Resolution 430-2005 OMB Schedule Item Number 6 Resolution No. 430 - 2005 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO.370-2005 WHEREAS, Resolution Number 370-2005, heretofore enacted for the purpose of transferring of funds, contains an erroneous information, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Corrunission to rectify by amendmt:nt such t:rrors, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FI,ORIDA, that the following item(s) in Resolution No 370 -2005: Fund #404 Key West InrI Airport From: 404-5420-63003-560620 Cost Center # 63003Key West Passenger Facility For the Amount: $100,000.00 To: 404-5420-630 I 06-560620-GAKA 103-5303 10 Cost Center #630106 Terminal Construction Buildings Professional Svcs From: 404-5420-63003-560620 Cost Center # 63003 Key West Passenger Facility For the Amount: $ 100,000.00 To: 404-5420-63096-560620-GAKA93-530310 Cost Center # 63096 New Terminal A&E Buildings Professional Svcs IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: From: 404-5420-63003-560620 Buildings Cost Center # 63003Key West Passenger Facility For the Amount: $100,000.00 To: 404-5420-630 106-560620-GAKA I 03-53031 0 Professional Svcs Cost Center #630106 Terminal Construction From: 404-5420-63003-560620 Buildings Cost Center # 63003 Key West Passenger Facility For the Amount: <- $ 100,000.00 > To: 404-5420-63096-560620-GAKA93-530310 Professional Svcs Cost Center # 63096 New Terminal A&E PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21 st day of December AD 2005. Mayor McCoy Yes Mayor Pro Tern Nelson Yes Commissioner Neugent Yes Commissioner Rice Yes Item 6 amend 370-2005 oet05 mtg Commissioner Spehar Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE C UNTY, FLORIDA By: Mayor: (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~~Q, ~)&~ " ,....- ",- < ' MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY APPRO\t D AS TO FORM: ~ ::I: c= ..,., 0 c= C) ~ ? z !: c- ,""1'\ ~~n7 > CJ f'-.'t-~ :z: r'1:::-;: -.. -~"' c)' r w 0 (~; C')" ::,'0 c:, ::~~ ;.n ;tIo C1.,.. :% f!1 :-'-:;--1 ;.' 9 ~'") ~. C:l -" C') :;0 I r;"1 W d ~, ...... Item 6 amend 370~2005 oct05 mtg