Resolution 400-1991 ~v \., -- -- 709784 Qf i I I 9 0 ;\ .~' " 5? I Rle i r'."L '- c 0:.: ,-.. ~".... , ' \.Q If) C"'i C- <.:. "_J ~..!.- ,"'..:. ~.' L co ,Z --':-:1 a:: .-- c u. ;::::0- c::::l ::z ',,-"- o W .....J lL. 1 i_t."" ~c)~ ..' Z. L'; ~ P!l,~nning Department - P' RESOLU1'_Io.N NO. 400-1991 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT, AS SUBMITTED BY WM. CLEARE & ANNE G. FILER, FOR A TWO (2) LOT SUBDIVISION TO BE KNOWN AS TORCHWOOD SHORES, WHICH IS LOCATED IN SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 66 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, TALLAHASSEE MERIDIAN, BIG TORCH KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. REAL ESTATE #00112640. LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY MILE MARKER 28. THE r..AND USE DISTRICT DESIGNATION IS SPARSELY SETTLED (SS) AND NATIVE AREA (NA). WHEREAS, the Monroe County Development Review Committee dur- ing a regular session held on July 10th, 1991 conducted a n~- view of the request filed by the William Cleare and Anne G. Filer, requesting final plat approval for a two (2) lot subdivi- sion to be known as Torchwood Shores, which is located in Sec:- tion 13, Township 66 South, Range 28 East, Tallahassee Meridian, Big Torch Key, Monroe County, Florida. The Land Use Di strict designation is Sparsely Settled (88) and Native Area (NA), the Real Estate number is 00112640, and the property is located at approximately Mile Marker 28; and WHEREAS, the Development Review Commi ttee recommended that the Board of County Commissioners grant final plat approval sub- Page 1 PCLFILER. 08/TXTDR, 91048 Initials 70978q ~tU I 9 0 i~L[ I 5 2 2 ject to the final plat drawing conforming to certain specific conditions and restrictions; and WHEREAS, staff of the Planning Department has reviewed the final plat document and found that it does comply with all the conditions and restrictions that were recommended by the Develop- ment Review Committee; and WHEREAS, no person has appealed the proposed Final Plat to this Board, and no member of this Board desires to remove the proposed Final Plat from the Consent Agenda; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. That the Final Plat as evaluated by the Planning Department staff is hereby attached to this resolution and made a part hereof. Section 2. That the recommendation by the Development Re- view Committee for approval of the attached Final Plat, in- cluding all the terms, conditions and requirements contained therein, is hereby affirmed. Section 3. That thi s Board's Findings of Fact and Conclu- sions of Law are predicated upon those specified in the re- Page 2 PCLFILER.08jTXTDR,9l048 Initials 709784 ~lU , 9 0 F~0t\ 5 2 3 port of the Development Review Committee, and which this Board hereby adopts as it's own. Section 4. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward three (3) certified copies of this Resolution and its attachments to the Monroe County Planning Department. Section 5. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution and its attach- ments in the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. Page 3 PCLFILER. 08jTXTDR, 91048 Initials 709784 ~tU , 9 0 1'~[E 1 5 2 4 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 30th day of October, A.D. 1991 Mayor Harvey Yes --- Mayor Pro Tern London Yes --- Commissioner Cheal Yes ---.- Commissioner Jones Absent -- Commissioner Stormont Yes --,- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY "- 'It .. ~ ~"~~""""'",-. ~ MAYOR/CHAIRMAN (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK ~4'r g(){)lL- IJ - 0t6t b / !", ltll<:OrO- ~ " " ,. ,,\,')"14>< ,",' ., ,,<1.l~~t " .-. .. .'(.,c ~~,n.~' ~ j . ' ; <.-:.of!.fl .< ':1'I~:t i~~!'C.~;'~" '.> . Page 4 PCLFILER. 08/TXTDR, 91048 Initials . &; .~ ~ . ! o i;: -=i! rI:J il d: 8 o ~ i " . z 1""\ ~;: ---_.......................-.~_........-.-.- -~,~t4') ~~ljd~O l .~ ~ -- "''', ~ ~,. ~~;- ,,4t ~ i 3 . ~ I 'ool~ --"1 1" ~ ~ I I ~3~J "~Q" , 1 3 ~ ~~ J I 'SQ I --I I ii~~ I I --, .S. ~ '$ It I. " -- ~ 1~ , , . 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