Resolution 330A-1989 , ( , N =! C LL l..... 0'\ ?O Michael H. Puto Monroe County Mayor N s::? RESOLUTION NO. 330A -1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONCERNING SUMMER RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SERVICES TO THE YOUTH OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (V) 0- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute an Inter1oca1 Agreement between the School District of Monroe County, Florida, and the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, concerning summer recreational opportunities and services to the youth of Monroe County, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the "+J, day of \. J/.A M -e... , A. D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: /IlI~J;P4 MAYOR/CHAIRMAN (Seal) Attest: DANNX L.. KOLijAGE, Clerk L2Lcaf~1i)~ BY INTBRLOCALAGRBBMBNT PursuantTo Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969 (Chapter 163, Florida Statutes) Agreement made this 22nd. Day of May, 1989, at Key West, Monroe County, Florida, by and between The School District of Monroe County, Florida (hereinafter the District), and The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida (hereinafter the County): Whereas, the District and the County desire to provide summer recreational opportunities and services to the youth of Monroe County, Florida; and Whereas, the County does not have the proper facilities or the trained employees to provide summer recreational services; and Whereas, the District has facilities and trained personnel at its disposal for use in providing summer recreational opportunities and services to the youth ofMomoe County; and Whereas, the costs of operating the summer recreational program should be shared between the County and the District; Now, therefore, the County and the District hereby agree as follows: I. SBRVICES TO BE PROVIDBD - The District agrees to provide supervised recreational programs during the time periods specified, and consisting of the activities described, in Schedule A attached hereto. The program sites for provision of these programs shall be as described in Schedule B hereto. 2. TRANSPORTATION OF YOUTH - The District, utilizing District-owned school busses, shall provide transportation opportunities to and from scheduled off-site program locations. as well as to and from the program sites. Pick-up locations and time shall be in accordance with Schedule C hereto. 3. SUPERVISION OF PROGRAM ACTIVITIES - The District, utilizing as much as possible district employees, shall provide Program Instructors and Instructor Aides to supervise participants and provide instructional and training activities. 4. EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES - The District shall be responsible for purchasing the necessary equipment, games, materials, and consumable supplies required for program activities, and the District shall be responsible for storage and distribution of said items as required. 5. F ACILITIBS OPERATION - The District shall be responsible for providing on-site program clerical assistance and infonnational services during the program's operating hours, and shall have telephonic resourses available for both in.:coming and out-going calls. 6. FIRST AID FACILITIBS AND PERSONNEL - The District, at each program site, shall have available sufficient flJ'St aid supplies required for use in attending to minor injuries. Additionally, fll'Bt aid trained personnel shall be available for attending to minor injuries as may berequired. 7. COMPENSATION TO PROGRAM PERSONNEL; INSURANCE COVERAGE _ The District shall be responsible for determining the amounts of compensation, and times for payments, of Instructors, Instructor Aides, School Bus Operators, and other personnel providing services under this Agreement. The District shall also provide Workers' Compensation coverage through its Self-Insured Program for these personnel. ~. '.;., " , " J ).;-- ~ i . ~ L :ip: l l- '.1...... ~ . , lIJ / -- I ;I~/1 I ()~ l. Page 2 . R. LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE; INDEMNITY - The District shall provide Third-Party General Liability Insurance coverage through the District's Self-Insured Program. ., Further, the District shall indemnify the County from and all liability, loss or damage the Coullty may suffer as a result of claims, demands, costs. or judgements against the County arising out of the subject matter of this Intcrlocal Agreement, where the liability, loss, or damage is caused by, or arises ou 1 of, 'the negligence of the District or of the District's officers, agcnts, or employees. In the event that a claim should be brought, or an action filed, against the County with respect to the subject of indemnity herein, the District shall employ attorneys of its own selection to appear and defend the claim or action on behalf of the County and at the expense of the District. The District, at its option, shall have the sole authority for the direction of the defense, and shall be the sole judge of the acceptability of any compromise or settlement of any claims or actions against the County. The County shall give written notice to the District of any act or occurrence involving liability or a claim, demand, or item of cost indemnified against herein within five (5) days after the happening of such act or occurence shall have corne to the County's knowledge. The fact or allegation that the County did not know of the act or occurrence until some time after its happening shall not excuse the giving of this notice to the District if, in the exercise of reasonable care, the County should have known of the act or occurrence. 9. INVOLVEMENT OF COUNTY - The County's sole involvement in the perfonnance of this agreement is to pay such sums to the District as are hereinafter delineated, and the County and District specifically agree that the District shall be solely responsible for the plarming, operation, supervision, control, and direction of the program and services contemplated under this Agreement. The intent of this section is that the County shall only be considered to be a supplier of funds and not an active participant in the performance of the District's obligations under this agreement. 10. ACCOUNTING AND INSPECTION ~ The District shall be responsible for receiving, generating, and maintaining documentation in such fonn and content as may be required by the Office of the Auditor General of Florida in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices. The District shall, from time to time, provide the County with copies of such docwnentation and shall pennit access by agents or employees of the County to the books, charts of accounts, and other documents relative to this Agreement The District agrees to assign unique and distinct Project Accounting Codes for expenditures make pursuant to this Agreement ~ ~~ . *See below 12. USE OP FUNDS ~ The District shall expend the funds received hereunder in accordance with Schedule D attacher hereto. To the most practical extent possible, Fifty Five Thousand Dollars ($55,000.00) shall be spent for services and programs sited in the Middle and Upper Keys, and Forty Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($42,750.00) shall be spent for services and programs sited in the Lower Keys. 13. UNUSBD FUNDS AND OVER EXPENDITURES - The District shall, after the final accounting of expenditures associated with this Agreement, return to the County any balance ~ of unencumbered or unspent funds which are part of the cash consideration received from the County. The District shall be solely responsible for, and shall pay, all costs and expenses relative to this Agreement that are in excess of the cash consideration received from the County. *11. CONSIDERATION - As consideration for this Agreement, the COWlty agrees that (1) the COWlty will not compete with the District by providing organized Summer Youth Recreation Programs and (2) the County shall, upon the con- clusion of the Summer Youth Recreation Program and within fifteen (15) days of the receiPt of an invoice frQm thedDistri~tL_pay to the$District the sum of Ninety ~eVen Thousand ~even Hundre and Flf~y Dollars ( 97,750.00). 1,/ r -t'f ....."..;..=-. Page 3 14. NON-RELIANCE BY NON-PARTIES - No person or entity shall be entitled to rely upon the terms, or any of them, of this Agreement to enforce or attempt to enforce any third- party claim or entitlement to or benefit of any service or program COntemplated hereunder, and the District and County agree that neither the District nor County or any agent. officer. or employee of either shall have the authority to inform, counsel, or otherwise indicate that any particular individual or group of individpals have entitlements or benefits under this Agreement separate and apart, inferior to, or supetior to the community in general or the general target popu1ationcontemplatedin this Agreement. 15. DISTRICT RBSERVATIONOP RIGHT TO MODIPY -The District reserves the right to modify from time to time any of the services or programs contemplated hereunder, but such modifications shall not operate or have the effect of resulting in non-performance of any of the obligations of the District hereunder, nor result ina re-alignment of budget categories for expenditures in an amount in excess of ten percent (10%) of the cash consideration as a whole received from the County. THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OP M OUNTY. FLORIDA (SEAL) BY: DENT I I THE BOARD OP COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OP MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA (SEAL) BY:~~- YOR A TI"EST: CLERK :FIT BY 'y D_~ A'",rnf'I'". Offie,. iF:' "__,'BI""J-. Page 4 SCHEDULE A SUMMER RBCRBA TION ACTIVITIES '. (June 19 - July 28 - S day. per week for 6 weeks) A. Sport Activities: 1. Aerobics 6. CreativeMovement 2. Basketball 7. Frisbee 3. Board Games . 8. Gymnastics 4. BowJing 9. Jazz 5. Canoeing 10. Kickball B. Arts and Crafts Activities: 1. Beach Buckets 13. MacaroniDesigns 2. BubbleMaking 14. Magic Tricks 3. Ceramics 15. Mirroring 4. Collage 16. Movies 5. Coral Reef Filmstrips 17. Outside Games 6. DoughArt 18. Pantomime 7. F1yingMachin~(paper) 19. PaperWeaving 8. =~ 20. Potato Prints 9. 21. Pottery 10. IndianPrin1B 22. Printing 11. Joke TelHng 23. SandPainting 12. Kites 24. Scavenger Hunts C. Computer Related Activitia: 11. Roller Skating 12. Snorkeling 13. Softball 14. Swimming 15. Soccer . .~ i"i :~~ ,'( ;'''1 :(~ ,~1 ;.~.~ 25. StoryTeJDng 26. storymUltrations 27. Stuffed Fish 28. Styrofoam Collages 29. TemperaPainting 30. TexturalRubbinp 31. 1lnfoil Sculptures 32. TIssue Pictura 33. UnderwaterDrawinp 34. WaterColon 35. WeedWeaving 36. Woven Mobiles ':i :;J. A :j 1 :;1 Yi ~1 i .~ ..~' ,/ ;:~ .~~: ..:~ .. ,:f t~: j: , , ~,1 :~ .~.:..'!1' .,. ~ /I :,'1) ~t , --~, , 1 4 .. ,~ , ~-.,._" : Page 5 SCHEDULE B SUMMER RECREATION ACTIVITIES (June 19 - July 28 - .,5 days per weet for 6 weeks) Program Sites Douglas School Gym Horace Q'Bryant Middle School Key Largo Elementary I Middle School Plantation Key Elementary I Middle School . ') , . ..<C',',.,.Jr"~_r'i:"i"'. Poinciana Elementary School Stanley Switlik Elementary School Sugarloaf Elementary I Middle School Teen Center - Key West --'J<I'Jt.~.. "~I ~'. ,,- J" :'~ 'I 'f .>~ .~ ..~ .. ~. ... .. ,. :l '!t:; Page 6 SCHEDULE C ,. SUMMER RECREATION ACTIVITIES (JlIDe 19 - July 28 - ~ day. per week for 6 weeks) Bu.T~po~tionSchedule (To Be Scheduled and Finalized in May) ;':'7_ T.y~_ -.- SCHBDULB D SUMMBR RBCJU!A TION ACTlVITIBS (June 19 - July 28 - 5 days per week for 6 weeks) County Pundina Bzpenditurea 1. Salaries and Pringe Benefits (Jnc1uding Workers' Compensation Benefits Site Directors, Instructors, Instructor Aides, School Bus Operators, Clerical 2. Supplies. Games Materials. Equipment (5 sites) 3. Pield Trips (In-CountyandOut-of-County) Total funds from the County C"..mnnltuton f . > :,' , ., ": ~ ":4 ~1 .,~I ':r .:~ '1 il l ''; f ~ ~\ ~\ ~ M .~ ~ ., .~ ] .~ ',:. ;~ ~ t G1.~ A-.._~ '!L~' Page 7 $85.000.00 8.250.00 4.500.00 197.750.00