Resolution 306-2005 RESOLUTION No. 306,,!OO~ A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORJDA, ACTING AS THE GOVERNING BOARD FOR THE MUNIOPAL SERVICES TAXING DISTRICT 6 APPROVING THE REVISED AITACHMENT "I" TO THE VOLUNTEER FIRE AND EMS SERVICE AGREEMENTS AMENDMENT NUMBER 1 APPROVED JUNE IS, 2005. BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY MUNICIPAL SERVICES TAXING DISTRICT 6 AND KEY LARGO VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, INC.. AND KEY LARGO VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE CORPS. INC. PRESCRIBING THE VOLUNTEER FIRE AND EMS MEMBERSHIP REIMBURSEMENT GUlDEUNES WHEREAS, On June 15.2005, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, acting as the governing board for the Municipal Services Taxing District 6 approved Amendment Number I to the Volunteer Fire and EMS Service Agreements between Monroe County Municipal Services Taxing District 6 and Key Largo Volunteer Fire Department, Inc" and Key Largo Volu~'" Ambulance Corps, Inc.; and WHEREAS, this Amendment Number I included Exhibit I to the Amendment, entitled "Volunteer Fire and EMS Membership Reimbursement Guidelines", labeled Attachment "I" to distinguish it from other attachments to the original Volunteer Fire and EMS Service Agreements in D1strict 6; and WHEREAS. the President of the Monroe County Fire Chiefs' Association (MCFCA) bad questions and proposals concerning the provisions of Attachment "1"; and WHEREAS, during the June 15, 2005 meeting of the Board of Governors of Fire and Ambulance District I, the Board directed the County Administrator, the County Fire Chief, and the President of the MCFCA to meet and reach a consensus on those items and coordinate the results 'with District 6~ and WHEREAS, the County Administrator. the County Fire Chief: and the President of the MCFCA met and came to an agreement and prepared a revised version of Attachment ;'1", Exhibit I to Amendment Number I; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ACTING AS THE GOVERNING BOARD FOR THE MUNICIPAL SERVICES TAXING DISTRICf 6: ~ ~ That Exhibit A attached to this Resolution, Revised Attachment '-r, Exhibit I to Amendm@ Niin~to tIJ! Volunteer Fire and EMS Service Agreements approved June IS, 2005 between the Board of Count~iJnis..ers ~ Monroe County, Florida acting as the governing board for the Municipal Services Taxing DistriCl1~ K. ~ Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., and the Key Largo Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Inc. is hereby app~JIId~, 0 (= ::;- ~ ::0 . P~ED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, fl9~ atcoregubu meeting ofsaJd Board held on the 17th day of August _ A.D" 2005, ;<~-(C % ~ ..." ;.~' N 0 r c-:: .. :;0 ):> r'l'l ,f:'" CJ en "> Mayor Olxie M. Spehar ':;';;'>Mayor Pro Tern Charles hSonnv"McCo\, ~~~ . . , , \ <~:';~"'''<~m!ss!oner Oeo~e N~gent ~,c y-3 A;:i~ISSloner DaVid P. Rice '."::" ,\,~, ~,. ..,l".,~.~; issioner Murray E, Nelson (S"..\'< .,' ;;',' Attt$i;J)~litOLHAGE, Clerk G-J~/ /. Dcpu~' Clerk Yes Yes ..- Yes Yes -"-----_..,,-- Yes BOARD OF COUN1Y COMMISSIONERS MUNICIPAL SERVICES TAXING DlSTRJC~6J ." ~_, / / .. By 4~/u. //'/. ~ Mayor/C~NROE COUNTY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FOAM: \ ~ SU M. GRIMSLEY \ - q, - ASSISTA COUNTY ATTO NEY ( Revised Attachment "I" Volunteer Fire & EMS Membership Reimbursement Guidelines Monroe County, Florida . Rl!llnlnrinn No ~ Exhibit A I. INTENT: A. To define the criteria and process for the disbursement of stipends to the active volunteer firefighters and emergency medical services providers serving unincorporated Monroe County, Florida II. PURPOSE: A. To help to reimburse volunteer fire and EMS personnel for expenses incurred as a result of their participation in their respective volunteer fire or EMS organizations. B, The volunteer reimbursement system will provide incentives for individuals who choose to increase their training, participation or ranklposition within the volunteer fire or EMS organization. It will also assist in the recnritment and retention of volunteers. ill, GENERAL GUIDELINES AND PROGRAM CRITERIA: A. FUNDING: 1. Funding of this reimbursement/stipend program is based on an annual appropriation from the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners. The funding level is cwrently set at $375,400 in MSTD 1 and $220,200 in MSTD 6. The individual corporations are responsible for administering the reimbursement/stipend program within the guidelines established by this attachment There shall be no additional reimbursement provided once funding is exhausted in that corporation's budget. 2. The Chief serving each corporation shall verify compliance with the requirements of this agreement. B, RELATIONSHIP: I. The relationship of the County to the individual volunteer firefighter or EMS provider is non-existent for the purposes of this reimbursement/stipend program and the county has no employer responsibility, The relationship between the individual volunteer firefighter or EMS provider and hislher volunteer fire or EMS department is established in the Agreement of Understanding Between the Individual Volunteer Firefighter or EMS Provider and the Fire Department or Ambulance Corps. C. ELIGmn.ITY: 1. Must be a full member (not a probationary member) in good standing with a Volunteer Fire or EMS Department. Page 1 of 4 Revised Attaclunent ''P' Volunteer Fire & EMS Membership Reimbursement GuideUnes Monroe County, Florida ~utioo No. 2005 Exhibit A 2. Must maintain the position of active combat firefighter, state-certified emergency medical services provider, support personnel or administrative/technical personnel. 3. Shall have executed an Agreement of Understanding Between the Individual Volunteer Firefighter or EMS Provider and the Fire Department or Ambulance Corps. D, MINIMAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must attend two (2) training meetings per month or be excused from training by the volunteer fire or EMS chief. 2. Must meet the minimum percentage of calls per month based on years of service/seniority, NOTE: Station shifts, approved details and medical calls count toward the total number of calls required, 3, Within the previous twelve months, must have attended at least two periodic training sessions at the Joe London FIre Training Facility or any other training opportunity found acceptable by the Monroe County Fire Rescue Training Bureau. E. CRITERIA: 1. BASE REIMBURSEMENT: Members meeting the minimal requirements will be eligible to receive a monthly base reimbursement dependent upon position and qualifications and rank at the schedule indicated herein: r--'--"~' -, '-""-"- -.,.....'----, Position & Qualifications ! Base Per \faximum . I Call Monthl Rookie FF. Support & 75 10 500 ~dllliniSlrative Personnel . ' -I Dnver-Engmeer*. Extl1catJOn 125-LIIO' 750" I Spccialisl*. Technical Rescue h Spccialisl* _ _~ _ ~ Firc!lghter lor EMT-W' I ISO JO 750 I Fir~fighter II orEMT-~* ~~-.l_ 15 + 750d.~ Lieutenant. state FFI certified 175 ~ ! 850 ' ~t~<;~ate FF(eertitled ",~--1, 200.' ~20 j' 8501 , Lieutenant, state FFlI certified ! 250 i 20 :", 850 .'.~ , Ca tain, slate FF!I certified " --1, 0275 . ~20-=r ...' 850 - Battaliongr Assistant Chjef*:~ . 300 +-}O~L 950 j . Deputy Ch}et"""r. __ _---r325~20 ,950 . I Chief** "___, --1 400--L...2~' _ lO()(U * nOli ,state fire certified ** must be Slate FFI certified. at minimum Page 2 of 4 " ' ( &..uluLl..., 1"1", .a&l Exhibit A Revised Attachment ''P' Volunteer Fire & EMS Membership Reimbursement Guidelines ... _",,_ A 'W':W_." Monroe LOUDly, JHonoa 2. ADDmONAL REIMBURSEMENT: Additional reimbursement will be added to the base reimbursement amount for each of the additional qualifications or certifications possessed by the individual at the schedule indicated herein: ,- - Additional Qualifications .- - r Addt() I Base . Driver Engineer .. ___d,____l~ , ~~~J~~e~:~::~rcationi ~; ,1 ....---..,------..-.-..... ....-." .,-.~_.-.."__ ....-_____..___. L_____.....____._ ! i HAZ. Mat Technician ----J 15 . I Technical Rescue -(i.e. Dive Rescue or Advanced I 15 I . Rope Rescue) . ! _ ' I Board Member '=L_25 ,01 3. CALL CREDITS: a. Members qualifying for reimbursement will also be reimbursed an amount equivalent to one call credit for each approved detail up to six (6) hours with a maximum of 2 details per day, Example of an approved special detail would be a fire prevention/education detail performed at a local school. b, Volunteer personnel shall be eligible for one call credit for each six consecutive duty shift hours spent at the station, available for immediate response. Volunteers can receive up to 4 duty credits per 24 hours, in addition Volunteers will receive call credits for responding to calls during duty shifts, Rookie FF, Support and Administrative personnel are not eligible for duty shift credits. c. In order to receive any reimbursement, members must respond to a minimum percentage of the total number of calls to which hislher department has been dispatched. That required percentage is indicated in this table: Years 01 Service Percen e of Calls R uired U to 10 ears 35% From 11- 15 30% From 16 - 20 25% From 21 - 25 20% From 26 - 30 ears 15% Over 30 ears 10% Note: Up to 20% of total membership who are Administrative Personnel can be exempt from the Percentage of Call Requirement. Page 3 of 4 R~.olutiOll NQ _,l.,Q95 bJllbtt .-\ Revised Attachment "I" Volunteer Fire & EMS Membership Reimbursement Guidelines Monroe County, Florida 4 fUNDING LIMITATIONS AND RECORD KEEPING: a The total reimbursement disbursed to each department yearly shall not exceed the annual budgeted amount as determined by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners b, Total monthly reimbursement amount available to each volunteer department will be determined by dividing their respective annual volunteer reimbursement budget amount by 12. Budgeted monthly reimbursement dollars not disbursed wiJl "roll over" and be available for the next month's request c, Each volunteer depanment will prepare and submit a request for volunteer reimbursement to Monroe County Fire Rescue Headquarters using the Volunteer Department Roster & Reimbursement Request form (MCFRF-021) specified for each month of the year not to exceed their one-twelfth of the annual allocation to that corporation and any funds rolled over from a previous month. Reimbursement will be disbursed to the qualifying volunteers in order of seniority. In all cases preference shall be given to reimbursement of eligible state-tire-certified members who qualify for reimbursement for any month, d. Each volunteer department corporation will be responsible for keeping monthly records specifying each member's qualifications, participation and total amount of reimbursement received. These records must be retained for three full fiscal years (October 1_ September 30) and made available if requested by Monroe County and may be subject to audit. e Minimum reimbursement for members serving and otherwise qualified for reimbursement during Fiscal Year 2004-5 shall be One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) per month. Members serving during Fiscal Year 2004-5 shall execute the Agreemefll of Understanding Between the Indjvidual Volunteer Firefighter or fMS Pmvider and the Fire Department or Ambulance Corps by September 30, 2005 with an effective date of July I, 2005. Page4of4 MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~ su \' ASSIST: