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Item O2
ROARD OF COUNTY L'OMMlSSIO~f..RS ACENDA ITE:VI SU\1MAH.V 1\.'lLctin)! Oak: t\ o\'cmb..~r 16. 2005 Tkparlm<:nl: Cnunry Attorne-:-: Bulk Ikm: y~s No .X SlalY" COlllad Pcr.s.on: John R, Collj ns AGENDA ITF..t\-1 \VORDIJ\G: '111is item is. for approval of the Standard COIlSUlllrlg Agret":n1cnt for Legal Services fol' f\.1ichacl 'L Symc. \vho wi II be prepari Ilg R fo:P/R FQ/R FR, j(}r un titl()rdablc housing project involving the Monroe County Land Authority, l\-lonroc County Board of Co III In i ssioners, and a private devel{)per. rn~M BACKGH:UlJ~n: Tht:: COLln!y Attorncy has dctermined that a consultant is needed to assist lhe cmmly in preparation of Rl:P/RFQ./Kl'Tl.. fOf .m affordable housing project invoh'"lng th(: \1onmt County Lutld Anthorlty. Monroe County Hoard of Commis.sloncr.:;, and a pri vatG deve I oper, PH.FVIOUS Rl-:I ,EV ANT BOCC ACTION: l\'ONF. CONTRACT/AGREK\1ENT CHANGES: I\"ON"E STAFF RECOMMEJ\DA TIONS: ACCr.:rT TOTAL COST:fCc<; and cosl:'i nDtto exceed SlO~OOO In;OGETED:\'ES ~ NO COST TO COU\TY:$l 0,000 SOTJRCF. OF FU\DS: Cuunh Atturne\' RF.\TF.'TF PROllUCl,"C;~ YES NO X Amount billed munChl} AJ~I~ROVI'.I) 8Y: COllnt)' Att,.,~ O~.tpU~hll~in(~ _ Risk \1:lnagenumt_----:-___ nIVlSIONDIRrCTORAP'PHOVAL~~ICLL, t.LL..,:,: l L \0\\0 (/ \ John R. CQllins~ COD nf)' A tto rncy OOCUMENTATlON: Included X Not Rt:)411ir~d_ HISPOSJTIUN: AGt:N IJA Itcm# ., L. 3 '.H):'IJ HOE COVNTY. HJ )RI 0..\. STO\NUAIU) LEGAl., SERVICE-:.s AGKf.K'lF}';T (U)\ SL' LTI~GiA nv [Sl \'(;) AG~F.FI\'mYI" :'IJli.\lHfR: CA y ~COi\"-20(l5-09-0 1 -4 .;: THE "ROARD OI'U)L~r)( CO\n-HSSTO~"~H.S OF t\IONROE COl,"-oy, FE..(lRlllA. <.;s thc leglslJ1 ive :ll~d f~(1vcrnll1g. body (j r J\...tlnH'n(~ (~0.11Il~]'. Flu;iJl~, rrnrl in acc(}rJ,~mT ~!"iith !.hc powers ~'nlll L:r:rd1l~cl in Section 125.n 1, r lurid<i Sl atutcs (th~ "County") ~inct i\l]( :HA1:L H, S \"\1 F () ;'(. Oh<':;ll & (Jrig~by, P,C. ([he -'i\ Lome)"') kn.:b~' cnter illto thi~ /\gT~~Cll~C:)t ~'~garu:llg. l he n~l'CI1( in n () t" ..\ 1 ~ Lym:y b)' County '_0 wo\"i(~{~ li.':pJ 1 advice a:1d stTvi,~~'s; h s ,) lO l J 12 1, Clicnl: Tk C1l(~TH lS ~hc C lmnty m1([1 hI; MnTH lJC CmLll1y Lmd AlH IIMity', am: 10 lk ~'.\l(.:"~':1 d h;c:lI1y perL1li~~iblc. ~'bH~Ll and aproinkJ oflkU"~ lLTlL~ cmp loyees 0 CClif,;l1~, LLnle<';s COUt:ly or LJr;d "'\lLll1o~i:y <L~h'i~~~~ A llnr:)~!' olherwi~r:, b r_hc eve:)t r.ha\ A~ [i,}I":lCy can:1ot c',hic(lll~' TL'Pl e~..::nl mJ]\.il\U~~~.~ ~fl add itin n 10 COUllty <I uti l.f;fld Aut~~oLly, Allunlr:>' "hid .:cl vise C'llurl1 y :~Ihi [.<md Alllhnl i1y i~1 W:-ijLlg 0:':b11 Et~~1 lll~merllat(1)", , , , .1 1 cI l5 ](J j"7 I~ I ~) :20 21 'n "". 2. Allurn~'r: r1C' AHorney lS lhe ir~d lv:du:l1 nam~d ahove (l~ld ...\,:I~n~:2' signature JrpCilr~ ~11 lll:::- ho:torr_ of[;li" i\gTeemcnt. ...;ttnmeyor t1ll'lllbn~ nlCoher_ &: Grigsby, p,c. is....ar~ lieem<:d to pr~;l~~icc lmv ill ,d1 jLlf isdicljo,)!; L"e:~VJnl :f.." thi~ lllall cr. F f\llorney pL",l~:~ ices with others whu Inay ..J 1~t, providL~ ~el viLes to Ckcnt. he:' or she llL1~kr~Ulnd.~ that Clienl np~~c1s ~hJ1 A 1 ,orney wii[ he respowibk ~()r managing the r~'pr'.:~ul~ l~1 iOTl, a:>.<.:.ming camphane'.: 0 C O~1I~T':"- W i~h th~ terms of llm !\g.re(~menl and el hical L"e~uLn;:ncJlt~, pr",:-pllri,1f'. ().nrl substamiating all bills- and commUni(:<lting wil h (;liC'Il,. i\ttll;]ley [11<1 y TIo1 de;cgale or olltsouree this work \\'iLhoLll hill written dls.-.:loslIn; tu, aTll1 prior wrdtcll approvJl Ii-Olll, C1 i(:n1 , ~ .1 2:; 25 26 ~l. :\.1 atter: ,\U()rr.~'Y ]m~ b';l:n Tetai~1cct by Client ill COlUH.::d ion with 1 he mat tel" d<';8~TibcJ ill ~\.hlbi( ,\,'\lWrl1i:::y t'cprese~1ts that hoe or she ~." clllll~eknl a~)d a\'Jj~abk to hallJk Lkr IlliL1~er. 1n ~r.l' c\'(;~ll 11[<Jl :,tldil iona: :11;lt1e:'S ar~ assi~!L1ed by CliCJl~ to Attnrncy_ t:1is ag:-l.:C"l11crll Shd II <lp;lly 10 1 f:o.~l: 1ll~~tkL'; a:.; w~ll, llnJe~~ a sepm<lt c Agll~~~1 ncnl is required by Clic-:ll, lS 29 YJ 3] 3- 1_ RE',je," of ethical nhligatiom btl"()J"I:- initi~lirlg, n~pre:<icntation: AllOllll'Y ha~ cOlldllll ~:~~ ,I L hL)~'UlLgh illh~sl it'.iLlil)11 ~mr\ de,ermined th<.!.t r.~ithG i'\ltunll;y rH)[" h is or h~r firm has any c-lhl:al i:11rcdimet:L rea] or po l[nl iJ L lo r~~p;l~~,~m ifl).', Clicnt. To the extenl : l1<ll ,iny d:lil::i 1 imp~Ji:n-';L1l. re<.lj or pot<.;IV ial, is c.li~co vcr~'d ur (~Vt;,. ,ni<.;cs, AttlJrney .~l1all imLl1(Cdia~ dy i:1J(.1fI n Cli(:'11l ;n \ni1ill( (lrl;'\,~ illlpc:dlllL(:;ll (I e~.~a~d1ess o (-\'..-hethcr AtlOl11ey tdic\'n 1'11; L)T s:",e hiL~ ukt:'1l at steps IleCl~S~~Lr>i lu avoid [11,-, i:llp'.::-dil1lcf:l f!.ncl rcgardj~:;s 0 fwh~Ulcr Allo~lll~,,' bl~li{"Vl~~ lh~lt t;)C' jmpC(.tmcLl: :.~ ~nsllhslJ.nl iat 0, {! uestiomblc), maKc fuL d is,~IOc;.ur(~ (1 r 1 ~',c "lmalion lU C1ieL1l, 0btalll ('I il:r:1 's C'\prC's~, wL"ille:1 um~E:nt to eom~nue l:K~ rq,lT(.:"c-l;n1 a(~HI c< t:1e (Eher repro;;8<.:n: ell p,~l"i j', ;j~ltl1 d[.,:? all ~l~.p'" r~'qu~~: ~~,~ uy Cli<:I:1 ~u :i\;Oid Or n1l1 i~.atc the impediment. AHoLL\\:)' UTl(i(:rs1;~fld:-; tklt, if a dlL"ec1 ll, iL~llixcl L:Unf1il:~ td' Lll:nL.:~~ ,Lri~L.:~ w hieh, in lh~ orin~oll ofClie:'nl, l'aJmol b\:: <J Vllidd or mi, ~ga:cd LLlld~:r ;h~~ RlJl(:~ ll~-PT()kj.si(HJ:Jl Conduc1 nfThc Florida flar. Chenll11<.lY. in. ils discrdillll, (:t) ~)b1:1in L"eill',b~Lr~":ln~'111 [i-Olll A[lun',-,;y r~.}r ,jll ri.~e~ :mt1 :'::xj.1cn<::.cs paid to Att()rn~y in th.is nwl1cL" \\'hj~'1I Wl~~'(~ illLlLrrcd during .hc r~r~0d of the Lllntlict~ (b) obtJin ~'<mcdllll ion 0'- 1111 :illl[)Unt'-, aI1eg{'{Ey owed by C"1 iC'n: to AtlOrney incurred during t;1e reriod of thl' conilid; <j~ld (C) (l b( flin rcimbursem~nt rl)r CO:Hcq'Llenl ial e\.pemc3 incurred by Cllent. me luding l;K~ ,--'v~l 0 t' !'eJ.11:~L"~mcn: couns~l. -.....:.. .1.~ .H ~~ 5 jh ~'1 .. ' l~ 39 40 4l 42 <l.~ 'U '1.' l L) f" 14 -. 3_2. LimibtiollS to ~cup~ uf n'pn:"~r.J1laljou: Fx~~pt '.\.lll'K [:'f01 I iLJil cd by th:.:' [~lLle_~ oj' p~,o \:ssiot~:ll Conduct or The: l<urith n:~I, AN [) ., ;:-'" U~S S i\Tl 0 R '."J FY 1 S un I]-,JZ W 1St ! f\ I~OR'vlFD TO T( IF CO:\ 1 1(1\1\ Y, llLc ;v1 U[',fnC: Cl)lHlty Attomey\ CJ CEtT will sc,'ve ;~s c"(H~(\UIlSe~ in all :mLtle,s covered by l1l i~ Agn~~lllL~~)l. A.~ co-coullSci, the (WI~:~: artn 1t~C'y's will ,;ssbl ,'\l ~ULTL~.Y hy perf["mning t<~sks In: u~.~kd by' ,\(tomey, including bul nol [illl i~ L~d 1n serving as Joe,;] i:Qumd; <.;ccurir_g l;1': COelpCr(l~ :Oll (1;- CEC'll~ c:11pJoyee '~, 0 flkcrs, anu 111h::r~ in ciiscovery and ed:n lI"~<lW,;r~; Oh:Jlllinj! evident ;<11)' 1ll,:l(,;ri,1 b. fi'Ofll CI icnt tiles; i:.ssLsiing wi~h dje-co vcry; a:t~mjing hearir.gs ami depmilions: liling pkadiJ12';;; ananging fN closed a110rL1(,;y-\.:li..:[~1 sC'ssiom with the [}{)<lrJ vl"Cuullly (:ommissioncTs; and pC-;'J(HI ning 01h2[' tasks a_~ neceSS<.lry .mJ \.~lHIVen ient for Atwmcy_ Dcc~~ion~ as W ta~l iClll (l~proaches ~n be util ized s:nll h~ the U [t~l11al(,; rcsponsihility of the AltOl11~.Y, ,:ILd l::'e-'.ll~S whicr_ ri:>C' :{) lhe :nc\ 0 t" J dient decision ,~1all be reso~vcJ by l ht.: BOfiL'd of ('ount}' Corr::11::>:>io~KTS, ..\ny (lEr~ f~cr llmitat ion!' or ~ptcJa~ condil~ons c;.h,t!l b;.:: as <:.~( tClI1h in lxhil.Jil A. -l s (1 8 ~) In II I~ 1) , ' ~~ 1 ~ 16 1 ' 1 S 19 :0 21 3.3. Term of AgH'cmcn I all d RE'prcsentation: lhis i\grcctllC[ll (J11L"~ r'l:prcSenLH i\ln ~)y A~tl)rney :_~ efkCtlVC upon <lCCe:p;<LllC~: ,lTld app:'Qv<:~ hy C1;~nt ill a('con~<tllc~: with CLem's rnli..: ie~. ordir~all~:(.:s, or p.o\-'crning statute~_ The rcpr-,:s\:lll<ll iL)r: ~h:d en n~lnue unUl lenr.inalcd b~' r..:ilkl" Cliclll, Or b\' lh~ Attorney in accordance \vitll cthical n~quir~:' m~llL~. ') '~ "'-- 3.4. Client txPl"l'tatiuns <Iud goals: CI icnl expects the At~o~ncy tel seck lh~' b\:~l T(';~O l\l~ tU rl ur r:::-SL1~l lCJ r Oie:1t <\1 the :owe~t :-easonabk ~.ost (0 the : it:<:pliyt;r~. An;, other expec1a:~ons <lDd goals sbll be as s~l ronh in Exhihit A. ~~ ).:j. 25 ..1 Attorney h'e (HourJ~'): ,\nmT.<':y' \\'i~['JC p<iid r(H' h~ 01' her ~cl"vic~~ :Msec o:1lhc nU:11bcr oj'hour~ c\.pnl(~~~d 011 b..:half of Cli:::lll (rounned w the tl~ar~Sl1~ntr_ Lour for C,lC!l ~~Inl~ ~TUy). 1101 lo in~~:ud~: 1 irm; billable 10 (1 r COLnpensatcct hj' l1tl:er rarlLeS r~pr":s~.Jlkd by .1\ P unll::Y, IUJ ltip lied hy t:1~ ArJl1rney's bourly rate as set 10r'.h in E\.hibi1 ,.:\. 1 h\~ f(llluwinp, mi~1ill~um hdi~1g documenlat:on and time-keer~f reqll~rtm~nlS are a COnc.lt io;) pre~xdcrLl III P,iJ11 :<:nl b!" (';icm_ 20 1'1 ~~ 2'~ :iU .11 4, L i' on-bill..bh:' ti[[)c~ i\llllTllCV w~ll bill Cli~tH on~'i for time reasonablv and nccc"milv ... ... -' ... incurrec. to render pmte<;<;ional service:::, on Cll~nt's hehali'in ac~orduncc wilh lhi~ Agr~~~:rJ1(:m, Til[~l~ atH'ibl!~r.blc ll1 hiLin~~ LJll~SIio ns is n01 billabl~. Tim~ cApendcd by time-ke~pers who ha vc nol bcer~ app;u\'ed by CLem a~ indicated ("In I~xhihit A is also not billable. J: .1 J 3.0:. .~ ~ ..:t.1. Ch an gt"s, 10 hou rl)' roll es; Al1llTTl~:!" w ill (;llar~,C' ,10 more than the hourly rJ'_c quoted y; ~(I Fxhibil A [lirvughuul1k duralioJl v[1lw tnallt;r, llTll:::ss O(her.......'i.~c ,g~ree(: in \"Titing s:gn~d hy J '7 (~]j~n:. 31'; 7-C) ..:t.3. ])istounts to other Rqlrcsentcd Pat'tic~: The rates Attorney will charge Client .1 D represet~t ~he lOWest r;ltc, ch(Lrged by (h:: SfU11.,; [inl:.::-~~cre:'S tn o7h.::r part ics r['pn"set~kd hy Atto,'ney. .1) In tr_~ e\'ent that lO\l.,.'er rates lJ I rli.,coLLnl, arc rm\'il~ed to ot~~cr rarties, Attorney and approved :ime- <12 kc~per'; wJI ~l,o lKo\'iL~e thcm 0:) 1 hL~ S:1.r:K~ hfi~i~ 1 (l C'icnL ..:t-:~ +4 4.4. Addilionallirnc-kcepers: i\dJil ion~ll tim.:-k.':<:Pl.;S m:,/ r:l't b..: <lJJc~ tll I:K~ mal ~ cr .:1-" w i1 hlllJ1 :~ll \':'m~:(; wri1l~.n ~l~'[:'ru\':d [rom C~ic:1l, J ~'I lh,~ ;';\.'l~ll~ l fWl add i: i,.~1 :,J I ~ iIlK~' k ~::::p(:1 ~ pr l)vidir'~_~ :2 of 14 scrvices whid: <Ill~ l 0 h~'}ill~J to Clll.ll( an.: ~o ':)~ adced to perform ser\,j{j~S 1I nlk; llli~ f\greel11c:1l, 2 ; hl~:l 1 heir ;1OUrly r<lies ~li:~L '[lC' provideJ If..' Ck1l1 in arlvancc, ,md. UPUTl WI' itlo::n '~rrwv:~: by ('I ic[~t, .~ 1 ~~(':i:. ra~c~ ::~r~d bil~i.Tl~': p["i.-lL7~C{,S s~1alll'OlnJlly 'IA"ith ihc- n~qllirctn\.~llr.~ 01" 1 hi~ ;\gn..X~l n~ll[. .."\~ld iLional .:I lime-k(:'crer~ ,ippl"l)Yc:-d by Client ,lr(: lis(~~d ill Fxhihit A to ',his /\grecl rc~nt, <Ll1ulhis f x.hihit A ;1ny ') be LU;lC'Tlded f:'om tim...: lo li~lU;. upurl Il1wllal agn.xllK:ll~ u rT~ict:l amllhe A 1 ~ urn:::y, 111 ~\"ld...'lK": lk t1 lJ)~~ll V.wren: c~rcLLLl1sl<.lr::u;~, 7 ~ 9 ] 0 1 ~ l2 I ~ 1,1 15 1(; 17 1 ~ j() ..:t.~. Existjng 1,\'urk product: To the CXll~lH I h~ ,.:\t~orney tu,l b:~ Ll:',C 0.f ex istLl1g wor~.;, pr OI~LLct, ('g, ill l he :lll"ll~ f,l :'c.~~arch previuu~ly pcrlo IWt(: [()r ,LllO~ IIt;r pwty. the;1 Al101T(,;} rmv hll ~)nly tjl~lllimi.: c..>;pel"'.dt~d i:', ll~in~. d~~lt \\'ork prmllJ~:~ ~or C:ict~~. 111 0 llll~r \\.(m'k n~1 pr~mL\Ul, I n;lrk IJp, (lr n1 hel- ,-,rl.:'lISLllCl<l : m ,,' I)c ncade 10 holl CiClll t0~' 1 im~ sl1~r_~ ('r: ~n)~:~ :.drcady rcrt(~:lllcd 4_6. TranI: lravd LT~~ ["iL:( :on<.:., :ndllu:r,g rcsl 1';.(.;1 ;nn'. ot~ hil];ng. l i:m~ du:i:)y tn~ lid a:e <;ct It~I"[11 ~J~"ii.1W_ ~. BilJing of Fe~~ :Hut F:\pclB~s: At tUr.llY ~;lilll comply wltll E)<.: JiJJluw inp. t"equiremo.;nts as ill bdi~lg [;;~:~ f~r~d expenses as <.l condil iOTl p['cLCt12t1( to Uier.t \ o:1:ig,i1 inn to pay c<.lch bill; 20 '} 1 ::;.1. \lunthly bills: L." [I k~s otherwise agreed ~Jl ~ w,'i~ ;ng s i~ned by CE(,;lH, bill~ ~kJI he issm.d 1 rlL"JLthly hy Attlll11CY wi( hi,) ] 5 d~JY,' after the close of c<lch 11 :L)nlh_ Anomey LLmh.:,sl<lLd~ 1h:j~ CI icnl reqllLr..:s prUlnpl bih in ].1:1rt to bcilitate ;,;~Tccli\'(,; 11'.nna2em~nt () ('the rcpreslT1 :~, ~nn lilt: tee~. ;'"1 2_~ 5.2. Bill format: Alto me}' sbtll provirlc dclaLlec., ltC:lllZ(,;"d ':lill<:. which <)all. at ~ :2-,1 mmlrrllllT1- 25 :~.h 5.2.1 lll'Sl'ripl ion, Provide a gel1era] descr~pt ion 0 f" (he matter, to include l':'I~. n,~1 tK~ :2.? 0 f (~li~~r~1 (h~)l:-i~.l nlcllt or con_~t iiut iOl1::d offi(:L.::r~ :~. I H11 indicated in the t Lt Ie ur l:H~ 11 ~fi1 tL':r ~ j~lr \:...:h~cb ~ ~ lq;,;l ~~rviu~s rUe ';)C'ing rert(nrEl'U (Prqxm~l iOIl 0 f" Ulility fkmd Financing Agre";rTlen~). 29 .' () ~, ~.2,2 l~cl'sonnd. C l~arl\' ider:tify (,;"~jcll p:::r ~11,~ pcrkmm:g: ~CrYll~eS (i. ~~., 1 i,lll~- , ' k..:~~p,,;r.~) ill ~:UlljL1llU~n n n. i1:1 each cnry_ ~-... .>1 5.2.3 Olhl'r l'l'rsunnd. ("i(:(lT ly iLicmlt\' all rerso:1i> W ho ,Jl~~ r~t~[ hd-ti:11c law]'ers 3::; c:llploycd by l he AOOl"ncy' ~ 1[1'1)', (lnc;ucling ,~llhcoL1traclUrs, iIllkp(,;"TlL~ct~t Llln.rac:nrs, tcmpoTiu'r' 3(J c]llploy(,;"(,;"~, ,lTll~ UU~ ~nLLrcirlj-', pro\' iL~~r<:.}. .17 .1 S 5.2.4 Time RCl'ords, K~.con: 1 ~lt; 1 illl~ expended hy each :;nx-k~.i;p(,;"T c-qnr::tcl;'_ JCJ I rl 1 ilO~::: siu Lal iL!n~ w here th~ mininmm hi ILng increme"t exc~\:d~ lh-..: JCllL:j i 1 ;[Tl;': Spe:1t 011 a tJsk anu J.(:- ~(~V(:l fl.1 Of-1h:s(: ;'minnl.' tasks arc pertt):'merl, it is exrected thaL Lh'..: ~cr\'il:cs \vill b~~ aggrc,g:l~cct un:d ~ l 1 h~~ 1 (11 :~: ad Iml [:mc spcr~t 1lle~t~ the min imum hilling Lncreme~t. .:,? 4.1 5.2.5 Tutals and B!' Task. S'.<J.te thc <.HllouIll 1)1' ~ ~II :c: c;.:.pendcct by ead~ [ll11e-J..:t'~rer 1', daily (~,~:d, \\'~tj1jl1 ~ae~) day. broke:1 Jo\vn by taS:-::. \"+.C"r~' mur~' 1 :',aTl ur:e pl nj>'::d 0:' ta<;~ w~s worked 45 LLPU]) wilhin lk SL~trK. d<lY). .~ or 14 : s ](, 1 )' li I () 2(1 ? 1 ,..,~ ..::.. -~ 1 2 ~ 4 5.2.6 Ta sk n~~L~rjp1 ion. [)['sul[le withb \:dC!l ;1 clllj/.(;d d:i ily task ~n~ry, i~ su tYicicL1: de:_aillO J(.>adijy a 1:0\.~' ('I i';TlI 1 (1 de1.l:~'lll.il~c tlle n~c~~~ir.y for and rc,l~(lTlal,h.:,l''::-~S CJ :'t h~ l i:n~ cxpe,_de~. t:~c s~l-vicc~ pC;~lll1IXd, l~K. pn)j~~(:[ nl" i ask c~ch selyic~ rda:-.:s lll, ~ I:~ ~lLbicc and pu;pos\: of e<L~'~j service. Jr.d lhe ]]<itJK":, oJ"olhcr::, \....+0 were present or l.:()mmuni~'Jted \\';~ ir~ [}h; L'L)Ut.s~ ot'pl'ri();ll1m~ t;1e ser\'il~e, l,H.<lJJl~d ~hoL!ld ;,0:: ~ ['easonahly specific JL::in~',j1 ;(~rl (J i" scr~'ices ,'LLmcieL1:~J' ilCllliLCd lu ldlu~J1l~ 1illlC wi1~1in il matteJ to SUl.:h c,-,tegmi~,::, or c,;ffUT1 :~s l.cVal RescJ;ch. Fact Glllkr~llg, lrlkL"lHll CI):11~:n'::llL~L~S, Commll~1icatin~1S with Cli;:Jll, Parl iculm D~)Ulm~nt [)rat1.mg, (~otllmissioJl ..\prc~"-Jn~'~.:-', t-....f ~.("C; ir'g. ,\ 1 ~en(bncc. and so t()]"Ll1. 5 () :-: {) 10 1 1 l2 1.1 l :; ::l. 2. 7 Summary of Rates. In" sLlllLrn,ny W 'li(: h~l,:nning or ~nd of ~h(. biL, prll\'idc lhe (lJ:'1'(:'111 hOLLr]y L"a[~ ic)]" eaC~j li~n~-~~cr-.:r. lhe lu1~,': i;ll:l~ hiHed hy CJch tim~-keqxr ~n lll~;l l,lilL lliL: ;.l~\)dlJC[ of ~h:- wt:-ll time and r.oLlr;y rak fur C,;dl 1 ill :l:- keeper. tb~ :nta~ re~s c:1argcd, am~ ~; reenr_l' ibtwcJ b~l WeUI llle ~anuLllll i,; I t~Ll".t:',l:d (lllLt any arp licable eSll~nalC"d or budg~:(t;d :l~lIULLlIl, '~y task. In ,~dditiol L, nl{.:h 1l\1.H';i h ly s.[ :~L(~' rll..::l1. SllO I) lct show the aggreg,~,~~ bd lillg r~.H' [lia', lllf3ck1' fI 0:11 ~hC' COl"llllWIICC! TK~TI, U r-the ; mlle1' thmugh '.he curreL1tl::"-'Jd lui llW~llh, ?2 5.1.X UigicII/.E]l:drun il' CU]l:' _ Clic~',1. i~ currently using Time IvLll :CL"S lllld . r i'lK. Billing sothnL"c i:l ~llC C'lltl:lly t\:,WL";K'l'\ O~-11'~:'::, l'Lc;d prek~'s that an electronic reporli'lg .~On\\ ~m; wh,-.;h can bc ilKOl-~llT<1 kd illln C il:n1'~ ~n fl warc cla:a hast f()r tracki~g ,:r~d rqJOn ~TI~~ J.1,JTO~l:S bl~ used by!\1l0m(:"y. i\llnnlcy shnllld discuss [he carabi:lL~s 0:' /\tlOnLcy-:, bil1i"t~ ~y~I(~lfl wd Clielf hcthrc rel1lkL"jng the tlr~[ ':dl. UH~L1t should ;(Tei\.c (l dig:1:1 1 ~:'echHli[""compu:eri/.~r'_ version 0 t" cadI ':)jll, :ogethe: with a rarer copy, lu LlCiJil<.l:-':: bill rni(:\....., ~.1 5.3. J{xpcn sc::;: Client \\";11 P,lY ,f~~ ae1.1J111, rCfisonablc cost orthe j~}llo\Ving exrcr.s~ Lterr:s 2S if i:K:urrd il', :l~~~v'd~~llL'C wit.h 1.he ~~llidclint:.~ bcl(lw and rromptly ~lcmlRd in Alto;ncy':-; LIlOllihl)' ~~(, '~)dl: 27 .2 to; 5.3.1 RiCimlHl r;..IJ!l: C:\pl"IlSCS: Aclu<l ll~usl :lH m:L:L~~~ary long rl is, :ltlce telephone >) ([11::-.:.. 1 e;ecnpyinp. <\1 S 2:') pel OLLt!jn iTlL~ p,Jge, (l v:.::might l)l' expedited del iv~ry, COlUloel-S, rhotocopyin~ Vi .11 S. 1.'\ per pf~~'J~, j1(JS1 age, cnlln r(~(;.~, ~:l(llllh~1 ~x]1en<.:.e~ npp:'(Jver. i:1 advJ.nce h}.' ('I ient 0: <is ~i~'_~d 3 ] be~ow: ,- .:'0":":' _,5 ~~9 ~(l ..;.1 ..t.~ .1" 44 ~5 3 _~ 1..t 5.3.].]. Expcdjll'U ur cml.:'rgl.:'ncy Sl"rvjn~s: At :llrIlC}' i~ c'i.pecled lu <I ~'n~d IJ:-:'Ill':::: l~\ p~~diL~.d or l~nK.rg\:ncy scrvl~"Cs, slIch as express Lc:ivcry sn\'ice~_ c(juricL"~_ t~~cLnpyi,1g_ nV~Jli;11~, and .~o llll, lH~k~::;. TlL:l:I,:~.~ilry be,;aLl7'-.e or III I L.::<' peel cd (h.>:::-lnplller!l s ur nlr~mcly ~r.on d~adljn~s. Clj~n: may l'.::J1Jse w pay ft!l" any such C''(rcll~C's w her~ incuncd 1'nLL1 ir~cly (J I' hecaL1~C' or ...\ 11 Orrll:!"::' tliilure to tllalmge the mallcr e1li.ci-':l1'.ly. ., f -' .) l' . ' .1 :-; ~.3.].2. ComplJtc-rizcd rCSC3l"C h: .>\'.t0rn~y is c.~pcued h1 lL~,' c(jmrlllcii":u~ r[~ear~'h ~e~\";cc., ;:,)SL-C'rh::c:i\'~ly tn ] cdlJc:? ci 1llC' ~pe:)t nil r:::sc::[ eh. it)J C',\Ll"lplc-, '.\'.li.:il~ ~'lr)~ejY-;llvL1i~ I)ri:1g cl'mpulcTLzcJ r~searcb to i:1_~ure 1I1d the clmrp.cs <:re rcasot1<Lble an(~ ~~~cc~s~ry. /\ llUl"~h.Y i:-:. (;.\p~~dcd ~u pass tll:-ough W (:lient any diSCO"IJ!:ts or other a~Tangcm~~1ts tht rcduc~ 1 he co:-:.1 0 f" L"nrll]~IJ: cri"/L:L: SL:r\-"l',;~."", J~hulul'OJJyi n~: Allom~\,. L~ CllCOurUg(.u lo l:se OU1sld;: 4 uf" l4 2() ~. "":'J ~... -~ . , ., ~ l:npy il~g scn.'l~'''':S to T~'dllCC ~ h; ~:U:-.l () t- lflr~.e-v()lume CI)PYl]l~, provioC't lhal 'J:e,~C" l".\P~~1 N:~ ~m~ L:f1lc'enL c0.sl-efCeo i\'c. ,lr~d in~.:l1rn~d :~[ld biEed in accorJ,;ncc wi'h lhis Agreem~n:. t\, lOl"lll:Y i~ ~'c~po~,si':)~c fi.)]" imurirl!S l11:;1 ,ill l~l~lhin~ complies wit 11 cl)p~Ti~.h: obi igat ion~, 3 4 S (i 5,3, 1.4. Tnln1icriJJh~ T1 <H'.s;:r:pts shmll1 ~lO: b~' 1):\krNl withlH1: rr:m apWll\'U l frul n C I i:::-nL T~'J.IYCrl;V_s S:lould 1:0 l br.: Ul"(kL"eL~ l)n at~ eXredLlu; t:"s~~ In:e~.~ n'.2'c~ssa:'y aile dppru v.xl ill i:..r_,'J.nce hy C hent. Al1oL"J]r:y ShOl,kl ohtait: c.:gital cl~'clL'uTljL.:""l:(IIl:~)IJ~cri;.-:d COP]C~ of lral1Seripl~ \\.lwr~ a \':~ihhl::- at <1 rea,;ollabk cost :u ~vo id c:~argi:,g hn lil11~ SpC~ll (:i~~eS1.in~. lH ~nr,cxjn~ I ~'ilmL'1 ipl s, ilnd ~n arow Client lU ll:~Ji:l1.:i i:) a digital e hxl:0T1i~~,\~ul nplJkr ii.ed (i,Lta')<ls,; () C all l nlllsL:ri['1 s_ ~ \l 10 11 12 11 I.::. l5 ~ 6 S.3.1.5 Tra \'('1 Expemes; Travel '.;xpl~r'..)(:'~ w i~ hin 6e ;\ttorne::/ s local or mdropol i~ ,~[\ <tIl~" will :lol be reimhurseJ if lk li]lK~ ~pl~lll :n tram it is bilbl_ '1 ~avd expeL1q'~ uu l~i~c tb; jJ1d rUfJO li[ :~,l a~'ca ~l1aY only be n;il11b\lr~.;n~ if" rhe teave] W,lS approved ;n adv,~11l:c by Cli:;rll. R~imhLlr"ahlc travel exp-.:mcs, if ,lpprovcd i~l ac.\'",mcc. ,m~ l he l~usl 0 t" trm~pllrl ,~l illl1 by rhe l~ast C'xpet1si\'~ W<Jctk'ab:'.; Ul~(l~',~ {l::.?, coach cla~s air travcl). 1 ~l(: ('(hI 0:- rcaslw:h;e hotel c.ccommutbtions, and ~he CCht o~'[rJt1~portalio~ whik Oul ut-lOwn {C'_g., hy cab p, ~'l~nLll Li'.r_ wh,cjlt\'er s~~ms reasorL<lbk, <1r ~h(: Il)wc~~ <.:.vailahle r<.;t<.:). Tn~vcl cxper:sc<; will he :'cimbursed in ,~c;.;ord(l:KT \".:ilh ~II~ (ipp~i(::lhle rr(")\:i~ions f()r "app~ove(~ ~r,~ve!cr~' of the f\.'Ionl"Oc ClH1~lty Codc oC OrJi.t~,Hwn, \\.ill Uc ~Lllt1ll1ari7ed or, th~ rv1UllrOC' ('our":1y TmvC'~ FMm \'i'~th all (lrpli~:ablc I"(~e~iprs aHacned ther~to. I -i , , 18- 19 2.~ Travel Time. Time srenl m lransit, locally Ul" U[lil~~'wi~e, nny .24 ';)~ ':)llleJ on~y it' (<lJ l\llorr~~'y or l i:n~'-h~~~p~r is unahle to avoid lraveLng by lIjJ]~ ol hn ri.llW.~ 01" 2 5 ~'Oll HTllmic:'11 inn :tnd (h) Alto n~cY \lr I i:l1~-Kecper ~s lLr:atlir.: W J~lll i:ll~~ i:l l1illlsi: to Mher pa~tie~,~. 16 'lr~j\"L':: hy lllnt.c than. one l;me-kecpe-~ al the sml1C l]]nc III 1 h~ ,~mm~ tk~' ~lIa~ i0rl ;<; 110t allow~d "'.'l~hou~ J."7 prior "rpn_n'",d C~0W C kll1. ..'\ ppr..}\.nl ~ ravel lime dlLl-jt1~_ tiL1~e-~eeplCr \ nl.)rl11~; I :IllS! II":~~ h~H:I'S \': ill :2 ~ be ~~lIcJ al lhe hourly r<l:~~ li~lr.:d fur ~ h: t illl~:- keeper lJn Fxhihit A. ..'\pprov-.:d 'on; h'~ l i~l1c ll')hi(:~' ).\: Ur':~ll!C-',,;,c::':'pel ~s nnrlllal busi~....e.~s h()ur~s ...~~ilJ be billed at (J:-.K.,:-hal[~hc bUlJr~.y r:~::..:: lis1c:r~ j'1r the tin1e- 30 kl~c:pC'r l):) Exhibit A, 31 .1 ~ 5.].2. ~on-Ir(:inlhursahlc expcnses~ . rhc [ollo\.....i~)g ~Xbll~rL~c::O:' \-V"lll ill thl L':vcnt hi? _, _, reil11bur~,1 1:1]:,;, unless splxi t1l~Ldy 'lgrv.xl lu in ,~dV<'lTl(::C i~l a \-\'.'r'iting ;Zig:lcd hy (:Jient: j4- .-;~ .1 (~ S.1.2.1. P'::r'sonal :::Iud Otl1ce Co,,>b. [\"l~<lls for li~ll\;-k~~~pers. OVen im~_ won~ pmc~.~<;.i:lg or cOIl:putcr charges_ p~rso112.l ~Xr~l1Ses. ~xrens~s lkt beLW~]llr.:J ol hcr pHTl i..:~, ~'XlXllc.;.~~~ lur books. l'osl:> u f kmporJry l:"mploy~~~, pni;.Hlica1s Or othe~' Lhrary ma:C'rial~, ~rl[,~l"I1; il fil ill);; or o[h..:~' dO.....'Ull ',~nt lLitIllIEIlg dLJrg~~. c lnil"iJ 1 l:xpl:ns(:s. sra7:0t1Cry a:lct mher ';lJrply t\.per.ses, ut iU ies, 2.nd a~lY other expense that is e ither unr~dsCJnable or unnel:~ssar}. {The fad l;'Hl :l1e ti:"m ;:h;~t"~cs O[he1" parr iess or [h<':il O[}h~r tlrm~ clut-gc rh;ir c~ie:)ro. fDr f::) cxpen:-;c d(lc<; no'_ make H reasl1m.hl::- 0:' necess;::ry.) -~ ... JS .1') .1 () 1l .1 ~ ~3 lxpcrts, C'omullanh:, support scrvi\:cs, outsollH~d ~er,"in"s. de Altufl1ey is no l <.lutho,izeJ to retain ~XrcrL~, uddilio:1:d (;ounseL CU]]SU~lJ~lts, ~~~ppOrl s:::r ,,'icc:s, nr 1.111.: lik,', ~1T ~ I) ..}ut sourcc or dck~ulc \Vor~( OU~ siJe ,\~ li.}rn~~y \ 1:3\\ ~n :1, '.yi~ h.~lJl p~'ill~ ~~ 4.' S n~- 1-1 1 '.vr:ller. apwtl\',L by Chcnt. f\tWlllCY wi;[ i~e r'cspon;;ihl~ for sckcl ill!; :il1d m:lna~ing (jC ,~c.n'i~'~.~ ") (If othcr~ so t I1,Jl 1111~i I scrvices and e\.pt'ns~~s w ill be t ~nderell in aV,'vn:aIICe with the lem~:> ,/ 1 ~'.i~ ""1 i\g:rCC.lllU1~, illdLL1Lng tcnm appli.:abk w A, lOrneY. .:\ltornq v.dl ~llallQge olh~rs ~() obI ,li.n C(I:-.l.. 4 ~nC':1 in. ~n\"i,~~~ to r Client. lJnk.'s~ othlTW i<:.c agreed In wri~ ill~, ..\1.1 oriley .~hall U'JlaU1 a IA"'"inl:l: ~ rel ai~K'l ~l)>ccm~nt, in a form \vllieh 111;1).' he sre;.;~tleJ by C kr~1. 1"1-0:11 each s\:rvicc. ~E\I \'ir.'~r, '.\'i:[: (, bi1b li'r,m each ~)~o\']Jcr beir~g ~~.ll~ 'Ll holl: Attorney {for ~Tl<L1I:wcllle~j PlllV{)SCS 1 al:, 1 C1ic~)t (~l):' review ,)nd r"\YIT.enl). \.' \, 9 ; (I II 11 ;:;.J.2.1. Expemt'~ nul passr.rl throu~h at ad ual ~~o~j. ('! ic:",t \\':: I not P:\)' <.iny IT_J,J.:U(1 lor ~':<,p~::l~es. CEcIlt will 0 Ill:::, rcm"louJ"s,. (he /\ 'wwcy (or their <:cl LLal ap]ll OVCl: olLl- o ~~t1oc~-::.ct Cll~~ s <Illd :'xpcn.~c.~. whdh~l" Il1CLlln.d p~Tsor~ally hy dn Jrprovc.d ::rnt; k~.:::pC'r nr illcurrec 11)' olh~l" ,~ppn)Vt:d (w["~nl1r:d (sll~"h as ~xp..;rt s, n..'II~lJ 11.<111l<:.. sutlJ10rl s~rvicc~ peTSu~Hll~l, or ,}llbln1:"c(~~ Sec\'i\XS perSl)l1r:t:l). ],"1 14 15 1 (1 l ") l ~ lLi S.-,.2,4. Onrhead nul d... rgE'd to Client. Cb';ll~ w1111 :01 [n y" fUI" :111/ '-C\.pC:b~"' Hems l;HLI :~I"l: ',11 bel pan of ...\llorm;y-~ ov,~rlr~;ld '.~':lich SllOUld be ir:chJL~~~d '.,..illlill ,\llll~lH~~/~ Ice. 5.1.:;. Adv,UH"l' otpp ro....al (If expenses. 1n <.;Jd il;ulI 1 (I :h(~ items nOl~J ahovc_ .!\ 1 hHne')' <;k.[ (] ~)tain <ld\',~Ller: approval from Client heltlTe incurring ,J~lY :':::x pcnse in excess 0 C S l J)OO_OO l[ !\tlorw:y ~~x~.)l:d:-. In 'llC rc~mhlLrsed for lhat CXJ.1t.:r~:-.~:. Client m<:y rAusc tll PLlY <Ill'" e?\pCLlSC lor wllidt ~idvarll:(: approvaj wa~ not obtained by i\l'um,~y, lG 21 ')) T' ~_1 24 5.-'.4. Copies of receipts lor t.~pt'IIS(!S. An.orlley sinll jt~clullc eopic~ vrw'J~~ipl:-. :~):. at cx.IH:'m~s wi~.r. thc. il<':lniLl~(llll~lTllhly bilL Clie~1t may retLI.~c :0 P,lY llny '~\Jll~n~~ itC:11 for w:lic;l ll('CU1T.C:1la~ ;011 j~ nu( rrov~d~~d '))' ,,\ Homey. ~, ., 2() ......:s 3.35. E'~xpcme~ (and kl'S) aflt'r h'rmination. 1 J ron te~nir_al ill~~ 0 I' l;~c 2') r~prc:>e:1laL\)[1, AUor~KY _~hd p,vwplly bi11 ('I ict\t tnr :\nY rem<:lllillg n:il11bursl~bh.: exper'.:.....;;:;. ,Illd _~() ~ees. Clic:-::l l11J)' rcli.Ls<.: to pJY LlLl)' fees or e;<;p'..:-rl~(\~ 11[)~ billcrl within 45 Jays {) C 1crllLiLl<lliuLL vI' l k 3 ] rq.}l",..~l~'ll,ll iUII. ..\11 u:'m:y i:-. n hu l~:o;,PCC1.Crl ,n eOl11}erate rromptly willl J lJ L~sp~~n~ U f" [,~l"ll1iTlntil)1l anl:, 3? it" llppliL:ab1L:, 1 ["<Lmil il)ll ll) U[ t:c-r l:l)iJ:l:,.,el. P:~y1l1Cnl [l)]" t~es and t'\.pt'rl.~<';s j!, com mgenl LLpUrl pTl.~1 L ~J1r_, .~.) :i.Jl LOO p~~a1ion 3-1 _~ 5 ~\(~ :r? 5.4_ mu an d (''l: IlC liS,", dor.u rn~ntatinn. Atlo:'ney m:destm:Js t h~l: !\.1lornc}" lllu~l hl~\'e dnc IJlTI::"II~_:\l il)~l 1 () supp,'n'j all :iSp::"Ch n C cae 11 niL, it:..: l'lding (ees Jnd cxp~.nscs. L~lld tnll,~l I ~l;1 i"J l~':11 tkl Jo~~ull1el11<;t~on unl d ,It lea:>t OLle J'ear aficr lllL.:: ~ l~rr niml iU~l l) C 1 he' 1"C'prcsentatinn. Tlli~ ~\)\.'Ul11cLl:,~tio]] sha[ bc n:,ldc ,; v<libblc by i\ l ~ uml~,,' I 0 Cli,~II~ (or C:li~n~' ~ deslgnalcfl rcrresent:lti\'e" ::lIL-: lid irlg an :~'~~,:i'~L1n1 :~r:l, [h(: C(l1 1111 Y Cl~t ~ or COHmy Clc~"k"s rl'rreSen~'lli\'c, ll~ kg,;] bil: audiwr) UPUll C lil~ll~ 's wTil1l~r: L-ell u~'st, Al torw:y aL~r'(;L::S tn cooperate witl: allY nami:1~llior_ or hi~ d~lU~lll~.rl: "I iU~l ,mt! A\ (l.'l[;~'y' S Ci..:L.::S LUld ~~;>;'[J~:rl~(:S" (;,['... by rc~rOlh~:ng ]1 rompt Iy and completely to all): qlL:~:-.li~)['.~ C:it;T1l ~.~r i~s tk~ign,'ll~d r"I)TnnHali\"G may have. A:t"m~y <1<\ll Jlo::j~' C:i<:tH in v::ri:~ng a: lehst C() daJ'~ in advJtlL~ of destroying an)' ,~llch records HL"ld, in thl. C"\'.:nl I hd l CJi<:~J requests tlmt they he rreoerve(~" shall preseve the:11 at least one addi'.;unul yc.ar or, al lh'.: upl io;) iJ:" (" b~ll~" deliver.:d lo ClJcm f{)r storage by Chent, \vjlh Cb.:nt responsible (Dr p<1Y;Tlg. l he ,ll:l u'll ~:I)~I ., ~ --. ~~ 39 ~n .o::.l ~~...., ~ .~ .i"~ ~ ' -tJ 6 uC 14 ... (~L;[o1':'~~' .J :";< dO\'IJllll:;J;I~iu:1 .,1:;'111 :lll'llLLle. j(}1" ~\]mr~~- ll1'~~ir_<111.11l1~' ,TCUllk ,:'p,.II:-"l~ l-:Cl:lpl'. ~ln~ (~;';'~'lIm~'L~l~;I. :C'II q;.l(,l;.n i:',~ ~ ~'''; ,C Ilrn:r~l l'>,\r~'.e,1 ':):, .j" 1 >L;'~~ :c): L'\.l",'l1~L' ':l'~'ll" ;~'_. ,'I :~: ,'( I h\ ~ i ~\' -\ II ~n Ill';' ,,~, :".i" ~:': Ill.: ~ r: IL ("::~ !l~_ :'~~c:'\ ~~ t:L :i:;!I:1 11[",: ~~, :1<; ,1m -,:C ~l~' ,~\ rL'II'c' i' ~":' :~': ',' I! d I ~lI~ri~"...~nl i..:UL~ILll~"':::-I[~ll iO-~i I;; 11n: ~l\"i.::~..l:"":i;.:- :0 .;,1"::t'r~11~]h.' ~I'r~);,_'lhi".'r I.'h~ i:;"lr"j \"'. :L.... :-I~.;"':":-":''''',L~.~. i:~~',~ r t:~;~l)::,l':):;::-. l.: P':' 11 wkl I" \',Tl :~'Il .\gr~,-'mL'nt by Cii~'lll. ;\ I ~ I)r'~',..:\ :n:L_\ W') \ ,~:~ : l:c l~l),'I.;:1LIl; all'.!:: Jl Lii~!.ical ~ k'Clrnnic ti~~'1ll i~~ .:\dobe l'o,l,lb~;: [)l)CljllK'lll l. urmll \. P DFI or in ,'\ lcheLl1]' I'();rr_a: 111 I;..:u 0 l' t hl' manual pr.:",o.;r\'a1inL~ In~ LLLlnllC"nts tkl<1iLxl ahn\-'\'. ., -' ) [) 7 ~ ., ~, 6, Payment 1erlll~: :\I;(llllCy'~ ~'..:-q\J":~; for P~i) ll~l:nlS ;wrl r..:im':llLr~lC~11C'1l:~ I!ny h~' :n':lck i:, L'ith~1" lho:' . \ll~lmL'Y-_~ 11,l:lk ll~ the :l~~I~K uf lh~' :\~:~~r:l";)' ~ I.n'. ~i~'nl, ;,~ ;j~1p,.,lrl:olL2'. AtlOfllL'Y :LLI~ ~'<)L:;fij-,"lllg \uh lh;~ :\gr....Yll1nl ~lX l~lL,' i1~ll; p<l\"dbk UFHl r~'::,~i!)~. r~' [he h:i~ :ll~h~~,al;y ~~'Ii~, :n U)L1;P I~, \~'llhlJ1l' L"l'q~;;r~'ltK'lll ~ d-lh_, :\gr~'...::m~[11, l h(:[[ il i~ r10~ ,llle: and pa: ;,blc !.J::t i I i: ~ de ti~':~n.: i~~ ;LI"<: rl'lI";l~di~'d ';)y .\ll(1l rll~Y. Client is ellli1kl: to a I::';) pr0n:pt paymc:lt dL,<.:oun: it'~1 bdl io p<'ld 'Xll!lill l:; lLl )".~ ,) r ~'eccip~ by C.'li(~nl U:' CD~'I:2'cl i,)ll (J I" d~ii;:iencic~ hy f\ ttnmc-y, Wllich;:\'l': ;s JalC"T, l. llr ii' l h,~ bill io-:. <;:lli,.:.li~cl hy :lllld.;, h:.:'~d hy Attl)~'ll~Y_ e.~__ in a 1rus: aL'L'OU~l.i. Ch~11t ~"Hl:11Wl k li~,hk kll" :ll:I.:'t"~~( l):' ,~(her k1:,' ,-'h.:ng<.:'~ LLlll:.:'~~ SP"L'ijLCd~y ~lgrt''-'c. t_(~ il: ad\",~L1cc in ~l \\Til ill); ,:~ll\:d ';1\' C:i\'rl~. 1(: II l~ 13 l-:' I.... 1(') .~ .< lludgl'l~- l.']1~ll1 ~''''iU..',.l :~y C1:..rL:_ :\1',):111;\ '.~ ;11, \'. dir' [h':r~y ': -:;()) day.;, ~;tt::'1" :::~, r<'~]Lh~~L . L 1 I' 1 1'1.' I k t' L . l' j' . p,'qnrl' ;~rl ,~<11l".,l1e: ,l!" nil( :::'t:(" ~!e 1";::;: l")~>;, ).\ ~a.~ '. n '_r11~ malIL't"_ :11,' u.::ng c,'.' ]n<.: ~'\.p~t:_,c~_ :~:),: ;, p I;,n f"r)t [~,1I1dlLll~!, lllC 1l~~Gel, :\ th):'Il~Y \\. i:llLpd,lt~ 1he hlLd)!,L'l ~llll: plan .:Ll J:.:',l~t ~1llL'~ ~\'~:y lhree ltlollth~. L1lh~ ~'\"cnl1hal AltnL":l~Y nb1,;1ll~ lIllC)mlLllicl:l i:1dic,~lillg lhal l':l,~ budg~~l (VI" ~~ny Ln~ ll~'~ll) lll~~\' h.: ~'w~'('d _'c b\. ~mlT....' ',Ildll l: v~' lX'n'~'l1~. k <x ~h(: will ['.tH i C.... C krli (I r lll,J~ ill II ~l\'Ji,11c i\. ill :L \, :.i~tl.:":) ~,a1clHl'r~1 ,LCCnlt:p;1:1yiny ~,ll'h ldl. ph.:k:.,l':)~~ in l,:bLJI~.r hll rll. .-\lhIITI.:"_\ 'sill :.-:,"'Ih::ilc 1 L 1 . , , l' L'll I I .. " 1 - '11 ' L' : Ie: I)IJ, ~~~'I '.\ I~:'. ';;I~':1111~l~1l I ~ 1)1 '~'.~~" '\" \:~p ~llrll~'.g '.\ :1;::['1:::-1 [ h: ~'. t:,: ,L1L,~LLn~~. I)~ 1:1"_-,, ;~rl' r~',i"!r',~ ,l:' ~C'~_, th~lt~ ~Ilo:' ~m~l);_.t:1~ b'.lJ~C't'.2'J :::crC'j~)I";2'. CkL':lt <:~llllk';L' th;:> :'i{:lI1ll1 k )),1:' ;;t::... ~Ul~'L1:~~ ~r.~~: ~;,-c ll\",'1' l"'mlgd <':-1" :1l'~ :m:;u,kJ \\"H hJll1:l~ bUl.lgd. ~ l> ::'.n 21 ,"" ~.-; ",. '..::: ~(, "''"' 2~ H. Starting and m:H{\'r n1:ln o:.gl'U1l'I1L Anum..:-y k1~ k..:n n::l.1 im:d ~r.;:(; itil';L~ly hl~\' <I\lSl~ 2LI '\~~nl":~l'Y. pl'l"SllllaJly, i<; llnde"~l(H)d by Clienl 10 be abl~ ILl hrwdlc thi~ lll:~~tcl. F1I1p~nymC"n[ uf" ~10 ~~lldL~,(}m,I[llc:\"iuLL.:Li~" Whe1her ;)[tnrr:~y~, pal ,l:";~;lb. Or (11b.;;I'S, \\ 110 will b:.illil:1.... 1(1 CL~1l1 '.~ 1l1.H ., I p-:ll r~i~ l\~d \\ i: ~'.(llll ~;K' <tdY,;L:('<: \\Ti:tcll ,lrrL"O\"a~ () r CI iet:t, . ... .~ ..: .;:, ~~ l~ Titn(!..I,a~E?pl"3r ~~h::..ngl~S. l.h~~r:gc~ i:"J :~nli..~-k~;,:-pt~::-:-;._ C.g.. r~;.d'~CI..~L~l~"':-ll: ...d~ ~LI1 ~lt:l"'rnc-Y :;-+ as '.\"~I~ <h ;11Lrc~h~o-:. m L~l',T":,l~l~S L:-l :hc nU~llbcr {~l':hc li:m:-kL'('j1~TS '.\"N~\lL~g (~:j ~b~ sul~I"l".-I1:.:lltc1' _~) l~ r l hi, :-\~l-c.:m~'l1t, :mLs1 Ilave ,h~ ;If!\ :lllce ~q'iH'.:"11 i1~lpl"l)\";d ~l r Cli<,;Tll. (':[":-11 ( C.\p\'~' h lu L"c~'.;i\"i.: _~(~ dl~Cll'.ll'.ls ,)L" {~thn eot:ces_~~nll~ so (h;-)f_ all>' iJ!l~rC~J~';~ UI" \;h~Hlg.C) in 1 i~]lc-:....ccpcrs wilj 1111~ 1'~~lIl: i,_ ) : LLIH:~,'C~S~ll"\' (11" IJllI\:;hl)ll,J hk ChJ~gL'~ ; () C li~Il:. e.g., ("l)t" craill in.":," ir~k] Il~ll L'llll1i:l"'.::"rll'l's, ,HlLl :. S It:a::~l,~L':n'':IL "~ ~) ,~(~ 8..2. UllpH~'alion ofctl1:}rt, L-I,;::.,~ :ld'. ,u1Ct: Cli;:-n: ,lPpr';.y, <ll i, l1:-;ld~.]lU:, ,\llUL'-'~' '<\"dj 110: .~ I 11;~\C Ill,l~'''; lkH' I.W,' llm~'-~~'~'~1~'~' hill ttL the ~alll'; ;ldi\ \". ];', l':]-.: ~.\ c~ll lJW: lllLlJ"'': ll1<1n one ptL"S(),: -11 oLI::.:'thk ,lll1-:.. 1f~,~ lilll,: (jrl~j~' p':L"SOll \\:i'_1l1~)'.? In\\'I.:'Sl rate ~~ illl.'L: lJilhhk. :\;I.<...rlCY is ]lol lKmuteu -+.3 lo LIS:':: ll~LS In~llt-cr lO pr.;::..... id~ Ur", 1'~h.~ jr)':-J lr~LLnHlg hn" a tLnlt~<:";'~L'"p~r. :J.:~d ":J:~I r~:'r ~t~~ll I ill~v-l~ccp.;.~T.:-. "':'.:j. ~~']"\ il'~'~. \\":[lWlLl ( 'hC'll~ '~ ;~,; \ :1l1,'L.:: ~;rl~nl\"LlL ~-; 1)1 I"';' ') S.3. ~l;l Irer m:mag~ml'nt. i\'_wr~li.:Y is r~.~pl1115U_C j{)r l1lam~~ing llie I L 1:i1 kt co<;t- ej~eClivdy ,;[1d ~~i)ltlp~~:~~llll:', c.f',., hy imming thal additioIHL': 1 illl~-kc~rers a;~ el):npcl~'lll, pr()p~~I-':Y SllPi::I...,'iscd, dll~:i'~'II~, ~llld ill compl i~t~Le with lh-.: (nll":.~ 0 :-1 j)is ,~gre~menl ,lS \,...~~~I <I S '.'.. i1 [~ l~lll:L;ll oblig,d iOllS. .1 t, lol.4. Cnmmunh:..liuns. Ci(;~ll \'. il1l~.~peLl tk.t all eo:mnur:iC<ll iUI ~\ bl~' \'. ecn lime k~-=pers u~her (nail ..-\~L~W1c\' and Clic[J wdl ue rcv;cw~(: hy Allor"c-y all~ lkr ...\tlOm~y ivili s~n'e a~ lhe ~ poin1 (I j" c0n~acl J(}r ths malta, i~K~\Jdjr'.g bill i.T1l'. q IJCSr_lO ns. The (1oir:t 0 t\.'01 11 ~ll:~ fL):' lh is l1l~nct" a. () Uiet:t h lhe Co lnll}' .'\[1 (1rr1l~Y i"H ~ he indivic.lla~ speeifie,dly id~:r:1 i ril~d in r. xhih it A. 1 [) 1 j :1.5. A1Iorllr-)' cooperatinn, Alw;lley \\"~~' ,'ouj)l~rak W~l:j CJJcnl or Cicl \ 12 r~pr~s(:,]llali\'(.~ to proll"p: 1y pn) \" it:::- ~illlnt{)r:nat lon (Jl~'lll n;q~:l~~I:... n I I~eed.~ ahl)",l: '_hI:? subj'..'Cl malleI" 1 ~ ur~his .'\grecmcnt J.nd AU_Nn~:"s tdb. l4 I " :-l.o. T empor.. r)' sl nffl delegation, outsourcing. A~wm~'y \\'[11 r':ul ':li~1 C'I icnt rc):' the til1:e 16 and ex.p~t~st's 0 C iempowry CTllpI0J'~~~:s, illr 1urlil1Q. so-c,deJ '.Temps" or ~~1)~'d nd allorneys or Nher 1 ""I sla (T li-ol Tl (lU~ ~~d(~ en mpanics, no:' -'()lJlSnuree" or ddcg<1: c wur", :101' chilrge 10 r sum:ncr aSSOi..:i~~l(;~_ 1 ~ law e\;rk~, UI" Sludellt clerks, {CD E~Lt i\-"~ly .lempo~<jry ::.laIr' CV(:ll :1" 1l0~ temporarily empJoy'.:d) 19 w;l hnut hJ r advilnce disclosure 0 fthe employv..."s tcLnpo,~nJ' Or ~h(Jrt-tcrn: st<:llb to Chcnt, including :~(f disc1nsLlre of the auual amount paid or to be paid lv tk lTHliv~dlJal. Iln;c" Client e:-:.pr-essly agT'-'(::~ :2 1 m i\'~iling ~o r~~yiLlg <lJ(~) illm~ 1 ,HTlUllllls (J :ret. :l1!l disc 10.Sure hy A tlOl11~Y, Alt0L"7H::Y lL~,lY rl(11 \:brg~~ 22 C:icnl nwx lhan ~ l'~l. <H.:1 ua) ~~u~l paid ~l}' a( li)I',lCy. .....) L_' 2.0.1- ~~ :::'6 9. ('[lnfidt'ntiality and public nhltions: Alto~ney;s r_ol uu~lloriLd lu w~Livl: Ul" rell~asc nllY pli\'ilcg~ or olher pro~~cl ion {)r informal iOll ('OTlflJC1I1 i[lI, S~~l:r(~' > 0:' (11 :~em:isc - ohtained ttW11 or on behal f or Cll~n~. A1t0rJl,~Y i~ tll kci.-'p all e(111 :ldC:lli:~~, pi i\'i~cged, or secret inf(m1kl~:0n C,)ll fidcnt ial. Thi.~ :'cquircment j.~ perpetu<.;l, i.e., il will eor.1iLlue l"\'l.:r: ~dkr llw krll"\illa1 iOTl n :-1 h:::- re lati,):).~h ip and thi~ ,'-\grcclt:ent. n:is r<=qu ire~n~m is also ir.lellJeJ lo prohibit ,\ll()r;K~Y from usi~~g mt{)[]nHlio~1 oblair:eJ jhm1 or on bch,t~C ef C;(.nt: ille:udiJlg work p:-Odllc1 prepati::d :1t (Tent's cxpc:-;S(.: t()r 0 L'1cr r~lrtK'-~ r..;prc~c:11Cd 'Jy ,\llumey or hi" ur her :i.r: H. W i:ltOlJ1 ('lit:lIl' ~ ,Hk<lIK~,~ WI i'_'.Cll app~'n','al. .-\110~'IlC:' i:--. l!n1 aL!l~ln["i/eL: ~iJ irl...::mif\.' C~i~:)t ~lS a c~~~n" e,!2.-, hr PUll)O~C~ 0:' I ~mlt~l ir'g u, ,ii 1 \"l~n i~iTl~, \~. i\ I :(llll C:iC"~ll '~ pr'UI" app:'o \":,'. ~; [lurl ll:I'~TI;II:i, :nrl n 1'1 he rcplL'SCnu: i'~'~n, .'\lh"J me)' dgr~t:s li.1 l e:lir ~J prnltop11y ~'J 11 illfl) Illldl ion ,) ht~\it:~d r:'QIll 0 r 0 tl hei,alC l) j" C lier.l lO UL(:,~1l. .'\th) mey i, no'_ ,\Ut~101"j?:~d to conm1lLllicak \'ii~h (he ruh:iL, it:,' Iluting t:J.;::~ I':'c.~,~. ahOlr~ Clkn'_ or l;:LS l"ll<ll~~T witlwu: lhe aUl'ane.; appnn.'H~ nrCb.:n'.. ~~ .... }~ ,(' _! 30 .,1 J~ .~ .1 ~ , ."I-T 35 J6 ~, , , lO. Ownership of A Horn l'Y files and work pr'nduct: Atto r~~ey unden.;ta~1d_, chat all ti:~s and work product rr~pJre,j hy Atto me]' or his (H her lirm at t:~e expcnse' of C1 i~t:t l0.r ti, r w:,ich CLent i~ mllcm i~e bilkd) i~ the l-'rupcrly of Chcnt. Withol~t Clienl' s prior wriller_ appro...aL l~is wurk p[L)l~lL~'l ma)' lwt be LLy"xi b~.. Attorney or his or her ibn nor JiscloseJ by i\l iOnlt'y or his or r,t:r CmT. :l' L):h...:;~, \:.\lTPl ir~ UK' L:(}l11ml C-OlLne 0 C !\ttOIT_~Y';; represell~atio:1 of Chen: 1I1 th:s m~ll teL Al tnrncy agrc~"~ :lw~ C:i('~l uwns all rigrJs, including cQPynghts, to [1jate~:als prepa,ed hy Cl~nt (L hy .'\tlOrll~y nil hc~iaIt" ()i"(Tt~lI:, .'\It(ln~~.y sl~<dlllO~~~Y ('kIll ~ll wrilir~g al k<bl c() duys ill ,llh'dll(',. cf (~~~lrayirW ;In',' ~IJl:'l rl:L:~)["( b <llld, ill: lw (.vent lha l Clie~:l ;~'quesls thd l thi.:y b(. pr;.;,~c-Tv('d. sh,~L rL"esen:~ llll'm ~\t lcas: nnc r.ddi1 iVll~d Y\:m" (wil h (':i~:~J r,,;~pl,'r'sibll~ kr pa yir'.g ,lit; ~lL:l u,t1 t;n,,1 I) r ]('. y) 40 41 -t' n 1:~ ~5 S ,if j/, .., ... ~lOl<l,'.!.c). :-\llonll':Y sl~,JI1 provodc Clicnl wi1':l pr(lmp~ access lu Clh~llldillg tl1l' Jb~li::. h, ~11i~k~ copies u f) :lL ,1l1o~llCY llk~ <IllLl \\'lHk rmd'Jct, rqpll"dlc~s Ofw;kLxr llil~ r"l~]1:.cSc:)UlllUJl l', I mJ1 :'::1 is ollgomg iH:d \VIH.::IICT <111 n:'11ey t~~~ and e\.p~~m~~~ :n \'c he~n raid i~: t~.J 1'. -I <t ~ I I. Oispute l'c~ohlt iurl; AI1()l rlCy' <l.nd C lien'. ,lgl"t..:l~ 1hai at (::~pu~cs r~~g:ni inp. .~\cWrL1'-'J'- ~ J~T" () or (:x ren;;c.~ are W b'.: rt..:~l.' 1\'(:([ pLLrsuant 10 the pr()(:l;:dme.'; anJ rrU(:tin~~ fL)[' m~di<.'.tioll 'J.\' ~ h\~ A1WL"ll~~Y C llllSllm~r /\ssist~~[~c..: Pro~~t":1:11 0 t' th~ Flor:du 8<11", s Sl 12. (~nYerning l:1~", modification of thi~ A~rc('mr.nt entire agn'('mr.n t: Th:~ ..-\~rCetllUll i~ 1 U to ~)'~ i;1krprdcd ~11 ll,~,~(lr~l:trln' wi~1l :r.~ I~ ws of f~;(ll idil :llld with lhe dh~l,J I 1'(~lJuirc~n~'Jts o~' lhal 11 jl11 i"ci ini,ln 1:'<: Agrct..:L~K.1H lluy no: h~ Ir_oditkd i:', <IllY ~\.ay withoul lhe t..:xpr,.~~, ~\-Titlen agrccnK'Tll l ~' l) f hOl:1 Ixnl ic~. rli~ n:pr~~~eI11 s J~c ~ntLre agre~~II'.l::11 n:' ~_h~ parll"';~. ~ .1 . / J'. l3. \1 on roc C'ounty CmJ c ~l b ics Provisions: This pLw,'j~ii}TI i~ fnund i:) Scu iUll 1 ~_x be k~\V. ] S ] (1 14. Time Keeper Lh~fiTl Nl~ I\S lLsed in tJm ,\gr;;'.:"lTI~II~, t:)e lenr, .':~lm. kqW1" shll it:..:' Iuce I" A ttNlh.'!, <!Tnl ~ H k~1" f~tll,meys <nd i:1d:viJlI<11s ilb Ir_l:lcd in Exhihil A who w ill he providing ~er\"~ccs I ~ llmkr lhis ...\ ~~le':1 [lent ,lnd who wiL bill C~il:~',l fo[" (he ir ~~rYle-.;s i!l (IcconLtlll"l~ \'.'it) llm ..-\~lU~11 '(:.'1 Iq 20 ] 5. ,\It'thod.. of ..\ppruval ami Cunwnf By (]icnt: AL:Y Cln~,~lH ~ 01 ,lprroV<.;Js rCljuin:d by I hi,. / l ,;\grc('mer:l to lx L11<1lk by C1iL:r:1 ~ha1L un:cs_~ ',hc CUIllnl P-:].1:'css1y .~ta:e~ oL1uwi~c, 1)(: Ir,:'!de ':)y the "") COIJtolY i\ttOLTI,~}' or ,m ~LLLt1m:'i/.ed Assisun: Cuu:lly i\ ~ I.n rr~cy i;1 \vriLl.:l1 fl'1l11, 10 illl: 1LLde ':)ut t:al ~:) lilllill.:d (() I~(llld-writtetl, lYVed_ or prilltc(~ 1ll)(L:~, e;CLtrc1l1:c lr,ail, klk~~, l)~' filc.~imi;c lransmissill[:S. 2';;;' 25 16, Florida (; oYernment~in-l h C-Su" ~hi"c [.llW: ..'\l tomey l\gn~ts t.h:1t. llJl]t'~~ ~pi.:ci ll-.:<; Ey )6 e.\emrlCJ or c\.c~p1c~ bJ' Horib b.v, the p~'ovi~iollS Df Ch,~plc:r 120. rlorld3. Stall[l~S, gi.:ncL"a;ly 27 ~(;quin~ f"ld1 :j~',d [)l!b:ic discussion or lmHlers to ~.1'.:" vo:cn up.ln hy '_hc HU~lrd of ('nLlllty :::.S Cum~ll:~~illll~~rs_ A 11 orney agrees to cn~Elllt widl lhi.' Cl)lH'l y At:o~'ney'~ orice cOJ]~~nr',jTll:'. 1.h[:' 29 ;Jp[J~iUltlnn l1;' :b~ SUllsh:Jlt ~aw from t :mc to ; iltll: CO~K;crn ing sr~dilc circllm~l,H\~''.:"~ 1h:1t may aris~ 30 ch:l"ir'.f, t:1l: lc~'m 0 t :his ,-\gree;n~nl. 11 _"1.:2. 17. Flu riu:1 Pu bli\~ R(~(:unh Law: A~10 I ney ~grec~ 1r.a1, Ullk:~S sp~'-.;it;,>L:ly exemp:d O~ :-; 3 ~~Xi.~~~p1l~d by rln:"idi.l Ii~\.s... or ]{ ulrs and H.egulalloLls 0 :~.rhe ~~ lur~d::J RiLr~ n~c pi nvisiDn~ 0 f( ~hGrtl~r 119 ~ 34 F1NiL~,L SU1l~tc;;, ~cneral1y rC'quire plJhllC ao:ccss 10 all K-':(jrd~ llr:d d('JCL11l~e:1ts whoch l11J)' 'oc made "\;;; m reCtl\'t'l: llnd.~r llm Agn:emcnl. .'\n Unley agn..:~:~ 1.(1 un~lllL \VJh t;1C CnLLrJy A1' orm.:y's u ~-tiu.: .1{~ cnnccrn~ng '.hc <lppJK<llill["; of t h(,;" I)U'~l'.i<: j{ L~L.'r'rds T. fl W t:'(Hl: t im~ to 1 imc com~er~lill~~ spe,: if:,: l.~ ~~~TCLLlnst.:.1I1CC'~ tlli:1~ tnay ar~_~c: dllr~ng the tc:'~]n u:'-' t his ..:'\gr-i..~-i..~lllL.~ril . :l~ 39 Ill, Coun1~ 's SI:.uI(I.:Hd Contract Tr.nn~: ~o 4l 1 B. 1 "'0 ,:\ssignmcn t~. \\'i1 hmLt1 hc Wim \\TjUtr. i.:()]lS.;nl li-()]l1 C lierJ. At ~ 1):'lll~>: ~f:,l n nN 42 ~'S~igll I)"" hJll~ f'.:"l l hi~ ...\ ~~I\:(:rllcll:. 4.1 -11 1/-:.2 E ntirc A~re~ment. Th~ ~r.lire agr":cl11eL":l bel ',h.~'Tl C iClll :lTld /\ 1 ~ U:llC>' '.~ i: h rC'~r'~C! .15 h) j,e Sllhli::d :1Kll1er herco fis cont:Lll1t'U llllhb Agreern(;J]l. 'l'his l\gr~:l'~llctl1 ~lJp:.'rsed(', at rrior or,,] 9 or l4 ~1'1c~ ',\T:'.le'.". pL \p~\Sa~~ ~1:~J ("(lll Ullllli,'lo, '.~: r::-. ':1.-1 ~c cell (.'~ie:',t ;~::d .-\ :to I"::c~ IT ;:lkd :L~ ll1i~ ,\ ;;1','.....11 :\,I~: \,~ prel\"~S~elllll~;:-,i" ,\;~<:":,llc:r'l ~h::'.1 bl: dcc,nL'Ll \\ 2.~1 L'd. ,11l:L'::deJ ,)1" lt~oJJlt;..".j l1\" ;:i~i:':r p:::-~y IJ::~l:~~ ~IJl'~; 1\ :Ji'''\~1', :J~'I~'rhlnlL'll1 01 nll)di1LLLLliOL) h it: \\'~I~:llg Jt:J sl;:~...:d by lllc P,Hl) :i\_r;:'.ns~ cdW:ll ~h(' '<vtl:\ l:~', <I'IIL~r:(hm~llt l): 1 Ih)(l iflC-lt in:'. l'; dai;nl:'d. Th~_.; i\~,Cl'mcn~ sl~,i11 [0,: hil~dillg. u]1~H": :llld ',Il~:n~ hl (:1'-' h~:l,-'!i~ llft hL' ~nl":J-.~.~ 11L':'C1O_ the:1" rlTmillc~ SLLClT~~(l""~ (IlH.! ~hS'.!;ll~ ~ " (, 1 ~,J SeH"rahilit\". J C~L lL'."IL Cel",l'::~Llr. ~'I)::di';ll~l I'~' r:\~'" i-Ill:: ;:.1' LIl:~ :i._~:~L'~n,-'::: <:,111 he S deL'I;.c~d :Il\~did O~ 1.:IlL'n{()l"l'..';,hle lel ~LIlY ('Xle'nl ~~y;o djur~ I) 1'..;,..: I r',;ll:'. ,T1 .ill[ i~l~';;':Lil)ll, ,~:c !"ell~;:_ll.ll~ ,) lnll:s_ C(l\'L'IEUI~, umdil i(lllS ;~I:d rJro\'i:--,i,lllS L) f thi~ '\grcc Ill~ m ~l1al] Illlt ':lL' :, fkcll"l: lIK~e' ~1Y: ;tHe I n ::;,~ch L"C"Ltl:L~I::llg h::rlll_ CO\'L'I1<111L Clll1dilillll ,Illll prllvisipTl Oi-1>.i-. '\2.r~'':Il:em s:nll he \.;~I]{l UI1J ~~jall II bl' ~'lll'llr('e"I:<O: 1() ~hl' ruI1~'~1 ~'~I~'Tl: P'-'::'IL',i~[:::d by 1:~\\' unless the> C'ntot"L'~:11::-t~t l)t'the rcmall1jL1g lc'~'m~_ 1 = ,",:\ l':'.~llr~, "':;JI~di~'nll" l~:~;,I Fr~\\ i~ill~l ui" [lii~ :\~r~cr:~~nt '.\'\~ulcl p~'e\"~Il: ~h~ ac..X-Lnpll~llllK,J (It" llK I.~ nl :~~;~l,l'. :Il~cll: l)(:hi~ '\C'cC:11i:'IL Ui('r:t 2.t~d .-\ttorm',' ~':~r~c ~,' rc-le,:-m :llL' i\~:!T~'..T]Ur lu rl'[/~:~"" ,L\ 1.:1 ~l rid,(::i l'~lll i~ll)r~ \c i1f~.1 \'.llil~ pro';i"illll r11at C0mes a~ clo~~' ~l.~ posSlbk' to lll..' m:crll Lli" l:j,~ ,1~ld':('Jl I :' pro\ 1< lon, I (~ l- 1 S,-l C~pEium" f:c' l'aplillllS -d fmLh 1H.Tc~1l :H'l: ti,~ curn'elli~'nLc n:r:.ckrC'tKc' ~)t:ly ;1I1l~ :--:.hall l ~ Illl: l:"I:n,', :ll;)d:;y, ilr hl:i'. ,L1:\ i)f" Iln,: ~,T:ll, h..:r:::i'~f . . , ' i ~j ~~ i Uki Co,'crn in g I.aw anrJ \'1'11 ue. Th is :\grc-.:-ment shll hC' gU\\~mL'J ~1Y J~,d e',~ns~ :-'.~~'d 111 l.1 :lCC(l rdam:~' '.\i:ll l ~1-': L~L\\"S 0 i" '_Ill'S l,l1l' 0 f Florida applic,:bk lo COLllrllCts tlWtk and hl b,' pn 1(1 n I :Cl: ,--. .:n: :I"~~Y i:', l hc S l<l:,-'. \' ~Ll'.lC n.n anI' Iq;,ll m't il'L1 \\":1[(,':1 .'ll:lY :~ns...:- <Jul 0 r or ull{kr lhi, ,lgh'~'ll!C:' I <~<i11 ., ~ h.: i!: \ 1 nllr\l~: C()l;P I Y, r:1oril~;~. ., ..:. -, ~ 1 H.5, 1 C ontHcts ill interp rctntion, Ci~,J ;',t:d :\ltlm:~y ~l~r~C' t:nL i:: t~:c ~'''<cnt lJ r" CLIL~:L-'liq:. lI1tL':-p:-et,i~:e)J1~ e}1 the t<cnn~ or ~1 t::r:n ()~' lhJ~ _'\greemcl1t by pr hL"'_'<\'t't'r. :b.:rn. th~ :iml illI~l"pn::, ,11 il)ll hy Cb::ll~ ~kdl apply, ~(; 27 ~~ ,() lK5,:! _.\dj 1I d ie'..l ion ut" Dispuh's and Disagre~mcnt", C IIL'~:t ;,nJ _.\ ~ UL"::'~:, ~1~ re~ _~:') llo, ~~'.: J:"'(y.;[L'S ,l~1d Ll~S~Lg~'.,"~'ll:~::lS hL':'J"~cn L:.:;n <nll ':It ;lt1o;:':11~}1l'''': :ll b~ L"~>l'd,,,'~J b_\ ;~ :1k"..:t ,1nd .~ I ~'~)n~cr ,C<,';I."'. b.;"\\\;~'rl hl'r"S~'lC~li\"L'::~ ll[' ClieLl! :lLlJ ,\tlOrLlc'Y. [J" l:,..' L,SlI'': e'l- l~SlL~~ :lL"c' ~llL no: ,~ rcs:~\ ~:d 11);1;;: ~,JlisLICtil)t: 0J"b~)lh ~~'llhin ."i0 d~~}s dtl~r :h~ 11:~et ~tld ;:od~t sess:\1Il, dl~;l ::-:t:j:?1 shat ~n l1~lW th~ ri~h: ;_0 seck Site h relief" as n:ay b~' jlT0vid..xl by ~his Agr-.:cmen: N by (']milL la \\'_ ~;~ -:.~ ]8.3.3 (.'uuprratioll, ]n t~~C' LL\ ('r~l iln\' ~Hkll:~l::"ol~~~~l\ i,,; 1...)1" b.,;g:~1 prl)CI.....~l:~Jl.; ~~ iJl....li~lIl(:~ Ii, ;[~~.Ji~. ~l e'i:, hc~ C::.:n' ll;' _.\ :tcl n~cY :'d~:;I~p h, '.I:~ tCll'm.c.i ~rl, <:'....c~'\11 in-';. P"':":'llrl n,i]lL'c. (.11" h~..:,w!' 1.\ II :1;~ _, . :\~r.~'~met:t. CI iet:! ;j[~d .\[ I (lfL',,'Y l'dC~1 agn::..' lo p,~r:h.'Lwtc_ to the t>.:te:jt r~quil('d by tl:c l)(:er. i:'; <111 3:": pr~';:~C'di:1g<;. he~t"ing'< pmc'_',~(.'.~, IL~<:<:1il"lg~, mHi olh...:-r a('tl\'lll~S rL'I<l~_~d ttl th~ sllh~t~~t:cc llt" lh~~ .1') :\g~t~\;lll~:1 't Cli...:I:l anJ Allo~ney L\l(:h .lgr..:-C' 11HI 1l~;l':icr sb 11 t"1" l"l.:ljuil"cJ ~ II l'lll,T Jill (l JL:Y .~I:: ~ll"hi: I"~J io 11 pri.JCi..~~dHl~S r"i..:<:ltel~ h"1 ~ 11 i~ .~\.~rL~~~~II.I.;:.,l ur (11)\. ;\~ ~ U\..l1~ll~~nl or :\ddC"n(~LLn~ lLI t~1~:-;' ; I :\l::,~..~!I!l:~'.L -I ~ 1 H.5.-l I .r.g~ lOb I ~~..lions anti RlC~pon~ihflittes: :\on-delcgation ("If C 0 n~tj ruriml ,d .:1-4 ur Statlltory [)uries. Til:., .;\gr~~~~m,:11\ is ]1(': m:ulded lo I"cl:c\'t, :10t" :-;11;111 i[ he i.:{~II~: ni~'d ,h .:I" 1"....,: ic\"ing_ ~'i;b:r C]~~llt (I r Annr r'\::\ li'll~ll :~I',.\' obligal ill~1 01" rC~p():1S:'~li~Lty imrl '~el: llrnn ''::-:lC:l l~y :~L'.c' ~ :) i :.j" I ~ 1 .,;I.(:(:rt ~{) tr_c \;;\.: (:nl llf ac lLLal and 1 iLJ\dy p~rfort1nnec l h~~:'C~l1f by ~~~.c U:, lL,,;r, ir~ \VilL..:h e,l~~' l)n: pc::orman..:e m~~]' k oilCl"ed in sal isiiU~l ion of th~ 0 D~ig~H ion nr rcspoJlSibil itl'. I-ur:hcr ~ Ili~ ,'\grc~meLlt i~ 11(11 intended to <.lUdlOrl(T. r~(ft skJ it 'JC eon,S1.:'l1ec. a~ a uthuri (iTl~~:, il~e ddC"g.<~~ i011 (ll' 1 he ;:{)m~~l u; ;UI :,Jl [)[" SLiltlllOry {llIl il.:~ [) f- C1i~n'". ("XCl.:pt [0 the ntt'nt p'.:"rrn~lled by I~K F-".urid:l C onsti~ ul il)f'.. qatc statut\:s. C,:Sl..: I:l\\.' , and. spcciJic,dy, the provisio: 's (f~' ChaplC"r ] 75, r;~(IlidJ. S la:lll("~. 4 ) (, 7 K 1 ~,6 Attornt'j 's ft'f"" and Cnsts. In lk' C:VC~)t any a~bL]]i~l~'(Jlivc rrocecdir:g UI" C'J,jS~ of () m:~inll :.~ it:itialcd ur dd>ndcr_ hy Clierj or AnoTr':eY lela~:ve to lire l~nfotc~met1l or iTJlcrprcLltlOn ol 1 () lllie "'\L~:'cc:11eI1L tr_<: Ph'V<li:i11g pare)' sr.~Lll';)c (;]1l il L~cl trJ 2.11 award of rC:tsnt~:-lble <.:tlmr~~~y', l(~l~~, Cl)ur~ 1 ~ (:(l:"'~S. :11\"-=stigali\'~~: w',~1 nILh1::'pllcket ~.\.pe~l~(:<., o.s an aW:Lrc <Ig.~\irl:-.l the t:ol1-pn;\,(Iirr,~~ pnry. and 12 .,lr:~:l ,ndlldc rcasul":(ItJ..,~ flt1.l1mey's jh~s: ~~uw'l l~OstS. it:yeSl igLll iv~". (Llll~ l1llt-() l":..pClC k ~:1 ::::.~ pcn~~s in I ~ appe hllc pr(lCl~(~ding~_ ivkcl~al ill:l pT ()~~ccdjl1~~ iLli:lalcd ,ITlt.l en m'_lLctell r'.l~:OlW11l te: this i\grCi_'lllcn: 14 N as Hla >' be rcqlJjrec. l~y ,~ co url u ~- ,~omrete;ll jllrj~d ic~ iU11 ~hall ':le conduc( ~~i l ir~ aCL'(HJ~CJc~'" will L l:,) the F101ld~\ Rllle~ of Ci\.jJ Pr()c{:lkL"~ <.i~)J lISUJJ ,~IIJ L:LL~ll1mary ]1~()'Tduh" I L:l: uil"ed l)y l~:~' cir,:lI:t j () ,:V',lr'1 of r'V1,)Ll]"{)c Counly, 17 1 X J 3_7 R-ecords" .'\t'_O["])'.:J' sl'!(j 111Lel intair. aE 'ooub, l\~((Il"d~, and doumocTlt:... L~;I":?ctly perl ir,clll I () lo p(,;",.I(lT"Il'~lI1CC' u~Kler this Ag~';';l1ll~nl, including lhe dll,:\ll nc:)ts l"eh~lTed lo in ScC:~0ns 5.4 ~lllJ 1 n ~() 0 r (lLi~ .'\~.r::'::'m~nt. in U(',"oHIUlwl: wid1 i-'enerally ,~~,,'(,;p~eJ accolJr.ting prim:iples. Cl1:,s:stently 21 :LppEcd. l J ron !t':-,. { lO) blJ:,ill(:S;::' day_~ \\Titt..:n nol i~:~~ [0 the other, r~prescn1 ,~': \'eS of ~i:ht'r CJi("~H m 2? I~ ttOltlty ~halJ L~1V~~ ~iCCI,."":"SS, at all rea~o:1i:~bh.: ll:tF':~. to all the oth.::r p~Jl't ':/~ ~ h~)o ks~ Tt~cord::-: ~ ~.1 cnlTt>Spll~KkTWL:, instlllct ion~, rcc~~pts. \'0 lJ~:het.s and merr.oramla ((,;,xl:luding U"Jl11[JlLln ~un w:\n.::) 7.+ r~nai~jing \0 w0r~, u:Klcr :his Agreement Ill[ ~hc purr0se or COtXiUC~lTlg a C0.mrlete indepcl1(~l~lH ~::1 li.sc~;l ,J'.lL~:.l. Attorney shal] rd ,~iJ] ~Jl n::c0.rds requireu to b~ kep: L1m'_er this :\gr~~~~lll~:r!l h);' ~ IG ~l1iTl;Il:um 0j":LV~ YC;Hrs, ,;r:..1 n)l" l~~ ';(:a~l four years [lfier ',hl: ~L.:l"lflin8.tion oftr"is Jg.r(';"f,;l1IL~r~L A~torney 27 <~~llJ ~.:;,e("p s~:dl r,~c(Hr:~ as are nece~;;ary 1() lll)(:ument the perfonmHw'.: or- the <!.greeme:jl ~\LlJ lS ex)xmv., ,IS i~l"l~lTl~(;, :i:',d p,i\'c acce~~ to thesc rn:ords p_t the reqll~sl u: It:'.:" CE(:Il~, (he StJte o:^ 2() t<vridd (1 I n.utho:'ized agenu ,cJd n:pn:su 11 ,i[ ;\C, of ~aiJ gnvermn,"l]l bod i(~s. It is tile responsibiEty 30 o~- ..\l;nrney to maint~li:l 'lrprop~i<l:~~ r(';"lUTLl~ ~0 it:su:'~ a prop;:r i;l~~'l)ur~l i:)p. of a]; e(]Jj,xtion~ ,j;ld .11 rell:itla~hx's. l\l tllrncy ~ h:~~1 ':1:::" rc::;pnmible t~)r repJy:llul: l.' f" eLTlY f~:1d all ,~Udll execpllum w;lic':) ;UC' 12 ident l~kd bi' 1l1(" i\lIdil ur GlT:(,;"n: r~)r L1C' State or FI(),illil, r It'.: eel k 0 U :ourt (Dr .\lonwe CUlLllf. y. J3 l~l~ Bll~nl (l rT'i)L1rl~ y C\~lCmi.~.~ioncrs tln :Ylor_nx Cll~~111 >', or lh~~r ag~ms <.;r.d reprcsc[:l ,;L: \'~~~. ~; ..:l- .\:) IM,7.1 Puuli~~ Al.'l'E'SS. Clie:)! and ;\ttOLT.CY sbJI alklw alld J1cm:i'- :...~as~)]nl:-Ic access .16 to aile lllS]leelivn o:^. ~~]'; (~L)':L1II"l(~m~. p:q):::"rs, ldt~rs. 0; other l1l<il'~''''.<LI~ ~',Jbj(:ct tlJ t:,C !:I(nl1a Public .~"7 Kcco~.d~ 1.i'l. \\' ~ a:-=:. pt n ...'id~d in (~.harter ] j S) ~ Flvri.d~~ SL iL ~ I.:~ C:~. ~lnci ~11ade D::- rcccn:(,;d t~y ('.I';'~ l.h2:lll, _~ 8. u;' k~ss ~P~L i tica~ly e'=:.~ln]1~ed by Si~te S la; 1I k: R uk:s :~rld RCQ.ll~ation<; nf The Flurid,J f1ar, ,"\r C<he .~() lJw_ C]]en~_ ~ha~l b\..c lhe rit~f:l 'L) r::U\Cel this agr~ell1~n: urOJ1 \'iobJ1irw n1" t::is p:ovis,on by ,10 ..\ ttnrr.ev. 'l ] 'l2 I H.H Monroe Cou rl1,\' Cod!.' Fthic~ Prnvision. AllO:W.';Y '.V<llT;l!lb th:1t he :m~ not 43 '"l11l-~lOYl~d, ~t;l~iir:t;d nr L)~herwi~c had act an ~is bC~lUlC ilny fOTlilCl CEcw_ offjcer or employee l:l 44 \'io ;,1\ iL):~ i.d' Sl~~~l i()r~s 2.-."2"7 tho up: h ~-5.B. \1omo'.: Co~ml y C:ud~ (1:- OrL:inanc~;;. hn brt'Jeh ur +5 Vil)h1 iO:l n1"this pm\'ision Clent Im~y, at l~S JiSlT~'li~;l: HTfTU11<l1.C this Agreem~llt wjlhc'Ul bldil,!' Il v[ 14 ,I:',d I;U/ al.~~I, ,l~ ih dl<':'C~.~ti,):l. de',;L.:ct tL\lln lh~' .<':'lIll1:' ,)w,-,d u11d<.:t, ~It" /\~r,~~~ll1C:;'.I, ,'1 "::.:,,:,, i~l' '1 n~,:(I\ ,~:'. :hc Itlll ."n,HLl1: ot-J.ny k~. '~nL1JnbS!Oll_ l}erCCnla,~l'_ g;,^l. or ~'Ull~idcJ"dliu" p,l'.d 10 Ik. :Len';l (II p-':-'.-':-11t C~ie'~:l ;);E,:o.~~' or L'lnr~"Yt'e. ('~ll'~1t "~11plo:,-:C'~ .tl"ld dTi(','r~ .Ir~' I"cq',JiJ"l~d ~(' ':":llpl\ w'.11, -l I:--'~~ <;~r:,!,,~',~~ l't''':,~ll,h~c~ dl.:'::lhc;::c-d it: :<',':l,'n II ~.3]~, L(~.-lL!J S'.~q,J:~'s_ "~';,;:'di-';:;, :::.!: 1I~'1 ...~II".I;": .;: tn_ ~,ll',d:,~!. ~,llll": ,ll'(Crlalk~' ,>1'!; i I'l..._ dL' iq;. 'JlI ~'l1C~~ "'"".l':l c.rl~:' -, tot,.:Il("\ . IJ:El.l 1", r:;-,I.:,I ..:~~ 1l~;)C't~<::: ;,.,:-... (, I1lhlL"L l)t" rllblk p,'S:li()~L c;)L1:h_'li~~g ,'lllr;oym\.'ll', ;JL" CUI:I",H'::Udl >.;ltJ~'.,"h1lip, ;Jr~d ~lisL'~i"hIJ:\~ ,)f c'L~I;l ill i:1J(m~1d[il'~l. .\ l) l8,9 ;\ lJr'w.-ir~ _ ;\I~I):"~~"-' '.,':o::-,i11l~ :1',Jl >;~ "1I~: [lie: ;olLl':';;'~rih": [in:e keq1L':~ ar~ :Lllt::,'Hlh',: 1 (1 .1Y b~~' .lll,: :h~' Ruk~ [;r'.d H.,:g.ult;l.l(jm L'l- I'hc Hunh ELI:' 1~' l:r:.!.C;J~': ir'. Ill::: pC:':~HIC"I:~C~ lJ:' the- ] : ,lCli\"lic~ l'll~:L):lIVl~...'..'d by ll1i~ ;\g.r\:'.:l1ICI~l 1 C.'\ll()rTl~Y i,~ ,j Inl~,nbe:' (lea 1:1'.\ Jl:"1l~. ci(lle~' ,1S rarl~;~:'. ] ~ <;'1,11TII(lllb-, t'~S~'L:itJ~, or nl h,,[. :.<:Itl: ~i.m~kp, ..'\ 1 WI"~);~Y '.\ ,llTi',fl1s I hat he:' i:-:. ~Hl~ Ilnl"jl~d t<"J C::1lC:' i.:to lk~ 1 ~ '\HCe'r11cm h\ .-\tW:'IlC\"~ 1,1\\ tir:1l. . - - I-! ]5 ] () 1 -.' 1\ IS.] () Pu !llic En tity Crime Statl'mtll t. Hm:d<l I;~ \\. Wm;dl''- ti1.;t Vb01l or ",ni.~[(' I<:(l ins beeL! pb;':l~ ot~ lhe ~Oll\ 1Cl,'d ''-~ndl)r hI [()]~U\.\';llg a cum.iclioJl j~)r rUl',lc ~'lllily i.T:lllC IndY 1wl -llfllllil a bid w' 'lll :l~,lT:.'II";<:nl 1.< pl-tl\'i(~,: ion)' gu('ds (IT SlT\'i(',~~ 1(, a ['LLhli;; ,~]I[~ly, .11;lY ~lol ,'J'~)lllil .j hi,: ,'r~ .'~ J.~rC'e-m~nt ,~'it:: ,I f\lLl'1 iL' ~1H ity f'l)~ [llL' cn Il~U-LL;:-t i,):~ ll:' r cp.u (I!' Ll ]ubllc r>lJ il...:in~ n r ILr>k' \''',~r:;. 1t:~lY Ill': ~Uh~1U 'J~c1:; O:j k'.lSt_'. l~t' re';,! r~I"('rL'n~ t() p',lblic cl~ti~:,'. ~11~1~" ~:.~)t lx .t\~',trLcd ,):' ]1crt"ll~m ',\"UI-~";' .~~ ;l (Ull~L".ll'~l~L"_ ~lLl']1lld. ;';lI':l-l'()ntra~'lor. o~ L',~Il~I..;jl~L11 ur,(kr ,[ agrL'L'I1:C:~1 \\':1:1 any l'LLhli,' 1;111 i'/. tll~d ~11"~" 110\ lr<ll1~tlCl bu,.,i)li.'''~ \\ i~h llllY pubhc ,',ltlly ll1 ('.\C-';SS "J'lhc ~llT<.~,;IlL'ld a~lKllul ;If"n \'~d<:d : r~ Si:',:t i, '11 .~ R".lL ':', 4"(,1' (',,\'1'1:( rO!~ y '1 \\"0 (iT t~ p(;~iod I' [' y~ 1lll'~1l 11, hll~l1 11:\' l;" I~' ,,:' ':1.:1:,::; r'~~lc'l'd ,'I: ~ l1e' c,',~: '.-:c:"cl \ c;1l~n:' 'i.'.I. :\: ~C"I :~c \ \', .J:'!':L1H'; : h: r~-.:-i::-."'r .\ I l,': 11L'\ II,): :111"- .;,'_Jhl'~'i;.-:~d llll1l.:' k~~I-'cl" l:a~ ':1e-~1l :HIl:ed 'l) : f~~ e, 111\'iL";2'd \ '::-fl,:, ': I i.;,~. l'i 20 , - , , ~ l ...:.) " . ~ 1 <; 16 1 R. ] l ..-\ nt j. kid...b+ld.... A tlorr:<:!, \\'Hrranl;; thm 110 PC:SOll l1<1, b,Xll l'I~1ploy....d or lCl<lllll'll to ~l' IK'~t l'r S~CUI"~' tl1 i~ A~rCL'n1~1H LLI'i HI ~'ll1y ,:,):Ma,: I (ll" llllL:l"-~(,Jlldi11~ I(n-" C(llI"1lI.i~~:url, r~:ln';l1~,'gc_ loL",d~~':';l,"~' ,ll" l'l1lLlljCt:t :~c', ,l:)L~ :fu: ~1,) C:ll1p'.~)~.~::;: ,\~' ,)111~:lT ,,~-C::-':-:ll !'"... l;['._' i:jl~'~.:...,. ;kj:ll.'i,iL~, I ':. \.~ll1lT\\"i,(. in ::,l';' :\gr~'l.:'ltjC'nt. L'\":c;1: J~ c\prl:s~l;; :-=':,11 :::-rl ll';l'~i-). F ~': hr ~';od'. I):' \ iu V iu 11 ~'I' " bi~ \\.tlL"]"d111~'. CI~-:nt Sll~lIl r_~l\ L' tbe :'i{ll tel:llWIJI :f~is llgrel;lll\~l1t Wj1':l(llJt bbilil) (lr, ;11 ih di~i."l",'liu[~, ~l) ded'Je( ilflY SUllh 10 lx p<lid hy Cl:ellt ut:der :lli~ AgrccmC'm, ll~' Nhc:'~~";,;,C' ['ecnvcr. (he ~;Jl! ,1IlL')LLII~ l\ f 'LlC 11 ~'r),l1ll~ i,~;nr'" pn,...'ll~ag<:. b:"l1kcngc 01- ell:)t it:~e:1t tcc'. :~ :q :;f) .11 " .....:. .-'.-' ~-I 1 ~.ll 'bHii1lcHtinm and \.mcndrn('JI h. ,\J1Y <md ~i1J t:1U,h l;,:all,)]b D [' ,f1~' :c'r~1b o~': 11:, y:; :lgl~~Ill~'fl1 ~h;L',1 udy b,' nlt~l'IlJ~d i~l \\'lit iq!, and ex:'::-: lJh:{[ by lllC ['.;jtlrJ () i" C Olll1:Y ( - o:nllli~,llmCI", V, hH 1\..t(lllr',le CUlLll1\'. ur [~Il <m:hor:zcd a).!cnt of- ~hc CiHLr:1 y lJTlL~:;!" :11f..: \"lonro~' C(lUl~ly Code ('1" _~ ".' (Jrl:-'Il~~~:...:.;.'~ ..)1" p\<L...::i..::~ ;)dclp~..~d .~1:.1:.:....~ C"l)U::ly. and by :\ti~~:.nC'y. -~ ~ .~..) 18.1 J I nd....ptn d~l1t (~nntrarlor~ .-\1; dll111....;:--; ~:I~H..I 1(1 r ~~ II ~lIrrl~~~' ~ I1cr...~lln:..L_T _ . \t h)rnc:., h -IU ~m i~,dcpcr:de:H ':L ':ll mdo!" and not ~m C:11ploy~":: N- C1il'11:, \ l' St<ll~'ll1cr:l Cl~::I<lI::Ld l:1 : 11j, -11 "'\g:C'l':n~ll: sh,l]l b~ u~""l:'lJc.:d ...,l ,l~ to ri~1d Att(lr~lC'!" ,,:' ,In:- ,)I":h,: ,JIJ~hi,~!"i/cd tillX' k~'qxr~, ',o'x lhl.:' -I' ','nwl,'y'.2'~., ('1" (,!ie:',l, 111d ~:'\'\ ~f:<tlJ hL' er,litl~d :l) ,1f:,r'c i!~' ('.~~ ri~I~:,. pl";\'iL~\', c'~ be't~<'t:l~ c.1" --+ ' '.::l1r I,,:, ',"~', cl j' (, '~:~':-,t. ,~ .1 i:2 ~'i" 1-1 , 1 H.I-l Cu mpli.. Ill'(:' I\"it II L.lI\". [11 (,<llT\'ir~g (tlll .\1 :01 r~LY'.~ ohlj!2.al il'l ns lIJ1l:Ct. l~n ~L;rc~':1l~nl. .\:h)l-::L)" ~;-,~l~1 <"hlJe: ['\' ~dJ ~LdLUc:s. urdi:nLlC(.~_ ,1Ik:~ ,Illd ,.~'.~ubil)n'i pcrLaillit:_~\ III dl" r:.:gul.~I.I!1~ :hc ~)L-ll\'~S~ll;b ll;' l:lh :\;:~'U1kT~_ m,':lIdi::!,; l]lll,~' Wl','. '.11 .''1':,:1 :Ilh~ :"~I :::-.:lE,-': ::l~l)~1:,-'~:. :\l1~, "I,~ .~~::.~;n l"t ,ale .'::lLll:,-'~_ ,~n:~ll~l:1\>~'~. :'L1k'~ ~)l- '~';I.;~JlillllS ~h~J~ ,'L'['.,1;l:J:~';, H:;,:~I i;L~ hi ~.ll':: l,:'L~l.'; ..\:~rl',-'Irc'!~: .',::d ~h~: i: cTL it k Uh'Il: ~ l' l~.rll".ji-.(Ilc..: ! i. ~ ~ ,\);IT'.:"If"...;rJ i~llll :c(~:ah.: 1; IJpll:l d~ ]j'.-ery u!' '," r:L ,el~ Ill': :~'~' u:' ~,-Tmlmlill~) W ..\~l'll-:~(:J' .) .;; (, ~. () U uu ~ l.iceming and Permit.... .-\ ~t(\rr_.~\".\.,lrr<lll, s 1::<1 l :\ l',urm.:v s:,litll 1i;J\ ~ ~l[ il); 1(1 l'(l:lllr_e::-,"~",.Il:c't:1 ,'I \'.'",)r~, U:1ll,:r 1::L.'i :tgr,'.'ltJc'nt ,;:,,,1 :il ,llIl i-ll...:~ ~Illl'ill~~ <-,j iL~ \', nr ~-.. _ ;LlI :"'X]ll i:'~d kc' :-!.'''~ :. -'.d pc':w.t... \\'I:~'('.:.:r f.2',k r:l~. 'il~l: ,-' _ (" '.1 llll~~" l':' (" H ~" . . , J t), 16 _\'on-Di~l'[iminalion. . \:lml~':\' ."h~,1. :'.1)1 d'.~.,:rlll:ir'.ll~', !II :r~ clllp:O::11C't~: I-"rac':"'::c.c ~l:Ki III )11"(1\ idiTI~~ :-'l~l"\ in:s i'.~r...:LLTl(k:', nil Lllc [;:lS::-:' U I' r::CC, Udl)[", _'i~\_ rl2' l:g[() 11_ dl"al~JlL:Y_ llall('t:~ll ~l~'igir:, <L11LC:s~ I y_ SC\ lJ:l ICJllCnl :LI iUll, ,~t;r~i k~1 id{:,ll~itv n[" cxp~'cS, il1t:_ bmi b~ ,lalus_ lH ,~~,-'. amj ,~1aIJ ~,bidc by ~Lll (i..'(tCI":~ 1 ~1I1d q:lt C Ll\\'~ I"CQarl~ ill! :wt:-di'.crim:n;.;t Ll1l1. l.!Pl!l1 a li~'krnLn~l::on by ~L ('uu~t l) t" C0I1lPl':'~lli .1lHhdieL i0t: U:at sue:1 di,c:imillm:,}1l rodS Ol'cur~cd_ t l:.l~ . \grC":Ll;<:nt <tlIlC':lU Ik~lIJ~" ~.T~11~llal~'~ ,,'d:.Olll :lLl\" :~~lrt~:l.r ~lclw,: :.0\' ("JlClL e:l~'di\'(. :l1c ddlC 0i" :::~. cuun (lH~,'~. :\11~1~lk\' I~ -. - ~l"" ~j;(. l'l' ',11<..: prl)\"l~i(ll1S ,/ Sl'C:~0[: 13-1 Ul lk<Ju);h l_~- ~ I)(~. \lvll~v;: C(lUTl~\' e"d..: 1.:'[ OTdi~l;::'~:"~, ~'..::I~~, ill~'. [i f rll111-( li~lTi:ll":TI:~[:i Ill, :llld ;t.!p'~'~~ Ii} abiL~;: h\' l':l(~ CUl~~' ~ r:nn-di~l:r: 11 :i:nl ilJll :'..:ql., irL'1 r~L'I:1~. . -' L' L~ ;b :\ ;9 :.l! ~ l J 8.17 Cl;lim~ for State 01' ..- cd eral Aid. Client and A ttol"t:cy agree l:1at C'a~'h ~hd h..::, i:11l: lS, cmpo\\'-':L"C~ :0 ~lpply !~)l-_ Sed:, J.nd .1 hta~n tl'G~'I",d and .qa:e hmcs U1 ~'LLrlll,.-'r 1:1(' Plir;10SC () I' this ,'\~~I"c:l'1 [~l~nl, J-m,l\'id..:d : b1 ~ll: <Ipp I;~'j l i(ln~_ rcqlt~'~l" gnllll pwroscd~. clllJ 1"ur:d i~l~ s<>ll<..:it :ll il.lll~ (,\. :\[ln1 rln' ~':1:,'1 ':lC ;'rrr~1\ d by C jl'~']ll PLd- :C' ~'.ltql:l~s~un l' :"'.-' ," '..::: ~(, .~ . , lS, IS :\on-Rcliancc ~n 'on~P:.lrlk~. \;i~ ~.l~:r~ll11 ()]" ~:r:1iry <';<I:I'~~~: ~~:~I i; I,'l: \n ~..:k lIp~l-'.ll1l' I ~.T1 1",:-., ~ ~r ,Ill\" U r llwm, 0:- lJn~ :\grt'C11~11: :l) ell t{)rl'~ ~) r atkml,t I_V en:l1rcc ~U1Y t h ird-pany c 1,',:1l1 n r L.:1:1 il k::lli;lll lO or b~.11Cj:l 0 C ~l~l:-i s~n':('c ~) I" rr~)gmm l'~)nl~l1lp~al~C h,r~uml~r, and Cji02nl and .'\tlo:':'.ey .l~.rtc Il:~\: I\ejthc,' Clic~,t Utr .'\lhlnl~:\" l)~ :j,lJ' uflk....T. dgr.;:-IL (1, clllpluy~..: uf c~;cr. ~.~~dl l1~lH' lJK :lLLI:1\)[-lt_\ tn lL~:(ll"Ir:. c"LLn~d lH o~h~~'wi~~ ~lldil;;lh: 1h:11 ~,,::.... p~'TI i~'u:;11" i:K1:\ il:U,l: or ~~(1Ur uf '.lll>' iL~lJ :d-_ ;11: ;1_\ ~lr ~':J i~ :l'~" :-,:L\ ~ '~nt:t 1~lr,c,lh .~"r ':1:.:IlC r-:h .; I:~dl.:~ I 11:':' '\~Il'l'~ IlC"l '~'p:ll ;,~,~ ;" I~: ,I~';:II " '111:;1'::."'1' ~;', ~1~ ~lI]X~':l~r :~, t IL C'.1 1:,l::lI I: :l ~_ i:1 ~'';::'11L'; d I o~ :l ': <:...: ]1.':"]'ll-"''::-' "':':.! r~h'" npl.l: l:l: 111l~:,-r l :"," ~ :lo.~!"~'~I1\L'r~l, 2~ 2t~ jO ~I . ~ ., ."1.:'0 _;-i J) 1 H~ 1 ~ :\.tt~statiun~. /\n.ol n...:--:,-' agr~~.;:~ lu ~\~l'lLl..; ~llcll JI)Clllt~"".llL.... a~ (-~L.:.:nl n~ay n:asutlablv J6 H'qui:-c. i:Jduding a [)ru~-(:I"~e Wor~pLI(,:': S;t:!i;1lIcrL1, a:;d (I l\:bli;: lll:ily Cr~n:.l' S,<;te1r.u:1. " , . ~~~ l~.:!n Sign:J.lur-t"r;;. u1' f~.rli('s ).{l'quirrd, l-~:b :\:=-;rc('t~lcn[ ...:.llijll r:(I1 hi-' ...~lli..';..:1 i\...; I..~II~;: ~(.I ...'....,~'-lIll'C :~\. bdl;l C;lcnt :1'ld :\.'rnrr:..:-\ ~r~d r~.<..:c..:l'''l'd ::l 1111~~J ~'i.'-',:lIkcl j()I"L:1 b',"' :In ~l\rlh': i,;::,1 -1(1 r"'Tr",:~':llt:il i'.'~- .~>( C 1~~Il:. ..\ : .12 1 !ol.21 C lil.:'nl .\ lit hority. T11 is A~'J ccm~TH h<l~ k>:l1 ,~ppwv(.d al ,j July IHll iced alll; ~q;;~;I.\ -:13 hc~d puh1 i;..' :'11(:'(:'1 i:l~~ ~:L)ndlK lL.:d i:1 ;\lU~1I"Ol' (~otH:ly. 1 :Il)l irl:1, (II' lla~ k~ll l;;.....:cu1l:d nL:.:lch<.lJ I 0 C (. _le~;l -l-l ':1:'- <L r~pr~~::'IG,[i\~' ~ll' C1ilTl ,lLLtll()n/.~cl :ll do I.lt:d02! (~)C' r\..j~lllr(l": c.~~illl:Y Cll(k p[' ()Tdit:a~~~'!.:'s or -I:: ~)l'I"~lt,: .lppt"<"i\"'-'L~ 1'\ Cl':"'-rl: 13 I..):" J." ~ IH.22 .....n Per~OIu[ Liahilih", \.~, c\~\"(::nll: cr l'blig~'1 i('n ,':r:.r~1;':ir':~d in thi~ .\~re...'I~k'~ll ,h<~~: l~,' ,~'_.'_~~II~'d ill ':lC .ll'l)\'~11J::lI':' t)h!I~~,JI'Jn ~~r,~llY L~-;,.Jllb,.:', ~,t"liv:r, ,,~~cn~ llr C'1~-lplllY~c C.:'C1Ic'Il: L:: jll~ ,:1' lll:: :Ildi'- i':IL:l~ l":P;.;.::ty ,,::-1 :j,~ :1k'mb~T. l'I-Ji.l',T. ,,~,.nl ~,~. l:;npll):~:':": l'I:' (-li~::t <:~i11 :~l' b']<, pCI ~(!Il,l[~ ll11 ih:..; :\~I";:tL~1ent or b..: ~lIh.il'\.'l l0 ~l:'._\ pl~r~O:l<i1 !i:,bililY 0:. ,lCCO'J:ll<I;~i::L\. b\ 1"('d~I):. (': L 11:::, C'XCl'lLL i,111 0 t" :hi~ Arcemellt. -! j () ~ 18,23 I::wcution in Cuun1t'q),1l1~. I'his i\gn::;IIL';:I'.l ~lU~ be l:.\ccul~d ,n ~ny 1"J,11':1~;r;A ~~ ,-~~}lIIL ~~rp~~r>',~ ~~:~~'l~ i..:' (" \\ '~l:( 11 ::--'11:L ",: he: r~":-.~)_~lrd~d .:.l:--:' an l1rt~~lnLll. ~l~~ (I- I" \.... hi...: h t~~~...;.c:': ~o~~...."'l h...~r ~h;-!.: I lC ~'<)l:~~':lll~...' c\r"C" ,I~ll: '.II~: ^:~-ll,' :1I';I"'.~"':c~~H .L1IL: Clic'n: olt'd .-\n\lrtlt'Y :1l<'.~ l'V~'Clll',' li1;~ "\brl','II'('I:~ h I 1 ,:~~Ln; ,,~:~, ~lJC 11 l'l ",;['.IL:T,lll l ~ l_; T II]S :\(; R FE \] E:\T ll,ls lk'~:1 ~ i).! t:~J :Lnd ~:-:',Xllld by th..: lhqrd u i" C lllm~:- C"nll:IlL~,il);:c:'.' I j I) i" \'10t:roL' ('olLn:y. I-"lo:'ill<;_ alH~ :)a~ b<:~n :-;igL1,.d all(~ C:<:'CCI~lL:d by ;'\ II n]"l I~.Y, n~l ~ hl: (1:11 C', ithh:dl~d l ~ b<ej(y\\'. l ~, BO:\HD OF COL'\TY CU:'\l\lISS 10.... FRS ::-: OF \lO\ROr COL _'""I \. E-1.OKlL>..\ ~ lj :\TTl1:'d: ~o 7.1 BY: rl/\\"....'y I.. 1(0] .II:\(~F. C1.FHK nixie- \l. Spe-ha r, "Llyor '1'1 , , --' I:l~': Dal~: Jll'pllty U('!-h , .. "' ~(, Date: '-"} 'Vi I n~'''M'::'' F~'r "\Uurnt'.\: ATH)IOl:Y .,., ..,~/ -;{f:!- . .... .. ....~ I~.~r'.~ l~r L: 7~ ~ ~) " ' _-. I " S h-,,:<I; 1I L"c' ~I ~ ' J'r"'"~.,_,,,:~~. ':-i. .4..~~__...._..... ~- ....__: '::..:'.:.~'--.rF....:;~"'''' .~."=":.l.:t::I,' :"', PLll:l,j \~Lll1C ......... P nmc-d \ :W~C ~, -I ~I ."7~t-=-=''''''::'rlll.f..''''''''' ...-..:.~~~ ~ ~;:.~~..... .~. .::":L~' .... ....---. -- .-. ~ t\.b i 1 i 11 ~~.\ ,kh~,,~ ~~ _~( ') i~fl~I:LLrl' , ., -' . ~~ p, P: i :1[c:,j '\ .Lll :l' '.. ~.-:.~..!'?.:............-" .'. '.:~ /'~', ~ ,.~ ('.l\ ~LL:~' 7..;) ~ C : (. \") "... I r ~'. ': ~ II ~ i: ~ . I ~ l" '" II:' :: _~ . I ~ : MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY . ~PPROVEO A~ TO/~?:J.; ~: /} .2 / L ~/., .' '. - /./ . %" ""' "'--t- ."7". ( . "-. ~ [,:.. ---"....~...~_.. .... ~ >.... ... (r- b. -- -... . NATILEENE W. C"'SSEL ~ss IStANT COllNTY ATTORNEY Oale ..-7) / I J/C:) - / F I-In: _\1 0_'- I~O F: C'()t::'\J-I-Y, l-LO.\:l VA ST:\.~LlAHI) 1.F(;...\1. SI'~R\'IC.L:S AGRFE\IL'\T (CO:\SU_TI:\ CiA 0\'1 SI :\"(;) A(~REl'~\U':NT NL\l BEH: C ,\ Y -co:" -2005-Q9-0 1 EXHIBIT ..\. 'hater Itlen1ifi~~~jiotl: P:"'~p~t:'dli()" of KFP..RfQ.RI:jL <'.S "pp-.:.-,pl':'lh'. :~H m~ ~Lhnd!lbL il~lIl~ill\-" p~ojc~:~ in\'o l'''~llg the f\.h~llr,.~::: COUllt)' LmJ /'qd!(lri1 y, \'knro,; ('ll~I:H y B,nl"d () r C ll'.,n' >.. C()l:l111is~i(llll:,-:-'. dnl~ Lt p:-i\":Llt. dn'dopn, The p~"').iee: ly.m: 1)1dJde h.l~ldLng h-(~ll1 lllt~ S1;\V2' nJT:ond<i f rhl:'iJJ ] iomil:g r:::mmcC' (~()~-puntt iOll) <1lld,,"or t:J~ :tC~n.t; go Q:r'llmellt, am:: ~nll ~l i:' \"(1'. \"c Jh<lllL";II~~i(J\\'ne:-,~hir pr0....i~io:l~ i~l\ 0 kln~ ,qa:~ <iml....clr kdc:ral t.lx crcdd~. Op; il )nal: ,.\ 1 rec:u~st 0:' CmH~ly ,:\ 1 ~ wncy 0r Lar.d ..\u Llori;y l>ir~~l:l ,)1", mher ,l('~m l'l)rl(:c~'nitl,.':' 11011si:1g 1ct~~L:~ :i~:d I C'LH~d Il)aacr~ may be iLK lUl~~~d LllW dlis \1 alter hkntifi.ct~l inn ilnd ~he :ntal fCt..:~ t~ml cost~ will hc <.lJju~',~'d i~'..:i,;UI"'!lll~\iy in ar~)l"{)v'.:d by t;h~ C ()1Jn1 y Atto:'ney_ References: 3.2: LiJTIi~ <II io rtS to Scope (If Rcprcs~ntatjon: Alh)fIlcy s;nll work wilh <llld eno:'d i~Htc ~l(:L vil ie~ \\.i1Il flC' Lx~culiv.: Llircc;I)[, r\:tnmuc County [~~md Au~h(lri1y. At10mcy <1<.!.;~ ]1l': ~~r:g,JL~': ill lil:p:~~li'Jl1 <JC~ ~ v iL ics n~- dd:nil1istr<J lVC pruCCL.:l~jU;~ wi: ho LIt WlOr >\'rilt~'ll i,; I)r'::-,em of the County AnCln I~::/ ~ Or:k~' Tli~,_ :n:al k~s ~lnc..: eo~:s '0 k ;llCllr~'cd u:lder fm A~~('r..:!1ll;TI1 :-.h,lL not e?,-cccd Tl~\ 11 lO'L' S.'\ ~n fl.QT .1.ARS () ]J:I))()O). .1...:1: County expectations mltl !.:u<lh: A'I.orn:y '.\-,:[1 wo"id~ the [,vlaltcr l~kfl1ikation rroJlL~l in a l i~Tdy 1lla:l11cr 10 file jjwte the st_an or the pL"l'jl~L.:l ,J~ ~(1(Jn :1.S rC'J.sor.ab]::." L,~~jblc 4, A ttOl.lH'Y , ~ llnurly Fee Rail': l\~'(l :-1 LLlldrc,: SC\'L't~ty- (:ivt' LlnJ<lT,-" (S'.). -;.'''.00) 4...1: ..\ppro\"td Adtl itiun '-II Tilrll' K ~~rf'r~~ t\ amc: Thad Kir:-.:.r<Ltcck \hrc R0';cn:hal _\h I Ld~~ Y ~H-bL"L'ug~J \.] ;~llre e n J cl rda 11 ] four]y Rate: Twu HlHl(h~rl S:Xly Dull<.u; (S260.00) TWI) H ur:Jr(~d T wcnty-Fi\'c ])0 lb:s {SnS .(10 J Une ] lllnrlred SLxly-hvc lJollar~ {S [65.00~ O~K' H.lI11Jn::d Sn(:n1 /-F iVl: D() lh:r~ ($175.00) ~A ~ CU~lnly PU~JlI of COTlI<ll'l: CCHJ1llY ...\ II orlll:Y :lI:d r'vhrk Rl)~d~_ ] ':xecutL\"c !Jinx-lor, [\."lOTll"L)l: COULl:Y Lane.: ..\ulh(lTLty J.)~ ./. "'-:"~). :;J , /" /T' All U ~-Il.e \. , -- l\l:~': . " . c', c< 1"\-> (kD / / '. ~~ L \J;.L\...,- C uu, Y l\ l'f)rnF,l.<1j'ivl: Lhtc: 1 ~ ~;. t .Le:'" __