Resolution 280-2005 OMB Schedule Item Number 10 Resolution No. 280 - 2005 A RESOLUTION TO RESCIND RESOLUTION NO. 221-2005 WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make changes in the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 2005, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that Resolution No,221-2005 previously set up in the Monroe County Budget [or the purpose of receiving unanticipated funds in Fiscal Year 2005 contained certain erroneous information and said resolution, passed and adopted on July 20, 200S, is hereby rescinded. Fund #12S-Gov't Fund Type Grants Cost Center# 13S17-EOC Security Improvements Function # 5200-Public Safety Activity #5250-Emergency Disaster Relief Official/Division # 1 0 12- Public Safety Project# GEOS03-EOC Security Improvements Revenue: 125-13517-33] 2000S-GEOS03-530340 Federal Grants Public Safety $124,000.00 Total Revenue $124,000.00 ------- ---- Appropriations: 125-5250-13S17 -530490-GE0503-530340 Cont. Services 125-5250-13SI7-530490-GE0503-530520 Operating Supplies $82,370.00 $41,630.00 Total Appropriations: $124,000.00 IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: Fund #12S-Gov't Fund Type Grants Cost Center# 13518-EOC Security Improvements Function # S200-Public Safety Activity #5250-Emergency Disaster Relief Official/Division # I 0 12-Public Safety Project# GE0503-EOC Security Improvements Revenue: 125-13518-33] 2000S-G E0503-530340 Federal Grants Public Safety $124,000.00 Total Revenue $124,000.00 ------- ------ Appropriations: 125-5250-13518-530490-GE0503-530340 Cont. Services 125-5250-13518-530490-GE0503-530520 Operating Supplies $82,370.00 $41,630.00 Total Appropriations: $124,000.00 -------- ----- PASSED AND ADOPTEIl by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17th day of August AD 2005. Mayor Spehar YP~ Mayor Pro Tern McCoy Yp.~ Commissioner Neugent Yes Commissioner Rice Yes Commissioner Nelson Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Uy ~,(f >n ~.4v ayor/Chairman ~ = = en "\:' ~,.. ., ! rT1 c:J -rl a :::0 ::::0 rT1 ("; c::, .-...... ,~J I:::; ::t. ,-, ~ 5:" :::0 n ;-- Or-'-.":.' f"T1 ::, -,~ ~,~::-: ':'~ 2.:";:,:"'<: :z:: - c -;~Ji :<.-1:;;': .." ;.-' 1'3 r Gl ~ fT1 .:::- o :~ c:: (:) (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE. Clerk 4~&[~ N .:::- MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FO~M: ~~~~~ SUSAN M. IMSLEY 7 ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY