Resolution 493A-2005 RESOLUTION NO. 493A 2005 A RESOLUTION FOR THE REMOVAL OF MONROE COUNTY FROM THE STATE AREA OF CRITICAL CONCERN. WHEREAS, The Department of Community Affairs, for the first time since Monroe County was designated as Area of Critical Concern thirty years ago, has given the County an approval grade on it's accomplishments; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, mAT: I. The Board of County Commissioners unanimously supports the removal of Monroe County from the Area of Critical Concern Designation and further that: 2, A cooperative posture remain between the State and the County to avoid a disruption in the programs in progress. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County this 21st day of December, 2005, ".~::-c::.";;" Mayor Charles "Sonny' McCoy /;";~~~:>Mayor ProTem Murray Nelson .."co, , '" ',. /:~!~'f<'v0f' &~;~issioner George Neugent 'I','. c/.>&~'J, J ;",'~Wn, '~missioner David Rice """'>", . i::L i :if. /,t;,;;; COmmissioner Dixie M. Spehar \ "..,'\ ,:~~ .<;.:,~.... -.' ,,', .' .! :;"" 'i,;'ciM"AL) '~:'<~;:~~~;{ff~: Danny L. "-.. ~ yes yes yes yes ~ yes_ Cl ,...... < (W) Lt.J 0:: .. 0 ....J 0 52 1.L.. (.) <(~ ' LiJ x: :I:u:>:: 0: cz: _J .-. o ':it: a:: x 9::::> 0 C'? '(.)0 L.l... C'\.I ....J .(.) 0 (..) >-xkJ b.J z.....c UJ Q :z:ua::: -' ! < z - LL. 0 0 x: