Resolution 200-2001 Commissioner Williams RESOLUTION NO. 200 -2001 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS A&REEIN& IN PRINCIPLE TO TRANSFER A PORTION OF MONROE COUNTY'S SITE AT LONG KEY TO THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY FOR USE AS A CENTRAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY FOR THE CIlY OF LAYTON AND ANY SURROUNbIN& AREA OF UNINCORPORATED MONROE COUNTY AND DIRECTIN& MONROE COUNTY STAFF TO WORK WITH THE FKAA, THE CIlY, WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC., AND THE STATE RE6ULATORY AGENCIES, TO IDENTIFY AN APPROPRIATE PORTION OF THE SITE SUITABLE FOR A WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACIUTY WHEREAS, the City of Layton needs and desires a site fOl" G central wastewater treatment plant; WHEREAS, Monroe County owns a site on Long Key presently being utilized as a solid waste transfer station but which may have sufficient CU"'8Cl to accommodate a wastewater treatment facility; and WHEREAS, in the past the County's Long Key site has been used as G land fill and for solid waste incinerators making the site, by virtue of its history, uniquely qualified for a wastewater treatment facility; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Board of County Commissioners agree in principle to transfer a portion of their Long Key solid waste transfer station site to the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (fKAA) for use as a central wastewater treatment facility serving the City of Layton and any surrounding area of unincorporated Monroe County. Section 2. The County stoff ore hereby directed to work with the FICAA, Waste Management, Inc. (the operator of the transfer station), the City of Layton, and the appropriate state regulatory agencies, to locate on area within the County's Long Key site $Uitoble for use 0 oS wastewater treatment facility. When $UGh 0 site hQ$ been determined, County stoff is directed to prepare the documents necessary so that the Boord of County Commissioners may transfer the site to the FKAA. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Boord of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at 0 regular meeting of soid Boord held on thc 16th day of May, 2001. Mayor 6eorgc Neugent Mayor Pro Tcm Nora Williams Commissioner Murray Nelson cOQ ommissioner Dixie Spehar issioner Charles McCoy YE;!s yes yes )TQC yes BOARD OF COUNlY COMMISSIONERS ~MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA ~((--e ~~d Mayor/Chairperson - jdresWasteLK C GO Q:: ID LL.I ~J 0 - ,;.:;:J -~ (.) ~ < 'J. W :::t:. .:~ e:: 2: -1(..).... < C> .."... e:: ~~S <:::> .uc> Ll.. (W') ...J . C,.) CJ >- :>_:x::w ..;c -'0 W < :2:;(..)0:: -J 2: <t % iJ.. 0 a 0 L