Resolution 321-2005 Commissioner George Neugent RESOLUTION NO. 321 -2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA IN THE MATTER OF PROTECTING THE PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS OF MONROE COUNTY RESIDENTS. WHEREAS, the United States Constitution, Article 5 of the Bill of Rights, and the Florida Constitution, Article X, Section 6, expressly provide for the protection of the private property rights of its citizens; and WHEREAS, the power of eminent domain has been reserved to the local, state and federal governments for the sole purpose of acquiring private property through the use of condemnation proceedings when said privately held properties are needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the United States Supreme Court recently handed down a decision upholding what they maintain is a local government's ability to take private property for a vaguely defined "public good" such as economic development, or increased tax revenues to the local government itself; and WHEREAS, the Supreme Court decision put at risk the very right of private individuals to be free from government interference in their right to keep and enjoy their private property; and WHEREAS, this action by the Supreme Court is contrary to and contravenes the aforementioned constitutional protections against such capricious and willful attacks by any governmental body upon the rights of the citizens; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Board recognizes and supports the original concept of the framers of the Constitution wherein the power of the eminent domain shall be used only as a last resort to acquire private property for a public project, and that any such public project can be demonstrated to be necessary to accomplish the general welfare of the citizens of that jurisdiction. Section 2. The Board deems any departure from the original principles of eminent domain to be an assault on our basic foundations of liberty and a threat to the rights of private property ownership; and again strongly urge all municipal jurisdictions within the State of Florida to encourage the Florida State Legislature to use all means necessary to strengthen the original purpose of the Rights of Eminent Domain within the State Constitution. Eminent Domain Res. Section 3. The Board urges the Florida State Legislature to use all means necessary to strengthen the original purpose of the Rights of Eminent Domain within the State Constitution, Section 4. The Clerk is directed to send copies of this resolution to State Representative Ken Sorensen, State Senator Larcenia Bullard, and the mayors of municipalities within Monroe County. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17th day of August, 2005, Deputy Clerk IX) <: - .. _._l ". LL '.....'" -, - -- . ~-'"-, . . ....- U /- ~ .,<"... f- ...~-_.,~ ore .. /"-..'" .. :::J m u 0 i <'\J ,.~1 W -- C!) - ::,.;::: Lt.l .--- " :-lo :::> :...) rt-': ..:r !r \ c:: Eminent Domain Res. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By L#. >n ~~ .. Mayor/Chairperson