Resolution 356-2005 RESOLUTION NO. 356-2005 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING STAFF OF THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION TO CONTINUE THE POLICY OF DEFERRING THE ACCEPTANCE AND PROCESSING OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS AND THE ISSUANCE OF DEVELOPMENT APPROVALS FOR THE TAVERNIER HISTORIC DISTRICT AND FOR THE U.S. HIGHWAY 1 CORRIDOR FROM TAVERNIER CREEK TO MILE MARKER 97; DEFERRING THE ACCEPTANCE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICA TrONS UNTIL DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES WHICH HAVE BEEN ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF MONROE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BECOME EFFECTIVE OR UNTIL THE PASSAGE OF 90 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS RESOLUTION WHICHEVER OCCURS FIRST; DIRECTING STAFF TO CONTINUE PREPARATION OF NEW LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULA TrONS. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners at their meeting on June 15, 2005 adopted Ordinance No. 011-2005 deferring the acceptance of development applications until design and standards guidelines could be adopted for development occurring within the U.S. Highway 1 corridor between Tavernier Creek and Mile Marker 97; and WHEREAS, the Board also adopted Ordinance No. 012-2005 on June 15, 2005 deferring the acceptance of development applications until design and standards guidelines are adopted for development within the boundaries of the Tavernier Historic District Overlay; and WHEREAS, said ordinances expired on September 1, 2005; and WHEREAS, on August 17, 2005 the Board adopted Ordinance No 019-2005 establishing the development review standards and guidelines for the Tavernier Historic Overlay District; and WHEREAS, the Board also adopted Ordinance No 020-2005 on August 17,2005 establishing the development standards and guidelines for Tavernier Creek and Mile Marker 97 U.S. Highway 1 District Overlay and transmitted the above ordinances to DCA on September 13, 2005; and WHEREAS, said ordinances have not yet been processed by the DCA pursuant to Chapter 380 which requires a written waiver of appeal be executed by DCA and transmitted to Monroe County and for an additional appeal period of 21 days to expire before the ordinance becomes effective; and WHEREAS, there exists a gap in time between the expiration of the Interim Development Ordinances and the adoption of the new design standards and guidelines such that property within the Tavernier Historic District and Overlay areas will be unprotected from unregulated development during the interim time period if the policy of deferring development applications is not extended until design standards and guidelines can become effective. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Pursuant to the pending legislation doctrine in Smith v. Citv of Clearwater. 383 So. 2d 681 (Fla. 2nd DCA 1980), County staff shall continue the policy of deferring the processing of development applications and halting the issuance of development approvals within the Tavernier Creek to Mile Marker 97 U.S. Highway 1 Corridor District Overlay and within the Tavernier Historic District Overlay until such time as the design standards and guidelines can be duly enacted by the Department of Community Affairs in accordance with the processes set forth in Chapter 380 Florida Statutes for oversight of Area of Critical State Concern. This policy shall be in effect until the land development regulations in Ordinance No. 019-2005 and Ordinance No. 020-2005 which have been adopted by the Board of County Commissioners become effective or until the passage of 90 days, whichever occurs first. Until expiration of this Resolution, no building permit application or planning approval identified in Section 1 herein shall be granted pursuant to an application or request with a submittal date of September 28, 2005 or later. Growth Management staff is directed to continue the preparation and adoption of land development regulation amendments and other supporting studies in cooperation with the Planning Commission to address the need for maintaining the historic flavor of the Tavernier Historic District Overlay and U.S. Highway 1 Corridor between Tavernier Creek and Mile Marker 97. (The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank) PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a meeting of said Board held on the 28tlday of Sept. ,2005. ~~---t;,.-~, ~,. ... ..c1!'..','::"('i'('l\'~::'::., .~<i,:f '.__-'(~_~~f 0"" ',' >',.'.,c----.J [ ."~ #(,1/,.. '..' ;97{7'1) "~>:,'. /fc~>~;""":'~~J0 3 ~\{'.-~:;;\\ ~' (\. ..~. ~ b~'::, 1 :\.\.. h~ k:'.';:~... ,~~ ,...:;::'::1. ",r. \":~-_' ,---~-:-.q'""l ~-:\ , . \) ,::-,;~k,":c.~' r~: ./,,/ (S~[' . /",",1 -," Mayor Dixie M. Spehar Mayor Pro Team Charles "Sonny" McCoy Commissioner Murray Nelson Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner David P. Rice Yes Yes Yes Yes YP~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: ")jd >n ~ Mayor Dixie M. Spehar ATTEST: DANNY KOHLAGE, CLERK J2~ c.IW)~ DEPUTY CLERK :x N c c::::t ..., 0 c::::t Z J> en r- ::o(")z 0 m n orz -f 0 "';:::a:-< '"'Tl ("'). r c..> 0 o C") . C-.:;:1';: :;.0 z?Uo ==- :::0 ~C")r :x rr1 :< :I: . :-l)> - n - 0 .." 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