Resolution 329-1989 ... C eL C L. l.J C. , , L' C. LL, -1 u... Commissioner John Stormont RESOLUTION NO. 12g -1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLCHIDA, TO 'l'HE MONROE COUNTY LAND AUTHORITY, RECOMMENDING THE PURCHAS}'; OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND FOR SOLID WASTE PURPOSES PURSUANT TO AGREEMENT WITT-I DEPAHTMENT OF Cm11'lU!HTY AFFAIRS AND REVISED PURCHASE PRIORITIES AND PROCEDURES OF THE LAND AUTHORITY. WHEREAS, agreement has been entered into between the Department of Community Affairs and the Monroe County Land Authority concerning utilization of land authority funds for the purchase and procedures of purchase of certain lands for use by Monroe County for solid waste purposes, and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Land Authority has established revised purchase priorities and procedures concerning the purchase of lands for use for solid waste facilities, and WHEREAS, the Solid v\Taste Task Force, establ ished bv the Board of County Commissioners to study and eVr11uate waste disposal alternatives for Monroe County, has recommended certain land purchases for immediate consideration from those funds made available by the Monroe County Land Authority, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMNISSIONERSr MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, Section 1. '{'hat the Board of County Cornmi8-sioner:::i recommends to the Monroe County Land Authority the follmving parcels of land for purchase under certain funds made available to the Land Authority for solid waste facilities I'- , d ;::r Sl tes, un er the terms of agreement between the Land Cl E: Authori ty and the Department of Community Affai rs: \Q .-- Z :::l J _:--' tj ) .,~ 0 :I: the present Key Largo landfill a site known as the Carter Site, to the south of ~ (b) Site lO-B as designated by Hazen and Sawyer, located on Crawl Key, bayside, wi.th the stipulation that the site not be used for: a waste-to-energy plant, it not be used for a major sanitary landfill, that it be a very low priority for location of an ash-only landfill, and that it be utilized for purposes such as construction debris, potential compost plant, potential recycle processing center and potential transfer station, not to exclude other possible uses other than those enumerated, (c) Site 17-A as identified by Hazen and Sawyer, adjacent to the preset Cudjoe Key landfill, with primary acquisition process with City Electric (the City of Key West) to be on negotiations other than total monetary purchase, such site to be used for potential ash-only landfill, recycle cent?r, transfer station, in an environmentally sensitive manner, to include environmental mitigations in order to effectively utiJize such site, (d) The site known as the Carysfort site, North Key Largo, as a center for back-up landfill, transfer station, recycling processing center, staging center for shipment of materials outside Monroe County, in an environment.ally sensitive manner. Such purchase to be from hInds derived principally from Infrastructure Tax proceeds, (e) Continued negotiations with the United States Navy for sites relative to solid waste facilities in the Boca Chica area to serve the Lower Keys area, and (f) Continued negotiations with state authorities for the return of certain acreage at the Long Key landfill site for purposes other than landfill expansion. Section 2. Reserve of such funds for purchase of sites later to be identified upon further development of solid waste disposal alternatives, for such other transfer " stations and recycle processing centers as may he recormnended by the Solid vlas te Ta f.~k Force. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNrr"Y~ CQHMISSIONERS, MEE'l'ING IN REGULAR SESSION ON ThE 6'1'n DJ\Y. OF ,JUNE I 1\. D. , 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COl'lIvJISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA By_/I/I.:kt~__ Mayor/Chairman (S EAr...) At te s t: DANNY L. KOLJ;rAGE, Clerk vt2~.~iJ.~ Clerk . 'ORM ~NCr. BY ....-..... Atu"ney', \If,......