Item T2 BOI\ RIl 01' CO II ~'I"Y COM\1 ISSION AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Datc.._2l21./05 - [\"]AR Divi~ion Count\' Arromcv'" Offlce Aulk Item: Yes No X *~ ~J llBLIC REA RI~G 3: 00 P.M. ** Slafr COnlact Persoll: Susan Grimslev AGENDA ITEM WORDII\G~ A PLlhliL: Hearing to cumiJ~r the adoprion of an Ordinance of the Board of CUlml'\, CumrniS~Eoners of - . \.1onroc County, Florida amending Section ~63, Chapter 2, f\.lonroc County Code, providing authority to the County Attorney 10 seulc claims and lawsuits, to correct sLri\en~r's. ~nors andior lO dad!"}' rayment of settlement amuunt=" 1br c1aim5 or la\vsults under certain cirCUlTI)tances. ITt:I\llt\CKG RO II N U: ()rdmmln' ;\.'u. 039-200-1 was enacted to provide authority' to the Counly Allumey to selLle claims and lawsuits under L:t'rtain L:in::Unl5tances \Vilhout prior approval by tnc Hoard but language ''lias im:orrecll~' induded in the Ordinance which s.till require1'i the Cmml~' atwrney to obrain approval from the Baord on scttlt~mcnt amounts in CX(CSS of$25,OOO PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOlT ACTION: A.pproval of Ordi/l(."(Un> ;'1/0. 039-200.f. cnaclCd 12/15/2004. BOCC approval un 8/] 7/05 to adverti'ie for tme public; h~ariTlg lO he held September 2 L ZOO 5 in :Vlaratnon. CO:"llTRACT I AGRE EJ\."lENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMM ENDA TIOf'<.iS: ANn uval TOTAL COST: 1\./A BUDGETED: Ye5 No COST TO COt I\TY~ T\/A SOURCE 0 F FLl\" OS: REVENTF. PROIR(T"C; Ye:s I\o~_"" AMOUNT PER t\IOI\TH \'car APPROVEO 8Y; C OU FlTY A try" O\.illiPurchasing Rj~k \1anagement . ~., I '.'2. {~. ..' .-.. .- \""; ( \ . . - _. \ ~ ~'- _ - - -- ,-A~ \- ~.:.~ .'" c. 1 . ~ ~ " . \ Jt.H IJ\ R. COLLINS, COUNTY A TTORr\ l'~Y DlVISIOl\' DIRl:CTOU: APPROVAL: OOCl.f]\.IE~TA nON; Included !\Ol R~quired_. DISI~OSITJOI\: AGE~DA ITEM # l{~\ i~ 2/05 COli nt): A ttorne=-. OKIH'\;..:\'CE: ~o. - 2005 :\t\ ORDI~.-\~(T OF THE BO~\RI) OF COll~TY COMMISSIONERS OF I\lONROE COl.i\TV. FLORIDA .-\~-1E~ DI~G CHAPTER 2 OF THE \10l\ROE COll~TY CODE E~TlTL[[) "AI)MIi'i ISTRA TIOI\" BY A.\l E_~DI~G SEe. 2-363 TO r\ L l.OW TH E COFNTY A TTOR[\TY TO ..\GR[[ ')"0 StTTI ,~~_\-lESTS OF CLAI'lS A."\D LJTlG,.\'I'lQN O~ BE II r"\ LF 01<" ~"10:'\lRO[ COENTY LI\DER CI':R'L\I~ CJ RCL\lSTA~CES WHEN THE COL. ~T\' IS THE BF."lEFlCTARY OF TH[ SETTLJ::!\1t~~T OR THE RfCIPIE:1\T OF FF;\lDS; AMri\IW\G SF:C 2&363{3. Ii\ ORDER TO CORRECT A SCKIVt':.~E.R~S F.RROR AND CLARII'YJi\G "I"II;\T 1)...\ YM ENT OF SETTLEMENT A'lOC\TS FOR CL\I \"IS OR l.A WSI-ITS AR[ PAID BY nl"~ cor ~T\" Al'oiD ~OT BY THE COl'~n' :\ TTOR!\EY; PROVllll~G FOR SEVERABILlTY~ PROVIDI"lG FOR 'I'll ~~ REPEAL OF ALL ORLlIi'\'i\~CLS INCO~SIST~:NT HEREWITH~ PROVIDlt\G FOR I~CORPOHATlON lNTO THE \10:\ROE COU\TY COD~~ OF ORDI~A~(TS; .\~D PROVIDl\G A~ ErfECTlVE [lATE WII ERE.-\S, Ordinanc.:e i\o. 039-2004 was en<l.cled to provide <iuthority to lhe Cuunt!' Attorney t!)r Monroe County to settle c]ai m sand lu\.vsuits urJJ~r c.ertai n ~ircumstarH.'es, and \VHERE.-\S. Ordinam:C'),;"o 039-2004 ga\.e authority w th~ C uunty Attorne~' tu ~dtle del i lll:; and la \,,, su Ll~ \\ hen \lunroc C nunty paLd (he setllement i'und$, [1ut !lOt wherl i\1omne C Ollnty rccci v~d lhi2' :,dtlcmenl fi.md s~ and 'VH EREA S. OrJi nancc ,,(). lU9-201J4 state; i ncofTectlv that the C nunl" Attorncv ha~ . .. aUlhortt\. tn s€l11e l' lai fIlS and la \\sui ls wi t h tippruval u f' the Buard uf C oum:--' Commis.sioners. \-vIWfC' lhe s.eLllcmcnt amOLJJll to be paid by the County Altmnt'y is in e:\ces.s. of Iwcnty~fjv('" thnusand dotlars, and WH[RL\S the lount\' Attorney doe" l10t pay settlements from his funds or budg~t ilnd tbe \H)rd .'Attome\'.' W(lS illsened in error_ and \VlIERE..\S_ aner codification uf Ordinance ~o 039-2004, Section 2-3(d(~) or the \1,mroe ('nunty Code of OrdLnanccs r~.f1ecb this inconeCl \\mding_ ~ow. TII n~H':ORE, BE IT ORDAI~ ED H\ THE: BOARD OF COtNT," CO\"lt\1ISSIOi'iTKS OF 1\'10NROE COlINTY. FLORII)A~ Scqit1ll_L Sl'C. ~-l6~~ of the \lonrot' Cl)Unty Code lS hcrchy: amerJd~d as t'ulluw..;.,'" SfC. 2~36J. Sf"ttlt'ment of claims and Hrigalion. lhe Count", Attorney shaH have the authorit~. to ~ettle any claim made bv or against the ('OUTU! and settle on behalf of the County any lawsuit in y, hicll the County is a part\ Setllernem authority may be c\crc i ~ed under t h(; !(,llm.,:ing conditions: ( ! ) By the C OUllty Attorney, tl1 hi1'i or h~r .i lldgmem, ,'>'hen thc scn1cl11cnt value or amount to he puid or r(;cein:u hy th~ Cuunt! docs not c..;cC'cd fifteen thousan.d dnllars ($ 1 ~. (JOO (0) (2) By the COLLmy Allorncy', with the v.,.ritten COl1currem::e Di'the COUIlly' .'\dm i III slrator, ~vhcn the senl ement ~atue.5lr amount lO be paid m: f~_Cet\~_Q by the County is in C'.,(~'-ss. of tl. ftcen t housalld d01lar~ ($l5.000.00) and does not e.\.ce~d tw~nty~fi ....c thousand dollars. ($25J)()U nu) (3) By the C ountv Attorney. with prior approval of l}~c Lloard lawfully aUlbol"iled at a j)uhli c: meeting of t h~ Roard. where che s.etllemenl value or amOLl!ll to he paid or rc(cit~.d b\ the Cuullly :\nonlt"'y is in e:>.cess. nft\\enty-tl\ e [housand dol1ars (s]-,,_oono():~ Secr~Q!1 :2 ordi nil nrc i ~ held imaliJitv l f any sectiol1, subsection, s.enten~e, daus.e or provision of [bi ~ i nv.a I id. the remainder of thi:-;. ordi !lance ~nall llot he aHhred hy su~11 .scction 1, All ordinanccs or pans. of ordinances in confllct WLlt~ lhis. ordinance ar(; tlcreb) repeal ed 10 the exlent oj' :-.aid con flicL Section -l The pm\ i Soion s of this ordinance shall be incl ud~'d Jnd incorpormcd ill the Coue ofOrdinallces ofrhe C\~unty pf \lonroe_ rlorida_ as. an addiril)n or amendment thereto, anti jf necessary, shall be appropriately renumbered to cunform to the un iform nu mhcri tlg ~y s.l~m or th~ Code Section..::.... This ordi nance .~haI1 take efFect tmmca iatdy upon reeei p( of otl1c i ill rmtii,:e fh.\nl the Office of the S~crctary of State of the Statc of ''-Jorida that [his ordinance fl3S been flled \vit h sai J OtllCt '"(Coding .:\.dded lilngllagc is plldcrUncd. deleted language is 4;lnIC!\ through.) '") P.-\SSU> AN D ADOPTED b!' the Board of COUtlty Comrnis.sioners of \.lonrot' ('ount\.. Florida. ,ll a regular meeting of said I"hl(lrd held on 1h", dav ~lr , :005. \1ayor Dixie \1 Spdl<lr \lavnr Pro Tem Chinks ..Sonrw'. \kCu\' . . Commissioner \ lurril\" '\el SOil Cornnl is~io n.cr George f\CUgCllt COtnl1l iss.iOllcr J),wid I{ i ce (Sf-Ai} Arre~r. D...:\NNY I..KOt.ll A.GL. Ocr!.; B\' DeplLt" (' !erk BOARD OJ: COl.N")"Y CO\1r\USSI01\tRS OF \1QNRQF ('OLl\.I.Y. };lOKll)A Bv .-.-.. .. Mavor Di."\ie \1. Spehar 1'(:;/~. i/i' ,. )