Resolution 358-2005 Mayor Spehar RESOLUTION NO. 358 -2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO INCREASE CHARGES FOR BIRm AND BEAm CERTIFICATES. WHEREAS, Section IS4,OI(2)(b) F,S. requires county health departments to maintain vital statistics; and WHEREAS, this service may be funded by federal, state or local funds; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Health Department currently charges $8.00 and $9.00, respectively, for birth and death certificates, while other Florida counties are charging averages of$10.00 and $14.00 each; and WHEREAS, the BOCC finds that an increase in the fees charged is warranted and that the increase will be used to defray the cost to the CoWlty of services provided by the Monroe County Health Department; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY; 1. That the Monroe County Health Department sbaIl collect fees for the following services as specified: CERTIFICAlE Birth Death FEE $12,00 $13. 00 :J: ...., o 0 g z: )> en ::On z: 2 or-z ... " 3. This resolution sbaIl become effective on October 1, 2005. r'flx-< -t g(-,! J. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe CounJii~da, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 2111 day of September, 2005. :<.....nr- ~ . ~::c: "Tl'}> z:- r- C) - }> IT} N 2. Any prior resolution inconsistent herewith is hereby repealed. Mayor Dixie M. Spehar Mayor Pro Tern Charles "Sonny" McCoy Commissioner Murray Nelson Commissioner George Neugent C9mmissioner David Rice Yes Yes Yes ~ -Ye.s - 1 L_ .,'-.... ! : "~ -J, '"., Attest: "D~~,'iPuIAGE, CLERK 12j IGf J" . By: ."..,..I~~..<i0jI~ D~tyqlerk;' ( SJQU.) "'T1 - r- fT1 o "'TJ o ::::0 ::0 rrt n o :::0 1::1