Resolution 475-2001 Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION NO. 475 -2001 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL FUNDING AND SUPPORT TO COMPLETE THE SPIEGEL GROVE ARTIFICIAL REEF PROJECT. WHEREAS, in 1996, Monroe County contracted with the Legendary Key Largo Chamber of Commerce for the preparation of the surplus Navy ship Spiegel Grove as an artificial reef and transporting the Spiegel Grove to a site off Key Largo, Florida where the ship was to be scuttled and turned into an artificial reef; and WHEREAS, numerous obstacles to the completion of this project have arisen over the years; and WHEREAS, it is determined that the completion of the artificial reef project would have an extremely positive impact on the tourist economy in the Key Largo area; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: Section 1. Monroe County will commit to a certain amount of additional funding, not to exceed $300,000, to come out of infrastructure tax funds, to complete the Spiegel Grove artificial reef project upon the following conditions: A. The Key Largo Chamber of Commerce shall enter into a contract for any additional preparation which needs to be done to the ship and which will guarantee that the ship will be in compliance with all environmental rules and regulations in order for it to be scuttled for purposes of an artificial reef, and said contract shall meet the County Attorney's approval for form and substance before it is executed, and said contract shall not exceed such amount as will take the total costs, past, present and future to $600,000 above the $268,000 which has already been committed through the District Advisory Council V, under the auspices of the Tourist Development Council, by and through the BOCC. B. Upon approval of the contract to complete ship preparation, the Chamber shall obtain a guaranteed loan in the amount of $250,000, guaranteed by at least one dive operator, which will be repaid from the sale of dive medallions, and an additional $50,000 worth of medallions will be purchased by other dive operators. C. The ship must be delivered to the site where it is permitted to be sunk at a cost of no more than the additional $600,000 above the $268,000 already committed by the TDC. Section 2. If all of the above conditions are met, and only after the $300,000 to be raised through medallion sales and dive operator guaranteed loans has been spent the County shall pay the remaining amount of the preparation costs, not to exceed $300,000. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21st day of November, 2001. yes yes yes absent RbRent BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By a MaY/;/fhairperson Jdresspiegel$$$ ANNE A. HU~N t;6TE <__4Je:.D/ of !"..,) .." :1: = = - 0 ,-' r x ):0- c::J f'TI :::o(")x rT1 0 O,:::r:: CJ rTl ::;tl:. .< .." C)' r' -oJ 0 c:> () . :::0 c: ;;0 :;"T-: :z.. 0 ;DJO ::Xl --i 1-- :x f"T1 :<~:x: .> C5 ('") .." c;') 0 r rT! w :::0 '!> 0