Resolution 495-1991 .. c; -.;;t e:.: ':"t c' (..; ..- ..- u.. c::: c.::. [L \Q c: N u-. :::> 0 a z:: _.-.-. ... l6..I ,,- -- ~ ....J ..- c::- P' "--. u.. > James R. Paros Public Safety Division RESOLUTION NO. 495 - 1991 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF GRANT APPLICATIONS TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES, OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES, TO FUND THE ACQUISITION OF MEDICAL/ RESCUE EQUIPMENT AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF SAME BY THE PROPER COUNTY AUTHORITIES. WHEREAS, The Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Seryices, Office of Emergency Medical Services is accepting applications for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Matching Grant funds, and WHEREAS, the grant is for the period beginning on January 1, 1992 and ending on June 30, 1993; and WHEREAS, the total grant application is for $ 145,600.00, with a 50% match requirement; and WHEREAS, the $ 72,800.00 match requirement would be included in the district budget requests for Fiscal Year 1993, as follows, Lower and Middle Keys District - $ 11,000.00; District 5 - $ 28,730.00; District 6 - $ 33,070.00; and WHEREAS, the medical/rescue equipment project if awarded and accepted, will be used to purchase adyanced medical patient assessment and monitoring equipment for the Lower and Middle Keys District, District 5 and District 6; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: 1. That said Board has been notified of the availability of matching grant program funds from the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services. 2. That the Monroe County Department of Emergency Medical Services is hereby authorized to submit applications for grant funds to the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services, to improve and expand Monroe County's EMS systems. 3. That said Board hereby directs the execution of the grant applications by the proper County Authorities. 4. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the Board and execution by the Presiding Officer and Clerk. -2- PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of November, A.D. 1991. Mayor Harvey Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Cheal Commissioner Jones Commissioner Stormont YES YE'"S YE'"S YE'"S YE'"S (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. l(OLHAGE, Clerk ~~~.1~/ Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA \_, ~ll .J..\, -........~/ B '-J..J.,.~ --LJ ~-v:. . """-~..... _..- y , Mayor Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. In Code to be Assigned by State EMS Office: ~ _ __ Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Office of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) MATCHING GRANT APPLICATION 1. Legal Name of Agency/Organization: Board of County Corrmissioners, !bnroe County, Florida Name and Title of Grant Signer: Mayor Wilhelmina Harvey, Mayor/01ainnan Mailing 5192 OVerseas Highway Address: Marathon, Fl. 33050 County: ~nroe Telephone Number: (305) 289-6002 SunCom Number: 472-6002 2. Name and Title of Contact Person: Janes R. "Reggie" Paros, Public Safety Director Mailing 5192 OVerseas Highway Address: Marathon, Fl. 33050 Telephone Number: (305) 289-6002 SunCom Number: 472-6002 3. Legal Status of Agency/Organization: (Check only one) Private Not for Profit (you must provide copy of certificate) Your f"lSC8l year: 10/01 Oqno BEGINS ENDS Private for Profit -X. Public 4. Agency/Organization's Federal Tax Identification Number nine digits VF --2. -L L L -iL --0.... .l- ...L -9.... S. Application Status: (Check only one) Thi. i. the continuation of a project already funded by the .tate EMS matching grant program. -X. Thi. i.!!2l the continuation of a project already funded by the .tate EMS matching grant program. 6. Type of Project: (Check only one): . Communicatiolll Continuing ProfelSional Education (medical director mull lign Item ISa) Emcl'Jency Tranaport Vehicle. Public Education Syltcm Evaluation/Quality Auurance RelCarch ......x.. MedicallReacuo Equipment (signature. requ.ired for Items ISb and ISc) Doe. your project include tho purchase of any communicationa equipment? yes x No HRS Fonn 1767. March 89 12 6A. State Plan Goal, Objective, and Improvement and Expansion: State EMS Plan Goal: Identify in the space below the specific goal and its page number in the FY 1991-93 state EMS plan, which your project will help accomplish. Describe how your project addresses this goal. Transportation , t Goal 1: Provide advanced life support ground ambulance coverage for all Florida s citizens and visitors. (page 29) The addition of both standardized and more advanced medical equ~pment on the EMS pre-hospital transport units in Monroe County will enable us to provide a higher level of care in the field and will decrease the amount of time until definitive medical treatment is provided to the cardiac patient at the receiving facility. State EMS Plan Objective: Identify in the space below the specific objective and its page number in the state plan, which your project will help accomplish. Describe how your project will address this objective. Objective 1.3: By March 1994, establish advanced life support services in all counties not currently operating at that level of service. (Page 30) This additional advanced medical equipment which includes 12 lead transmission capabil ty in the field will allow Key Largo and Tavernier Volunteer Ambulance Corps to advise a patients cardiac status from the scene thereby alerting the receiving faCility prior to EMS arrival. A cardiac response team can be assembled with appropriate medical treatment available upon EMS arrival at the hospital. This early intervention will greatly enhance a cardiac patients chances for a more positive prognosis. Finally, we will purchase equipment that will improve standardization with and between the three (3) providers to enhance treatment capabilities and reduce pre-hospital care time. Improvement and Expansion of Prehospital EMS. Describe in measurable terms, how your project will both improve and expand prehospital EMS. The additional advanced medical equipment will allow Monroe County EMS, Key Largo and Tavernier Volunteer Ambulance Corps to standardize their medical equipment, bring systems up to standard and provide optimal pre-hospital treatment in the field. No caridac patients in Monroe County, at this time, have the availability of 12 lead EKG transmission from the field. The purchase of a base unit for Mariners Hospital and transmitting modules for the ALS vehicles in Key Largo and Tavernier will enable us to provide this service to 100% of the cardiac patients requesting our services in these districts. 13 For both the need and outcome statements: include numeric data, the time frame for the data, the data source, and the target population and geographic area. 7. Need Statement (use only the space below): Monroe County EMS, Key Largo and Tavernier Volunteer Ambulance Corps provide pre-hospital and inter-hospital ALS service. From October 1990 through October 1991 run reports show a total of 3,251 transports,358 of which were cardiac related cases. A lack of advanced medical equipment has hindered our ability to assess, monitor and transmit complete information on these patients to the receiving facility. In addition, without standardized equipment, response of the receiving facility is delayed, thus compromising the patients treatment. 8. Outcome Statement (use only the space below): The requested equipment would allow Mon oe County EMS, Tavernier and Key Largo Volunteer Ambulance Corps to provide optimum ALS care in the field and would greatly decrease the time until definitive medical treat- ment is initiated at the receiving facility. Training for ALS personnel at all facilities would be provided. The run reports would make it possible to verify how often this advanced equipment was used in the year following the grant, January 1992 through December 1992. 9. Research Projects Only: If you are not conducting a rellCllrch project, skip this item and '0 to Item 10. If you are conducting a research project, attach at the end of the application concise state menta of the hypothesis, design/method, inauumenta, methods to protect human subjects, any limitations involving the study, research instruments, fonna and lillin,s of other relevant studies. 10. Work Activities, Objectives and Time Frames (Use only the space below): 1) Research and develop specifications for the various items - One to two months after grant begins. 2) Request for proposals, evaluations, recommend vendors, issue purchase orders, accept delivery of equipment - Three to four months. 3) Inspect, accept and place equipment as appropriate - Five to eight months 4) Revise protocols and provide inservice training - Nine to twelve months. 14 APPLICANT ~tate CATEGORIES ~~ 'Rial)ictd = TOTAL 11. Salaries and Benefits: a. New positions. Do Not Write In Thia Area 0 0 0 b. Existing/In-Kind Positions Do Not Write Do Not Write In This Area In This Area . 0 0 0 0 TOTALSAL~andBENEBT~ 0 0 0 0 12. Expenses Do Not Write a. New Expenses In This Area Training : 16 pararredics - 12 lead EKG flbfules @ $140.00 each 1.120.00 1,120.00 2,240.00 b. Existing/In-Kind Do Not Write Do Not Write In This Area In This Area 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENSES 1.120.00 0 1,120.00 2,240.00 . . (Attach additIonal pages if needed) 15 APPLICANT ~tJtte CATEGORIES ~:tJh ~Ki~ ~3: TOTAL ate 13. Equipment: , , a. New equipment. Do Not Write In Thil Area (5 ) lwDnitor/Defibrillator/Pacer Combination Units @11,000.00 27,500.00 27,500.00 55,000.00 (5) 12-Lead EKG MJdules with Base Station and MJdems 28,250.00 28,250.00 56,500.00 (6 ) Pulse Oxi1reters with Printers @2,660.00 7,980.00 7,980.00 15,960.00 (3 ) Semi-Automa.tic Defibrillators @4,500.00 6,750.00 6,750.00 13,500.00 (2) Patient Airway CC>2 Detector 1,200.00 1,200.00 2,400.00 @1,200.00 b. Existing/In- Kind Equipment Do Not Write Do Not Write In Thil Area In Thil Area TOTAL EQUIPMENT COSTS 71.680.00 71,680.00 143,360.00 14. Financial Summary - Total of salaries and ~nefits, expenses, and equipment, all combined. $ $ 0 $ $li~.?gQ =.,0=0 = J~ ,,~,.o.9,: go c:z::==c=== ).f,,~Q.o_..QQ Cash The above figure The above figure The above figure Match must be equal must equal the must equal the Grand to or leu than the IUm of the the IUm of the Total the cash match two precedina precedina three Grand Total columna columna . . (Attach addlhonal pages if needed) 16 t5. Medical director's signatures: Skip this item if your project is nat a Medical Rescue Equipment or ProCessional Education Project. a. ProCessional Education All continuing education described in this application is developed and conducted with my input and approval. Medical Director's Signature Date Medical Director's Printed Name " b. Medical Equipment Projects: I hereby accept authority and responsibility for the use of Medical Anti-Shock Trousers (MAST), Esophageal Obturator Airways (EOAs) semi-automatic and automatic defibrillators, AlS equipment identified in Chapter lOD-66, F.A.C., and equipment not identified in Chapter lOD-66, F.A.C. Date Medical Director's Printed Name c. I hereby acknowledge that the applicant responds routinely to rescue or medical incidents under written agreement with my licensed EMS system. Medical Director's or Authorized Person's Signature Date Printed Name 17 " 15. Medical director's signatures: Skip this item if your project is W!l a Medical Rescue Equipment or ProCessional Education Project. a. ProCessional Education All continuing education described in this application is developed and conducted with my inp.ll~pnd approval. Me[lfcal 'Director's Signature Date Medical Director's Printed Name b. Medical Equipment Projects: I hereby accept authority and responsibility Cor the use oC Medical Anti-Shock Trousers (MASU, Esophageal Obturator Airways (EOAs) semi-automatic and automatic defibrillators, AlS equipment identified in Chapter lOD-66, F.A.C., and equipment not identified in Cpr lOD-66, F.A.C. 11/15/91 Date Dr. Sandra Schwemmer 1.1edical Director's Printed Name c. I hereby acknowledge that the applicant responds routinely to rescue or medical incidents under wl7itfell agre~ent with my licensed EMS system. Medical Dlrector's or Authorized Person's Signature Date Printed Name 17 /' APPLICA nON ITEM 16 (signature required) REQUEST FOR MATCHING GRANT DISTRIBUTION (AnV ANCE PAYMENT) EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (EMS) Governmental Agency and Non-profit Entity ONLY In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 401. 11 3 (2)(b) , F.S., the undersigned hereby requests an EMS matching grant distribution (advance payment) for the improvement and expansion of prehospital EMS. Payment To: Rr=rn of rnnnty C"rmrn; ssioners. MJnroe Countv. Florida Legal Name of Agency/Organization 5192 ~TC""~~'::: HighWrlY Address Marathon, FL 33050 (City) (State) (Zip) DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK ATTEST: " ..... " Authorized Official By SIGNATURE:~"".~TE: November 20, 1991 Printed Name: Wilhelmina Title: Mrlyor Deputy Clerk SIGN AND RETURN WITH YOUR MATCHING GRANT APPLICATION TO: Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Office of Emergency Medical Services (HSTM) EMS Matching Grants 1317 Winewood Boulevard TaIIahassee, Florida 32399-0700 For Use Only by Department of Health and Rehabilitative Servicea, Office of Emergency Medical Services Matching Grant Amount:$ Approved By: Grant ID Code: Date: Signature, Title, State EMS Grant Officer State Fiscal Year: Amount: $ Oraanization Code 60-20-60-30-100 ~ HS Obiect Code Federal Tax ID V F: Grant Beginning Date: --------- Ending Date: By 18 Dat. 17. ASSURANCES AND APPLICATION SIGNATURE (Applications without an appropriate signature for this item will not be considered for funding): / Certification of Standards Statement \ ~. I I I, the undersigned, certify that if granted funds under Chapter 401, Part II, F.S.; as amended, all applicable regulations and standards will be adhered to including: Chapter 401, F.S.; Chapter lOD-66, F.A.C.; Minimum Wage Act; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 ISC 2000D et. seg.); DHEW Regulation (45 CFR Part 80); Rehabilitation Act (See 504); Developmenmlly Disabled Assistance and Bill of Rights of 1975 (p.L. 95-602) as amended by Title V of the Comprehensive Rehabilitative Services Amendments of 1978: Confidentiality; Human Rights; Habilitation Plans; Employment of the Handicapped; Services for Persons Unable to Pay. Statement of Cash & In-Kind Commitment .. . I, the undersigned, certify that cash and in-kind match will be available during the grant period and used in direct support of this grant project. State and federal funds will not be used for matching requirements, unless specified by law. No costs or third-party in-kind contributions count towards satisfying a matching requirement of a department grant if they are used to satisfy a matching requirement of another state or federal grant. Cash, salaries, fringe benefits, expenses, equipment, and other expenses as listed on this application shall be committed and used for the department's final approved project during the grant period. AcceDtance of Tenns and Conditions Acceptance of the grant terms and conditions in Appendix C of the booklet, "Florida Emergency Medial Services MatChing Grant Program 1992-93", by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services is acknowledged by the grantee when funds are drawn or otherwise obtained from the grant payment system. Disclaim~r I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the facts and information contained in this application and any follow-up documents are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. I further understand that if it is subsequently determined that this is not correct, the grant funded under Chapter 401, Part II, F.S.; Chapter 10D-66, F.A.C.; as amended by Chapter 85-167, Laws of Florida, may be revoked, and any monies erroneously paid and interest earned will be refunded to the department with any penalties which may be imposed by law or applicable regulations. Notification of Awards I understand the availability of the notice of award will be advertised in the Florida Administrative Weekly, and that 30 calendar days after this Florida Administrative Weekly advertisement I waive any right to challenge or protest in anyway the decisions to award grants. Signature of Authorized Grant Signer (Individual Identified in Item 1) .. November ~O, 1991 Date ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK By: NOTE: Please check to insure that all required signatures have been l!lade for Items 15, 16, and 17. By 19