Resolution 310-2005
WHEREAS, County policy regarding overtime or other compensation for
County employees working in response to a public emergency when non-essential
employees are allowed administrative leave has heretofore been set forth only in
the County's Administrative Instructions; and
WHEREAS, it is important to the welfare of the residents of and visitors to
Monroe County to encourage employees to remain in the County to provide
response to a public emergency such as a hurricane, before, during and after the
event; and
WHEREAS, equal treatment for public emergency response between
personnel previously characterized as essential and non-essential and required or
asked to work in response to a public emergency will maintain a good morale in
personnel previously considered essential; and
WHEREAS, definition and clarification is required to facilitate the
accounting for, and payment of, emergency response work;
1. The following policy shall replace Administrative Instruction 4713.1, and
shall apply to public emergency response and compensation for such work, other
than for employees covered by union contracts which govern their compensation:
A Definitions. For purposes of this resolution, the following words and
phrases shall have the definitions provided herein.
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Administrative Leave: Leave (with pay at an employee's regular
rate of pay for regular working hours) which the County
Administrator has authorized for specified personnel. The leave
applies only to an employee's regular working hours during the
time that the Administrator has authorized the leave.
Administrative leave is awarded to make an employee whole for a
workday when the employee's regular work may be suspended
"_ due to some disaster or emergency. Administrative leave may
apply only to a portion of the County staff for any event requiring
cessation of regular work.
Emergency Response Compensation Policy
II. Emergency Response Work: Any work performed by an
employee during the time period that administrative leave is
authorized due to a disaster or other emergency and which work
is performed in furtherance of the duties of the County to protect
the health, safety and welfare of the public against the cause of
the disaster or other emergency.
III. Authorized Employee: An employee who is pre-approved as an
emergency response worker by both his or her supervisor and
Division Director, as well as either the County Administrator or
Deputy Administrator. An employee deemed an authorized
employee but who performs duties which could have been
postponed until after the administrative leave has ceased shall not
be entitled to the double rate of pay. The employee's supervisor
shall verify that the employee is entitled to double the rate of
regular pay and so indicate on the time sheet by placement of the
appropriate number of hours in OT and a comment that the work
is disaster/emergency-related.
B. Only by authorization of the County Administrator or his designee will the
County cease operations due to an emergency/disaster, The Administrator's
or designee's declaration of cessation of normal County operations shall set
forth the areas affected by the closure if there is to be a cessation of
operations in only part of the County.
C. Employees questioning their responsibilities during the time of disaster or
emergency should contact their supervisor or department head to be sure
that they are fulfilling their responsibilities,
D. Authorized employees who have volunteered their assistance at the EOC
and been approved for emergency/disaster work by their supervisors,
Division Director, and Administrator or Deputy Administrator will be contacted
by Emergency Management as their needs arise.
E. Once normal County operations are terminated and emergency operations
begin, all authorized employee, who perform emergency response work will
be compensated at twice their regular rate of pay for the time actually worked
during the emergency/disaster. This rate of pay shall apply to all hours
worked during time that administrative leave is authorized for other
personnel. Should an authorized employee perform emergency response
work for less than their normal hours of work in any single day, that
employee shall be treated as any other employee who is on administrative
leave and be paid at the regular rate of pay for the hours which that
employee would normally have worked. No additional administrative leave
shall be granted to persons receiving compensation at the rate of double
their normal pay rate. The double rate of pay is intended to compensate
Emergency Response Compensation Policy
those employees fully and they are not allotted administrative, compensatory
or other time off at a later date.
F. In the case of a partial County operation closing, those employees whose
worksite (not residence) is in the area where the closing occurs shall be
granted Administrative Leave.
G. In severe emergency/disaster situations where an employee is granted
Administrative leave, it is the responsibility of the employee to establish
contact with his/her supervisor if there is any doubt about when to return to
work and/or to report an inability to appear at the worksite. Employees should
stay close to media information and/or telephone in order to obtain
information regarding County operations resuming. Employees should not
rely solely on media information.
H. If an employee, for any reason, does not return to work when the County
resumes normal operations, that employee will have to utilize accrued leave
in accordance with the Personnel Policies and Procedures. In the absence of
accrued leave, the employee will take leave without pay. It is the employee's
responsibility to notify his or her supervisor if unable to report to work (PPP
Section 7.04 -Notification of Absence).
I. When a partial or full-day closing is authorized, the following pay practices
i. Employees, both exempt and non-exempt, are granted administrative
leave if they do not perform emergency response work. Such employees are
compensated at their regular rate of pay for the hours they were scheduled to
work up until 12pm midnight for each day granted. Administrative Leave shall
be granted for those hours not worked in order to make the employee
''whole'' for the normal scheduled work day. It is not meant as a means of
awarding overtime to an employee.
ii. All authorized employees who perform emergency response work
during the time that administrative leave is authorized for personnel at their
normal worksite, after normal County operations have ceased, are
compensated at twice their normal rate of pay. The double rate of pay shall
not apply to work which is the normal work for an employee and which is
performed for the employee's convenience and not in response to the
emergency or disaster. This limitation is intended to clarify that personnel
not performing functions to specifically address the disaster or emergency do
not get paid at double the rate of regular pay and are not given time off at a
later date for hours worked during the period of closing, unless specifically
authorized by their supervisor and the County Administrator.
iii. Employees on sick leave, personal leave or vacation on a day when
during emergency closings are charged with such leave as was scheduled
up until the time when the Administrative Leave was granted.
Emergency Response Compensation Policy
J. Timesheets:
i. Timesheets must reflect ACTUAL hours worked in the "IN" and "our'
ii. Normal/physical operating working hours for that day must be reflected
the "RG" column.
iii. Administrative leave time granted until the end of the normally
scheduled workday (up to midnight of each day) must be reflected in the
"MI" column in order to make the employee "whole" for that work day.
iv. Employees who work during the time administrative leave is granted will
mark the actual hours worked during the administrative leave in the 'or
v. "Total hours" for that day worked directly relating to the disaster/
Emergency must be recorded in the "Comments" column of the
timesheet in order for the County to obtain proper reimbursement from
federal funds, etc.
K. These instructions may be amended and/or supplemented by further
resolution as may be indicated by FEMA requirements. In such cases,
additional information shall be provided by Administrative Services and the
County Administrator.
2. That this Resolution shall be effective as of July 1, 2005.
Mayor Spehar
Mayor Pro Tern McCoy
Commissioner Neugent
Commissioner Rice
Commissioner Nelson
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MayorDixie M. Spehar
CJ 8-/7-CJ5
Emergency Response Compensation Policy