Resolution 025-2006 RESOLUTION NO. 025 MAYOR PRO TEM MURRAY NELSON -2006 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY IN RECOGNITION OF COUNTY ADMINISTRATION AND STAFF. WHEREAS, Monroe County faced many difficult challenges during the year 2005, including achieving substantial progress on issues of wastewater treatment and affordable housing to the satisfaction of the State Cabinet, completing several large construction projects and restoring others to construction-in-progress after contractor difficulties, growth management solutions, property acquisitions to better provide government services and facilitate the provision of affordable housing, changes in staffing structure of the County, union negotiations, and all of the consequences of four hurricanes impacting the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, many of the County administration and staff had to contend with individual problems of clean-up and restoration after each hurricane, with a substantial number still dealing with those problems created by Hurricane Wilma; and WHEREAS, evacuations before, and the debris removal and clean-up of public areas after, each hurricane, and particularly after Wilma, required many hours of stress and hard work by staff; and WHEREAS, the administration and staff handled the tasks efficiently throughout the year and with good humor, no matter how difficult and trying each job was; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1: The County Administration and all members of County staff are hereby commended for ajob well done, in the face of adversity, without complaint. Section 2: This Resolution shall become effective on the date written below. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of January, A.D., 2006. ,<'-'-'~=~:' ". Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy /;~:'~\COtJ'!i:;~~,::;, Mayor Pro Tern Murray E. Nelson .:' '~;/ -'\<;f,~ J;:'~~Fommissioner George Neugent I:' f\'b\~ 1 ;~' ommissioner David P. Rice (~ '"' "'<~t': \ :: ommissioner Dixie M. Spehar " ,^', ;c..... _ ; , '" , ,/, 'J ~ . ,~, 1. .......:'.: -/. 'w f '. ~. ...-"- ~ ~% __:j" I ~/I ,-/0 ~ 3' ;.' ':;/ BOARD OF COU OF MONROE CO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ~ 0 z ~ ;;0 n.~ or-z y COMMISSIO~$2 ,FLORIDA S~~ ..of,_ _ ~..........t --i r-' ,'" -<':":;::1:.: ...,,' ;1> G") ;: f71 By .....:t c:::t ""T1 c:::t en r- .." m f'T1 \'.:) c:::o I ." ...... (:) :::0 -0 :;0 ::J:: fTl ("") - <:) ... ;0 s:- o w