Resolution 030-2006 Mayor McCoy RESOLUTION NO. 030- 2006 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY ELABORATING ON RESOLUTION NO. 493A-200S TO SET FORTH SPECIFIC PROTECTIONS TO BE SOUGHT IN LEGISLATION TO REMOVE DESIGNATION AS AN "AREA OF CRITICAL STATE CONCERN" FROM MONROE COUNTY. WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY (hereinafter "COUNTY") voted to seek legislation to remove Monroe County from designation as an area of critical state concern, as reflected in Resolution 493A-2005; and WHEREAS, the resolution contains the verbiage recited in the motion, but does not contain specific concerns raised during discussion on the motion; and WHEREAS, a primary desire to have the area of critical state concern designation lifted is based on delays created by State review of individual development plans despite the fact that the County's land development regulations and comprehensive plan have already received Department of Community Affairs approval; and WHEREAS, it is recognized that tourism and enhanced growth management regulations will continue to impact Monroe County if and when the designation as an area of critical state concern is removed; and WHEREAS, it is recognized that certain benefits have accrued to Monroe County due to its designation as an area of critical state concern; and WHEREAS, it is desirable and necessary to retain as many benefits of the critical state concern legislation as possible due to the unavailability of land, the unique logistical difficulties and infrastructure requirements, such as transportation of supplies and water, along with the increase in property values at a phenomenal rate, all of which Monroe County faces in resolving issues which are not experienced statewide; and WHEREAS, it is preferable to phase out, and not abruptly cease, those benefits available to an area of critical state concern which cannot be continued indefinitely should the designation be removed; and WHEREAS, it is desired to formally set forth the specific concerns raised by various commissioners as matters to be addressed and protected or phased out through the proposed legislation; Area of Critical State Concern. 1 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, that: 1. Resolution 493A-2005 shall be elaborated upon as follows: State Representative Sorenson is requested to seek legislation 1 to remove Monroe County from designation as an area of critical state concern, which legislation shall provide for the continuation, or phasing out, of certain benefits which have accrued to Monroe County due to its designation as an area of critical state concern. Those matters which the Board of County Commissioners finds to be in the best interests of the general public to continue to be available to Monroe County, or at least to be gradually phased out, are: a) Retention of the ability to expend up to 10% of the infrastructure sales tax on public uses other than infrastructure; b) Retention of the tourist impact tax, which has been authorized by ~ 125.0108, FS; c) Retention of the Land Authority and its ability to purchase land in Monroe County for the purposes available under ~ 380.0666, FS, particularly for purposes of conservation and affordable housing; d) Continued participation by the State in financial responsibility for the inverse condemnation awards and settlements resulting from the stringent land use regulations required of Monroe County as an area of critical state concern; e) Continued availability of preferential points for competitive grants for acquisition and preservation of the environment, acquisition and development of recreational lands, and acquisition and development of affordable housing; t) To the extent possible and appropriate, the retention of recognition of Monroe County's environmental and tourist-related significance to the State so that legislation which affects only Monroe County due to unique issues may still be passed; g) The legislation should include the following language: 1 Any legislation to remove Monroe County, or portions thereof, from the area of critical state concern, without undergoing the State's process set forth in Section 380.0552(4),FS, would require repeal of or amendment to that statute. Area of Critical State Concern. 2 Notwithstanding any provIsIOn of Chapter 380, part I, to the contrary, a local government within the Florida Keys area of critical state concern or an area that was designated as an area of critical state concern for at least twenty (20) consecutive years prior to removal of the designation, may enact an ordinance that: (1) Requires connection to a central sewerage system within thirty (30) days of notice of availability of services; and (2) provides a definition of on site sewage treatment and disposal systems that does not exclude package sewage treatment facilities if such facilities are in full compliance with all regulatory requirements and treat sewage to advanced wastewater treatment standards or utilize effluent reuse as their primary method of effluent disposal. 2. The Board is committed to the final adoption of the Tier System for habitat protection which should not delay the removal of Monroe County from designation as an area of critical state concern. 3. The Board is committed to the continuation of its Ten-Year Work Plan to accomplish providing wastewater treatment, and establishing work-force and affordable housing in the unincorporated portions of the Florida Keys. 4. This Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its adoption herein. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the eighteenth day of January, A.D. 2006. :J: ~ c c:::::t ~ :r> CJ" :::0 Z <- 0('");;:: ):lie rr1 r- -< ;z ::=: (J. r- N os:2~ eN C"""'''''_"''''. Z:,,"..JC::.~~ --i ,r-". :-< :::; :1:: ~," :..~~ r G) 1> P"j Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE C NTY, FLORIDA By: Area of Critical State Concern. 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