Resolution 345-1989 -../ Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. 345-1989 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE FEE SCHEDULE, FOR THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT, TO MORE EFFECTIVELY IMPLEMENT THE REQUIREMENTS OF FLORIDA STAT- UTES 380 WHICH RELATES TO THE PROPER PERMIT- TING OF DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE FLORIDA KEYS AREA OF CRITICAL STATE CONCERN, AND THAT SUCH FEES ARE REQUIRED TO ADEQUATELY OFFSET THE TRUE COST OF PROVIDING SUCH SERVICES TO THE PUBLIC WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners wish- es to provide the citizens of the County with the best possible service in the I.lost cost effective and reasonable manner, there- fore it is in the best interests of the general public to charge the true cost for such services, thereby placing the burden of such costs directly upon those persons deriving the benefit; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to charge a fair and reason- able fee for those requesting such services from the planning and building departments; and WHEREAS, the Director of Planning has demonstrated that the existing fee schedule does not reflect the true cost of providing services to persons requesting services; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: That the attached fee schedule shall be the effective fee sched- ule for planning permits, environmental resource permits and special fees effective in the County, upon the passage of this resolution. ::O~HOW -I ~1 "'n Z E: (d (l Nnr 68. oJ (1 (, -.J ..~ C dj i,. j tJ .:lll ,j PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 'f~ day of ~"e , A.D., 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By /IJI~~ Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest: PANNYJ.KOL.~_~G~ Ql~~ ~~1'AP.~ BY DLC/lc dc/res.fc " MEMORANDUM TO: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald L. Craig, AICP, Assoc. AlA, Assistant County Administrator for Growth Management Division Department: Planning Department SUBJECT: Concurrency Management System-Revised Fees DATE: May 25, 1989 MEETING DATE: June 6, 1989 PLANNER: Donald L. Craig BIOLOGIST: N/A Previous Relevant Board Action: 3/21/89 ( ) Referral: Yes X No Commissioner's District: All Recommended Action: That your Board adopt the attached resolution to increase planning application fees. Summary of RequestjReport: See at:tached report. Action bY:___Ordinance ~Resolution Citizens Comm1ttee Statement: Yes~No____ Attached Agreement/Contract: No. N/A Approved by County Attorney as to LegalitY:~Yes___N.A. _Standard Form Approved by Risk Management:___Yes~N.A. Approved by Office Fiscal Management:___Yes~N.A. Funding Source: NA Current Year Cost: NA Annual Cost: NA Budgeted:___Yes___No___N.A. Will Proposal Require Additional Personnel? ~No If Yes State Number - .A Permanent___ Temporary___ Other Board Policy(ies) Applicable: None Planning Commission Action Taken:____Yes Date-LN.A. Alternatives: I. Retain existing fees-not realistic as to actual costs of granting permits. 2. Decrease existing fees-would place the financial burden of permitting on citizens County wide. 3. Increase Fees: If the County wished to increase the fee schedule, those that would be justified for increase are Comprehensive Plan and Land Development TextjMap Amendments to approximately $3000 each Attached Documentation: ___Yes ____No dlc.lc dc/sfrp.rf MEMORANDUM To Stacey Williams, Office of Fiscal Management From: Donald L. Craig, Director of Growth Management Division Date: May 1, 1989 Budget Workshop - April 11 - Fee Changes in Growth Management Division Fee Structures Re - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Introduction The Growth Management Division is proposing a significant change in several categories of Fees charged to customers which effects the special taxing district revenue projections. The following categories are recommended for changes: 1. Impact Fees 2. Building Permit Fees 3. Planning Permit Fees 4. Fire Marshall Inspection and Impact Fees 5. Special Fees Justification of Fee Changes 1. Impact Fees The present transportation impact fees are one half of those calculated in 1985 at the time of the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. At that time the fees were calculated on the basis of anticipated infrastructure needs through 2005, based on calculated rates of growth. This existing fee structure was pro- duced by planning and engineering consultants to the County and accepted by the Board of County Commission- ers. However, in 1986 with the adoption of the plan the fees were dropped to their present level. Since 1985, the County's infrastructure needs have increased, antici- pated slowing of growth has not occurred and inflation amounting to approximately 12-15% in the consumer price index is a fact. Therefore, the Growth Management Divi- sion recommends the new transportation impact fees pro- posed below: ~ Existing Proposed Single Family Multi-Family, per unit Mobile Home Hotel, per unit Motel, per unit Medical Office, per 1000 s.f. Banking, per 1000 s.f. Other Offices, per 1000 s.f. Warehouses, per 1000 s.f. General Industrial, per 1000 s.f. Retail, under 50,000 s.f. Retail, 50,000 to 99,999 s.f. Retail, 100,000 to 249,999 s.f. Retail 250,000 s.f.+ Recreational campground, per space Marina, per berth RV Park, per space $1610 $1415 $ 638 $1744 $1744 $2315 $3716 $1822 $ 568 $ 594 $1235 $ 974 $1874 $1357 $1699 $ 715 $1732 $2737 $2406 $1085 $2965 $2965 $3935 $6317 $3098 $ 965 $1010 $2099 $1655 $3186 $2307 $2889 $1215 $2945 The implication of this change is that if the rate of growth remains the same, the funds forthcoming to the transportation trust fund would increase by approximately 70%. The other impact fee categories are recommended to be in- creased by 15% to account for inflation. This would bring the total impact fee for a single-family home to approximately $3,370.41, or a total increase of 38%. All other uses would see an increase in total impact fee of approximately the same 38%, except for those uses which are charged only three or four of the impact fees. These include non-residential uses which are not charged park or library fees. Please see attached table for exact dollar increases. 2. Building Permit Fees Building permit fees were com- pared to fees in seven other jurisdictions. The general results are: a. Building Permit Fees for roofs in Monroe County are higher then average. b. Demolition and blasting fees are very low in Monroe County. c. Monroe County charges no permit fees for landscape improvements or inspections, while other Counties do. d. Permit Fees for moving buildings are low compared to other Counties. ~ " The Building Department is now compiling all data comparative into a spread sheet format, and will recommend specific changes, prior to budget year closure, on or about July 1, 1989. 3. Planning Permit Fees The Growth Management Division has reviewed the man hours and direct expenses involved in the permitting activities the Division provides. It is recommended that the fOllowing fees be changed to reflect the real time invested by staff, yet maintain a "reasonablell permit fee, which would allow the average citizen to participate in the permitting process. Boundary Determination Alcoholic Beverage Applications Map Amendments Text Amendments Major Conditional Use Conceptual Project Review Before Planning Commission Occupational License Review Home Occupational License Review Final Site Plan Preliminary Plat + $25 per lot Final Plat + $10 per lot Plat Engineering Review Fee Lot Line Adjustment/Vacation All other fees remain the same Existing Proposed $ 100.00 $ 350.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $1000.00 $ - 0 - $ - 0 - $ - 0 - $ - 0 - $ - 0 - $ - 0 - $ - 0 - $ - 0 - $ 250.00 $ 500.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $1500.00 $ 500.00 $ 75.00 $ 125.00 $ 500.00 $1000.00 $ 750.00 $ 500.00 $ 150.00 4. Special Fees There are several special services provid- ed by the Division which are not necessarily connected to any permit. Habitat Evaluation Analysis/ per hr. Notice to surrounding property owners for appeal purposes Newspaper advertisement for notification to citizens at a cost per individual advertisement Annexation/deannexation Review Transfer of Development Rights Administration/Registration/ Calculation Fee Existing Proposed $ 35.00 $ - 0 - $ 45.00 $ 25.00 (per affected lot owner) $ - 0 - $ - 0 - $ 175.00 (minimum per ad) $2500.00 $ - 0 - $ 250.00 ~ Geographic Information System inquiry and report $ - 0 - $ 50.00 (per map or page) Traffic Impact Assessment projects generating 250-500 trips projects generating 500-1000 trips projects generating 1000 + trips Letters of Intent as to Buildability . involving site visit not involving site visit Road or Right-of-Way abandonment Review $ - 0 - $2000.00 $3000.00 $5000.00 $ 250.00 $ 125.00 $ 250.00 5. Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Service Impact Fees. The Division will support the expenditure of funds to direct the existing consultant to determine the proper level of impact fee prior to finalization of the budget. We would like to discuss theses fee changes with the Board at their April 11 budget workshop and obtain approval for the in- creased fees to be effective not later than October 1, 1989. DLC/lc dc/bwfc cc: Thomas Brown, County Administrator Robert Herman, Deputy Director of Growth Management Howard Tupper, Planning Official George Garrett, Director of Environmental Resources Herb Rabin, Building Official Boundary Determination , Alcoholic Beverage Applications Land Use District Map Amendments each Land Development Regulation Amendments each Major Conditional Use Conceptual Project Review Before Planning Commission Occupational License Review Home Occupational License Review Final Site Plan Preliminary Plat + $25 per lot Final Plat + $10 per lot Plat Engineering Review Fee Lot Line Adjustment/vacation Minor Conditional Use Comprehensive Plan Text/Map/policy Amendment each Change to a Minor or Major Conditional Use Variance Procedure Intent to Appeal a Minor/Major Conditional Use Certificate of Compliance (Preview) before an application for building is submitted Building Permit Application Fee Surcharge for computer processing Habitat Evaluation Ana1ysis/ per hr. Notice to surrounding property owners for appeal purposes ~ Planning Application Fee Schedule Newspaper advertisement for notification to citizens at a cost per individual advertisement Annexation/deannexation Review Transfer of Development Rights Administration/Registration/ Calculation Fee Geographic Information System inquiry and report $ 250.00 $ 500.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $1500.00 $ 500.00 $ 75.00 $ 125.00 $ 500.00 $1000.00 $ 750.00 $ 500.00 $ 150.00 $ 750.00 $1500.00 $ 500.00 $ 350.00 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 permit $ 10.00 $ 45.00 $ 25.00 (per affected lot owner) $ 175.00 (minimum per ad) $2500.00 $ 250.00 $ 50.00 - . . : " Geographic Information System inquiry and report $ - 0 - $ 50.00 (per map or page) Traffic Impact Assessment projects generating 250-500 trips projects generating 500-1000 trips projects generating 1000 + trips Letters of Intent as-to Bui1dability . involving site visit not involving site visit Road or Right-of-Way abandonment Review $ - 0 - $2000.00 $3000.00 $5000.00 $ 250.00 $ 125.00 $ 250.00 5. Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Service Impact Fees. The Division will support the expenditure of funds to direct the existing consultant to determine the proper level of impact fee prior to finalization of the budget. We would like to discuss theses fee changes with the Board at their April 11 budget workshop and obtain approval for the in- creased fees to be effective not later than October 1, 1989. DLC/lc dcjbwfc cc: Thomas Brown, County Administrator Robert Herman, Deputy Director of Growth Management Howard Tupper, Planning Official George Garrett, Director of Environmental Resources Herb Rabin, Building Official