Resolution 362-1991 RESOLUTION NO. 362 -,1991 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE SUBMISSION OF PRE-APPLICATIONS TO THE FAA FOR FEDERAL FUNDING FOR THE MARATHON AIRPORT AND THE KEY WEST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the submission of Pre-Applications to the FAA for federal funding for the }'iarathon Airport and the Key West International Airport is hereby approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 9th October day of , A.D. 1991. c c c , L. r. MAYOR WilhelJnina Harvey Yes COr~TSSIONER Jack London Yes COMMISSIONER Douglas Jones Yes COMMISSIONER A.Earl Cheal Yes COMMISSIONER John Stormont Yes , c L..:.., C LL u... ~"'"l BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA . ... dol, _ \.k:).~.aJ~ ~~ ~ BY: \ MAYOR/CHAIRMAN (Seal) At test: DANNY 1.. ~OW:IAGE, Clerk ~L~~,.i).~ By Dale O~~y ~o~~~E (305) 294-4641 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAYOR, Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Mayor Pro Tem, Jack London, District 2 Douglas Jones, District 3 A Earl Cheal, District 4 John Stormont, District 5 . September 13, 1991 Bart Vernace FAA Airport District Office 9677 Tradeport Drive Suite 130 Orlando, FL 32827-5397 Dear Mr. Vernace: Attached are the hard copies of the Pre-applications for Key West and Marathon Airport projects. As we discussed on the telephone recently we are happy to submit these to you on a short notice basis however the fOllowing con- siderations should be noted: A. We reserve the right to revise the estimated costs figures submitted as the projects are further along in the design and permitting phases. B. We anticipate that all work except the terminal buildings themselves will be financed by FAA Discretionary Funds on a 90% basis whenever eligible. C. Projects of this magnitude require a long and involved permitting process in Monroe County. We do not control this process. Although we anticipate to start these projects in Fiscal 1992, the permitting and public hearing process may extend the start date. D. Because of the short notice the Monroe County Bo~rd of County Commissioners has not ratified these documents. .., : . I I I Resolutions approving these documents will be before the BOCC on October 9, 1991. Since all of the elements in the Key West and Marathon Airport projects have been previously approved by the BOCC and since funding for match monies have been set aside in our capital improvement plan, I believe approval will be a for- mality. Sincerely, @~~\=ector Community Services Division .~I" .. A"'r"'- . ."'''''..- ..... ...... . tIL. ...... ~f..~ ~'ti.___......... fE~ERAL ASsr.,.... ..",CE Sent. 5. 1 qql to TYKOI~ L ....1'1 MCIIWC ." .,101'1 ...- ~Clf\ .,......- A<<;Jc..tioIt : ~tioIt N/A N/A C~ ~C~ 4. a,&l'IlllCClWU .... nMAAl AOv.ct ,...., ~- O~ ~o.~ to Ut'\.JC,UC1' "'OMIAl'lOtI ..-.-.....". I.eQaI ~. Florida ~ionel u.It Convnissioners Monroe County, Board of County . ~ ~ titt. C*lfttt. ,I.t... .-d lip c.oHl ..,.. " ~ ~ ftJ .... ~ to .. ~ 01\ _n.t inwofwW'lG "'" eoQIaltOft c- WN codeJ - - P.O. Box 1029 Mr. Peter Horton, Director - Key.West, Florida 33040 Community Services Division (305) 292-4500 .. IMf"\.O't'P 1OC1ml"1CA""" W\IlIdI" (I1N): J. 'hPt 01 ~: ",,"," ~... .."., lit boa' [!J . [IITl-16 01010 7 1 4 19 r A. Stal. K. ,~4o,.1I actalf DilL ..~ l "-iii ConItoIed ~ ftJ HiQt'4r ~ . c UufticipeI- .I, P"IMte ~ . L Tf'P<< 01 ~~ D.T~ K ~ Tro. . - . a..... o Corrtiftye~ O~. E lNerlUliI L~ ." . ~ enlet ~tiI 1en.r(I' ift boa(et). 0 0 F.~ .. Profd Or~tIOft G "*"" ~ H. Ottw ~ A h:r...- A.~ . 0Icr_ A.1Ifd C. ~ Duration D o.c:r.a.- ~1tIClft ()lNr 1~#YJ: L IWIIIOI n:lllU.L. ~ FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ., ORLANDO AIRPORTS DISTRICT OFFICE IL elTALOO 01 '1Ol1UL DOMunc I 2 ToT. 1 I 01 6 ft. CCIQllIt'11Vl mu 01 ~ PflOJC"Cf: AUlSTAItCI tf\JtAltlt KEY WEST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 1Tn.E; Airport Improvement Program (See attached Part IV Narrative for IL AIlU.S ."ICTal IT ~CT (et"',. COUftW.. ,I.t.... .Ie" project items.) . Key West, Monroe County, Florida , II, ~~CT; ,.. ~USSlOfCAL 1:WS11t1Cn Of'. ~o.l' &d."'Y o.~ .~nl ;b.~ 9/3/91 9/1/94 15th 15th IL UTltIATn) 'UNOINO: 11.1& AHt.lCA,..,.. WLltCT TO IIltVlfW 11' STAn EnCU'\'1Vf 0't00 1~71 ~., . Fediftal I 2,707,894 .00 . va THIS PAEAPPUCAnc:lWAPPUCA'TlON WAS WOE AVA.U.kE TO nE $TATE PEOJTJVe OAOER 12]12 ~ ~ PEI/'EW ON ta.~t . 451,316 .00 DATE . c. S:la\e I 451,316 .00 o PAOGIUJI tS NOT ~ BY E.O '2.172 ta NO d Loc:8I . .... o OR ~ HAS NOT Il€EH sa.ECTED IV "ATE FOR PIEVEW . .~ I JlO .. Ptogr- ~ . JlO I'. .1HI ~ DIlJ"'O'JIIn 0IIl1MY ~ DOT1 V TOTAL. . 3,610,526 JlO .0 y- · .'"Y...~OI\~ ONo IL 10 1M! NST 0/1 .....lDIOWUDOI MO ~. au. OAtA"!MI AHUCA1ION"~noe. Aa( nlUC ANO ~ 1HI ooc::uwrWr..... aOM ~. ~ ..1tCOOo'P.."O IOO't Of' 1M( Uf'UCANT......,... ~ WIU.~YIImC ftC AnACMID ~.1HI A&MT~. ..AItOC ..T~~'101~~-lU'- I. T.... Director, cT~~ e er orton COl1ll1unitv Services Div. (305)292-4500 .~l;--~~t~~ . o.te Sq'Id q-Co-,\ PT...ovf\C.O<too,\& NoI ua.a:>MeU S~"CIatd "Ot'" .2. ,'li:..... .66 P,nc,.o.d 0, oue ~..,_. A. 'OJ . - " . ~ ~ PART II 1. oOes'this assistance recuest require Stale, local, regional or other priority rating? 2. Does this assistance require State or local advisory, educational or health clearance' Yes' X No Yes X No 3. Does ttJis assistance request reCJIire Clearinghouse review' Yes X No '. 4. Does this assistance request require State, local, regional or other planning approval? 5. Is' ~'j"oPo;d'p~ject covered by an approved co~rehensive pi....' X Yes 6. wili: u.eassi stance requested serve 'a Federal installation?'-' X Yes No Yes X No , Alrport Master Plan/Monroe NO Cty. Capital Improvements Program/County Mgr.'sofflce U.S. Customs Service'lINS& Dept. of Agriculture} No. of Personnel: 2 to 4 ~ 7. Will the assistance requested be on Federal land or installation' Yes._~No , . ,8. Will the assistance requested have an,effect on the environment' Yes X t40 9. Willthe'aSsistance requesledeause.the displa~t of individuals, families. businesses, or 'arms? ., . ''''. -, '. .....l.."l ~ . , , Yes X No 10. Is there ottier related assistance for this project previous, pending, or anticipated' Yes X No " , -- ;.~.: ,~ ,:" . .. ,. , .-._, PART III - PROJECT BUDGET .. . ",COCq~L CATA\.OG T.YPE OF ASSISTANCE F'IAST 9UDGET PERIOD BALANCE OF' PROJECT TOTAL .. NUMSER LOAN. GRANT. ETC. .. ; .... .. (e) , ~ . .. . (b) (e) (d) (e) 20.106 Grant 2,707,894 - 1. .' 2. .. .. 3. ' , .. , , , 4- .. _. I 5. 6. Tobl Federal Contribution , S S $2,707,894 7. State Contribution 451,316 18. Applicant Contribution 451,316 --, .. 9. Other Contributions . ( 10. Totals s s s 3,610,525 I PART IV - PROGRAM NARRATIVE STATEMENT (A""ch p.' .n",,,,,.'on) - - FAA F_ 5100.30 16-711 SUPERSEDES FAA F'ORM 5100-3 Pooe2 PART IV - PROGRAM NARRATIVE STATEMENT The project proposed in this Pre-Application for Federal Assistance involves the renovation of approximately 18,000 S.F. of existing terminal building to house a Federal Inspection Station (F.I.S.) Facility, baggage claim area and airline-related support areas plus the construction of an approximate 23,000 S.F. of new terminal building space to accommodate airline ticketing, lobby and related support facilities. The project also includes the connection of the sewage effl uent system from the termi na 1 construction to the Ci ty sanitary main. These projects are needed to meet existing and future demands as well as to provide for safe and secure operations at the Airport. A. GeoQraohical Location of Prooosed Airoort Develooment Project Items Key West International Airport is located in Monroe County, adjacent to the city of Key West, Florida, at latitude 24033'22"N and longitude 8I04S'3S"W. The existing airfield and terminal were constructed about 25 years ago and have remained essentially the same except for relatively recent AlP improvements related to safety and required capacity. B. Statement re: Inter-Qovernmental Review of Federal ProQrams All of the proposed project items are exempted from Executive Order 12372 review. C. Statement re: Environmental Assessment None of the proposed project items require an Environmental Assessment as they are "categorical exclusions" as defined in FAA Order SOSO.4A. 1 D. Statement re: No Opposition or Information on Specific Op~osition There has been no opposition either expressly or by proposed revision of any of the proposed project items by any Federal, State or local govern- menta 1 agency or by any other person or agency i nvo 1 vi ng Sect ions 16(c)(l)(a), (c)(3), (c)(4), (d), (e) and (f) of the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 as amended. E. Statement re: Consultation with the Airlines and FBO(sl The Airport Sponsor has consulted with the Owners and/or official authorized representatives of all airlines and FBOs and discussed each proposed airport development project item prior to submission of this Pre-Application for Federal Assistance. This consultation has included di scussion of the general nature of each of the proposed development items, their estimated costs, anticipated date for start of work and estimated date of completion. F. Statement re: Aareement to Acquire Adequate Property Interest The Airport Sponsor currently owns adequate property interest in all exi st i ng runway c1 ear zones and runway safety areas. The Sponsor further agrees to acquire adequate property interest and/or avigation easements in any future runway clear zones and/or runway safety areas as may be defi ned and deemed necessary and reasonable as a result of any approved future airport runway development project actions requiring same. G. Statement re: Assurance of Completion of Safe. Useful and Usable Units The Airport Sponsor assures that every effort will be made to complete each proposed project item within a reasonable time frame and that the proposed new terminal facility is programmed to provide a safe, useful and usable unit upon completion of construction. 2 H. Statement re: Aoolicant's EliQibilitv for ReceivinQ Assistance The Airport Sponsor's eligibility for receiving assistance under Federal Program No. 20.106 has been previously established by prior receipt of Grants-in-Aid under the Airport Development Aid Program. I. Statement/Information re: The Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 The terminal development area under consideration is identified by the u.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as being located in a special flood hazard area. The Sponsor is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program. 1. Terminal BuildinQ Renovation (18.000+ S.F.) The existing terminal building will be renovated to provide a Federal Inspection Station Facility and an expanded airline baggage claim area and supporting facilities. This renovation is currently being designed with Federal assistance under the AIP-06 Grant. 2. New Terminal BuildinQ Construction (25.000+ S.F.) This item provides for a 25,000 S.F. expansion to the existing terminal building to house airline ticketing and support facilities, aircraft departure lounge/lobby and supporting facilities. Both the terminal renovation and new construction will be designed and constructed in accordance wi th FAA Advi sory Ci rcul ars. The combi ned area (renovated and new) will contain approximately 13,200 S.F. of non- public and/or revenue producing floor area making 69.5% of project costs el igible for the Federal 75% participation rate under the Airport Improvement Program (AlP). 3 KEY WEST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Pre-Application Cost Estimate Terminal Building Complex 9/5/91 I. Terminal Project Costs A. Construction Cost 43,000 S.F. {18,000 S.F. renovate & 25,000 S.F. New @ $IOO/S.F. ($IOO/S.F. unit cost includes factor for connecting building effluent to City sanitary sewer main.) B. EnQineerinq Costs I. Renovation design (funded under AIP-06) 2. New construction design - L.S. .. $ 250,000 3. Construction Phase Costs (Surveys/Testing/R.E., etc.) (Estimate 15% of construction costs) $4,300,000 x 0.15 = 645.000 Total Engineering Costs: TOTAL PROJECT COSTS: Ratio Public Use to Total Space = 69.5% Total costs eligible for FAA Participation: $5,195,000 x 0.695 FAA Share (75%) .. Monroe County (12.5%) .. FOOT (12.5%) = $2,707,894 $ 451,316 $ 451,316 = $4,300,000 .. $ 895.000 .. $5,195,000 = $3,610,525 'fEDERAL ASSI~.I~"'\"t; ~ej.n.. .), 1:1:11 t. ,...,.. 0# ~ .. OAft MC:CrVC I" ""T1 ...... ~t_ ~ ~;uriOIt ~tiOtt N/A N/A . [J~ ,O,~ . . &....,. ~.., PlJ)CUL AOIMCf ,..,.,., llMnCd... O~ . O~ .. ~IC.UIT ..~no- ~ .......' ~ioNIUnIt Monroe County, Florida oard of County Commissioners . AdcIrwa ~ otr. ~tr. ,ca... .-d lip eo<H" fWro4 end ~ --0. f/A IN perIOft '" till ~ 01\ 1Nn.t ~ . CI'loI ICIQlGltClfl ~ MN ~, . P.O. Box 1029 - Mr. Peter Horton, Director . Key West~ Florida Community Services Division (305) 292-4500 &. Df"\.O\'P lOC~no- IN'Qltt II1Nt: ,. 1"r'Pt 0# ~, ""'.., ~.!A "',.,... ,.,., [g . [ili]-16 01010 7 I 4 I 9 r A. ~te H. .~ 4l,. If IIr:hoaf Dill. e. ('..cuttr l .... CcntroIed lNIitlIlX:In d Higher ~ 'C~ J, I'riwwte ~ . L n'P'I 0# ~notf: D.T~ K. ...,., TICe .. . a..... o Cont__~ o ArMioft. E k\terlUte L~ .' . ~ enter ~'" len.(I) ift baa(H). 0 0 F.~ .. Profit Org,aNato'l G SQciII DiItrCt k 0tNt (~ A Irc:rMa A..,-d e 0Ic:t..... Award C. ~ Duration D o.:na- 0I.ItatCf' ()ther (U*:IfyJ: .. IiW'I 0# nl)(lI.Al. A4DCt: Federal Aviation Administration -. Orlando Airports District Office 'L e,t.TAlOO 0# 'Cfll.Al. OOMtsnC 2 I 0 I. 1 10 I 6 u. OU~1mvt: mu 0# ~ Pl'.on;cT: AS4l$T.t.IoICl ..Vttll'" Marathon Airport Tm.E.; Airport Improvement Program (See attached Part IV Narrative for 'L A.ItLU AnICT'EO'" PttOJICT (OHS. CQIft'..1. ''''''1. .rc t Item descriptions) . Marathon, Monroe County, Florida . 'I. ~ lI'tlOJICT; '4. CO'COUSSlOl'CAl. 0lSTlt1CTl Ol'. Sat1 OllIe Er>d.n; 0.'" .~nt ~b.~ 9/3/91 9/3/94 15th 15th . ,.. ISTlMATnl ~NOlHQ: It. 1$ AH\.1CA'nOllt WLtICT TO ~ .., STAlIlXlCU'lM ~ Inn 1'tlOenS' e F~aJ I 4,893,658 .co . YES THIS PREJ.PPl.CAllONfAP9UCA1lON WAS UAOE AV~ TO nE STATE EXEOJT1YE QAOER 121tZ ~ FOA PEV'EW ON b,~t I 563,961 .00 DATE ,-~ , Co Slat.t I 563,961 .00 0 b NO PAC:lGs:w.t cs HOT ~ BY E.O Inn d Loc:.II I JIG 0 . OR ~ HAS HOT IlEEH saECTED IV STATE FOA PEVEW . O!tw< I .00 " Ptog<_ ~ I .00 ". . nc ~ ~ OIIIlMffIII)PAL oan ; TOTAL. I 6,021,580 .00 .0 't.. · .'"Y....~an~ OHo '.. to 1Hl NSf 011 If\' ~ MO ~.ALl OATA" nus ~ft)IC~noH AJlC l'ltUI AND~ M DOC:UUhf"", lOtI ~'t AUTMO'lIZ'm ..,1tC00fI1l1ll1llQ lOO'tCl'tMI....uc.urT...one~..... ~'twmc1tC AnACMID &U~.1'tC AUCT.u.a. .....~ ., T~ N..... oI-~ ~_~'- I. 'ltle Director, Community cT~~ Peter Horton Services Division ( 305-) 292 -4500 ~lo(~~ ~ t . ~ Soo-2 , r'\ ',..,r J _~ '1-(0-; , 1 C\-....... /' ,,\.,~ U v- ~~~tlQnl Not u",U S4nca.d ~OI'''' 414 .Qt.V 4.U "'nc'o.d 0, OVB t:..,..... A. '02 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPO I_ fEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATlOH OMU NO eo.rtl)ll!IJ PREAPPlICA TION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE PART II 1. Does this assistance recuest require State, local, regional or other priority raling? _,_ Yes x No 2. Does this assistance reQulle State or local advisory, educational or heallh clearance? X Yes No 3. Does this assistance reQucst reQulrc Clearinghouse review? X Yes No 4. Does this assistance reQuest require State, local, reeional or other planning approval' X X Yes No Alrport Master Plan/Monroe Cty. No Capital Improvpmpnt Pro~ram/ County Manager's Office 5. Is the proposed plojcct covered by an approved comprehensive pl(J1? Yes 6. Will the asSl stance requested serve a federal Installation' 7. Will the assistance requested be on federal land or installation? Yes X No 9. Will the assistance requested cause the displacement 01 Individuals, lamilies, bUSinesses, or larms? X Yes Yes X No 8. YJillthe assistance requested have an ellect on the environment' ~lo Yes X No 10. Is there other related assistance lor this project previous, pending, or anticipated? Yes X No PART III - PROJECT BUDGET FEOEq~L. CATAL.O~ TYPE OF ASSISTANCE I NUMBER L.OAN. GRANT, ETC. FIRST 9UOGET PERIOO BAL.ANCE OF PROJECT TOTAL. I (0) (h) (e) (d) (t) 1. 20.106 Grant -t 4,893,658.00 ~ 2. 3. ~ 4. 5. 6. Tolal Federal Contribution S S S 4,893,658.00 7. State Contribution Joint Participatic n Agreements I 563,961. 00 8. Applicant Contribution Airport General Fund & Monroe Co nty Capital ImprOVE ments Revenue Bon Fund 563.961. 00 9. Other Contributions -0- -- 10. T atals S S S 6,021,580.00 -, - " .. --- --- -, - - - - - - . .. - - - ="~, '-= PART IV _ PROGRAM NARRATIVE STATEMENT . (AtlQch pet in,'.uel.on) ._,_J FAA F"nll SIOO.JO 16-731 SUPERSEOES FAA FORM S100.3 Pog" 2 PART IV - PROGRAM NARRATIVE STATEMENT The project proposed in this Pre-Application for Federal Assistance involves the following items to be developed at the Marathon Airport: 1. Construct 19,OOO{!) S.F. Terminal Building 2. Construct Terminal water service main 3. Construct Terminal sewage treatment plant 4. Construct Airport Terminal access road 5. Construct/Rehabilitate/Mark/Light Terminal aircraft parking apron (5 positions) for new Terminal 6. Construct 1,700{!) L.F. security fencing (including one automatic gate) 7. Landscape Terminal access road and buffer strip 8. Demolition of existing Terminal site 9. Relocation of power line These projects are needed to meet existing and future demands as well as to provide for safe and secure operations at the Airport. A. GeoQraphical Location of Proposed Airport Development Project Items Marathon Airport is located in Monroe County, 10 miles east of the city of Marathon in Marathon Shores, Florida, at latitude 24043'10"N and longitude 81003'05"W. The original airstrip was constructed during Worl d War II and operated by the Navy. After the war the stri p was operated and maintained by the State of Florida Road Department under an agreement with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. The airstrip was later conveyed to Monroe County in 1958 and has remained essentially the same except for relatively recent AlP improvements related to safety and increase in general aviation aircraft parking capacity. 1 B. Statement re: Inter-aovernmental Review of Federal Proarams A DRI study is presently under way for the project. The items to be developed under this project will be designed to comply with the study results. C. Statement re: Environmental Assessment None of the proposed project items require an Environmental Assessment as they are "categorical exclusions" as defined in FAA Order 5050.4A. D. Statement re: No Opposition or Information on Specific Opposition There has been no opposition either expressly or by proposed revision of any of the proposed project items by any Federal, State or local govern- mental agency or by any other person or agency involving Sections 16(c)(l)(a}, (c)(3), (c)(4), (d), (e) and (f) of the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 as amended. E. Statement re: Consultation with the Airlines and FBO(s) The Airport Sponsor has consulted with the Owners and/or official authorized representatives of all airlines and FBOs and discussed each proposed airport development project item prior to submission of this Pre-Application for Federal Assistance. This consultation has included discuss i on of the general nature of each of the proposed development items, their estimated costs, anticipated date for start of work and estimated date of completion. F. Statement re: Aareement to Acquire Adequate Property Interest The Airport Sponsor currently owns adequate property interest in all exi st i ng runway cl ear zones and runway safety areas. The Sponsor further agrees to acqui re adequate property interest and/or avigat ion 2 easements in any future runway clear zones and/or runway safety areas as may be defined and deemed necessary and reasonable as a result of any approved future airport runway development project actions requi ring same. G. Statement re: Assurance of Comoletion of Safe. Useful and Usable Units The Airport Sponsor assures that every effort will be made to complete each proposed project item within a reasonable time frame and that the proposed new terminal facility is programmed to provide a safe, useful and usable unit upon completion of construction. H. Statement re: Aoolicant's Eliqibilitv for Receivinq Assistance The Airport Sponsor's eligibility for receiving assistance under Federal Program No. 20.106 has been previously established by prior receipt of Grants-in-Aid under the Airport Development Aid Program. I. Statement/Information re: The Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 The terminal development area under consideration is identified by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as being located in a special flood hazard area. The Sponsor is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program. 1. Construct 19.000(~) S.F. Terminal BuildinQ Monroe County conducted a Terminal Area Study and is developing plans and specifications for a new terminal complex under FAA Grant AlP Project 3-12-0044-08. The Terminal Area Study contains the justifica- tion for the new terminal complex and contains an analysis of the build- i ng floor area needed to meet the termi na l' s forecasted needs in accordance with FAA Advisory Circulars AC150/5360-9 "Planning and Design of Airport Terminal Building Facil ities at Non-Hub Locations" and 3 ACI50/5360-13 "Planning and Design Guidelines for Airport Terminal Facil ities". This item is for the construction of the 19,000(!) square foot facility recommended for development in the Terminal Area Study which is on file with the FAA Orlando Airports District Office. An analysis of the floor plan of the proposed terminal building included with the 30% completed plans submitted to the FAA for review under the AIP-08 Grant indicates that 5,590 S.F. is scheduled to be used as reve- nue producing and/or non-public use space. The remaining 13,410 S.F. is proposed for public use, therefore, making 70.6% of the building costs eligible for FAA participation at the 75% rate. 2. Construct Terminal Water Service Main This item includes the construction of approximately 8,500 L.F. of 12" diameter water main looped off the existing 30" diameter Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) main which parallels U.S. Highway No.1 and the terminal. 6" diameter spurs will be taken off the 12" diameter loop systems to serve the fire demand for the new terminal building complex. Design of the potable water mains will be in accordance with FKAA requirements and designed for a 150 ps~ working pressure requirement. 3. Construct Terminal SewaQe Treatment Plant It is not feas i bl e to connect the buil di ng effl uent to the nearest existing treatment facility, therefore, the item includes construction of a self-contained sewage treatment plant to serve the new facility. A 20,000 gallon per day package sewage plant will be located on the east side of the development site. The sewage waste treatment plant is of the extended aeration type with the treated effluent having the disposal 4 options of Class V well or sub-surface irrigation. The sewage treatment collection system contains the following three elements: o Element one carries the restaurant waste from the building to a 750 gallon grease trap which discharges into the lift station. o Element two carries the building sanitary waste directly to the lift station. o El ement three cons i sts of the 1 ift station wh i ch has dual gri nder pumps which transport the sewage to the treatment plant via a force main. The plant consists of six precast concrete tanks interconnected by PVC piping with bronze valving. There are dual air blowers with automatic aeration equipment control in the electric control panels. The Class V disposal wells consist of a concrete box with cover contain- ing two drilled holes 90' in depth cased with 8" PVC Schedule 40 pipe grouted to a depth of 60' . The lift station to be located at the new terminal building will be a four-foot diameter precast concrete element containing two grinder pumps and level control elements. The primary control panel is stanchion mounted above ground. The control panel contains electrical protection, pump controls, alternator and elapsed time meter. The collection system and force main are constructed of PVC pipe. The sewage treatment plant will be served by an underground feeder from the Florida Keys Electric Cooperative (FKEC) 25 KV system. Service to the plant will be 208 volts, 3 phase from three single phase pad-mounted transformers provided by FKEC. Util ity metering will .be mounted adja- cent to the transformers. 5 Emergency power will be provided by running a circuit from the existing 75 KW standby diesel generator system located at the existing airfield electrical vault. 4. Construct Airpor~Terminal Access Road The Airport's main public access is from u.s. 1. This newly improved, four-lane divided highway provides the only public access to the Airport and is the only public highway linking the various Florida Keys to main- land Florida. During seasonal periods, u.s. 1 experiences congestion in and around the existing terminal entrance intersection. The Marathon Volunteer Fire Department facility is located approximately 200' west of the existing terminal entrance intersection. The close proximity of these two intersections, at best, is undesirable and may be an unsafe condition for responding emergency vehicles, terminal traffic and u.s. 1 vehicular traffic. This existing Airport entrance will be physically closed with curbing and the new entrance will be located approximately 1,200' east. A secondary Airport access roadway will be located at the existing fire station/U.S. 1 intersection. This intersection will be marked based on a signal warrant analysis. Based on the final analysis, this intersec- tion may require additional or supplementary signalization. Accelera- tion and deceleration lanes along with any median modification will also be provided. The new two-way, two-lane Airport access roadway to be constructed under this item will be parallel to U.S. 1 on Airport property providing access to all parking areas and the new terminal building. The existing dirt access road will not be connected to the Airport access road on the east side but will remain connected to the fire station and dirt access road on the west side. 6 A three-l ane termi na 1 bu il ding access roadway connecting with the new Airport access roadway will be provided. This three-lane roadway will provide one lane for parking at the terminal curb for loading and unloading, one lane for maneuvering of vehicles and one lane for through traffi c. Traffi c ci rcul at ion in front of the termi na 1 is one-way and counter-clockwise for convenience of right side loading and unloading of vehicles. A long canopy is provided for the curbside lane to protect enplaning and deplaning passengers from inclement weather. The terminal building roadway provides for the efficient recirculation of vehicles to the terminal building by way of the connecting ingress and egress lanes of the Airport access roadway. The terminal building and Airport access roadways arrangement allows efficient vehicular access to all areas in the terminal complex without the need to enter the U.S. 1 traffic flow. Vehicles making deliveries to the terminal building will utilize the terminal access roadway during non-peak traffic periods. The Airport and terminal building access roadways shall comply with the following codes and standards: 1. Florida Department of Transportation Standards 2. Monroe County Code 3. FAA Advisory Circular AC150j5360-9 4. National Electric Code The following summarizes the requirements for design of the Airport and terminal access roadways: 1. One-way counter-clockwise traffic flow for terminal access roadway. 2. Three lanes consisting of two 11' wide lanes (through traffic and maneuvering) and one 8' wide lane (passenger drop-off and pick up) with curb and gutter. 7 3. Roadway pavement to be 3" limerock base with a 2" bituminous asphalt surface course. 4. 15 mph posted speed 1imit. 5. Traffic separation islands at bot entrance and exit points of terminal building roadway. 6. Entrances to Airport roadway to be based on results of signal warrant analysis, driveway permit approvals and traffic impact study. 7. Airport and terminal access roadway lighting will be provided using sharp cut-off type pole mounted fixtures. Design 1 ight level will be 2 FC average maintained with the maximum to minimum levels not to exceed a 4:1 ration. Roadway lighting will be controlled by photo- cell or manually. 5. Construct/Rehabil itate/Mark/LiQht Terminal Aircraft ParkinQ Apron (5 Positions) For New Terminal An aircraft apron capable of accommodating five commuter type aircraft positions will be constructed under this item and located north and adj acent to the new termi na 1 bu il ding. The apron will be ill umi nated using light standards approximately 20' high with fuliy adjustable, sharp cut-off fixtures to maximize ground 1 ighting while minimizing unwanted glarE', Medium intensity taxiway lights (MITL) with blue lenses will match with existing Taxiway "A" through the 75' apron edge radii. Grounding rods will be provided at various locations for fueling opera- tions. Based on current and future a i rcra ft requ i rements, the apron wi 11 be capable of accommodating the following aircraft types: . 8 Max. Gross Aircraft Type A.R.C. Wingspan Length Weight Beech 1900 BII 55 ft. 58 ft. 16,600 lbs. Jetstream 31 BII 52 ft. 48 ft. 14,600 lbs. Cessna 402 BI 40 ft. 36 ft. 6,300 lbs. Shorts 360 BII 75 ft. 71 ft. 26,460 lbs. F-28 - 3000 BII 78 ft. 90 ft. 65,000 lbs. EMB 120 BII 65 ft. 66 ft. 25,400 lbs. The apron wi 11 be designed in accordance with applicable FAA Advisory Circulars. The apron pavement design will be predicated on the F-28-3000 aircraft with a maximum gross weight of 65,000 lbs. OWL. Preliminary apron design is based on current knowledge of the site and general conditions within the Florida Keys. The following preliminary criteria was used for estimating purposes only. Final design will be modified as necessary upon finalization of the geotechnical investiga- tion of the site. 1. 65,000 OWL with 3,000 annual departures. 2. Assumed subgrade modul us of 300 PCI with 650 PSI concrete at 28 days. 3. Six inches of either P-304 )cement treated base course) or P-306 (Econocrete base course). 4. Nine inches of P-501 (P.C.C. surface course). Apron ground rods will be connectpd ta &~~ ~. 'ding grounding system to provide a low resistance ~J ground. L86IT Laxiway lights with red or blue lenses to be utilized to delineate 2pron. 9 Aircraft obstruction clearance will be 10' and a wing tip to adjacent aircraft wing tip cl~arance of 20' due to lack of available obstruction- free maneuvering area. All aircraft operations on the apron shall be directed by airline ground personnel. 6. Construct 1.700(+) l.F. Security FencinQ (IncludinQ One Automatic Gate) In compliance with FAA Federal Aviation Regulation Part 107, fencing to secure the Marathon Airport airside will be provided with connections to existing airside fencing at the fire station to the west and to existing airside fencing to the east. Existing fencing around the airfield elec- trical vault will be replaced with new fencing to increase the level of security for this facility. Approximately 1,700 L.F. of new (6' high fabric) chain link fence will be required. An automatic sliding gate will be provided for controlled airside access from the rental car/employee parking area. A manually operated sliding gate will be provided for access to the airfield electrical vault. The fence will be designed to meet FAA design requirements. 7. landscaoe Terminal Access Road and Buffer Strio The Monroe County Land Development Regulations require that the Airport access road and related development meet certain minimum landscaping requirements. The land Development Regulations also require the Airport to provide a landscaped buffer strip (30 to 40' wide) between the Airport access road and U,S. 1. There are no variance provisions to these requirements. Therefore, this item provides for the minimum land- scaping and associated irrigation system to meet these code require- ments. In order to comply with the regulations while also accommodating the new terminal area development, landscaping along the Florida Department of 10 Transportation (FOOT) right-of-way will be required to achieve the 30' "E" buffer. Use of this land for landscaping will be acceptable to the FOOT upon execution of an FOOT "Special Permit" by Monroe County. 8. Demolition of ExistinQ Terminal Site Due to the age and condition of the existing terminal building and asso- ciated facilities, the building could not be used for new terminal development. This item will demolish the existing building, parking lots and related utilities after the new terminal building has been opened and the existing building no longer needed. The existing aircraft parking apron will be rehabilitated and integrated into the new terminal aircraft parking apron. 9. Relocation of Power Line An existing overhead 25KV electrical transmission line crosses the project site. This item will construct an underground duct bank system and relocate the line in the duct system so as not to obstruct other construction being accomplished on this project. An overhead relocation is not feasible based on information available at this time due to lack of space, conflicts with existing utilities located in the area, code landscaping requirements, obstructions to access roadway systems and related items. 11 MARATHON AIRPORT Pre-Application Project Costs Cost Breakdown 9/3/91 *For detailed cost breakdowns, see Reynolds, Smith & Hills's Cost Estimates submitted to FAA with 30% Plan Submittal. I. Terminal Buildinq Construction Items eEl iqible for 75% FAA Participation} A. Item No.1 - 19,000 S.F. Terminal Building Cost of building = $3,395,198* Ratio Public Use/Non-Public Use = 70.6%* Amount eliqible for 75% FAA Participation: $3,395,198 x 0.706 = $2.397.010 B. Item No.2 - Water Service Main Total Construction Cost Eligible for 75% rate: $ 457.700* C. Item No.3 - Sewage Treatment Plant Total Construction Cost Eligible for 75% rate: $ 193.200* Total Construction Cost Eligible for 75% rate: Engrg. Costs (Surveys/Testing/RE, etc.) (Est. 15% of Construction Cost): $3.047.910 457.186 Total Project Cost Eligible for 75%: $3.505.096 FAA (75%) Monroe County (12.5%) = FOOT (l2.5%) $2,628,822 $ 438,137 $ 438,137 = 1 of 2 II. Other Construction Costs lEliqible at 90% FAA Rate) Pre-App. Item No. Item Descriotion 4 Access Roads 5 Aircraft Parking Apron 6 Security Fencing 7 Landscaping 8 Demolition of Existing Terminal 9 Relocation of Power Line Construction Costs* $ 535,986 791,200 27,485 431,250 199,927 202.400 Total Construction Cost {eligible @ 90% rate): Engrg. Costs (Surveys/Testing/RE, etc.) (Est. 15% of Construction Cost): $2.188.248 328.237 Total Project Cost Eligible for 90%: $2.516.485 FAA (90%) Monroe County (5%) FOOT (5%) = $2,264,836 = $ 125,824 = $ 125,824 Pre-ADD. Cost Summary FAA Monroe Total Costs Share County FOOT 75% Rate = $3,505,096 $2,628,822 $438,137 $438,137 90% Rate = 2.516,485 2,264.836 125.824 125.824 TOTALS: $6,021,580 $4,893,658 $563,961 $563,961 2 of 2