Resolution 323-2005 RESOLUTION NO. 323- 2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OFFICIALLY NAMING THE UPPER KEYS GOVERNMENT CENTER BEING CONSTRUCTED AS THE ~~MURRA Y E. NELSON GOVERNMENT AND CULTURAL CENTER" IN HONOR OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER MURRAY E. NELSON. WHEREAS, many citizens in the Upper Keys must travel one hundred (100) miles or more to Key West in order to receive certain government services; and WHEREAS, cultural events available for residents and visitors in the Upper Keys are limited due to the lack of a location where certain events can be held; and WHEREAS, County Commissioner Murray E. Nelson has aggressively and tirelessly advocated for the construction of a full-service center in the Upper Keys to provide effective government services and provide a location for a variety of cultural events for the residents of the Upper Keys; and WHEREAS, due to Commissioner Murray's personal and coordinated efforts over the years, a site was located and the construction of this much-needed government and cultural center is now a reality; and WHEREAS, many people feel that without Commissioner Murray's determination and commitment, the construction of an Upper Keys government and cultural center would not be a reality today; and WHEREAS, the residents of the Upper Keys and all of Monroe County, along with Commissioner Nelson's fellow Commissioners, would like to honor Commissioner Murray E. Nelson for his resiliency, dedication and personal sacrifice on behalf of the citizens he serves; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of this Commission to name the Upper Keys government and cultural center being constructed to honor Commissioner Nelson's distinguished and commendable public service and to serve as a reminder to all that public service is the responsibility of each and every citizen of this County; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, that: 1. The Upper Keys government and cultural center located at 102050 Overseas Highway, Mile Marker 102, Key Largo, FL is hereby officially named "The Murray E. Nelson Government and Cultural Center". 2, This Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its adoption herein. Murray E. Nelson Government and Cultural Center Resolution (KP) PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting on said Board on the 1st day of September, A.D., 2005, Mayor Dixie M. Spehar Mayor Pro Tern Charles "Sonny" McCoy y;:~~~~ner Murray Nelson 1~\:~tQ10~r George Neugent i,',/ cC[QrfiW~sloner David Rice Je '", Il\(\t" ~I ~'( , .__:,.__-- ". ('"--,', :;'."", fo') . \:~AL)' : i~~~&I;Panny L. Kolhage, CLERK By fiJ.J.e. ~ Deputy Clerk Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~))# >n ~ Mayor Dixie M. Spehar Cl :;:, :n U) rt1 -0 N -.J -.JG- Or~'" f'T1 ;A: -< c-> . r" oc"). C::::::-c.- ;:;:;"-'" -0 -1 " ' ::t:: :;< ~ =': l:g -r; J:--::Jo .- (;<<:' ZAN E HUTTON ASSISTANT rN%1TORNEY ::late ~ Murray E, Nelson Government and Cultural Center Resolution (KP)