Resolution 390-1991 Growth Managemen+- I'\:":sion .~ /' ' RESOLUTION NO. 390 -1991 cx:, A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COlThITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE A PROGRAM ASSISTANCE GRANT WITH TIlE U. S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY c C' tl, ::J"\ N C L. \iHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners adopted ~esoluti9n #216-1991 which authorized the submission of a grant ~app1icatlon to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, and L:... WHEREAS, the grant application proposed program assistance for environmental wetlands 8.dvanced identification and mapping, and WHEREAS, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency has funds available to provide program assistance for environmental wetlands identification and mapping, and WHEREAS, Monroe County was awarded a program assistance grant in the amount of $50,000.00, and WHEREAS, Monroe County is prepared to match the grant funds with in-kind services exceeding 5% of the grant, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COl~TY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor of the Board is hereby authorized to execute the Program Assistance Grant Agreement by and between the U, S, Environmental Protection Agency and Monroe County, concerning an award of $50,000.00 for implementing an "Environmental Wetlands Advanced Identification and Mapping" program, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, j.}.o~ida, 8.t a regular meeting of said Board held on the ~ day of~_6~_, A.D. 1991. Mayor Harvey Yes Mayor Pro Tern London Yes Commissioner Cheal Yes Commissioner Jones Yes Commissioner Stormont Yes D~AN La. ~OaIAGE, Clerk (Seal) J.1 ~~ Attest: ~.t.~ ~). BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY \.U.tl~.O---"'v~"" ~- B . .. ". - -........., ~-- .... " y.----. . JA~ APPROvro AS TO FORM ~'..,. ,.-~. ....-. '''''''''''/~''CY. .', .,....... r foJ ~J'4 . ['v' ~. , -.- "-J' ..; vuice C":~3 //') - S - "9 I U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 1. ASSISTANCE 10 NO. 2. LOG NUMB~t EPA ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT / AMENDMENT CD004958-91-0 O4-CD-Oln 3. DATE OF AWARD 4. MAILING DATE PART I . ASSISTANCE NOTIFICATION INFORMATION SEP 1 0 1991 SEP 1 6 1991 -- 5. AGREEMENl TYPE 8. PAYMENT METHOD CClap.r............. X o Advtl_ [ID Relmbu_ o IMIw at Crwdlt Gratd~ Send P~ ReqUMt 10: /7. TYPE OF ACTION 0,..," Financial Management Unit NEW AMIeIII_~ 8. RECIPIENT ..PAYEE R MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SAME AS RECIPIENT E C DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES I 5100 JUNIOR COLLEGE ROAD WEST P KEY WEST, FL 33040 I E N EINNO. I CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 10. RECIPIENT TYPE T 59-6000749 ALL COUNTY 0 11. PROJECT MANAGER AND TELEPHONE NO. 12, CONSULTANT (WWTConeIrucIIonGram.only) R GEORGE GARRETT G PROJECT OFFICER N/A (305) 2924402 E 13. ISSUING OFFICE (CITY I STATE) 14. EPA PROJECT I STATE OFFICER AND TELEPHONE NO. P US ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ERIC HUGHES, PROJECT OFFICER A Grants & lAG Operations Unit 345 COURTLAND STREET, N.E. C U.S. EPA Region IV ATLANTA. GA 30365 (404) 347-2126 0 N 345 Courtland Street HECTOR A. BUITRAGO T Atlanta, GA 30365 GRANTS SPECIAUST (404) 347-2200 A 15. EPA CONGRESSIONAL LIAlSON .. PHONE 18. STATE APPL 10 (C"'rfng'-l 17. SCIENCE FIELD 118. PROJECT STEP C LORETTA HANKS, (404) 347-3004 N/A (WWT Gram. Only) T N/A 19. STATUTORY AUTHORITY 20. REGUlATORY AUTHORITY 21. STEP 2 + 3 .. STEP 3 (WWT ConMruc:tIon Gram. Only) CLEAN WATER ACT: SEC. 104(b)(3) 40 CFR PART 30 .. T~ a.-I b. project Type N/A Co T~ p_ I of. 11..- n-&.o.. 22. PROJECT TITLE AND DESCRIPTION Wetlands Protection - State Development Grants. Florida Keys (ADID) Project. 23. PROJECT LOCATION ~ .......... P_ City,..... County ..... I CongNMlonaI DIetrIct MONROE COUNTY, FL MONROE FL ALL 24. ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (CfDA""" No. " TIlle) 66.461 25. PROJECT PERIOD 28. BUDGET PERIOD Wetlands Protection-state Development 09/15/91 - 09/14192 09/15/91 - 09/14/92 27. COMMUNITY POPUlATION 28. TOTAL BUDGET PERIOD COST 29. TOTAL PROJECT PERIOD COST (WWT Coo.... IDlI, n GrlIt.e. Only) N/A $97,269 $97,269 FUNDS FORMER AWARD THIS ACTION AMENDED TOTAL 3Q. EPA A-.t T1IIe AaIIon $0 $50 000 31. EPA In-KIncI A-.t 0 0 az. u............ Prlcw v_ e....- 0 0 aa. OIlIer.......'...... 0 0 M. ReoIpIenI CoI*IbulIon 0 47.269 35. ..... ConlrIbuIIon 0 0 .. L.ooeI ConlrIbuIIon 0 0 :st. OIlIer ConlI1I.uIion 0 0 . $0 $97.269 35. AIkMlIIIIe ProjeaI eo.t aa. Proore- EleMent FY ApproprWIon Doc. ~ No. Account NIIIIIber Objec:tC..., ObllgMlon I DeobIIgMIon F I S C A (See c L ntinuation page) Page 1018 EPA ,- 57llO-aM {RIIv..... ........ ~......... MId EPA ""lI7OOo1A,8,c. .1Id D. 1lI1 at which ............. 39. F I S C A L (continued) sne Name Program Element FY Appropriation Doc. Control Account Number Object Obligation / Number Cia.. Deobllgatlon MONROE COUNTY, FL 01) BGMB2D 91 681/20108 TW0074 1 BGM04TORR 41.83 50,000 , ASSISTANCE IDENTIFICATION CD0049' Page 2 016 SITE NAME: ,I ASSISTANCE IDENTIFICATION: CD004g- .. - PlIge3of6 TABLE A. OBJECT CLASS CATEGORY TOTAL APPROvED ALLOWABLE (Non .......UI.lIR) BUDGET PERIOD COST 1. PERSONNEL $54 409 2. FRINGE BENEFITS 23 075 3. TRAVEL 500 4. EQUIPMENT 13 035 5. SUPPLIES 800 I, CONTRACTUAL 5000 7. CONSTRUCTION 0 8. OTHER 450 I, TOTAL DIRECT CHARGES $97 269 10. INDIRECT COSTS: RATE 0.00 BASE 0 11. TOTAL (Sh....: RecIpient 48.59" Federal 51.41 %.) 2/I.~L 12. TOTAl APPROVED ASSISTANCE AMOUNT $50,000 TABLE B. PROGRAM ELEMENT CLASSIFICATION ~) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I. 10. 11, 12. TOTAL (Share: RecIpient % Fed.ral %.) 13. TOTAl APPROVED ASSISTANCE AMOUNT TABLE C. PROGRAM ELEMENT CLASSIFICATION (ConeWctIon) 1. ADMINISTRATION EXPENSE 2. PRELIMINARY EXPENSE 3. LAND STRUCTURES, RIGHT-Of-WAY 4. ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING BASIC FEES 5. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING FEES I. PROJECT INSPECTION FEES 7. LAND DEVELOPMENT 8. RELOCATION EXPENSE I. RELOCATION PAYMENTS TO INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS 10. DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL 11. CONSTRUCTION AND PROJECT IMPROVEMENT 12. EQUIPMENT 13. MISCELLANEOUS 14. TOTAL (LJne.1lhru ,. 15. ESTIMATED INCOME 16. NET PROJECT AMOUNT (line 14 ...... 151 17. LESS: INELIGIBLE EXCLUSIONS 18. ADD: CONTINGENCIES 11. TOTAL (Shllr.: RecIpient " Federal %.) 20. TOTAL APPROVED ASSISTANCE AMOUNT UAr_ - PART III... AWARD CONDITIONS .- ASSISTANCE IDENTIFICATION: CD004Ha.G14\ Page 4 of 8 a. GENERAL CONDITION The recipient covenants and agrees that it will expeditiously initiate and timely complete the project work for which assistance has been awarded under this agreement, in accordance with all applicable provisions of 40 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter B. The recipient warrants, represents, and agrees that it, and all its contractors, employees and representatives, will comply with: (1) all applicable provisions of 40 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter B, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO the provisions of 40 CFR part 31, and (2) any assistance amendment pursuant to 40 CFR 3O.309(b). b. OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. This agreement is performance based and developed consistent with EPA's policy on Performance Based Grants and Region IV's policy for Management of Grants and Cooperative Agreements. The workplan constitutes the recipient's and EPA's commitment to accomplish the program goals and objectives. EP A's review and evaluation of performance under this agreement and EPA's response to the findings of oversight will be carrier) out in accordance with the stated policies. 2. The recipient agrees to negotiate a IIFair Share" percentage of not less than 8% with EPA before the recipient begins the process to award any contracts under this agreement. The recipient must ensure to the fullest extent possible that at least the negotiated IIFair Sharell percentage of Federal funds for prime contracts or subcontracts for supplies, construction, equipment or services are made available to organizations owned or controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, women, and historically black colleges and universities. The recipient agrees to include in its bid documents a IIFair Sharell percentage of not less than 8% and require all of its prime contractors to include in their bid documents for subcontracts the same provision, To evaluate compliance with the IIFair Sharell policy, the recipient also agrees to comply with the six affirmative steps stated in 40 CFR 33.240, 31,36 or 35.6508 (a) as appropriate. The recipient agrees to submit a SF-334 IIMBE/WBE Utilization under Federal Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and other Federal Financial Assistance,1I to the Equal Opportunity Officer beginning with the Federal Fiscal Year Quarter the recipient awards its first contract and continuing until all contracts and subcontracts have been reported. These reports must be submitted within 30 days of the end of the Federal Quarter (January 30, April 30, July 30 and October 30). EPA '-1'nINM (AMI.... P.ART III ... AWARD CONDmONS ASSISTANCE IDENTIFICATION: CD004t5a.G1.0 PqeSofe The form should be maned to: Grants and lAGs Operations Unit Office of Grants and Contracts Management Environmental Protection Agency 345 Courtland Street, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30365 3. In accordance with Section 129 of Public Law 100-590, the Small Business Administration Reauthorization and Amendment Act of 1988, the recipient agrees to utilize and to encourage any prime contractors under the assistance agreement to utilize small businesses located in rural areas to the maximum extent possible. The recipient agrees to follow the six affirmative steps stated in 40 CRF 33.240, 31.36 or 35. 60508 (a) as appropriate, in the award of any contracts under this assistance agreement. Compliance with this requirement will be monitored during management reviews conducted by EPA. 4. This award and resulting ratio of funding is based on estimated cost requested in the application. Final allowable cost for EPA participation shall not exceed the statutory limitation of total eligible program cost or total funds awarded. 5. When issuing statements, press releases, requests for proposals, bid solicitations, and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or in part with Federal money, all grantees receiving Federal funds, including but not limited to State and local governments, shall clearly state (1) the percentage of the total cost of the program or project which will be financed with Federal money, and (2) the dollar amount of Federal funds for the project or program. 6. State agencies will not charge nor claim for reimbursement any indirect cost until a current, acceptable indirect cost rate has been negotiated with a Federal agency. The grantee must submit a copy of the indirect Cost Negotiation Agreement to the EPA Regional Office, ATTN: Grants and lAG Operations Unit within 30 days after the indirect cost rate has been accepted, in order to be eligible to claim indirect costs against this grant award. 7. Pursuant to EPA Order 1000.25, dated January 24, 1990, the recipient agrees to use recycled paper for all reports which are prepared as a part of this agreement and delivered to the Agency. This requirement does not apply to reports which are prepared on forms supplied by EPA. This requirement applies even when the cost of recycled paper is higher than that of virgin paper. IPA ... S7lIO-aGo\ CJl-. .. ASSISTANCE IDENTIFICATION: ~58-91-o Page e of8 SPECIAL. CONDITIONS (-eInuecIl 8. This agreement is a project type cooperative agreement subject to the terms and conditions of the approved work program. Costs incurred prior to the date of award as shown in block 3 are not allowable for reimbursement under this award. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND OAL SUFFICIENCY. ---? Date NOTE: The Agreement must be completed In duplicate and the Original returned to the Grants Administration Division for Headquarters awarda and to the appropriate Gr..... Administration OffIce for State and local awards wtthln 3 calendar weeks after receipt or within any exteMlon of time .. may be granted by EPA. Receipt of a written r.tusal or failure to return the properly executed document within the prescribed time, may result In the wtthcIralRl of the offer by the Agency. Any change to the Agreement by the recipient subsequent to the document being signed by the EPA Award 0fIIcIaI, which the Award Offtclal determines to materially alter the Agreement, shall void the Agreement. OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE The United StM_ of AmerIca, acting by and through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), hereby offers ...a.tance/amendment to the M~~~~~~~~~~~f~~IDA for 51.41 % of all approved costs Incurred up to and not exceeding' 50,000 for the support of approved budget period effort described ASSISTANCE AMOUNT In application (Including all application modifications) cited In Item 22 of this Agreement 07/12/91 Wetlands Protection - State Development Grant DATE AND TITLE . Included herein by reference. SIGNATURE ~ LA): ~ ~.__Wi .. - ISSUING OFFICE AdIIoI....... AWARD APPROVAL OFFICE OROANlZAnON I ADDRESS ORGANIZATION I ADDRESS Grants & lAG Operations Unit Regional Administrator Office U.S. EPA Region IV U.S. EPA, Region IV 345 Courtland Street 345 Courtland Street, N.E. Atlanta GA 30365 Atlanta, GA 30365 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY THE U.S ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY RE OF AJe!lD-,~FFICIAL TYPED NAME AND TITLE Greer C. Tidwell PApTE 1 0 1991 ~ q , J j 6U~ Re ional Administrator ~ t Thle agreement Ie SUbJect to applicable U,S. Ironmental Protection Agency statutory provisions and assistance regulations. In accepting this award or amendment and any payments made pursuant thereto, (1) the undersigned represents that he Is duly authorized to act on behalf of the recipient organization, and (2) the recipient agrees (a) that the award Is subject to the applicable provisions of 40 CFR Chapter I, SUbchap'ier B and of the provisions of this agreement (Parts I thru IV), and (b) that acceptance of any payments constitutes an agreement by the payee that the amounts, If any found by EPA to have been overpaid will be refunded or credited In full to EPA. BY AND ON BEHALF OF THE DESIGNATED RECIPIENT ORGANIZATION TYPED NAME AND TITLE ~\'f.>8R0WN Wil elmina Harve~~~~laA~ Mayor Y L. KOLHAGE, CLERK EPA ,.. S7OO4M (AMI. MlI) DATE ct. 9, 1991 By