clean Florida Commission's office by November 1, 1991, 5:00 p.m. EDT. This does not mean postmarked by that date. Any applications received after November 1, 1991 will not be considered for a grant award. As stated in last year's package, only a notice is being mailed out this year to help with waste minimization and reduce unnecessary duplication. However, if you are a first time applicant and do not have a copy of the grant application package, please notify this office immediately for these materials. Please read the following information carefully. It contains very important instructions to assist you in putting your grant application together. By following these preliminary instructions, your grant application will be prepared in such a way that the review committee will be able to expedite their recommendations-to the Clean Florida Commission. The Clean Florida Commission was very fortunate to receive $600,000 for the Litter Prevention Grants this year. This is an increase from last year's $250,000. Grants must be matched with cash on a dollar for dollar basis and signed documentation of matching funds is mandatory. Each applicant may apply for a grant up to $25,000. The following is a list of priorities and requirements for receiving a grant award: 1. First priority is to establish a Keep America Beautiful System within the community. (Information enclosed) 2. Second priority is to establish a new program within an existing system. 3. Third priority is for continuation of an existing program. 4. The proposed grant program must have citizen involvement and be educational in scope. 5. Part of the grant money and matching funds may be used to pay salaries. 1 6. If any equipment is to be purchased, if must have educational value. 7. Grants are to be used for litter Drevention, not litter control - not for clean ups without any educational aspect. 8. If there is a Keep America Beautiful System in your community, we urge you to join forces with them to convey a united message. Your community may receive more grant money if a joint application is submitted. Items that will not be funded include: Money for the State Adopt-A-Highway Program. (County/City adopt-a-road programs are eligible. ) Development of an educational curriculum. (The Department of Education has developed the "4R1s" curriculum and it is located in all school systems.) . Please follow the ~idelines below when submitting your application package: 1. The oriqinal aoolication must be submitted in a 1/2ft wide 3-ring binder with tabs outlined in #3 below. 2. six cooies original. bound, but #3 below. should be submitted along with the However, these may be stapled or must include the tabs outlined in 3. The application must be submitted with the following tabs and information. Please keep the tabs in the exact order as outlined. Tab I Application form (must be siqned) (Form CFC-LPG-Ol) Tab I-A Background Information (narrative) (Not to exceed 10 pages) Tab I-B Proposed Program (narrative) (Not to exceed 10 pages) Tab I-C Program Budget Outline Tab II Documentations Tab II-A Joint Application Agreements (if applicable) Tab II-B Matching Funds Commitment (required) 2 4. Mail application package to the Clean Florida Commission office at their new mailing address: 2600 Blair stone Road, suite 571 Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400. Please note the following dates of interest regarding the Litter Prevention Grants: NOVEMBBR 1. 1991: Applications due in Clean Florida Commission office by 5:00 p.m. EDT NOVEMBBR 19-20, 1991: Grant Review Committee to review grant applications. DBCBMBBR 13, 1991: (Tentative) Award of Grants by Clean Florida Commission. We look forward to receiving your application. Any questions should be directed to this office at the above address or 1-S00-BAN-TRAS(H). GOOD LUCK! 3 .' -... CLEAN FLORIDA COMMISSION ,.".Recyc/ed '-1 Paper Phone: 904-488-2756 Fax: 904-488-8404 Office Address: Suite 571, Twin Towers 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 NOT ICE As of July 1, 1991 the Clean Florida Commission's mailing address is as follows: Clean Florida commission 2600 Blair stone Road, suite 571 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Phone: 904-488-2756 1-800-BAN-TRASH (in Florida) Fax: 904-488-8404 Please direct future mailings to this address. Thank you. A five member commifS/on responsible fOr coordinanng a statewide litter l'rel'Cnn'Ofl program composed a/the e.-.::ecun'vcs from tke Departments f?! ENVIRONMENTAl REGULATION' TRANSPORTATION . COMMERCE . EDUCATION' NATURAL RESOURCES . '. KEEP Alvlt:RICA BEAUTIFUL, INC,. 'I ;>..\1('.f' ~"'~/r7 =-->, "''''0 'y <'UTI\.. .......,....." MILL RIVER PLAZA I 9 WEST BROAD STREET / STAMFORD, CT 06902/ (203) 323.8987 A NATIONAL, NONPROFIT, PUBLIC EDUCATION ORGANIZATION 3 STEPS TO A r.T.'R&1IR1l COII......l1:'! Over 400 cities, towns and counties in 40 states are implementing the Keep America Beautiful System. Your community can join a growing number of KAB affiliates working to improve their local environment. Here's how: Steo 1: Comoletion of an Aoolication for Certification Your local government or a sponsoring organization submits an application to Keep America Beautiful, Inc. on behalf of your community. Included with the application is a letter from your highest ranking public official(s) endorsing the formation of your local KAB program. Steo 2: PaYment of a One-Time Certification Fee A certification fee is paid to Keep America Beautiful, Inc. based on your community's population (see fee schedule). This initial membership is a one-time fee and supports the development of your KAB System inCluding: training your community representatives at a one-day Organizational Team Training WorkShop, all training and informational materials to guide early program development, the field visit by a KAB National Representative to conduct the certification meeting and to guide and counsel your local leaders in developing the most effective program for your community, and includes your official KAB affiliation as part of the national network. Steo 3: Attendance at the Or2anizational Team Trainin2 Workshoo Three community representatives attend a one-day training workshop where team members learn how to adapt KAB's methods to your community (see attached). They receive training on KAB's fact gathering techniques (the Photometric Index and Litter Solid Waste Survey). These fact gathering tools provide your community with a baseline measurement from which to evaluate and develop an action plan to work toward a cleaner environment. The team is given step-by-step instruction from KAB's professional training staff and receives "how to" manuals and other materials to help in the organization and development of your local program. All costs for complete training and materials are covered by the certification fee. To ensure a new affiliates success after the workshop, KAB and monitoring to complete the tasks outlined at the training. program is organized, a KAB National Representative travels to to conduct the certificaton meeting and training. provides support Once your your community But, it doesn't stop there. KAB sponsors training sessions and education conferences, develops educational materials, curriculum guides and information manuals. Importantly, KAB is a network of good ideas sharing success stories and program ideas on what's working in other KAB System programs across the country. ....'<..:\ ;''''\If-.f.o{- < .~ ' Recycled ... Paper +r,Ull\v..... KEeJJ AMERICA BEAUTIFUL, INC. .~ I'-Mf" $"-=/~ '~ ~'. -'9 ....' ~-1Uf\\0 ......~...-",. . . Mill RIVER PLAZA / 9 WEST BROAD STREET, STAMFORD. CT 06902 / (203) 323-8987 A NATIONAL. NONPROFIT, PUBLIC EDUCATION ORGANIZATION KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL SYSTEM - Certification Fees and Services Population One-Time Certification Fee Annual Program Service Fee Up to 14,999 15,000-30,000 30,000-50,000 50,000-75,000 75,000-100,000 100,000-175,000 175,000-250,000 250,000-325,000 325,000-400,000 400,000-475,000 475,000-600,000 600,000-700,000 700,000-850,000 850,000-1,000,000 or more $ 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,500 8,500 10,000 $ 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 750 850 1,000 The one-time Certification Fee supports the initial development of a local KAB SYSTEM. KAB's services to new KAB SYS'lEMs include: * training KAB SYSTEM Organizational Team at 1 day Pre-Certification Workshop; where communities d~velop plans for the first 60-90 days of the program, * individual copies of the KAB SYSTEM Pre-Certification Manual for each Organizational Team member, to guide early program development, * one copy of the KAB SYSTEM Post-Certification Manual, to direct activity of the KAB SYSTEM "clean city committee" and its subcommittees for business/industry, civic groups, the media, local government and schools and * one copy of the KAB Program Manual, containing 21 model programs to implement in your community * up to two visits to the community by KAB field staff and/or National Representatives during the first year of program implementation, to conduct the certification meeting, and to counsel local leaders. ~ ;...\1/.f> :/ t\ "~ ... . y/ v.....' IU1\\ The Certification Fee also covers the first year of KAB's services to maintaining program quality in certified KAB SYSTEM communities. In subsequent years, the Program Service Fee covers KAB monitoring and counseling, the monthly Network (an information-sharing pUblication among 400+ cities) and the quarterly KAB Vision (an update on national progress of the KAB SYSTEM). SYSTEMs are encouraged to participate in other activities throughout the year such as KAB's three awards programs, the annual KAB SYSTEM National Coordinators' Conference and the KAB SYSTEM Coordinators' Institutes. Access is also made avai1abe to resource materials and computer data on successful KAB SYSTEM programs maintained at KAB Headquarters in Stamford, Conn. Recycled Paper