12/07/2005 Lease Dee 02 05 03:44p Thomas J Willi Co Admin 305-292-4544 p. 1 AUDENDuM TO CONTRAcT BETWEEN LAZYDAYS AND THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OATeD NOVEMBeR 10, 2005 THIS ADDENDUM REFERs TO ADDITIONAl.. UNITS TO BE SUPPUED OVER AND ABOVE THE ORIGINAL CONTRACT Dale of A!l/'H1M11t 111291lJ5 lazydaye Representlll''''''. N"",.,--.Jay F1n~ -- ElttonsIon'-..43lIO_ L_ _"'" County Boa'" 0/ Coml!dosianenl """- 1 100 sa.- St. Suit 205 K,ey West De_to: Vanolls Co4mly ~...~ bit 0/ lacIinlI <IlllIes ~ CIIY -.. st.. FL Zip J3040 CIty stale Z1p- ~-<C441 Phone 12 Phone: Phone 12: E-maIl addre..: 2008 FoIest ~ 31Q1lSS'" ~ ModsI, &_ r_ Sullltftu\fon CI8use) AoonI NfA v_ VIIl' PoIk;y , '- Coln_ Address Odometer Readlng SIocll. CIly state_ Z1p_ '0 MontIIIy Leas. ~1aI Fee MonlhIyP_ ~ One """'....-_, Amouhl 18@ $19M.1lI $35.190.00 18 Cll $1~.Ol $ 35,10000 0Iher TenllS: Sale Tax Cll 7'l& Insulame 18 (IJ $88.00 $l,!584.oo Total L._ Psymsnt EXEMPT EXEMPT $36,774.00 35,100.00 ] r_, Fee Ovoor l... ""rlocl Cont'acled Months Total Lease Payment 8 ~""DO Pt.1Ul1.DO $ZI6. 744.00 ~piSu~ Total Conllact Price l.essor has granted a &ecurity interest in the recreational vehicle subject to this Lease and 9Very right to paymBnt with respect 10 th18 lease (inclUding without limltalion every account, aocount receivable, instrument, note, draft, aoceptanoe, document, and chaltet paper) to Bank a America, N.A., as Agent. This Lease and aN payments and PRX:eeds a this lease have been aselgned to Sank of Amenca, NA, as Agent. No fUrther bansfer or disl106itlon a lesee's ng/1ls in the lease, the subject un~ or ""y payments or PfO<;eeds ~ed with tlus lease is permitted. lessee agrees that the subject unit will not be bansfEllT'ed outside the S8te of Florida at any time. This agreement, and the altadled terms and conditions, contain the entire agreemern lII1d UIlder$tanding between you and me. AU discwsioos, 1IeQOIiaItiona, Rlflte... tolb... stulIements am:! inducements IWIIcIl are a part Cj( the basis of the baIgain between you and me and which ale impOltant to me are written in this contract and a part a this COI1bact 1ft ~ bv me to be a part Of the basis of the bargain betIMlen you and me. I AGREE THAT Nf'( STAT&llIENTS, IlEPREsENtATlOII$, WAARANTu;:s OR INDUCEllBlTs, VERBAL OR ..TTSt WHlcH - NOT lIPeC:lPlcAu.y~ IN THE AGREEIIEWT SHAU.. NOT BINDING ON Nf'( PARTY. l!S&oR IllAKES NO EXPRess OR IMPLIED WARRAHnES, INCLUDING BUT NOT lIMITED TO APlV WARRANTY 1: VEHtCI.E IS MalCHAIITA8lE OR FIT FOR AllY ~~':' lazy=::~, Inc. ~. . ',,\'.' l_: Lessor not -.id __.... by..,...., "< -) /" <~ ~ '\\". - j ~\i F,' '~~:,~'/';- .,..;.;<;l .....:;~~,;.(::~I;.~,;)".