Resolution 361-2005 Commissioner Rice RESOLUTION NO.361 -2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COMMITTING TO ASSIST THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY IN THE FINANCING OF WASTEWATER SYSTEM PROJECTS TO SERVE LOWER KEYS WASTEWATER DISTRICTS IN UNINCORPORATED MONROE COUNTY. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan requires Monroe County to meet State mandated wastewater treatment standards by 2010; and WHEREAS, the prevailing method of wastewater treatment in the Lower Keys areas of unincorporated Monroe County is the utilization of cess pits and septic systems; and WHEREAS, the Authority is authorized by Chapter 76-441, Laws of Florida, as amended, to design, construct and operate wastewater treatment systems; and WHEREAS, by virtue of Chapter 99-395, section 6, Laws of Florida, passed by the Florida Legislature on May 22, 1998 and subsequently signed into law by the Governor of the State, the Authority possesses authority to act as the wastewater service provider in unincorporated areas of the County; and WHEREAS, also on May 22, 1998, the County and the Authority adopted a Memorandum of Understanding the terms of which are intended to guide the parties' relationships in addressing wastewater service issues in certain parts of unincorporated Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the Authority participated with the County in the development of the Monroe County Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan (the "Master Plan") for the Florida Keys which was adopted by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners on May 18,2000; and WHEREAS, the Master Plan identified and acknowledged the benefits to Monroe County, its residents, visitors and environs from the installation of regionalized central sewer systems and identified areas and projects which should be given priority attention, referred to as "Hot Spots;" and WHEREAS, the County and the Authority have worked to identify funding sources and grants from local, state and federal sources to advance the provision of central wastewater services and programs on a priority basis and guided by the Master Plan's identification of "Hot Spots;" and WHEREAS, a first priority "Hot Spot" project identified in the Master Plan was the construction of a wastewater collection, treatment, eflluent disposal and sludge disposal system for the Little Venice System; and WHEREAS, the Authority has completed construction of the Little Venice Wastewater System and wastewater service and billing has commenced; and WHEREAS, the Authority has constructed or is in the process of constructing wastewater projects in additional "Hot Spots" such as within the Conch Key portion of the Conch Key/Duck Key System and the Bay Point System, and within the City of Layton; and WHEREAS, the County and the Authority entered an interlocal agreement on November 18,2003, pursuant to which the County agreed to reimburse the Authority for up to $40,000 to be expended by the Authority for the preparation of performance standards and criteria for the design and engineering of collection, treatment and disposal facilities to serve the unincorporated areas of Monroe County; and Commissioner Rice WHEREAS, the Authority has approached the County with a request for additional financial assistance to construct the Big Coppitt Wastewater project; and WHEREAS, the construction of the Big Coppitt Wastewater Project will provide central wastewater service to three (3) additional "Hot Spot" areas identified in the Master Plan; and WHEREAS, Monroe County and the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) entered into an interlocal agreement on September 5, 2005, to work together to construct and place into service such wastewater treatment plants as are necessary to fulfill the 2010 goals for sewering the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, the FKAA is in the process of securing bids for the design, permitting, and construction of a wastewater collection, treatment and disposal facility necessary to serve the Big Coppitt Wastewater Project; and WHEREAS, the BOCC agreed in the September 5, 2005 interlocal agreement to provide the FKAA with up to TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS ($20,000,000.00) from the proceeds of infrastructure sales surtax revenue bonds which will be issued by the County to assist in the capital cost of constructing wastewater systems to serve the Lower Keys Wastewater Districts in unincorporated Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the BOCC finds it in the best interest of the public to commit to financial and other assistance in accomplishing the expeditious, effective, and cost-efficient implementation of wastewater projects for the Lower Keys Wastewater Districts in unincorporated Monroe County, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that: Section 1: The Board hereby agrees to assist the FKAA in the financing of the capital cost necessary to construct Lower Keys Wastewater District projects in unincorporated Monroe County up to the amount of TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS ($20,OOO,OOO.()()). Section 2: The Board hereby authorizes the County's utility counsel to prepare for the Board's consideration such documents as are necessary to carry out the Board's intent with respect to the capital financing to be provided to the FKAA, in a manner consistent with the September 5, 2005 inter-local agreement. ~ ::: 00-'" z> en r= PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe Co~ilori& at aa regular meeting of said Board held on the 21st day of September, 2005. m:;Jr,:-< --t """11 0- r- -0 on' W ::0 Mayor Spehar Y es ~?JB > :;0 Mayor Pro Tern McCoy Yes ~~r:- :It ~ Commissioner Nelson Y es ~. ~ '!} g Commissioner Neugent Yes ~ CTl N 0 Commissioner Rice Yes . -- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ,()~ >n ~ Mayor lX1e M. Spehar F:\Tally Data\General Data\WPDAT A\PROJECTS\Monroe County\05081\ResolBigCoppittWWfun~~Pl~ COUNTY ATTORNEY VED AS T. R ')