Resolution 282-2005 OMB Schedule Item Number 12 Resolution No. 282 - 2005 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE RECEIPT OF UNANTICIPATED FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to increase items to account for unanticipated funds in the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 2005, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the following accounts of the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 2005 be and the same is hereby increased by the amount hereinafter set forth: Fund #161- Sheriff's Federal Asset Sharing Program Cost Center # 68613- Federal Asset Sharing Program Revenue: 161-359002SS 161-361005GI 161-389002 Fines & Forfeiture Interest Fund Balance Forward $ 1,273,150.00 $ 47,131.00 $ 1,730,854.00 Total Revenue $ 3,051,135.00 Appropriations: 161-5210-68613-510120 161-5210-68613-510210 161-5210-68613-510220 161-5210-68613-530340 161-5210-68613-530460 161-5210-68613-530510 161-5210-68613-530520 161-5210-68613-560640 161-5210-68613-580810 161-5210-68613-580830 Regular Salaries FICA Retirement Other Contractual Repairs & Maintenance Office Supplies Operating Supplies Capital Outlay Grants to Other Gov't Agencies Other Grants and Aids $ 258,508.00 $ 19,776.00 $ 47,902.00 $ 2,320,582.00 $ 633.00 $ 54,635.00 $ 72,099.00 $ 250,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 15,000.00 Total Appropriations $ 3,051,135.00 ----- ----- Fund #101- Fine & Forfeiture Fund Cost Center#68605 Sheriff Airport Services Revenue: 101-342100SS Services-Public Safety-Police $ 1,672,309.00 Total Revenue $ 1,672,309.00 Appropriations: j Item 12 SheriffUnanticpatedSpecRev 8/5/2005 Page 1 101-5210-68605-510120 101-5210-68605-510210 101-5210-68605-510220 101-5210-68605-510230 101-5210-68605-530460 101-5210-68605-530510 101-5210-68605-530520 101-5210-68605-560640 Total Appropriations Fund #101- Fine & Forfeiture Fund Cost Center#68601 HITDA Revenue: 101-3312000S Total Revenue Appropriations: 101-5210-68601-510120 101-5210-68601-510140 101-5210-68601-510210 101-5210-68601-510220 101-5210-68601-510230 101-5210-68601-510240 101-5210-68601-530340 101-5210-68601-530400 101-5210-68601-530410 101-5210-68601-530430 101-5210-68601-530440 101-5210-68601-530460 101-5210-68601-530450 101-5210-68601-530510 101-5210-68601-530520 101-5210-68601-530540 101-5210-68601-560640 101-5210-68601-570710 101-5210-68601-570720 Total Appropriations Fund #101- Fine & Forfeiture Fund Cost Center#68612 Impact Support Revenue: 101-342100SS Total Revenue Regular Salaries FICA Retirement Group Insurance Repairs & Maintenance Office Supplies Operating Supplies Capital Outlay Federal Grants Public Safety Regular Salaries Overtime FICA Retirement Group Insurance Workers Comp Contractual Services Travel Phone, Postage, freight Utilities Rentals Repairs & Maintenance Insurance Office Supplies Operating Supplies Books, Subscriptions, Memberships Capital Outlay Debt Service Principal Debt Service Interest Services- Pub Safety Police j Item 12 SheriftUnanticpatedSpecRev 8/5/2005 Page 2 $ 998,516.00 $ 76,386.00 $ 185,025.00 $ 233,860.00 $ 15,335.00 $ 12,500.00 $ 7,592.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 1,672,309.00 $ 17,201,800.00 $ 17,201,800.00 $ 3,183,214.00 $ 270,295.00 $ 243,516.00 $ 165,843.00 $ 301,253.00 $ 7,710.00 $ 7,107,663.00 $ 142,000.00 $ 463,530.00 $ 678,600.00 $ 3,621,038.00 $ 145,140.00 S 311,430.00 S 192,300.00 S 144,404.00 S 54,040.00 S 67,000.00 S 90,162.00 $ 12,662.00 S 17,201,800.00 S 160,344.00 S 160,344.00 ---------- ----------- Appropriations: 101-5210-68612-510120 101-5210-68612-510210 101-5210-68612-510220 101-5210-68612-530450 101-5210-68612-530490 Regular Salaries & Wages FICA Retirement Insurance Miscellaneous $ 120,176.00 $ 9,193.00 $ 8,881.00 $ 21,594.00 $ 500.00 Total Appropriations $ 160,344.00 Fund#lOl-Fine & Forfeiture Fund Cost Center#68603 Special Assignment Revenue: 101-3412100SS 101-389002 Services, Public Safety Police Fund Balance Forward $ 137,244.00 $ 65.00 Total Revenue $ 137,309.00 Appropriations: 101-5210-68603-510120 101-5210-68603-510210 101-5210-68603-510220 101-5210-68603-530490 Regular Salaries & Wages FICA Retirement Miscellaneous $ 100,085.00 $ 7,656.00 $ 18,546.00 $ 11,022.00 Total Appropriations $ 137,309.00 Fund#101-Fine & Forfeiture Fund Cost Center#68623 South Florida Law Enforcement Trust Fund Revenue: 101-361005GI 101-369002 101-359002SS Interest Fund Balance Forward Fine & Forfeiture $ 9,675.00 $ 379,686.00 $ 80,900.00 Total Revenue $ 470,261.00 Appropriations: 101-5210-68623-530490 Aid to Private Organizations $ 470,261.00 Total Appropriations $ 470,261.00 -------- ---- Fund #101- Fine & Forfeiture Fund Cost Center#68801 Law Enforcement Trust Fund j Item 12 SheriffUnantiepatedSpeeRev 8/5/2005 Page 3 Revenue: 101-359002SS Fine & Forfeiture $ 52,650.00 Total Revenue $ 52,650.00 Appropriations: 101-5210-68801-590490 Aid to Private Organizations $ 52,650.00 Total Appropriations $ 52,650.00 Fund #101- Fine & Forfeiture Fund Cost Center#68622 HIDT A Administration Revenue: 101-342100S8 101-369002 Services Pub Safety Police Fund Balance Forward $ 190,038.00 $ 75,757.00 Total Revenue $ 265,795.00 Appropriations: 101-5210-68622-510120 101-5210-68622-510210 101-5210-68622-510220 101-5210-68622-530340 101-5210-68622-530450 101-5210-68622-530510 101-5210-68622-530520 101-5210-68622-560640 Regular Salaries & Wages FICA Retirement Contractual Services Insurance Office Supplies Operating Supplies Capital $ 151,611.00 $ 11,598.00 $ 11,204.00 $ 79,215.00 $ 553.00 $ 747.00 $ 9,333.00 $ 1,533.00 Total Appropriations $ 265,795.00 Fund #101- Fine & Forfeiture Fund Cost Center#68617 Fine & Forfeiture Revenue: 101-361005GI 101-369002 Interest Fund Balance Forward $ 3,522.00 $ 304,651.00 Total Revenue $ 308,173.00 Appropriations: 101-5210-68617-530510 ]01-5210-68617-530520 101-5210-68617-530490 ]01-5210-68617-560640 Office Supplies Operating Supplies Transfer to Clerk Capital $ 363.00 $ 9,333.00 $ 82,892.00 $ 209,701.00 j Item 12 SheriffUnanticpatedSpecRev 8/512005 Page 4 Total Appropriations Fund #101- Fine & Forfeiture Fund Cost Center#68624 Commissary Revenue: 101-361005GI 101-369001GM 101-389002 Total Revenue Appropriations: 101-521~68624-510120 101-5210-68624-510210 101-5210-68624-510220 101-5210-68624-530340 101-5210-68624-530450 101-521~68624-530460 101-521~8624-530510 101-521~68624-530520 Total Appropriations Fund #101- Fine & Forfeiture Fund Cost Center#68618 Grants Revenue: 101-342100SS 101-389002 Total Revenue Appropriations: 101-5210-68618-510120 101-5210-68618-510210 101-5210-68618-510220 101-5210-68618-510240 101-5210-68618-530340 101-5210-68618-530400 101-5210-68618-530410 101-5210-68618-530440 101-5210-68618-530450 101-5210-68618-530460 101-5210-68618-530510 101-5210-68618-530520 101-5210-68618-530540 Total Appropriations Interest Miscellaneous Fund Balance Forward Regular Salaries & Wages FICA Retirement Contractual Services Insurance Repairs & Maintenance Office Supplies Operating Supplies Services- Pub Safety Police Fund Balance Forward Regular Salaries FICA Retirement Workers Comp Contractual Services Travel Phone, Postage, freight Rentals Insurance Repairs & Maintenance Office Supplies Operating Supplies Books, Subscriptions, Memberships j Item 12 SheriffUnanticpatedSpecRev 8/5/2005 Page 5 $ 308,173.00 $ 2,084.00 $ 455,301.00 $ 86,598.00 $ 543,983.00 ----- ------ $ 117,961.00 $ 9,024.00 $ 8,717.00 $ 266,172.00 $ 1,851.00 $ 1,024.00 $ 53,337.00 $ 85,897.00 $ 543,983.00 $ 372,466.00 $ 9,234.00 $ 381,700.00 $ 289,472.00 $ 19,647.00 $ 19,851.00 $ 544.00 $ 629.00 $ 571.00 $ 5,914.00 $ 5,055.00 $ 12,209.00 $ 16,792.00 $ 1,407.00 $ 9,367.00 $ 242.00 $ 381,700.00 ------- -------- Fund #]0]- Fine & Forfeiture Fund Cost Center#68626 Shared Asset Forfeiture Revenue: 101-361005GM 101-389002 Interest Fund Balance Forward $ 271,190.00 $ 4,717,634.00 Total Revenue $ 4,988,824.00 Appropriations: 101-5210-68626-530490 Aid to Private Organizations $ 4,988,824.00 Total Appropriations $ 4,988,824.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Bpard, upon receipt of the above unanticipated funds, is hereby authorized and directed to place funds in said items, as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 1 th day of August AD 2005. Mayor Spehar Mayor Pro McCoy Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Rice Commissioner Nelson Ye-s YPP. YeR Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF~~~O~~YN~Y, LORIDA L 'J AU. /'/7. By: 7" Mayor/Chairman :J:" (3 0 :z }.. ;U~?, Or~- "1::x. .,-; ("-). f$'''' c~C). c: ::; ;'i.~: 2. r- -i(), :<:-f:I: ..." )> r- C) )> fT1 ~ = <.::;> <;.n ::l:'Mo c:: GJ N .s:- .,,, r- fT1 o " o ;0 ;:0 t"T1 c: o :::t7 r=:; " :x N .. .s:- a MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY APPROV AS TO '10RM: j Item 12 SheriftUnanticpatedSpecRev 8/5/2005 Page 6