Resolution 029-2006 RESOLUTION NO. 029 -2006 A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND A ZONING IN PROGRESS DIRECTING STAFF TO DEFER THE ACCEPTANCE AND PROCESSING OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS AND THE ISSUANCE OF DEVELOPMENT APPROVALS FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT OR CONVERSION OF TEN UNITS OR MORE OF MULTI-FAMILY RENTAL HOUSING AND/OR MOBILE HOME P CONTINUING THIS POLICY UNTIL NEW LAND DEVELOP REGULATIONS ARE ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSION, PROVIDING FOR EXPIRATION WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER EXPIRATION OF RESOLUTION NO. 320-2005, WHICHEVER OCCURS FIRST WHEREAS, on August 17,2005 the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolut on No. 320- 2005 deferring the acceptance and processing of development applications and the issuance of evelopment approvals for the redevelopment or conversion of ten units or more of multi-family rental h sing and/or mobile home parks; and WHEREAS, on December 21, 2005 the Board of County Commissioners adopted an xception to Resolution No. 320-2005 for property owners willing to provide at least 30% of the total rede eloped units for affordable housing by placing a 99 year restrictive covenant on each unit; and WHEREAS, Section 2 of Resolution No. 320-2005 provides that the ordinance shall st nd repealed until new land development regulations are adopted or the passage of 180 days after the adoption of Resolution No. 320-2005; and WHEREAS, staff, in cooperation with the Planning Commission has diligently pursued various text amendments; and WHEREAS, the initial text amendment was presented to the Planning Commission . encourage the preservation of existing affordable housing by authorizing the placement of housing deed restriction on an existing dwelling unit and/or mobile home lot within a mobile return for receiving a market rate allocation; and August to affordable orne park in WHEREAS, the Planning Commission directed staff to revise the draft ordinance; and WHEREAS, Staff along with White and Smith, LLC incorporated the results of the Ho sing Trends in Incorporated and Unincorporated Monroe County report and further studies by James Nichol s, Professor of Urban and Regional Planning and Law at the University of Florida to create an ordi ance which establishes an inc1usionary housing standard and trust fund; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission made additional requests for information and the ordinance is scheduled to be heard by the Planning Commission on January 11th, 2006; and WHEREAS, it will be at least several months before these amendments to the land development regulations will be adopted, extending past the time for expiration of the zoning in progress; and WHEREAS, Planning Staff is not requesting to extend the portion of the resolution that directs staff to defer the acceptance and processing of development applications for a land use district zoning map amendment from Urban Residential Mobile (URM) and Urban Residential Mobile Home-Limited (URM-L) to any other land use district zoning designation; and WHEREAS, given the scope of the affordable housing issues and areas to be addressed the three month extension is necessary and reasonable in order to complete a fair and comprehensive planning and public participation process that results in legally and scientifically based policies and regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. The provisions set forth in Resolution No. 320-2005 and the exception passed at the December 21 S\ 2005 Board of County Commissioners meeting, deferring the acceptance and processing of development applications and the issuance of development approvals for the redevelopment or conversion of ten units or more of multi-family rental housing and/or mobile home parks shall remain in full force and in effect for an additional three month period of time. Section 2. If any sentence, clause, item, change or provision of this section, subsection, or resolution is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. Section 3. All resolution or parts of resolutions in conflict with this resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. Section 4. This resolution shall be filed in the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of Florida. Section 5. This Resolution shall stand repealed as of 11:59 p.m. on the last day of the three month period following the expiration date of Resolution 320-2005, unless repealed sooner upon the adoption by the Board of County Commissioners and approval by the Florida Department of Community Affairs of land development regulations and comprehensive plan amendments implementing the work program mandated by Rule 28-20.100 F.A.C. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Momoe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of January, 2006. Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy Mayor Pro Tern Murray Nelson Commissioner Dixie Spehar Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner David Rice yes yes yes 3: ~ c:::t .." 0 c::J c::::t Z l> O"'l r- ;onz ..." rT1 rT1 orz CD 0 f1l -< SSION~r .." 0 0 0(")' :;0 DA ~?J~~ -0 :::0 ~ C") !::: ::z: i'1 ::"'- ;-i ~:~- C"') -'1 .s::- o G> .. ;:0 cCoy r > 1"'1 0 0 (II ';i:...~:. (S~i: A~T: :IT~ Deputy Clerk yes yes BOARD OF COUNTY CO OF MONROE COUNTY, BY L~I