Resolution 455-1991 Ft LEO r. (IF R r :~ n p n '91 DEe -4 r\ 8 :25 Planning Department I " j iU: RESOLUTION NO. 455 -1991 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIREC- TOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTER- PRETATION NUMBER 76, PART GOVERNMENT LOT 3, SECTION 05, TOWNSHIP 66, RANGE 33, FAT DEER KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROXIMATELY MILE MARKER 54. WHEREAS, the property more specifically described by metes and bounds, in exhibit 1 attached, as Part of Government Lot 3, Section 05, Township 66, Range 33, Fat Deer Key, Monroe County, Florida, and which is currently zoned Improved Subdivision (IS); and WHEREAS, the staff recommends denial of the boundary changes requested by the applicant, as indicated in the Staff Recommenda- tion by Tiffany Stankiewicz and Ty Symroski dated May 20, 1991; and WHEREAS, the current Land Use district boundaries which were established with the adoption of the September 15, 1986, Land Devel- opment Regulations, and which indicate that the property was lawful- ly changed from BU-l to Improved Subdivision (IS) and that there- fore the subsequent maps were not in error; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: 1) The action of the Planning Director, which recommends denial of a boundary change in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpreta- tion Number 76, dated July, ~, 1991, is hereby found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Section 9.5-3(m), Mon- roe County Code, and therefore approved; and that 2) The above described property should not change zoning to Suburban Commercial (SC) as requested but should remain as current- ly designated, that is, Improved Subdivision (IS); and that 3) The above conclusion of law, is predicated upon the finding of facts and conclusions outlined in the staff recommendation which this Board hereby adopts as its own. 4) The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certi- fied copy of this resolution to the Florida Department of Communi- ty Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at regular meeting of said Board held on the 19th day of November , A.D., 1991. Mayor Harvey Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Cheal Commissioner Jones Commissioner Stormont Yes not present Yes not present Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: . - ~ \u . I!I),..-J Y\l'". . ~ ~ ~ Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) BY'~~ Deputy rk 8"f Attest: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk 2 r-- "rinl'" fo, Lawyon' Tillo G_ronly Fund, Oriando, Rorlda ~~~ 914 PACE 2117~ This instrumont was p'.pa,ed by, 3536?5 ijIarranlg llttd THOMAS J. DOWDELL, III A-..." of a- t t_ -. "'-"- __. PLOIlIIIA _ (STATUTOIY FORM-SECTION 619.02 F,S.) (11ft. lnbmturr. Mado th. 22nd day of June 19 84 , IIrtmrrn THOMAS J. MALOY and JUDITH ~ KALOY. his wife :x ~ r ~pl """::111:-< n' r ~~~. liE. c :;:nr:.- . :-4:, ;!:!, ~ ~ of .... Cou"", of Monroe Florida r- ..., .. '" , 1fInfot.:",~nd . 51010 01 GERALD L. BESSEMER and KARY SANDRA BE~SEHER. his wife ~ whoM poot office ocldrou is 8062 Porpoise Drive. Harathon. Florida ~ -0 ~ -.....J, gra....... 33050 of .... County "I Hnnroe . Slote of Flor Ida .Unr.ullJ. That laid gro_, for ond in consideration 01 .... ...m 01 ____ ---TEN AND NO/lOO---------------____-ooIIon, ond other good ond ...luobIo COfttidorotions 10 said g,ontor in hand paid by laid grontoo. .... receipt whor.ol is hereby odftO_~, has oronsod, borvoinod ond sold to .... laid gron.... ond g,ontoo's hoin ond ollions *-. ,... loIlow;ng dotcribod land, --.., lying ond being "' Honroe County. FIorido. to-wil, A tract of land in a part of Covernaent Lot 3. Section 5. Townahip 66 South, Rang. 33 Eaat on Crawl Key No.1. Monro. County. Florida and b.ing .or. particularly described by ~tes and bounda aa fOllow.: eo..encing at the int.rsection of tha cantar line of U.S. Highway No.1. and tha Waat lina of Section 5. bear North 77 degr..a and 51 .inut.a Eaat along the c.nt.rlin. of U.S. Highway 1, for a diatanc. of 2036.53 f..t to a point; thenca bear North 12 degr.ea and 09 .inut.. Waat for a di.tanc. of 50.0 f.at to tha point of beginning of the tnd of land h.r.inafur d..cribed, aaid point of beginning al.o baing 900.00 f..t ....ur.d northaaat.rly along the north.rly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No.1. frea the dividing line betwe.n the Thoapaon-Ad... and Ed R. N.ff Proparti.. on Crawl ~y No.1; frea aaid point of beginning. continua b.aring North 12 d.gr... .nd 09 .inut.. W..t for a diatanc. of 107.88 f..t to a point; tbaac. bear North 77 d.gr... and 51 .inut.a Ea.t for a diatanc. of 75.00 feat to · poInt; thanc. bear South 12 dear... and 09 .lnut.. Ea.t for a di.tanc. of 107.88 f..t to a point on tha north.r1y right-or-way 1in. of U.S. Highway No.1; thanc. b..r South 77 d.gra.Land 51 .inut.. W.at along tha -' IlIid ..-. does ....., full, ~~W ,g'lo5fW~' wiI dofond .... _ ogaiflIt .... lawful cIolrM of .. pertoM ...il."'....... · "Otantot" and ......-. ore ...... for IInouIor or pl..roI, GO _lit ....... ~. · · .~~fftI _ t.~ hoe "--to sot 'I"""';'" ond Mol .... -' ,,' ,~~/ /~,~- ~ Ia... .~ . ~ ~~r. '+~~~l'. '\ - . p, ~3~":c~-;~:l~~/e; STATI Of FLOIlIDI. ; . ';,v: :to'';i'\~ClR. CT. . _~"'~: COUNTY Of !OKlO! 31 ~ .J", .I . , X I ....y OmFY 1flot Oft thn day before mo. Oft officof duly ~_ ..w_~'_"""'.~~ri~ oppeored TIIOHAS J. KALOt and JUDITH I. MALOY'. u. vtf. : :# " to - ~ to be .... .--. dotcribod .. and who ..ocutod .... foro9oing ""'- ...vocllll~J.diw before .... thot t he)' oaocutod.... _. ~ !\y,.':;,.... WfTN!SS ..., hand and oHidoI Mol .. .... c:-., ond Stoto ..... ~ Of ~ ,;,~,. r 1984. -. (SooI) (500/) !SooIl (500/) ",., -.-I...... ..... r-1mT11lT Plm.tC STllr OF' H!lIlTD. -.- .~ CO_'15510. (JPIII(~ ~'P 1 ,g,O 1l0liOED TilRU ~.(RAL u.~. Ii'lll. I! \....... . \. ' EXHIBIT 1, PG 1 OF 2 ". . ~~-"" " .....~.....M.~J ~, t", , l . ~/ <j' ,. \.~ I ',' - - ~.. -"--."' '. -':'" .....1; . '~;":,; ,~... -'".' ~~f 914 PACE2{)79 (Continued from Pase 1.) ~rtber1y.r1gbt-of-way line of U.S. Highway No, 1 for a d1.tance of 75,0 ~et. b.ck to the po1~t of begInning. iclTBli with lIIproveaent. thereon. ~ ~-' 10- ~ Subject ~ re.tr1ct1ons .nd ......~t. of record. if any. .nd to taxes lLr tbe Year 1984. ~_. ~lY 1. rOIJfAQI CUB Cf CI'::"UlT COURt NOW10l;; CC'i.l-:r.y QX lYES7. l1.OamA ~- _._~-:=........e EXHIBIT I, PG 2 OF 2 . ,-u. Board of County Commissioners Lorenzo Aghemo, Planning Director~ Robert Herman, Growth Management Director OKYy~IY ~o~~~?oE (305) 294-4641 MEMORANDUM To From Through Reference Boundary Interpretation #76 Date July 24, 1991 BOARD OF COUI'lTY COMMISSIONERS MAYOR, Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Mayor Pro Tem, Jack London, District 2 Douglas Jones, District 3 A. Earl Cheal, District 4 John Stormont, District 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- I have reviewed the Land Use District Maps and the complete file from the attached boundary determination No. 76, and consid- ered the recommendation submitted by the Development Review Coor- dinator. And pursuant to Section 9. 5-24( a) I have interpreted that the boundary line for the property legally described as Part Government Lot 3, Section 05, Township 66, Range 33, Fat Deer Key, Monroe County, Florida is in the Improved Subdivision Land Use District and not in the Suburban Commercial Land Use Dis- trict. I have, also, determined that the requested zoning change would have to processed as a Map Amendment not a Boundary Determi- nation. MEMORANDUM To Lorenzo Agehmo, Planning Director Through: -r= Ty Symroski, Development Review Coordinator From: Tiffany Stankiewicz, Planning Technician Date: May 20, 1991 RE: Boundary Determination #76, Fat Deer Key An application for a Boundary Determination has been completed. Listed below are the recommended findings & conclusions. II SUMMARY OF INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE (ATTACHED) Application by Gail Kenson, Agent for Gerald & Mary Bessemer. A copy of the Land Use District Map PROPOSED. A copy of the REDI Strip Maps, 24th Edition, 1989, page 155. A copy of the REDI Aerial Photo Map Atlas from the 25 Edi- tion, dated 1990, at a scale of 1" = 600', page 62. A copy of Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15, 1986, page 221. A copy of the Land Use District Map signed by Charles Pattison, page 12. A copy of the Land Use District Map signed by Donald Craig, page 224. A copy of the Existing Conditions Map of the scale 1" = 2,000', page 4, dated July 2,1985. A copy of a report dated 5/16/91, from Suzanne Lex. III RECOMMENDED FINDINGS OF FACT The current use of the land is Improved Subdivision (IS). The previous zoning (before September 15, 1986) of the prop- erty was BU-l, and then Improved Subdivision (IS), February 28, 1986. My review of the records found that the Board of County Commission did not speCifically consider this site during the preparation of the Land Use District Maps. The records in the Building Department do not reflect that the structure was permitted; and I was unable to ascer- tain that the Bessemer's went through development approval for Tiny Tots. Therefore, I am unable as of date to ascer- tain if the premises is a lawful conforming use. However, it is suspected that the location of Tiny Tots was original- ly a motel office for the efficiency units located behind the premises. Under the BU-1 zoning an office was allowed but not a day care center. Further, as being zoned IS a day care center may be permitted as major conditional use. Previously a map amendment was processed and approved in Round I to change the neighboring lot to Suburban Commercial ( SC) . IV RECOMMENDED DETERMINATION The Land Use District Maps signed by Charles Pattison is precise and therefore should remain zoned Improved Subdivision (IS). The Boundary Determination is recommended for denial. However, if the applicants so desire they should apply for a map amend- ment at such time when the Board of County Commissioners gives the Planning Department direction to process the amendments. ,Oi!'f,z: T/.....~ of- 0...... 5~.........~ Iro(.ul._ '7 A-oi JCl. c.. .lot + ~"'- "."'CP- -:f. {~....J W4.$ o./;r, ,)".,./ ___~ ..s c t.r ~..eC>c.""5 rt-... 'I' /"-=:1';,7 ~t-,c...JeI -h>iI~~--ru- -S-!2-z!crr BBESS.02/TXTDR,May 20, 1991 M E M 0 RAN DUM To Tiffany Stankiewicz From: Suzanne K. Lex Date: May 16, 1991 RE: Vaca Boundary Determination BEESEMER PROPERTY , Key An application for a Boundary Determination has been completed. Listed below are the recommended findings & conclusions. II SUMMARY OF INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE (ATTACHED) Application by Bessemer Gail Kenson Agent for Gerald and Mary III RECOMMENDED FINDINGS OF FACT The current use of the land is Improved Subdivision (IS). The previous zoning (before September 15, 1986) of the prop- erty was BU-1 . A review of the site and the records found that : 1. The site is the location of Tiny Tots Day Care School. This is the property requesting a Boundary Determination. 2. This site is listed with the Property Appraiser I s Of- fice as an 01 structure which is the code for a Single Fami- ly Residence. The tax records have never reflected the use of this site as a commercial business, i.e. a day care center. 3. The site is bordered on the north on US-1 by a jewelry store. Behind the the jewelry store is a trailer park. Bordering the property on the south on US-l is a vacant lot and next to that is the site of the Mr. Donut shop. Be- hind the site on the west are duplex structures. (Please note these structures appear to have originally been motel efficiency units and it looks as if the Tiny Tots location was the motel office.) To the east on US-1 is a marine re- pair and sales shop and marina and also a motel. It has not yet been determined if the continued use of the premises is lawful. Further research is being conducted to determine if the use was lawfully permitted. The current use is "grandfathered " in under the existing land develop- ment regulations. The site has been a location of a day care center for at least 12 years. A determination from HRS is forthcoming as to whether the site is in compliance with State laws for child care centers and to the status of it's licensing with the state. IV RECOMMENDED DETERMINATION With a cursory review of the information provided staff recom- mends that the site be zoned for commercial use. Further re- view will be required to determine if this change was an error in the boundaries created under this land use map or if it will require a map amendment change. BBESS.01/TXTDRMay 16, 1991 BBESS.01/TXTDR,May 16, 1991 .-- .... "- ... , , , \ \ \ , , , , \ , , ----\ \ \ \ \ , , , , \ \ \ \ \ \ I , , , I I I I I I I I I I I V~ ICIY' air I I I I I ~' .-...... ,-- I I I I I I~ ~:~\ ,l"" \ \ ~:,..'. FLORIDA BAY VAQA KEY UR s ) IS ---.., ..-- , ~-~', ~ \\ t ~Rf'\ \,,\ \ \ Pw....nt to Seotlon 9.5-24(aU2Uh) of the Monroe County Coae. tha boundarle. of the Land Use DI.trlct Map are 'nterpreted to be located a. 'ndlcated above and briefly de.crlbed _: he ro rt which is between Ce Del Subdivision and U.S. #1 Hwy, so, that the area is ~n t e SC land use d~str~ct. 1 Director of Planning Sheet# ??~ Key P~r nppr Date BOCC Reaolutlon 1-.400' -"...", -...... PROPOSED "\ \ \ \ \ \ ---.... \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ VACA KEY \ \ \ I , UR ,/ I I I I I I / / / / / / / / // ....-- ~-- / , /~/ I S /..:4 \ " t" \ \ FLORIDA BAY ---- N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Ja'nuary 19,1988 Pane. or Sheet# 224 Applicant: Bessemer Key: Fat Dppr Flle# 76 1"=400 I M.e Marker: S4 EXISTING N ~ 4 , I L i r I t I I 1"=600' I Aerial Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, inc. 25 Panel or Si1eet# 62 Applicant: Bessemer Key: Fat Deer File # Editionll1990 " 'r ~ r l 76 Mile Marker: 54 0' ,', ;.> / 'r 0~ 4, /J .; ",,'" 'V Co f I.tJ .,'~ ~) ~'V \ 'QD V , , <>) 0+" ~ 1..,' ~" 0 .~J rJ ~ /. . ~~..,~~?(;: .. - 71~~' I ..,' ' ~ ),' ~ 06;, ,", , ..~ ~I iF-;. '/, \ \. ; ----..._ - _ " ('It'..s \ :r., . 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Je, ',~' / '~)'.7~.'/ "'i'~.">':""'.:.:''''' I / {..;-:;-r Q]:~ /-;:J! ..~'/' J:~ "~/ ';,If _ ~o 1'-:"11 L~ II ,< \;'/~,.--"'//~ -:-/ ..;--1 Q? ~_~~ :~-.::.~./ ---~ ..J j/-' I :..: i-~;':'-!~ .;~. / ~-:! /- -:---t ..J, ,0:'~ "J Strip Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. 24 Edltion,19 AQ . ( ,I ; ( o. '-~.:, Jifll! J~)/'jtl.., ~ ,'jl -Jjj III tj OJ' " 'iJ{j fjr;'''' J f'\ ~I - __ ~,r " - r -71 -....... -' , - .~Y. N 1"=_ I Panel or Sheet# 155 Applicant: Besspmpr Key: F'i'lr nppr Flte# 7F. ".e Marker: 54 -- I 1"= 600' I Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28,1986 Pane. or Sheet# 12 Flle# 76 Applicant: Bessemer Key: Fat Deer 1 ~ ~ I o ..... /- ".e Marker: 54 N Existing Land Conditions Maps Monroe County, Florida Julv 2.. 1985 ... . '1 "=2000' I Panel or Sheet# 4 Applicant: Bessemer Key: Fat. Dppr Flle# 76 Mile Marker: C;Ll f... j;;::~7~j;t:- ".5 4- \ ,. -.. . -.. .". . . '- , -- I 't-I t-.\ ~\ -. N r J t ! 1"=200' ,_......~ -d~'~~;...-~.:t:~i~Ziif!,.~~':;;t;'- :':-,.". ~~,:~;;;.~ ::=-:~:~~,~~~~:,:,~~::~'~""'" , "'~"""""'--'- y-~-"", .", -.,.-,..~--,.~. -- - - c_ -, J-;- ""','i<f"" -~ - ,... -to' - ' ...~_.'~ --,.....-.......,..:..-.~.............'...._~-,_..~..._""'~.;. _...., . .~'~....... .t't.....-.~ _'_ ___.. : .,t.:t_~.atP~~'~~~.~i-::'~"-"~~~~~~f~~,,""::,~~~~'::r~;;.~~,"::;.;~:.:; .,~.~..,~~": ~~_~ " ."- . -':J~ . t -, ;.........-,;.;.'... :~~.. .~~!~;~_~'~~~~ifrf:y?~,. .t~~~~_:~:~7:~:';/i_€:, -;. . ,-.- , . ~i~!211~~,~::~~t~~~~~;,. Monroe County Pre-September Panel or Sheet# Applicant: Key: Fat Bessemer Deer J I. :/ S L.- -' l0 4- '. Zoning Maps 15,1986 ........~., . .. \ - - , ??1 Flle# 76 Mile Marker: 54 ,