Resolution 348-1989 ?lanning Department RESOLUTION NO. 348-1989 A RESOLUTION OVERTURNING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 30, PART OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF LOT 6, SUMMERLAND ESTATES, SUMMERLAND KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. ~ o :z: ~;'- cd '" " ......\ C- c:: :::2": W (:) u 1'-.)0 w ) -.J BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 30 dated February 21, 1989, attached and incorporated by reference, is hereby acknowledged, overturned and the property is found to be in conformance with the purpose of the IS Subdivision as stated in Section 9.5-213 and that it meets the definition of lot under Section (L-10) of 9.5-4, Monroe County Code, and it is also found that a drafting error had been corrunitted and that a correction will have no adverse effect on the value of the surround- ing lots, and therefore approved. The Monroe County Clerk is also hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the Department of Corrununity Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County corrunissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 7th day of June, A.D., 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By /I/I~~~ Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest :PANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~~lf;4.~~L Clerk BY ~ M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: The Board Of County Commissi.oners FROM: Donald L. Craig, AlCP, Assoc. AlA, Assistant Coun- ty Admini strator for GrO'..,th Management Di vi sion Department: Planning SUBJECT: Boundary Determination Nc.30, part of the South 1/2 of Lot 6, Summerland l~states DATE: April 14, 1989 MEETING DATE:April 28, 1989 PLANNER: Ruth Weiss BIOLOGIST: Pat McNeese Previous Relevant Board Action: /,1 ( ) Referral: Yes____No____ Commi~aioner's District: Recommended Action: Denial Summary of Request/Report: The Boundary between the Improved Subdivi- sion land use district is correctly reflected by the current land use district maps. The request for ,1 change from SR to IS does not meet the criteria for a boundary determination. Action by:_Ordinance -1LResoluti.on Citizens Committee Statement: Ye '3_~___No Attached Board Policy(ies) Applicable: Planning Commission Action Taken: Yes Date x ---.--- N.A. Alternatives: 1. Transfer Development Rights 2. Apply for a Map Amendment Attached Documentation: x Yes No ; ,/ .. . , , , MEMORANDUM To Board of County Commissioners From Donald Craig, Assistant County Administrator of Growth Management Date February 21, 1989 Re Boundary Determination for Laurence Barker, part of South 1/2 of Lot 6, Summerland Estates, Summerland Key, Monroe County, Florida - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BACKGROUND - Laurence Barker submitted an application for boundary determina- tion on November 28, 1988, requesting a change from Suburban Residential to Improved Subdivisio~ on an unplatted 200+ X 100 square foot lot, part of an approximately ten (10) acre Lot 6 of Summerland Estates, immediately adjacent to an Improved Supdivi- sion land use district conSisting of the north 1/2 of Lot 6. RECOMMENDATION Denial. FINDINGS OF FACT The zoning maps in use before the land use plan show the subject property as RU-1. The Land Use District Maps signed by Charles Pattison and dated February 28, 1986, show the SR/IS boundary along Palm Lane, including not only subject property, but also Block 2 of Summerland Key Garden, in the Subur- ban Residential land use district. The Land Use Maps signed by Donald Craig and dated Janu- ary 19, 1988, show subject property as Suburban Residen- tial with the SR/IS boundary running along the rear of the lots in Block 2 of Summer land Key Garden, thus in- Cluding Block 2 in the Improved Subdivision district as a result of a first round map amendment. Subject property is a metes and bounds lot of approxi- mately 20,000 square feet, located in the southerly 1/2 of Lot 6 of Summerland Estates. . . .. The County Biologist has determined the habitat as hard- wood hammock requiring a Habitat Evaluation Analysis. Subject property is undeveloped. The remainder of Lot 6 of Summerland Estates, approxi- mately 4.5 acres, is undeveloped and in single ownership. CONCLUSION The boundary between the Improved Subdivision land use dis- trict and the Suburban Residential land use district is correctly reflected by the current land use district maps. The request for a change from SR to IS does not meet the criteria for a boundary determination. ATTACHMENTS .... 1. Application 2. Copy of Biologist's field notes 3. Current Land Use District Map 4. Land Use District Map effective Se:ptember 15,. :l986 (Pattison) 5. Plat of Summerland Estates 6. Plat of Summerland Key Garden 7. Strip Map 8. Aerial Photo 9. Zoning pre-1986 , . '" APPLICATION FOR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION L f\ V ~t; IVc..l= 'l3f"r rL lL E f-'-- APPLICANT ADDRESS \ \ 0 \ 5 t ~T Wl:c~T ~~~.PE- ~-ro t.J ? L ~ 't "2.-0 1 I - r DY SUMME~L~~O ~ OCEANSIDE OR BAYSIDE? \Af1;;;~\ S8-veG J)e.t1l ~ SUBD I V I S ION S u. I"V\ IY\ Ef... L A- tJ D G.-:rr AT G; ~ PHONE # ~. l =3 ' /] tj :l, t ~ , :2.. -- PLAT BOOl< ~- PAGE I '.I '1 ftn::-. C l=- Ii LOT ( S ) it S I z.. ().p. LVI ic BLOCK MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) REQUEST CHANGE FROM sR- TO l-'S REASON FOR REQUEST: So fT eE~ \DG.).)c..G CPr r\) ~6 f f-():P (;; of- T Y - ",. .. - '- .:::> l NG-Ll;- -[:IM Il -"J _. -.. '--- -.. -- ----.. -- , -5\>--\ L-"\ 0 ,..1 Trt-~ ..., . -.--. ------------ -..----- PRESENT LAND USE: DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: --.--..-... SIGNATtJR~;""@.~" --=-- DATE -.!!!;>-i 11~ Fee paftl I nf) . f) 0 J .' . , ~~"-'.~,(.'''Z'O<':'S''''~;$',!:..''l'~~I'''.n~~~____",,___~.._ ..._AIII.. ". .~\."',~-iOl-"-:~~"(;;,,".J.'_.''''''' . . .... . ------...-.. -1' " I / ! / . -j ---j-- I J. ':, I. i . I.~I r (.."'o-I'~I " ) f'i III I'il I')" (!t2.4r.{,{j~/l.J0 flE::r . ~'.'\:">~'I t;~~_oJ. 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W Tu"I./.....,..''''-AdJIIM.,..~W; 1.2361 -- ;:,\ l!1l!i ~ ~naatntutitt:~ :;,~ Made thi. 10th day 01 November. Itlutttl1.. WILLIAM ROLAND BARKER and ROSALIE L -j :=~ ,.C\ .~ .;;... '0 . . ,.~ 'p. 0 :'C? _ ~ .A.~ :p. 19J12, _I BARKER, his wife, ....,......... IIH'II ........ ...".,.. -1Ift""- ...,. IAdud. elf' AnN,,,,,"""" "'''''H"..ti..,., :==::U"".f:;::~1.-::1,'t: ~:.':':: ,:,.~~;..:~,:,.,::.:: :;:.,.-t ~;~:'::-;, 7:r~~ all I"Jl4",.; .~."IIoMt. M.k,.". .."........Ie .IId.....u,.,,,,,,.. *"l'fiIItUnft4N41( "-'" .... - 01 the County 01 Monroe, in the State 01 Florida, party of the first part, and LAURENCE BARKER and LILA BARKER, husband and wife. whose mailing address is 1012 Lincoln Street. Monongahela, Pennsylvania.. 01 the County 01 Washington, in the State 01 Pennsylvania, party of the second part, Ilihtt.a.attb. that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration.!!f the sum oTTen Dollars ($10.00) 8< other good 8< valuable considerations, 1I..Mn.-.: to him in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part forever, the following described land, situ,ate, lying and being in the Cou,nty of M onr oe , State of Florida, to wit: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Section 36, Township 66 South, Range 28 East, in Government Lot No.4, run East Five Hundred Ten and Eleven Hundredths (510.11) feet to a point where Township Line 66 South inter'sects the West Right-of- Way Line of Ocean Drive, Sununer1and Estates; thence North 4Z degrees 58 minutes East a distance of Six Hundred Thirty-Three and Six Hundredths (633.06) feet to the Point of a Nine-Degree and Six-Minute curve on Ocean Drive Right-of-Way Line and also the Southeast Corner of Lot No. .6, as shown on map of Sun:uiler1and Estates, Monroe County; thence follow around the arc of the Nine-Degree and Six-Minute curve for a distance of 235.7 feet to the Place of Beginning; thence continue along the arc of the Nine-Degree and Six-Minute curve and the West Right-of- Way line of Ocean Drive One Hundred and Three-Tenths (100.3) feet to the'-North linelof the South One-Half (l/Z) of Lot 6; thence North 77 degrees 17 minutes West,Two Hundr Eight {Z08) feet; thence South 1Z degrees. 43 minutes West'One :Hlindred'(lOO) feet; thence South 77 degrees 17 minutes East, Two Hundred (ZOO) feet to the P-oint of Beginning, containing forty-seven hundredths (.47) acre, moi'e:'or less. All the above land is in the South One-Half (1/2) of Lot 6, Sununer-land..Estates, a subdivis- ion of Part of Government Lots I, 2, 4 and 5, Section 36, 'Township 66 South, Range Z8 East, as recorded in Plat Book No.2, at Page 167, Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. i And the said party oJ the first pari does 'hereby fully warrant the title to said l~nd and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. ' 1111 mihtt.aB i1brrtuf. the said party oi the first part has hereunto set his !Land and seal the day and year first above written. &tnnrll. &raltll anll Drllutrrll In a)ur 'rruncl: ~4f~~k_l d.~ William ~and~ ~$,J~..6~/. - Rosalie:'~.3 I ~ :~:. - - ...,'OJ:. ::.......--- .. .. .- '.-;"'~ .. . 6_.....~... _ .....~-... -_...-...........,..;.;..~...~ ..- .-..-....~~.~ '.....~~~---... ....~ '.,..--_...,. ~-- 1:4111'1 ;~~~~"lt;~%ITIW!l~1j\~,~~%~I~l ;lllll'II'll~illll~~~ .\\;h,~',~;:;~I(~:(ti\~@t~f~~$S{t~tMtt}t~~#!:tliJ'ift1 ,Statr uf 1l11uriha , C~F REC 522 PAGE f ... 6uo <l!ountlf of MONROE, JI lirrrblf C!:rrlify That 01~ this day per.,onallr! appeared belore me, an ojJZcel' duly authorized to administer oatil" (Jnd take acknoUJled~mentll. WILLIAM ROLAND BARKER and ROSALIE I. BARKER, his wife, to me well known a1l4 know/~ to me to be the individuals dellcl'ibed in and who ...'..'fXe.iiiit~d"the loretoint deed, and they acknowledted belore me that .', \ they . "d~(!lI,ted the same Ireely and Volul~tarily lor the purposell therein ezprelllled. .~. ..... lDltitri111 my hand and official seal at Key West, Cmtnf:1I;.ot'.~ Monroe . and Stat" 01 Florida, thill 17th .. :;:;~, ...; November A. D. 19 n. _ ~ J:: L _ ......."U...f:o"':u.Bion Expiru J~ 10. 1973. Notary 7/:."", State of Flod'a at Large "' , 1236-1 - / '-' .. j " '" :/;,. ". ''<;it; C~fl-::~':.-'::.~:. " ..' .h'N.:!!.'.-:' cC"~. ..... ..." ..... , EJ..:.o!,L l~. 1...1:........ 'I.. cr" vr r.:1~.r~J!,. co'r;"j I - ".-'." <r.ltlc:rl . LI ...r::-I.:(l. Y... . ) .-.-... -.----.-. -..-..-.----. b:lt'" l:tl~ .1 t::1 ~~ gt: . ~ gj~ >t'" ... ~ ~ ~~ l:tlZ :-1 rIJ ~ . 0 ~ ~tx:l t"'l:tl ill < !: bl blO ~ " ~> >f;: a !; l:tl 0 0- ~gj~ ~e Q ~ ... r:lJ t:l - l:tlo l:tlb:l ~ .0 Pot . ~ ~ ~. n ?> ~Po ~gj ~ !D t: ~ !=' f;: ~.l:tl 0 - Ft '~ :z -0 Po -oJ I~~ ~ I ., . . .. -' 'y-: ' <"(' (' ~ ~-o. ~ '-;r- ~' ~ 6" ~ \.)1 v, ~ V'" ,\ v, ~ . ~\ . " kC4 "'"'-- Jlannp 1.. 1.(\olbage , i CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. 13051 294.4641 July 5, 1989 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL, 13051 852.9253 BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. 1305) 743-9036 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Department of Community Affairs Howard Building 2571 Executive Center Circle, East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 P_Oo.1-18fp -I Y! and Department of Community Affairs Post Office Box 990 Key West, Florida 33041 P-O~7- lofc -IJd. Gentlemen: At a Regular Meeting in formal session on June 7, 1989, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County adopted Resolution No. 348-1989 overturning the Administrative Boundary Interpretation of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 30, part of the south ~ of Lot 6, Summer land Estates, Summerland Key, Monroe County. Enclosed please find a certified copy of said Resolution. ) ) Very truly yours, , . \ Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk Board ~co~nty )3mmissioners by: ~..Li... )(:"j, Rosalie L. C nolly Deputy Clerk cc: Mayor M. Puto Commissioner E. Lytton County Attorney R. Ludacer County Administrator T. Brown Asst. Co. Admin. D. Craig File < .SENDER: Complete Items 1 and :2 when addItional services are desIred, end complete Items 3 and 4. Put your address In the "RETURN TO" Space on the reverse side. Failure to do this will prevent this card from being returned to you. The return reealDt fee will Dravlda YOU the name of the Derson delivered to and the date of deliver\!. For additional fe81 the following services are available. Consult postm8lter for fees and check box(es) for additional servlce(.) requalted, 1. 0 Show to wh<W"l dellverpp, date, and addresses', address. 2. 0 Restricted Delivery t(ExtHJ charge)t tfExtra charge)t 3. Article Addressed to: 4. Article Numb;;. ~e~ ~O~~'\O ~ ~~\~ -_.\ 'l!>>""",",, \ 5. Signature X 6. X Addressee ~ Agent (j~- 7. Date of Delivery - '-1. .,2- ;_ (_n~ : PS Form 3811. MaJ:. 1987 * U.$.G.P.O. 1987-178-268 P 027 136 198 ~ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAli. NO INSU'l.ANCE CO'i~RAGE PROVIDED NO, rOR INTEA..ATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) SpeCial Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt showing to whom and Date Delivered D on ~ Return Receipt shOWing to whom, .... Date. and Addr very ~ o ~ .., c:i i Poslm '" E 5 "- '" 11. .SENDER: Complete Items 1 and 2 when .ddltlonal ....vlc.. ar. dllllrlld. andoompleg Item. 3 and 4. . Put vour"addr...ln the "RETURN TO" Space 0" th.r.v.,...ld.. fi.uure to do mlJWlU ,...,tthll card from being returned to you. delivered 1:0 end the dete of dellVrV, For additIOn_ .. . 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Add.....rO L If requested and fee paid) ~ t<.c DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT * U.S.Q.P.O. 1117-1'780281 -"