Resolution 317-1989 '- Director of Community Services RESOLUTION NO. 31~1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT KG-8S1, TITLE 111-1989, BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute an Amendment to Contract KG-8S1, Title 111-1989, between Monroe County and the State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, a copy of same being attached hereto and made a part hereof, concerning an extension of the funding period from six (6) months to twelve (12) months. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ~-fj day of 0" Jll!.. , A. D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: //lI~4I/~ MAYOR/CHAIRMAN (Seal) At t est: DANNY :L. :KOLIilAGE, Clerk ~U-.,.&~ C- eo c r;:? ,. 0 ( 5: l ."-- , ",.0:. N .. ,-. - ..~ , :z - l, ::::l ...,... :......1,.." J .. . , 0 c__ -~ a::: .-- LL; <. :z:: , ~ ,~ 0 l.L. L _ _ .ta.oM 10 IOIt/tI AND (iJA9 ~ BY I 1 LJl~~ ._ AtLJrm"/$ Oflic~ .'".. gi '. ~ ; "".:.' ~ - .,_~ ';.T', ~'~:'0' . ... Amencbent 11 to Contract RG-85l THIS AmDMENT, entered into between the State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, hereinafter referred to as the wdeplrtment., and Monroe Cotmt;y - Social Services, herein- after referred to as the "Provider", amends contract iRG-851. 1. Sectiat -11..., Paragraph ..A., Contract Amount, is hereby amended to reacl: To pay for caltracted services according to the Calditiam of AttacllDent 1, in an amount not to exceed $394.944.99, subject to the availability of funds. '!be State of Florida's perfomanoe and obligatiat to pay under this cemtract is caltigent upcIl an amual appropriation by the Legislature. 2. Sectiat JIL, Paragraph -A..,Effective Date, is hereby amended to read: 1. This cClltract shall begin on JanuaJ;y 1. 1989 or em the date which the contract has been signed by both parties, whichever is later. 2. '!'his cemtract shall end on ~r 31.1989 . 3. Attaclment I, Sectiem C, Method of Payment, paragraph 1, is hereby amended to reaCl: - ~ 1. The department has agreed to pay for caltracted services in an amount not to exceed $394.944.. , subject to the availability of funds. $LJL represents general revenue and $394.944.99 represents federal fw1ding. 4. 'lBIS i\MENlMI!m' shall begin on ~ 15. 1989 , or the date at which the amenCbent has been signed by both ptrtiea, whichever is later. -I y, ,.. All prcwisiam in the caltract and any attaa-nts thereto in ca'lflict with this amenaoent shal~. be and are hereby changed to ca'lfODD with this amendnent. All prcwisiam not in conflict with this aaaerdDent are still in effect and are to be perfonned at the level specified in the ccntract are hereby amended to ca1form with this amerdDent. This amenanent and all . its attacbnents are hereby JDIIde a part of contract . Amenameo~ *~ ~v ~U-U~~ pag IN WITNESS WHEREXF, the parties hereto have caused this 2L page amendnent to the executed by their officials therelUlto duly authorized. PIDlIDER: Monroe Co\mtv Board of Commissioners srATE OF FLaUDl\ DEP.AR'l101EN1' OF BEAL'lH /a) REHABILITATIVE SERVICES i. .~ 'i~ SIGNED BY: SIGNED BY: 1W1E: Michael H. Puto NAME: Jom C. Fade TITLE: ~or TITLE: District Administrator DATE: (SEAL ) Attest: DATE: .. ..~ Clerk Federal 1.0. NLmi>er 59-6889749 ... APNtOVED A6 TO FORM AND(t~NCY. BY I Attorney'. Qffiee ~ ,. I I' Name and Address of-Agency! Monroe County -.Social Services 1315 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 / BUDGET SUMMARY Attachment -J'- ~ District Eleven . :.':'::'"':' Submisslon:Date _~3/89 Contract No. KG 851 ~:4,~\_-.~'- Amendment No. -rx2-'. 3 --~..,. ; . 4= 5= - .~.,,'!.:_: ~ . ..~It!.d .. :c::r:~:~ , ,,;'.., [)fii'tr(bu-tlon ofAwar"dby "Titfi-ind PPY . .:~;& .p:;"4!" I.. Area Agency Admii1'1stration ... A. :~:"..B. . ~:;r~, ~<, Current Year Prior Year Cp(ry_) TO'l'A~ II. T1tle-III:B& .:~.:: Supportive Services _ A. Current Year $ :~~: ~;j "0: ."^ B.- Prior Year -cr (ry..) . __ $ '-,J ;,:;i . !'O'1'AL '.~:,IXI'~ Ti tl. III-Cl -.:.. ltutrition Services A. . Current Year ~_". B. Prior Year (PY_) '..1;.' .:.~~...':.ro , ." :tt';ofr-:.''-:,', ....;.".~~AL ..~ ~ -:,: >~ ':':~i - '.".Il ':'" t ',. ~\f ,~~ '::.;.!; . .. _....4- ... ... II General (2) Revenue (3) Local (4) $' $ L ... $ $ $ n $ $t>.Jb L $ $ . (1) Federal $ ." .",.. $ .&. .. . $ N/A rederal Share 159,571}.00 N/A $ 159,578.00 $133,932.qO. $ N/A $133,932.00 't" . TOTAL ."1. " . 'f"' ,'''', ."'it'~!". pc .\ '. N/A~. Non-rederal Share" TOTAL. ~,,- $ 17.730.89v $}on .308.8~ . , ./A .__$ !VA .' .:.... $ 17.730.89 $177.308...89 l L1 $ 14.881.33 $ ... _ ~ ~~/A -..:'.'" .... ...;~. ~ '.....;-.:.-."4.,.. $ . 14~,813.33; $ N/A . . $ 14.881.33 ... Vi_. .t>..... $ 9,.494.78 $ 95 .02Q. 78."';-'" , B/A $. RIA .... _-<<:" ...:;;.pi... .. ~.s l' V , 9.494.78 $ 9S . 028. i9~:~:. l' - '--::"0r ..... :1 ~T;~~;':;"'~:Jf.~.,. , 1,666.67 $ ~~:~6'.:~" ., lVA $ N/A .... ... ',.. ' . , 1.666.~7 $ 16.666.67 ':<; :::1 ;3 ) ,~ ".. f'il"_ ..... VI. 'rotal Current Year i '~,:.!:k~iri;':;; fund. a"arded ':.,.;: - .. , ."...~t1':....~ ('rotal I-A, II-A, III-A, IV-A, V-A) ~~~. . 394, Q44. 00 '1 1. lev1aed 8/88 VII. Total cr'A- . rund., awanted. ('1'otal 1-8, II-B, .III-B, IV-B, V-B) $ N~A r II' ...__ , ..,z- VIiI~ Total General ..".nue aecvd.. 'rotal.I(2) IX. Total,,Of;A1;J ""ri- "!-.- . ~. ~c . r!D!P,.G~~~ R.C'~;;:' (Total-.VI, VII, VIII) .II.. .Ni./1.. ... $ ~94.p~t~P~:':";;:,