Resolution 421-2005 RESOLUTION NO. 421 -2005 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING WAIVERS FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT FEE SCHEDULE FOR CERTAIN PERMITS PERTAINING TO THE REPAIR OF DAMAGE CAUSED BY HURRICANE WILMA UNTIL MAY 15. 2006 WHEREAS, unincorporated Monroe County has suffered significant property damage, particularly due to the storm surge from Hurricane Wilma; and WHEREAS, the Emergency Directive #2005-15, enacted during the State of Local Emergency, established a waiver of permit fees for most storm damaged structures to expedite the recovery process for property owners and to reduce their financial burden in obtaining County permitting approvals; and WHEREAS, with the eventual termination of the State of Local Emergency, the waiver of permit fees for storm damage caused by Hurricane Wilma will require approval by resolution by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Section 6-27, Monroe County Code; and WHEREAS, this waiver of permit fees is intended to be applied solely to those permit applications for repairing damage caused by Hurricane Wilma and will only be in place until Mayl5, 2006. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. All permit fees shall be waived for the repair, replacement, or restoration of any structure, including docks, seawalls, boat lifts, and other water dependent structures, damaged by Hurricane Wilma. Eligibility for a waiver from permitting fees shall be subject to all the following conditions: a. The applicant shall submit documentation acceptable to the Building Official that the damage to the structure was the result of Hurricane Wilma; b. The permit application shall be limited to the replacement, repair 'or restoration of the damaged structure that structure was lawfully established or permitted only; and c. A complete permit application for which fees are to be waived shall be submitted to the Building Department by no later than May 15, 2006. Section 2. All other County building permit fees shall remain in full force and effect. Section 3. This special waiver of permitting fees for storm related damage from Hurricane Wilma shall remain in effect until May 15, 2006. Section 4. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward one (1) certified copy of this Resolution to the Division of Growth Management. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida held on the 16th day of November, 2005. Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy Mayor Pro Tern Murray E. Nelson Commissioner Dixie Spehar Commissioner George Nugent Commissioner David Rice ~~~'" ,..,..: ;;-l"".'~ t:0'f"'",;>,,~:::-,., ~'.' Jr.!' '::;,;---.. "'._','/,' .."'......., fi,cr?'=.;.\ - -:-,,'~, .'i... /'. _'" j -.--::::::-~ "., ~ '.:\.'. ."'." ~.~ c-:::.....:-. '\'""..-]), \}~. ""!"'; ""_ f1.'-.'./ ;' "'~' II \'-~ p.',' ..'" ,i f~ (, ", ,.(- if:'! '(C~ \ \<..-\., .it,:,. \ ..;;"'1 \., 'i'< (Seal)C1 ...... ...., ',' ,'Attest: DannyL Kolhage By: ~a1.J)c.. {W~GI\'\,W Deputy Clerk Board of County Commissioners Of Monroe County, lorida By: L~r~, , I rrl.&/t Z 0 o :P' Z ::;t: :;00- or-..... ".,~-< O' I' 00:'- S.;o c; ~'CJC :<:-'J; 41 C) I' rt'\ :0- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ~ ~ <- ~ f') ;- ~ - - .. c..:> CI' -T\ r= ft'\ o -" o ?J ;0 jl1 C") o ::0 o