Item Q6 BO:\RD 01' COt :"Il't'Y COM!\lISSIO\"ERS _,\G f ,"0"\ ITF.:\'l SL \IMA RY M~eting D,lte 2/ j ~""2,01)6_~ ,K,L__...__ DiviSlon/DqHlr1ment: COun1y i\~lOrncy Bul k t ttm, Y t':-, ]'\0 ~ Stat!' Contact PerWT\, ,_SuzailllU iUttQ.[1 AGL""iD.-\ HE'I \\'ORDI~G: Appro~dl to (Id.,C'rtisC" a pubLc h~ariTlg ~{)f an Ordifl3.Jl'.C to 1\:\.lSC Cha~tcr 3, \1onmc ('oullty Ct1dc, t(} prutlihit abandonment of an animal, Ie r~~q1.Jjrl; sp(l.yin~"r.eukring, lO pm\'id(:' an inc13m~ Vi! lix p~':rmancnt jdentiti:catiol1, fO corren lm.:,ollSi-;tencies, pT ohibit chaining, and 10 pn.)vid(~ ullit~',mll!ty and more tnowughl::--' L:OveJ' i:S5LH:;~ faCl~d by anilnal Cl)ntro! omc~~r:-;, nr'1 B.\CF\.GRl)l!~ O~ l'.s~'-WS and the nature Cms.ervan.::y sent repre.:;emi.ui\'2S In a ft>ra] ,'i\~ m~eting call~d by CJnlmis.si()n~r ~t'ug~m to addl css, yrjmarjl_~, issm's of ~-unailing {he- ferJI \,.'M pU~1l.Jbli0n UIl Hig Pill~ Key (llld in mher '-lrea:-; where ~mJang~['ed s~~(:it's may be lmpancd by rtw pmlirerJ1iu;] or (eral Clb, Thi..' COUnlY-s. COlllractofs for animal control. :md other" pres~nt, agreed generally that certa.ir1 me.tsures wer~ lrllponmH in lackiing. the problems of domesticated animals nq:~atj vd)' impac1ing 1h(; habjtat 0 t' cnda ng~~rcd and I h.cat~nC;'d spl;(,:ie<;" It \,'..-01-; ,}hservt;'J [il<11 while [ht'!'t> i~ ,1 ~talc ~[a[uk ag3tns.t aklndoT\lng animals, hhic-h would be prosecuted by the Stilk ,-\tiorne......'s OtTtce i;" ,hert:' '.~ a_, ~LJfti.::ie[1t statr tu aJjro=s.s _,L.:ell dtlen:>('<;, a Count\' OrdLnalKC cnlor(:~ilbk by ,mj mill C0m r'nl utfice,s tr.:rOlJgh a c itat i ~ln sYS.it"Il1, (t!ld ut 11cr m~<ln~, ,~'ould help '.\ ~th t.hi s punicLlbr imract (1n hdbi u[ S~milarly, a po:-:;itive iUlp<i'..:1 un tht eJ]\,!mIlmem \'vf:ls deemed )ikdy if .:.pay;'ncukr .",as mandawry, but cdlowi ng f~'r a la,',:fu~ <:"dusi,m Sub~equef1t mtering of (,.'ol1traLl0rs Hnd jn~efeS1e-J members Dr tht:' public with Ihl' (0mmjs~ioncr n.~~l.lhed in CUtl::::.CHSu::; drath of several ordinances, The (~hapk~r hJS becn n::-'M'itlen t;J iTh.::\)rpmatt~ agf~ed upon change:>., chang~~ illuicaied a~ usefuL 2nd ch<mge~ if.dic,atl'd bv a mode] ..ode i111,J plan t~H pct.frlcndl_\- ordin..'lnC\.~S_ as well as mlJch of the app!ic,~blc statLncs ;0 e-nhancC' I~.)cai ~~]lt-;'~('.:~'m(,:1L PREVl{)lfS RF.LEVANT BOCC ACTION: 1\'....,\ , CO\'fI{ACT......-\GF~YI<:\n:~T Cfl;\"iGrS: 1\'....,\ ST.-\ f'F RECO\1 \t E",l),\Tl0,\S: Appl'Ovrll. TOTAL (~OST: In: llG Kr~n: Yes 1'\0 COST TO CO(:~TY: SOl!RCE OF Fft\ US: REYF..:'\;('E PROIH!CJ~G: Yl~S .\Jo :\\, AMOtNT PER MO"TI-J Y (';1 r ,-\PPI{OVFD 8Y: County ,\w.' 0\-1 RiPun;nasim.1, Ri~k \1anagCn1~~lll ~~_L31.o -___ John R Collins, Count,.. AUom{'~' 01 VlSro'\i IHRt:CTOR APPROVAL: ooeL :\1E"I'A'l'IO",': Included ___X '~\t Relpin;d _ DISJ~OSlnON~ AGE~DA ITEM # Ri.:viS0:.1 :.un."i ORDINANCE NO. - 2006 .-\N ORDl~AN('f.: AMENnlNC CHAPTER J. 1\.10NROF. COV\T\ CODE; PRO\'lmNC CLARIFJC'.\nO\ OF ,-\lTHORITY OF A'iL\1AI. CON'rROI. OFFICF:RS ....\ND (n- OH..U:H PROVlsro\;S (}F CHAPTER 3; I'HO\IIHN(; l"O~ RAIUES \'ACU!\ATlO'S OF FFl1:RI'.TS AN[) ClIA'CINC REQUJ R.EU AGrS Of CATS A~D DOCS TO BE V..\CClNATED; rHOYJJJlN(; PFN/\i,TTE.S PiFORCt.:.'\BLE lJ\' CODE \'HJI..:\ no\ PROSECLTJO..\ FOR Di\NCf,ROUS A..\'D YIClOtS DO(;S; PROVJ lJJ ~G .'OR PROI,H1ilTlONS A(;AJ \ST ....\BANDONME~T OF ANfi\l&.LS A..'''W CHAINING OF noes; Pt-lOV[l)[N(; HHt K.EQL:I H.F.l\-1f\T OF PFR!\L\!\E..\T JDENnHCA T~O"" ANO SP., \"1"iG OR 'ELn!.JUNG Ot' CATS ^~n DOGS; PROVID]"C 1'01{ tXEMPTJO"S V'IoiD F:STA8USIIINC CRHI::RIA AND PROCESS TO Ol..fl,\ I" ,\~\ F:\.E!\fPTlOc\ FHO,\l REQl;li:.n:.;'tlE!\TS FOR PERMANENT IDENTIHCAllO\' A"iD OF SPAY AND 'ELTER Of DOGS A:\IJ CATS; PROVIDJ.."Ii(; ~'OK St:.:V:i::l:(ARIUTY; PROVlDT:\G FOR THE RF.PfAL OF ALL OHDlNANCt::S INCONS1STENT HER~wnH; PKovlDI..'G FOR JNCORPORA TION I\TO THE \10NROE COL\T\" CODE OF ORDL....A'\CFS; ,o\NU; A' J) PI-lOVJ Ol....G A:\i EFFECTlVE( DATt:. \\ H EREAS.. ,\1or...roe COlJnly (Qde Chapl,,;r ,j ~';;b Curlh ~L ()\ i:}iiJ~t:'. r::::guiating ail~rr.ab :lnd ~u\jIll.d ~m'rH,:['; ;l1ld kccpL'[ S m th~ I t\[;::fL:Sl of [he l]l.~alth, safet\ and \\ cHart: of the CilizL'rtS uf \1,ll][lK: ((JLJI1l~', and W H t-JU:AS. tJlC Board of COunl) CommLsswncrs r-.::cogmz,;s thai some pro\'lSlons in Chaph..;r ..' r'':::q~J i r:.; cbri fl~atil.HI !0r' ~a<..~ nf Il1tcrprdaWln and complJ:lnClC h~ the gLn~rJ.l public J.~ ~\ dim: (h-.; OHlc.;r!3 ,ksignakJ lo <:nfDn:;c lh", pn,n'i~l,H)~~ and \\"IiEHE.-\.S, tlw cnnrJ;}cln:-o;: prm idlng mimal cmllfrd ~f\ ~cC3 !la.c rc~pond.;d [u '.S F l<ill and \\' dd[jf'fc' S (ow;crn ~~hout feral (a~s ju end.1..ngcroo speci~ lulljtat h~ ~Hggc~[ing ,~[l~clm':Tlr of l1rdi nanc~s 10 r~'qu m..' spayincm~[. j)Crm.::l..n~~m Idcnuficauon.. and proh~bltjflg J.bando n I m: nt, J h"m III c r d~,ft;, HF 11' ORD:\lNHI BYIH.J:: BOARD OF CUl.NTY CUMM1SSJO\TRS or \,tONROE (OU\TY. FLORIDA' S.;,-=ti,,)[l I ChJ.pkr :;, \tonrol.: ('('t~l'\1y Code.. shaH be ::unwdcd as follu"s. C11..~h,'r J A \'l\-HJS,\ \0 :FOWL See .;-l. ShOl1 titj~; .authorjt~' and ~)urpus~ (Jr p....nvi~inn~. Thi~ Chaptcl" shan be r-::f~rfed to a.." thc "Monm<.: Ct)Ullt~ /\ lljirl~l COJ1[rui Ofdrnam:<,;'" 2nd is ~'nach:d I!nd<:r th;.' P,)\\''-:"r!; ,}i' rnl' fh'urJ of Cuunly COlllflUSSIOIlCf:> of Monroe Count:', FI{)ri(11., to : :.;glll<1 k ~ni;~oa;s ,ulll anlma~ D\\ ]1(:;1"; 3.IlU h.::p~r~ HI the lntl'rC,[ 0 f' [~~L' k-.llth, -,:.ati;!\, and WcJt'lHC of th~ I.:Hi.....:n~ of Monroe Count\'. See. 3-2.. Lt'1;:.i'j,l<ltht' fiIU::lh12s ~nd inrem". "nk: Board.. ~,r (OlI,~l!l.....cOmml)~iQ.l:lGJ;i, of M~,mr0c- C ount~, Fl,Qridi.-....[i!1..d!3 ..l.bm ..l,lwD.l.:qh~Q, pf...;w Mirna,l ~lJrri,~~, ~y'ilb....!.!...r~~po[]~lhll nl";s ~o lllc Coum~, all~..lb<,; g,l:lltra,t P!J,~h,,-= \\.i~n n:saill.!b? -qr(: ang Omnibus ,~n i mal Ordinam:e u,)llll n] ~')t' thl,; :lHil nal, in I m~l1lfcL.;1.U911-'lnJl-,!Iml!i..;;)J.i2p~rllLPJil....j5iG~t.. Ilf this ChapJ~r ~h~..U" ..tlL': ~'O]l~!JJ]~'Q....lr,!i!l)...0);;L: ~l..2!jm~~,~ru!{)Tl,,~JbitiJY j~)1 (Omp1lance wll,b, ,thi~. Olo;.iirqnn;, mLili~..1l~~:!.!~.r~,:,>f qi~,;:l,mwJ.L.. Jh,,~..l~,o:l~(i ~{..i.~':)illlh C())~FtlL~sj(:!1i,;;r~ c<.?,[..l,~],,\!,l.k> that it,ls J.~\"~{l.J;:l,k t~UJuH:l, ~ [l.;''' i".;J, A nj!l}:d (' ,H1tJ'0l Ordinanc.c- In ~hc ip.~..;r~~~,t 9f.PJ9.t..,:~..t~.n.g Jli.(bl i'-:....h'-0~ltl!_...i..i~~~t ~,~,\f.~t~-' proEtl0lLng th~ \\'9..f~lrL..: ~t _.Jnj!!1~~h ,\\;l h1~..~,--....:\t ()r"lfU>:-.i' ~l~ ~r1d_, PW\ Idmg r"m UK ()rdc~~y _ ~tl..~,q ....!),J1..ili>[fl! ad m inj WatHW oj' !.lW..No,~ t.~j9. n2..g..v~~~l'IlJlJg....,afll ma l \\'-.:1 b re <\l1U ~~fltf~) L ( ]) 'I h~ I3Q;lfd oj' County (' L,l.ITlllll;!'~Qlli;rLfi.!!..~~ th~,lJ.....r!lY... PJ:.L,.~S;ll~:~, ({ ,(\;;lrlQt;.rQU' animai'> llfl:..Q.......\ I;'; i l.!U S ,;1JllJ.~ ~:L a~ q;;:..Ijrl..~d Hl lh i $ (} J:"d l nanCL, \\ UhJ.l.1 \tp f1L~... (,QB.<Hl_ \.;n;.;,th..":>.. <.i,f1 increased d;.ulg..I;r.JO p_uw..i,l;.....lLqJjlh anJ s.a!l,lL to .Ll1_~~,~_~Jl\l.r~,_;)r..(lthcl J..nimals a.nd P;QP.i.<;, Th9 BJ.?..,V:d ~~r ~:nulll~ Cummii'$IOnCrS fin,ds, thaJ ~ll<'; _iJ.!,! tJ19.my..,~n\.km:..<.J:i,JU.I..gl!...J!l..~ (OUl]l \' AJm.llil,\l TuliJ[ Ie r~l..~~ i'5n iU1J n.4l!Q.....~..~!Wijoh n,l..!!qi.9.~~,!t~,J..) ..rcs,l.l.lt In ch3..tlgcs ll) lh.~ P,l\:,j..?,~9'...1:1 ,R~r<':i.~9.!..... ~~~i!L.!!~1.......~S!QQn~ibi.Jil\_ D\ ..1b~_r,ou~~t~:...., ~q~~!i!..lj~d.!,,~lQ!', ....f..i)[ {)~srs!ghU,r..~h(;,ant,l~la) ,;::(J~~tml l"IHlctEons JJ1,--:,.J~oard....9f C)lln.,u:....('orrill,l.l.~~iq,f1~~....llnds .thJf it is jnnqmall~ ..!2....!.!~istr..(,;.jj..t,..!!',;,!k..~~,Lll! aba..nuon an ~lI~lm:::d, ~E JS th.c lntcnl of tl..vs ,Qrdlna.qce (;, Jmpos~ pe!l3ttlc~ or ~j.sll ijj:;;3.Jl~',~, i n..()..rci~1" .tn d~IL( such aC[llJtl and to {duce the p(J~qb ll=t~ 01' reJ1<..':.:11 lJiJJ J.tlOlJ9.. _12:' .......L~JlcJ..Tl t1!:........! G~ J. io l.;t to rLi..Dl.: r I gihl,k_lO a JWL...m:..Ui........ fro ::lLl.' Q1!nll.... ..~n i {ruL l.. shd!cr.~, '[118 Board ,~f Count) C0mmlSSlOntf:', find, tll.aE proposed pl:naltlN; for ;ib2:nd',,'_l)!ll~..l1r p(;nIlan.~!!U~cf.lti ff,gJ..i9..!L ,bn~l,;J~ r!&J!!!..~" mU:::':n(...1.l tr.::r r.~j,ir~TllCllt~ d itTq......ljJgn.iflC.llnt h !!Qil...!_ ,Q:';J~lli!!.;.1 ":::::;J..':?JJJJ.g. _<,)J) ,0~<.; JIQQ.ks \Y!W.;h,..pq,\0-Jt:\,:5 ;l.~G [Ill J,onger comJl1cllsurak ~,},!l,h It:L<..:, ;:;~~', ~~Hy of ~~h: n,)lat~oll, and ,thcL"d"pr~, ctlanges lu Chapter J tlc:c',u 10 jm:nrlN,ri!!..c...!J_,\~:..>lc~! ..'Jf dt fl~IT,f_1GsL()f...p<,;rtn !liL.:} dC~j<,;d ..w pruviu,,-: kllH':I1-;~..,a[ld ~Q..lJ.....qllQ]l,JQr,,-,\.. nr.sL11ff.,='J1;>:!--', am;! q., pi.Jl;1JtJ Df Slg,J1ltJCallCt' to act 33 a detc:r.::nt for SLJ h~qut;...Tlr "Ung,..'i!..~;'S, <J.!l9.......lQ J!r..m.ju~..Jmjrurmih' to ~n~\llm,;0..h~ ,abjJ.it \'. ,QL(l[!J,mil..! c~JEH~d--<~m;;;;t~ .UHj ~h(; l;om1 lo I.:llforei.: the anima] oomrolli\\'s, s.~:u i,~D _.l2J '-,'{Ql,MC.,C .JU::IJ),t~_, jc..nk~~!W.:t..t;::"q ,a..lLI11JIs W ~\, {) P'''! h~)LL)dH,l~d_\, hi(,:l) (( !nn~cts "llh the fUIH;dlo\\ ;;..0...E12... p!:...l2rll.id.~'~j!l S<;~tio!~ ,--.,._!Ji.. MJ.-C T11.: BO,;l!,',d,Qr c.;)or~lj, (~mlTTlj~s!()nt,;,I2.....fi~d~,lhal ;t i~ tnhlLmall,.;....1>)_~,h~l.l..l], ~~t,ha, l1f tic i.! ,Y.<.>r.J..q_ a ,{al ipna"ri' abllil o~, ..ll-U&D.fu:!~ ,I( r~t..JJ ,s!lJall, ,spac.::.. . UK Hoard of C oum~ r nl})[,Qi S~0!~r~,....iinds Jh...a..L.Q.;..L~,m,;rQ.QPu 14l[QTL.i:Q!).!m,]JC'?, W n:;!!a~i vd) iTl,I~~il,,:l.. ...!,'1lr -..:It:nr{,lUnilii.:~ OLJl1rQtenj,l1g, ..tJ,t.: , ~:cos.)- stem J..Eu.J., r;.;q~~i r'ln.';l I...'! l ki: ~;,::~~l a!l i mJ. i t:.on l..r..l!L~ I,;i~i,c C"i, Jh:.:.... jj\)~m:j :)1' C GU tlt) (\~mtn is~jon~..r<; .!ltHtL,r.t,1..'::::...,lH.;t~_ \\ h..id\, fin4 C~~l};~..~ rr:o.!J.1.. t'<:rH;..:d )~;'lI(h_JJ.nd uth,,;~rn;lu~u~~~IL_Qr(kr_1Q::;t'ck Olit Dth~r ammal;i ,!lJ::...G.,.I2!'~d.i)~lli!~;:uI[ I \ unaJk'j ct.l_;l.HJ ,~)L;...:9..l!!:.;.. J. fWjS<!f.!CC: ,~.., HI1~,Q11trQJled brC'~rling and rUlmi.!l~ ;!t iarm.: :r .he ,8.....ll.;Ir:!,t, qf C 9U l11) (' n mmi s~ LOl ~t.::rs ,!i. r~J,~ tl1.<t,L.:Li..olalj ~m~,JJ.f, th\;,J~'IQf!,cb, statuk:,; gO't::millg thc..tn::.;qr=:\d!.L <)f..;,llliIlKll~.. <l~':"_l!1QD': h~dJ. 10 he addn;~S,l,;d ,i r. Eb!.: Co~!!!!~ exil,; i t1..L.<;r 1~(J[ ~'!!..;;::.....ii,~lll{;,..or t,~l<: ,~latgW~' pro> L3L0Jl~ to t:tlabJL', <,::!l f0~"(:~";lll_ ()l....,~1b:b ];~~,~__Q;.'_IQ~<;lt gov<...TnJ,l1Cnt OnlCl.,::r~" ,1Jli!... [ho:;jl!t~,i~t ~> f [ll::: l3o.;.ml ,] r fn,,\!...l1 !:~,J ';)m fm s s j L) U<:fS_ tihL t W,i"~("I, rl i !l;U1-":k..l~....i..L ..\) Jltakc prnl,-i~inl,I,..i...E1~m,lh i~~ an~ cO,nk;;!J.Qg..utauon;; umh)r m~ B) -::lim I 1l3l..:: il~~_L)rl~i~~~W i<.:s_ ;jrld-.Uror~ J[l the Cm.illt~ ("ndt:: ar_l~.. Tllak~ the c,Q!J,!,t'i..::q Ef'!'l' i::;i~)..r1.s !::QhlfdLlJR.;.lnlJllal~ C}3.sicr tt1 Lmd;,.:_r:s!;~q ,md appl\'~ ,( 11W"!_\.. !,j~ HlC..:nLi \ e..~ tn lho:-:'~..9,l.::!!.~~m~I,TI!:!.!!~V;.w..{J,lD,!l:JIi..; P,t:..l ~l\\ m:f~lHp lh I,mp,);;c pcno:..lIie~ ,/ :~i~2~fic~\j1SL..: (r.!......~~r4..-,,:r l,;':> ck~l<.:r ah-.3..JlnpwnC:I_1...t.. r:l.!.!)Jn':~~,I[L;...:nLW1,J ntJ:~~~jl..ltl(Ul1ani,; <leJiOll..~,m4..).9 [~q~ICL tile: p~)~s.i.lljJ,it.lJ.!f n':':pL..:-at ,,"i;,:,[alIQl15 by ~rH.icri rlg l ~_(" \ iQ),;l..l,L.J..rs mdLgihJ~, tn il.!,J,,)PJ...JbJj_ IT-qTn ('ouIl1Y_;1Jltm,a.l shdtL'f:;~ and J:) f~ql,JjfL ~lCl ()\\ n~n,_!!;l, h.: full>- rqp-OJJ.~!Qh; t0f thCll p~t\, (.2...l1;..1\'''':- ,,~nl.::[ll1l~_iJh;r,;d Of En take ~.:0rai.}rJin;:lI"'\' pri.'C;l.J!U"Oll.'),tn jlre\'cn( ,thU"s.-1~ nun) b,..1\UJ.g (wrth'::l neg4li..\(; jJ1lp..i~l:':_~~~J.)'~d" Q\. 1-Hl.l,.'L)n~r.ol.~cd hr~~,jitIK \':!!.~,l r;,;YJ!ln!}t....D-n_o;\;J11pli(J~~ I ~Lt;n~,~.., .Iurkl taQ.k: tQr....1) l1QC mllp j i<lIl(, ~~ (1) (2] t -1 j (J (('J 11J L~J ((l) U~)l Omnihus- Allim<l1 Ordinanc(' ~ Si't~_ J ,1-: J. J. Ilefinilinns U)_ ,t.:}',,'~Li>~.',.rT~'.:<:ul~ [(1 10rs3.~;'; a[l.,~l,\lIl,llil.!!.ir...:!\ .Q!....t2...!.l~gb;:t Of rcfu:,c (l) ,PNno;l:~_,!:!r p.;rfi.mr, t~l~, h;.g;:T) .Qh.h~;11.~1[l~ for (<,m.:- ;.nQ2lliUN,rLQi' a..l.l a!lill1.::d Q). ,Il~, Q!.\Jl~ <)T lu kJ \ c,: ;,l.tl,=:~njlll,aJ ~1.I_l~),k,!ldc.l! J"<r 1~lm;c that] 24 hcu.r~~J~!ih~~,Uh\; ~.lniIT~ill L1v.,~~n puhllC l-'-t3.US 91' pl!.lJl'L~~r...r[iqh, t~JI.d,~" Q[J'J,u...;L.J-illQlJ J<: ad';-(juat,": f'O,ixJ \\a~;:r, c,-crcL:~< ,ur,m.:Ji";31 Gar;;- (a2) :1 mmn': mCJ.tls a.n:- ll'dng dUlllb ~'r\.:;;,Hmc, ,jn1,:!illij r!g ;,gl: ,mammal, tmd, tisl), ~<;p~!k" EJI:t,;L ~urtLU!!-lr~l:~~~l!ill.~~.~k-, ~t u"taCC<l.ll, or :l,ll~.. '1m';;:'I:.Y~Tt"brak oEht,;r than ,1 h.Hnj.r!QL'~!"!S, U) Am/.'/a/ ,'],f ':<in~,' rn.,;an~ ~tny ~!nim~il. utlt...:! tkill ;l L<lt. \\ hkh l~ !lm Llnda th~ control. .,';JSIlxJy. l,;h,'i'!!:": ~)I pOS.~I;~~ 11m of tl1e ,,\, JKr or l)th...T r'.:spomlblc p...:r'j()1l in ,It\...:n{brL~G. b~ ka:-;h;-t1-:tattk <l'M};""'ffffi--I~ t~larl l C' r.~~), ,~curc t~ElC(; or other TI1CaJlS of COil (i,n.,;rno.;ll( or n:~(rainl t4) Anhnaf cplllmf nj}qr means al,lJ Po;P,iOJ}, .,:mp.lqycd,. ill A.l2Ppi~~~d _b... .Jhl;_.C{)ljnh~..h~u},l"':, P.\Hl~~C~)r .~nf~c;;-i,rl2 COUrlI) ordiLla1tce, or ~lak ~ta~utcs p.:i1ainJnK_LJt~jmaLc;,l-Ir~!llJ ~',~.:-ntroi. \\hV i~ atHhoriZl;d W if!. !"';-j.tir..~'L.J.19.J1'!t-J!,!,:__ur.,_'p,r.i.\,<ilL,: .JH,-?p..:n), ,L,i, j].i rH!olc!t.;)m rdalitl,~ to J.tlJma] comroJ or,~ru":,lty ,!J]1q,J~ J.:';!\l\~ ~!E!ti1)m a~.Q!"i.t\'~q,xl.i..!L1I)li...Cb.@kr. ~lr1d ,dl<):-'c appoi tllltlC[[t i ~ appro' ~d 11 ~ ~h..: Hoard ,.-..1' C (]pn,t~ C on:\.l:n~~s[Qn~rs, and .~\ h,Q~.c ill!P_'JH1W~;:r.l~ is <!lli.trUH.:-J In a i u",b,~ 01 th-;J.:JgIIlty ~O\JTt ()[ L;lr;,;t1j: ~uur:rror ..M~~!lf~_LY.L:!,m..:,_ For ptil,T'()~S 91" cnlorccmcm, of.:\l,q,I:<!JJQJl~ Qllbi~, ch;l111L,;,r~lhLJ~fTI1:i: (m!rn(lf,JJ.J~llrO!.J!.J1iJ::...:..F. ~~.f!~Lf!:!] ~n'H~i _r.;.rN!!!:!. 'I..:.'!' f~'!J") -,:, ~ [)r+~.r~.. i, Tlk.r~ h~,1J1g~b l;:- .L-~. :::!nuncli_~,,,tr(lI....J..~',.'i(l''.:..E,,..\!n~,j!_J;Kd iD-0~jl.!:Il!I.r",-~r ~HJ~~.0g~l,!!,"'':~, b2, thL.: .C.tfl! n.(~ l'jr SLit", oj l-JNLda j;)j' (h.:.: j1U rp(J~~ l'J! Lm[W\.mdlllg J,w.;1/or carmg, t()f "nlllla I~. ,ndudiLlg ,~1 c~mtracl ~~ rv i c,;....:_ .Q ro i.ill t,:!~ ~ u;,::n_..iTh....S!.J o~~al_J..l] i maJJ!.IQ~S! i on_1J:!.~ 11 Cr ~ J~Ujl_r:D~~ !~(,; 1 i l_~ ~L h I ~cr_mfll,,; S oc lC[ \ (t,) A " ,'il,~I,,'i ",' Jl,' ~ ~'!!i :2J,({/C r~ :L.:,J...( Hl{;'All" ).j!.:;:r)un~h_0 h;,l..~ l\;:<:rl. .d~t h Jl!!p(Htl! l.:d__<J,) J.nJJXI.!.!!l;l h~)n,\ r ,~ l otlic's ~md whoJ;:.: L!.J, Cb..~', PJ,J~J l~ ..,iLL tLLru.[L,CqPJ.l qJ: 3,!1! n)<:! f, ~11.n,[r0l ~;;, a~ m trp~l~r...xl h) C ou.nt) Cmplo]'l:l::-' f)J ;J, sing].; j nd<:p ~ nJ ~ n ~ ,',=t1Jlua,~t9I,l14~ i:..Q~!1!Ji~l..~l.lQr.. ~Hl j rna I i,; c>(!.l '0 I ~i,;-r_""1 ~(:S C QU n !.l" \ ,j]ic._..wnp llllki au t hUrl l '" and f';~pOJlS ~ bdll:~9.r....ill! .~'J Q,nroy.,[gunl,y al~l.rt..l;:J.J ..;;h('.!..t~r::; .~'lg ,t~) ,..Iwm an dLl f) J!lli..uinh~d ~lDlll~,aL(;.o.G1..r.o!.,~,if.ic.qs ,~t.;J.~1 rq"-JJ1"OI' lb'~, i\.u~ pefs'.)ll \\ !th 31-Jdlorjt! a.nd rL.:~p(Jnsit)iliI}. r{~.,n~~_f)r,!nori,:, M~)!lr()l,.:_C,Oll)ll.].:..Jgljll1~.! stll~l.lc:t:::"ill~~~)_ \. hunl Juh~R2inl;,;d 3-!!!lm~ll,~,g.LlP:~~!, omen, s~j! feport b~ ar.;:a lJ[~::k;~ ,t.h<; J.!!If::i,dicJkQH Qf;ltl)-, ~jnb.k ~[lnt",h,:[.O r" .i f' thS af.l! Erl:l.~ L i;OI].Irul fu n~lioll:;;...J:!j!.hi Il..lh C ...CQLrrny ..~f\? :It'h.li!. L.i~l~' r;,;u b.... m (IT;; : han on e m:J.c..Q; Jl~~m ,.; OJ)tracto r (7) .4l1imofJj.vJ!!in~J[1':i!.'t'i rL~,htirl\~ b,,1\\'~n rzmstn;;or _Ctlhr DJfds M bcl\\C-cndog\._l!I: ixl\H,~@ othL,:~ JJllmJ.ls l:'{ in,,; ::;Jm,' SJ'.ITL":S. L~) H.(uf nH~<W~ It 1 atta~k !yi.tb,y,i2.lgnce. to,llil\Q~t::~)U.Q,h..al <;ls'~ an ani mal wit h, .(.!1J.~...or lJwre a rI. j LTl di.~ ,19 c...! D ~.Q.L}..ffil...!S e 0 f tr <il!}.i!l.~_i).!lAfL..u..D.4J..J (.l!'" ,uf [u cause an,.a ~].i m <J.l.lQ ~!!g?..gc tll, fights with OI.anwng..vt.he..r ant.mal $, 1t\..A.ggili\),!L. ".p;!lli,ng" mealls l,he ,l,l2..~ of 1 ~.\~ 8.,O) ['nals ilt lhe trainilJg ~)f rilci ng grevhound s. (I:,~j 110:",1'(1 nlL-..l11S, th~ Bna.rd ('f'((IlHlt\ CvrlHlJ1ssiU;)crs vf Munroe CntLnt~, i ~ Qj, <. '(1! m~~tl:ls_~b)(lcgltl.::-Ul.L~~~_NK!;j_~'ld/"J:.J..W~,_'. Omn i bus ..\ninla] Ord ~naIlce " ,) (-= l J) i '1/(rr,:;U1\ ,'f;,'II'i<'m,:m nL>,;a~l~ a \\ rj~ing or docu 1l1..;n\ tha( n,::cit.c~ th~. motl~ of' U:'HIl In imng ~l.n oft('m,~' t]~) ( 'jro,!,~'('U.D,I~lrJ;;--1!., \;h,!r::;illg ll1;;trumc;rH or \\ rin";il ,t~'XLCC:" iss,lJcd VLJl..g,;r!)C(Hl 1l~.1,n 3.lllnKl! c"ntr[1l (jjfl(,;LT 0f .l;n\ 9...!.!.f')(CCm..:nt Dni.~i_LlffiH_J!.H'; nflllcr ha~ pf0RJ.Q~y;.lU ~t,:...J1l ili-:I io,;\ 0::: !J!,JtJl~n{;r<;on has com.m.ill.~tl J. f,;t\ i,Li.!!.'li!Clion ll} 'dolatiun o(~!"...Q~!ll enactcq OJ:Qll)<~r]e<.; :;1.n4J,b,<J_l.J h~~,';~'lm[~...t:()lIn \\ j II hear tlh,: ~lli.lflli HUe ~il.:itiorl must ~p.mai~l~ LD~d,ltc a.nd pm~~ ,of I;;:;uanc..; h The LlJ.I11';",;l.nd J.c;iJ,o;,~"jfll1{; 11L:r'sl)Tl, ~,,-_:nl":- d~k <!~~,~;':,thL Ct\ il jn(r,a~.1!.Qn ,'as CUlllmiUI;O d, The beg C0n~lIl,uJ.l!!t.Q!:.obabk L.<ll!~':;, L', Tik' S,L'qlQj) Df tb~ Count>' ('nul.' \ iU!;,H~.Q, L Th;;,!q!,~,(; 4rLd aut1ll1nt) of.tlW 9dk(::L g._ l]JS, P,[( >(".:;durc t~}f the person ,to fdlo1~' m vTJ<.:r to PU\ lh<: ej \ il. ili:O.rlalr~" tn cnntc"t the Ciur~l).~I., ~J to aN~r ILl court 3,S r~ql.JJf~g.JJ[JdCT,Sub~;,xl i.o....!!_Hll h, The applJcabk...;' l\Jlpcnalll:..!f th~' p~rS0n l'k~t-" to ;,.'<.mt...",t rh;:; f.i~1.lioJl, !......Jh..,; <t1!.lili.~nbl~ 9yd p(;nalt~ If th-: pcp.;on ~kCt3 IWl tQ eonW~l!h<,; q,talioJL L..,"--0:H!)lliC1J_Oll::'~tdkmC'Ilt that I j the l)cL"~on iajl~,-'o.Q.Q.Y th~, C1\'1.!...lli;,nult\_ wlthm ltLc time <illt,~\\'~(,l.,..y..!.....f~lil~. ,t..u...;ll!l~1.r. ~rl, (our!: tn contest Ihe e itatJ 011. thL p~rson fbalJ be dwmcq, tq 113~ ,~' \~~U, ~ cd)m Q{ h.u ngb! to l'Oll[GS[...l!l',:, cl!<J!ion ~..!ill.JhuL..in web ~lSL:'. ilJlh:qTt~nt, Hut\' bl.: I.:nli,'rl;,j ~Ei!.in~~l.hUl{::rs.~ll:l f!)!3JlanWUnr up to the m.a..\.1mUlB eml pcnall), L-,\ t:0n ~1!igL.oU ~ ..s I ~l :.I.:.ITI<';IJ t [l1a tjIJ ~;;f~~lll 12.!:t.:WE'l.:d ~n .ill)j.K::!! c....i Tl.. ~~.lIJl:L!-...; rn~iJ'llli.il.i:~ 1:>...:.- "uh~.::LlL<)n {b i, ht lJr "he dl)~S not 11a"e th,: Qp1LQ]L pf mtY~lJ.g ,aJJ.rw..!D. \j~:q, Qf apR~allJlg. ],1] l () llT..L (d l,~) 4' 'm~I,rrl<'rcwj ~umd ur ~'LUra', m.:am J. bClhh whJch otlcr~ lh..: sC[1..ic~s of J. kcnnd or caHC:J\ j~)r:i pr~)t]l (J U (~FnLJb TTlt.;..;!~~lnl-..3;,;LJJr nl.:~~t.r,;d,loTlw,;. gUvrnwnUb~tl C<.lJJ:)L,;,:; unjl~sllfi~bJLRai n. or sut)l:n~1g of an ~ullmaL and IndLLd.:~ hut lS nnt hml(ed t'.'J an~ om i~~IOll 'll' a rlut~ t(J P.t'l)\ Ide tgq0, aDO- ,\ \ ~l1~r~, ,shdl~L, ,and healtb ca r~ 1~ h ~cb nrn j ,;sioH C;J.11~~S. UJU,!!.~!i,jJ ab l..:_ Nil].....Q!. sutl"crlllg ,d' an anima.l., :lIld all (J,\\ =ns..u.aiQ.5~r ~l,!rr~.!.i!.!g 12..SPill.i!lEJI; \d!f!.!..Jh~r~ ,;!)C r~lwn~.,bl c Tl;IIi<;J\' m rd i,;f (rl51 / )m(~:('r(JU,~' milt/wi mr..:arlS il.n~ 3Jl;lHal \\ h;t:h H~.<t(.~'\Ti-1rn''ttt1 PFt1\'"UG1!1f)fl a ~fs<J:ll or 8:!-lOI:~ ooi-t-ttal,---flf \~h-hir.,-~nl.filmw h.Htfht\..4.0Qft{,.'1..HllfHltnd b;t-,:s 0T .;Lllw.:k,s ap,T}<JLl ()r an..amrr@~,p!-1t QOcs llpt incbd..: til.:: !oHtm in!!;- (3) An animal rhat hit.o...>.or !iJtac~~ ~~f:-;,'l!!..~n. ani!lIJ,1 that pr()W.~,Gs. JQrln~lm_, tortures, or [T~l~,:, ~,lll; ;mim~ll ~:nll;lh-: QI Omnibus Ani JTlal Ordinance 4- (b) ..\ll :lIl!m.l~ [hat ~s rcspomlm.1; in "ql)_.at,lD~[J.)1;!l~l!U)f(_h,na'='-1.l!,1!LI""~I~l.!!!_;,.j~,b'dl'~}S,1...lll nnuld ;':(Hl<:,w.d~~\~~ ~~~,is.r.!~1JV-R!QL.;;;:.Lir)Jjf ~~r ~!l'lnthcr aJ11l11a] or J. l)l.;fSQn Jf tQJ,~ Q\;ri2n,~ cng,:.l,,;-:d In):m l\l,) ~C.U\ili mLd-1..~_ th-: ~ubjC"::l (,f ~J) a~~,.w~( ()r__2i.ilkr:,~' _~~!I~l(ll, .:J.!b;::j... f~f -.. AfJ"'-fflHr:'-Ht-fli<H'/<tt,('f'-Uk€':flC! U1.: J~p8r1m~1 nwm,ger llu!h,(.)f-i-Z~d tt~c*it-t,,#4;I~ (] r;,~ f.lln,-'i <'11mi', ',f_n,1_~'3.nS,c.ontro! \\'h)chl:U,mlll.e.:dl~~tc :lnd <:()r:!li.!']u<)p~ U I' J. ---1!Qg ,m..~1.fls..~, ml.l1l b,er of t ~ c s PC(~ j G<;_::.G.<:!n" J. ;,~mdw n,,~' (z.l'io:Ll\'!I"1":"'!I"Ii!e~1 ~/!..!Jj0J,nlJJF ,ummni mi..<V1S <.IllV spct.~es Qr l;!llFtlUI lu.::ni~~om~d fo hving tFt or <tP.+.tJ-t-:qt;;'-h:tP.t~ itl-n.lfH..~ ~+'-tkt~hffiI-tTf**-m il n ~ i, r fnod iffifl-43.lO an i !.~a r that b a ~ ~l.al,ii.~ tl)Tli~Jj~, l-b.!c J ),U;ll_-,! k !!ld-~~,S 'S i ;\Lic }~.. ,\\,j,lh..J tU r!!:}Il>~ ! ~~_(':q ,m ~!, :';,lCt:1~_.QfrJ.\;I)_l2!~iCn l~:,J EPq b1Lm.:Jill. l'r. hJ:). _~'.t;!l Jr;:Jqi t ional J ~:._J9H as -'L_h(~~(; h9M Rd~ iu~lli.Qlm;. _Q u Loot IJ Il)m~t 10 jogs_ cal~, hilJll:;tcrs, gcrbil~, f~rn.:ts, _m~cL:, Jal)bils, Eara,kcc(s, ll4!I~J~. ;;.O.;t.ivid"" COdalllQi. C-<1rw r j ~,:;;:~,Qw ,bmb....fi m;:Jl\:s, 3ndlIVm....qll_fi~.h, {h I, \,IJ lji:, Cll\'", nj/,'~' ~;um,qMnJ mcans I'oiec c;mlml \Hl'hm 1 \\ull\ l-~O) ti..'d b~ i.l l'm;;p<.:'-~nt r..'r~,)tl '\ friC1! d '-Ill t i tnl'~ pn.:\ ";Flt.'; ~n:.: an i rTInl ~\!bjl.'i,:t -.n th,,; vui c<.: oon1ro: frl)fll nl[mll~g at brgc ur OlDCf"\\ bC ,wlatlng the: pro\-lslons of this chapter, [lU) /:jr.,~'i.! [;.gll~ ;,Il~ .!.!l~'rTl b,~,l_utw ~p,,;e i,o.:.L:Ml',~ld(:Li.f[':J., ,. \!21) !-'(('rn' Lil;!!'iLJ ,!)";:'lTl:; a,',\ ammal not Ja!igcTI,lllS or \ ,UllLJS blil '.~hJch t-rl.:qLJcnth' :-'.h(l\~,~ ,l~~~fc;~~l Y<; lClli,.kllC1CS, (J2_~) J:c"/,,:r Inc:<Jll~ .;n\' 1 ~c,wn L)r ~':(Jrp~m.H10[i p..:rss..:ssmg or b,aqng cus~od.\ of JJl a.njTTld] l ~ ~ '~) A I '.>1."- (' i (L'. C. i i Ie,) ,IK..lEl:'-: ~~'l:lt~ lhao 1'l \'eh~fUl[lftall hosp"ual, -Bf ,-fuc-t~-....-hH;.h Jlfit"Ytfk., '~f'rlt:~--t,.j' 'OWft~h' uf ,UllU1iJk, mclooLag--H-tit---Hffi--l-i-H-l-iied--t'l -!.ht!- 11Jl+nwing', illt~ '-~(;l?i~t.I1lUH~,;\~c~pt J. pl'1 ~h;)p ~f~ ani l}l;t]Jl[Olc{;l!iJn_'ihc !(i.:r~_~\h1rCl!l or \\ hcr~'l)ll. ;lrliIl!;t].:-i ~,lr';::.. J....~l'~ for ;)niiJdj[l~~, lr,li:Jin~~_ wn; J.nu groonl[Jl,~, i)f:~cdjng, !,1!.........~(.t(1 ~',;n ic~'s for [~mLlllcratjofl, ~)J ~.dL.:::; ',li' ()tl-~prijlg or adult J.mmal~, but d,r~\Jhrr.ui~H.:hH..k i,L\~~i!;TLJW.J1JJl ~ 1_',2:'P}h!L It;_':!.~ 1.',:1,-1, m~'an~ ;i u'rJ, strap VI ~:~lH,;r lih' appar:HLLo lhal i~ attadlcJ [,., .ill ,-,Ulimallft all dlort ~'" C(JrLtr d the.: mv'" ,-T\J;,;nt of tilt; anima: b.. the h{)Ld~;r 1 frl,;n;0t'. {fll,~,~) i.~,'OiK Ll'tIi/i~.d,'L' m':,Ul~ a r<ib~~~ 'td>.:Citg:ttte-n atid ]jU':E1:'-"; 1,':l:r!lfh.:alton Q,y'c,lfn~m i~~L.!cd pUJsuam [0 thi~ dlJpH,T. Jh,,;,_.l1.o;J,rd may b) '\,::soll.Hllln ;w.ili,~.)fitr_J_ho.: hC~JlsC cel~,irl\,:<~h: ~1f1t~ [:thil~_,\ :K~ m<ltlcn c,~:"lJ:ifl;;atl,; to .f..~a (:ornbiT]I.:d doqjm~[lL (fl1f.l)! j~'!:I1.'l' fay, mc<1n....1 f~S-'l'u;;:(::tllaflon aoo liccn~c tag, ~,l:-!1-,tllilt.:~~~,lli: a.u.~lch..:d t1) 3.Jl_;p~i~~ll ~'.OH~L Js~u";li rHLI~~!,Ull Wlbj') cklptcr, (fl,n~ Un'.',"L,d ;',.lcr;II.,r;UIJ me2.!\:-. ~l \~:[~',riJlari<J.n jl(L:ts~d to jlracticL' in lh,,; Slate c,r t'!nrida, t~_~} !.i\'t' \ rOL(,.Tlll;;\l:!2.....h.Ctr~.,;'?,~~~L.;lllLons, colIS. g{:~iill~,..ll)ar.(~ sh;"::I1, rams., l~;!llh_ bLlJJ~~.QulJod.s_ S[Ci;I~: ki ll;r;:;, (;.Q.\\>~ ~ah l'S, mu I..:s, .B_~~..;[lll~'l2~ b,4rTUS, i;D,Hc,-'.ki1h_)jlip.:.;;nJ J.n~ ',-'(])et fIJ.I.:..QC<lf1P.g J..tlllmJs..b,:;;Lll~~ lu~~cu_m qrnjj y it)'" Indusii!s JJ~v~.... other '1..tljpnb ~'c;:os:(r_liz~J b\ the [) _L'P;lr]nlC r:.t,Q1,Ag,rij:;u l tu I ~ a..~ f~irrg \\';1 ttin...th~ y,Hi sd jet I Q!!_ of il~l!Ip.~Jtn;lc:H, On m!hU~ A tlln1Hl Ord i rJ~ nee 5 i)2.l ,I.i('~h:d m":::J.I1:S rililu r~LP(QmJ!l\' \\i1hJhc_f..!li llimUIll r~qu1L";JTli,;,n~~, i~)r;!nirnal care sl;:Lh.1nhiD thlfLOillptu" (r-27),\'('?/ft1l'd 0/' ~rln)'r:lf m,,;ans n':Tl~kr~d pcrma.n.:nti~ LtlCapQQ k:: of n;-pruJlJdlOrl b) surglGll alt.:raJulL I mpblltatl()1l of a d~l.icl.; (~l oth~r phys]c~1 m~;,aI1S, or p\;rTTl4n.;!lth incap.ahk Df r"':j.H,_}d:H;ri(l:t h,-''::i1\J~[: (')i' pbyslologL\.\J.J ~[..:rilit~, but ,)rll_1 II h.:r.: thc ni..:ulcr~'d or ~p<~~cd condition ha::: OC,-'11 ~~i,;rtifl";<.i hI,.' a \- ~tcnrl.afJan llC.:nscd in any swr..: {(Q]),\'oflG mCJ.n~ ~L rl,)licL' tn app.::ar. unless tbl: C{)TI[(,;'\.t of rh~ chapt.:r requlrcs ;] diffcrcrll d..:fi [ll t ~ l'J1, tr )l))A'1/i,mncc 1 Ih;,;:Hl:-- rJl,~ foJ h)'.\ ing (l;iJ ,\n ~llljl11al ll-lal hahill~<lll \ harks, nO\\ b. erlc.'", SCT(:ams u[ mllh~:-; Qlh~f bOlh...:n;.omt; IlUiw:-'. iltE~ rim.: of. dJ.J or tllghL or Ub) All~ a.rllma: that, by its c0nducl or b;,;hm ior_ indL~ding hut not limited tn habitua! or r";;)I,:;lkd d~~[ r IKtiofl;-fM<;,:.:r:H iot: or <,.(JI hng of ~n\' pll bli<,; or pri\ ak pr(l~ut:', h,ihillJaJ chJ.slng ~)f pcrsom. cms u, Ulh..:r ;..,;-i1 l"::' h;<; , Dr r'1lHHng at large. causes J. dL:::turbancc tD th~' p~;:]c<.: or C,l'J~C,; iH,fLJI.\ lH thr~t of 1 tl.illr~ to pcrson.', Of prop;.;rty (.::'{J) 01fkW milln.s any law i.;l]Jorcc'ffi~}!LQffil;~Jcr~n;,;J 1!LL<J...n lJlHorida ~'iratutl;~m_~l2 ;lrlimal VHl!rol..2..01,~~: P !) ()rdll1,W1C{, IfW!lnS i,U',!):.qE!lllaf1c.:...cJ,~lal,H!g"lQ.J,h\; ~.oTll,r2L uf..2.r-.i.T\l.;I~~v, tll'1i.!.!illl~ ~I.laq~ill)..'::.. !b<.:,..s.2':. (,;'!'Tl~l)()d~~fj~ L(,~L,!nt~ nr municipa.ljty the YIOl3.lioILOt' ~..h~d~ l.s,a.Q\JLi.l)fr~qlOn.. t<~ ~ ,I ()'L'. lIl'./" Uh.'.;l[lS 3.Jl.~ p~rscm or Cu;;,tOOlaJl m ch..1,rg..: .of 3,11 aJ.HHl3"l 3..nd,ln,cludt.'S <1-.n~ pdson af ffif:ttfl-Ht~tfl-tt-tWr~ ~la\ing a right or WOpcft) .in th~ 3.nimal.~ nr~1t: ',,]10 le~; or ~ht'~tl;r~ Wl lIf1lmal or pt;rmlls. il to remi.ltG Oft ~h~ ~fSOO's prupt:rt~' fOf tntr~:--' (:Hl) d.a~ (}f ffl;".I-!'e J.n J:uth,mi.Ld agCLlt of c.he person h3.\ ~tlg a right of pr~)pui) In th.: aLlllllal" ~\ ~r! person \~hv b..cL:j)Si)1 h:Hhol<; the a!ljmal Or _has it jHhh qn~,castl.~y_or;;:on!!.(,!i> arlJ_J!l}~ r.~~U>1 ~\hu h.a~ th~ <H!p(tn,;nl <!LJlhonh Ie han;- a ri\!.hl uf DrDD~rl \ in th~ J.I1Hf!;).LA!Ly\ULCr ~~;JII, mdtl~c q ~I) person ~~'ho n:sidcs at the .same address nr pcmHb an a.l1lmal to f\..'Ul?-in tH1.!!!S:.ll!_\..'~nt<;e~ in ~\ h!d1 Jhal.m:l?lHl.Tv.,,;itk::;;.,jf :;ouch Kryurt is ofJ,~!.~;ll <.l~~, ell) !.:,~,f:IOn., m..:aJb ~nY).11~l..\'I~U.J.LcqlJlor<:\tjon, SOPd) , C()-pc1l1tWrsllLp, lImlkdparttwr,hip; ,1.i.!JJikd..l!ll.~)hh ~1'tt~P;;l[l;, <1,S,soc,atiml, or an). orh<..:r legal nr husinc"." (;nti,~y .i(I,H}\d~~ U-Tl,(! ~cts of ;lgCllt<; a.I1d empt():..<.:~" 9.t. cvrpor<J,fjons 1Il n;j~unls to <In.im~\is tral1sport~d. O\~ [l~g" ~rnrilin'<,;JJ0_~~~j.!.l..lbi,; c;usWd". ,of <,l COf.2Q.f~tjoI1~~).,'llL~ ,11C~4 to be the knO\\ l.::dgc and act of SIKh ~or])oratLon, Q_i) _frl mc,;.Ul~ all}. OomcsticatuJ (~ompJ.n ion AniH"l4J.,_ C\CJLl_4ingJj,\'\;~!c.!d ..!h!!J..Ilr;'. .QIj~J,W '=!!.l!InJ,b, \~ hid"! i~ o\\,l]~d b\' arl\ PGlliQn, 051.. t>uuir!:J m;;ans 3.J~~h:l!Il~lic liJwL vmarm"nt;.! birds. and Q.:un~ birds, (t~(~) rf'L'fi1f.\O' means a E rad or land, i fldu~jjng ~ls d\\'(;-Jli Llg. unHS. oui lding:,; aJlL1 PthCf appUI kn,~flCi;", (} 7) J'ww'h' n~~~Hl,~!~) .c:,:r.ft)TTT1 <.lfl.dCl..W omissEoIl,tbAt ,an mdill<lr) and n:a"(}~~abJ~_l!\,;r::;.(}n_~0U Iq ~:!).ndl!d~ i:; Ii k,ch; ~Q_m~il::J.h,:: tlw ~.i~c ~)[ anaek b} ,':l~! ,;llliT!li!.L Ollll1ibu~ ,>\ ni ma; Ord i nancc 6 i\ ~ l\!l hi,a J :i;, "';l' Jll~~1I1:; ::,-\rwl ,Unfifl~.mL.:l'li h\ k:L~h. clo~.:d cage. p;lJduek l'r 01: ,tfl: ,'JlhL'r mallrrC!. ami in ;;, place a..~ aprro":..:d h::- the cOl:ml.\.i tlo;ltlh}j i.l1:~t'fH ~~~lr,~!L ~O!~tf.o,l, :'tUpCf\ ls,.r ;,}f :111 J.lll!:L:il..:.: ~1~L''::r t:L'd ir r ~h~' ,xJc'f. (:C;'l) H;?/;J{',~ '1',\iX~'( '~lU.Wi'1i m.:;;,;~nU!I::l-;J,lli!lwL\~nlt~.b_fJ,i.l.-'j f?jl!...I;,Il~_j':.!'Nd.l~d,sr hmk,c.:rl ~hl; :,.J..Jn ot' a hum.ln hL'lll~, bl'~I' r rl L,)ntaet \\ ,L1. d ~l~'hr; t!1JtL,JL >cr~l~...+,.....'!l..l'r....bil-'i....b~t'~2h!QJ,!r,S).~"""'U h~, ~ I?J2!clJlI!.llll:\L (Jr <111\' ~nm~u.l whi.:,h sh()\~';:: s\'rr.Qill!n~ ~ugt'!{2irj\ .;; PJ~r:lhi.::::~, 8.~:'t...!~dh'Y"L"~~\JL:.'J~t!.Uh}~j "'.~UZh!{i,cJJ1~Lr:,; ~~ <.:..:rl.iliS;,H<-: ,~'i!J;,:J. 9.l.,;J..b,<':":'l.l';cq, '. ;.;h;ri r".arr.:::tJl alIl.'::';tl'lg tfrat"th<.:: :tllj.rHat.~8.~ k"'~\(~ll,b.tcQ...!Lf@...I)~t f;l~iN The l'~rtlfiqtc _~haH h.: Form ~ 1, '.tqbi;;~ \',H~;i n:ltk'J1 CL.;nitl~,llC" _ uf [ill' N;iJ im:l:tl ,<h:>ll~:jali.lli!. elf ~WTi:J:ult!i,; Jjq1.ih y~ct.~n,!l;lclaJls or :Ul cqu~ \'ak:m tl1fmC:Or\lJ.LJHng;llUl1',LIlyfQ[LlM(LVf1 r>illlji n.:dJ2:-:. ~mirJ t(XlT1,...lJ.'!.,; fonn.JJ}<J\'b..t,; ~Q!I~12iJl",J...\\...wUhl,:, h,t;Il~~' '.:'..;rJiliC.,;il;;..(l~, 'DC. "!.'i;,rer imiria.n, '" t,~~~ 3.umi rj.t~[C[ ~ (}!~_ raf)j(;.~ \ .1;pnl',r0 ,1J1\; ~]f1J.Jj PP:l.. ~ftl.\ .hi.~, (JL~cr ,~J~,D31c~Le ;;t;~i!!...1 !d, ~f ~m aqll<jJ S~l~lntare, l'~ ; ) K.'i,!-,I<'-' \'U('L:;nii[,Ot.! mg :ncaw; a 1;;l.g, dl'SLgl~cd let b~ aHg,,-:I-!~d tq g~ al.W na, I cq)lgr. ~,!1d ~{)TH~llmnF ~ h..: r~lbE",:-; \ J.CCU1atjQJ:l c"':T1~f];':":HL; T1Ull1b.,;r, .-.- ..:....:..;".L.--.--.-- -...-.----.-- ---- HI-L' },)!'{If'.';i1( kC.'i1n,/i ("J" ~,;;l('rl rn~<L11S J taci lily \, hLCh ufkr~ no ,'~r', ]C(;s for pmiit. \. hldl nl<:ljnwjrl:, ~lilmlJ.l.., ~~)kh for U~C;- nWTl~r '" sPQrling o~ rlohl;\ J!lJrP()'~;';:-', ;.!nd 1\ hidr ~t..:fb o-ft\prlLig ~md. ~du [t J.nl mal." oldy on an occasion;],] basIs, '.Occaslonai ba.~ls" n1123.11S J.Jl;::J:d ~:jk,~ vt' :1 t'j-l'qlLcnC~ oj" no !?FaiCr than one {l) lme, pa krulc t....'mak p<.:c :- wI", f-1+".4 ~!i mal "'WI ~/'oj .1 ,~''1! menns- ,an:-' ~,t'ffiVJ.e.~i!d--tw-.appolllt 8d +,--ffi.<"--&=Hl-A-fT........"...jn+--t4 itttf{1t~rj 7.~d l n ! 11\ ~~Ug-ak. -0~' pu-b.j.f.(,;'-ef'fl'fi;. aw-t).fftr~~';-8 'rl-l--Hl-ffat..'ftfHe.-t';.la t m~: h,t-iffi H#,]-\ ..;;;o:I!l{ ff~i Uf c1udt~. <ttH:i tn l~fTtIe-Utat+f*lf;'rlS-p'l'fl,TiJe.t!-ffi. r~rffiit StittU(~~ ~~~!ion ~l1';,:n .I\[l llmmalcent-f.,,* ,~----tc.- 'm* "ttttth~]ofi:r.~J l0 ~ar iHTliS or make -itff~s,'~~LlddltJO[~Llll_, ~'l'F.-T .b~... WlfO'fC~01enl Ag<:,nt dejf.&.>.d-.ffi- R.l7fflla..~lukS St:!ctiO!'1.....L41;;-.J.{~~'i.t11tI-('i!lv' \'~'kril'Ulriafi Jefmod H1 FI 0nili:! ~tat ll-to>.;; St..'€tft'l.H' -l-J-'.j. :,W 1.,- (~'v~)) 'L.'(h('.~ 11H.:ans a rope or cbau. taSWllCd ((, :iJl .1.Jr;maJ ~~..d "l;,iti<.)llr.;r\' o!Jjl:d(s) lo k..;-:p sa:d :1l1tfllJ l \\.r I hi n :.t c~.f12:m h,~~ndJ.!'\ ( ,1 ,1) ror,'~!',p t.C._1l)~~ap.UD_lli:.l9L. P.Jll,tSS_wn, L tLC 1 ud i ng ab~lJld.q.rl mt,;,r r.t. Q!. T!;,;.,gl L.;:d.."Jha t..calg...,~, !!!!f\.t~~r:!)ablt'jJa![LsutldLng. OJ' dl~[j~..S~ ,w_'JI,l,J1l1!ll<iI"" inr..:Judtr]gJIl~llwJ~r -:nwlll1t1aJ dl,str~~~ J.S l\' i,d~'nl:~~J b}:Jhv an inral"s all~m:Lt;ldJ;:r\iof. i ,1.:;) J'L, r~r, >,~I fu.!_T_!.{I:~i J!lkaJl~; Jn~ G>lJ.hlJSlmlcllt lJp"':l ~,ll..;J_b....lijccrl~i,;d \,~L~~rllJ:-L[)Jn fm surg,cr J" ~lagJ1lJ~is., <:lJl(J.r.!...~}~Ti'r';J.!.L~~f JiSi...dS~,;U[jll.~sse~" ,1nd jnj\.!,k;..~ uL}I~iumb.... t'---:!:f')',.'iUOU.1 of....mu... m\;;,Ul~ all\' arumal \\hl;:;h has: tl~ r-\'tttf.i:'J t)F mOf~ unpfOlr'ok~ ttaaE;kf,.,(1tt ~o,.,:;~B+-.'tftim~ ~ VI' an am mil! \'\-' !u('-h. ,~, lilt! t cwd ~~-bt..td-!+:-' J"lmi Q rt a '~"f5Gtr. (;u...l}~.Q:-..l,qu;;I: bC~1I d(;di!.n';~_A....:J~;~rOlt~ Awmal" und'.:!' r.h~~...('hapl.;r qU!,/Hkr Scctiu[l ~~ ~ 2,7U..L, f..l1!I.,da .s(aI~tes~ l!,IJ ..~~.....tU'~r,bil~'"l\J1G~n('y, \If d iSJ?C,;;;i,tju~~J2.,i-!ll:.l,d"..._G!.l.lJ}':; ..inJUf.\, or ot,h.,;rwj::;(; ~,Il...d~.m,geT tJ~~ :-;3fct...' ,':1' pd~'.n,;::' (lr_J()111\:sQQ!LX! r;(~mparlitlrl +r,!.i,rI].ill;;~ DT t~,) b~'j~:l ~ cd i rl s:LdUurl.1!t~'~i..lhJl...l~~;..9 i\ E1t;[ J...no\\s, 'J.I_':i.n(}.!!l\,J..kL \ ,~:...LJ10\\ n Ih;l[ th!;..,:l~:illj:i!l kid Tl.:Ihkr:a,:j:.:s !2J:W.S......Qr. aipcl r.Lr~{1JLS ()r..'J~Jl:,,-uh,l(ll(S(ic cQ11wan iotL ;HI!!!i.4J:-,;... Omnihll.'- Animal Ordmance :1._\jrh);2_..:::~,Fl!rlY,l ~h~LS ao~ mS)li.,l,~,..t.h.cJ.llIJO'.~ing: (J). ..\ n ;Jn~la'! [l;!.thL~ UI" .1ttac~~ ,~..r.~;;Q1,U!l~~",i mal tlmt p~'\l.\:.d':-;,J.sn_r..ll~rlh: t()rtLLf":~~ e_: !J.!;l1 <; t..n..: .illJ un ~U q ;i',' I~} ,~ .;)f (bJ. ;lruu1 i fllill lh;ll lS f<';;;;Mt}9J_nJ;.in_,;.u]..1;~.!!n~l flut all 0.rd)J1J..~,lJ1q ..D;<.~~:~I;;.hl,~ pd;;cm \\'lmll:i ~<'-":D_d..l!~!!;.:_ _~;!2 ~,j~,,;igJl,-'d (0 proh:rl_i~i:d,u:...'.tC....J!!:O~~td J,H1m~~ <fI :J.J](;r~()T!.ifJ!l;~J rx:rsotl is '-1.!!li~L~J Lll Ja\\ fill ~~tL"Jt' ilu.Q..j:iJb~ :;JJoji::ct 0f.l..Ll ;1sSl..l11! or ba.li..J.;~ P! aJl!Ill:l1 i.ltQ..~k (;n n" In." .'/;i:tlll"; ffi'lflffl'ii -l*'fI:I'I~ - an',,. ,;p.o<..~ ~~~' i) f', -;H1-l 1~l:l-'1 tnnl<::J [u li".. H-hj--i!t-";j-f-~l,.-th~ llirtrttatttIH -Br' -mall ~J ;,; d~'p~nJ"'Hf-~ -f!'t-fl:ft t~ -l0.:..-...:i w-.d :;l:lt:.+\", (an"; '7) ~~ 'dJ ,~;;Imw\ rn~H!-:i- ~~t"-"Cf&.;' of anmmls ~hal "tr~-ftftl:- i-ttdi:lderl-tH-.y~ d~tlfltl.~Oll ul' ~k-llK~Hc-alOO Ll.mmnl',' ..If!.l.J.__Ll(o'imai m~t1~ 1lJJY_;)lJi.lllaL\~idl_..J,~ ..,WJ! J. ill1me~u~atcd ~t'mp3..::1l~J[,l ;t,l.l!!,mll,...1'L<J!!y~r-,,~:sdlrL~.:'js of \~ !.ld,,_:;u~m:'Ql> ,1\'i1b.... dU!!Jys.tic::_ :lJ1jrnab, l~r an~ ~~2q:!ld..<lrlt ()( an~ crc'J~,~h~;;,d_" 3,-lliL,\!.w'I!..<l..b j~\~'lIHje, but an::: not 11,111i.hil_I,'L..<!.!1)... "\_l1~ll1W'l-; 2!lii..l-::S, Q.).!b~;D. 1'r ,:o,llslricwr SL~A~,-';;;~ ,~,l~,J'vr',,:!.wi!,l~~ ..r..l.H}nk~: s, f~CC(,,)ns, s t-.. 1.; l)ks,,, l<';9~,;!Cl..~~l,~Q.r1JL...liBQL L:i!! '" bphca t s, b3.dg<.:....r&~ fQ:\3Q;:llk \\(j i \'~~~\'~i~J. f:- h: ..hri d~, \\ l1l \ CJ I rK.~,_ sCj,uJ[Td~,. _bC-'!fL .d..:,::'!:" sbip!JI~JT}k~_, ~lttx)~(;, elk, rabbW, Um)~sJm1......9_@..\\:r~ grQl!_nd_hrs.~,,_.!l!Q!1,;i ,;:"Ol~h~f" nucdrodcm~, ..t;.I1::i"jljrc4;....jlnJ.....iJ.I1....}.',..!.L;~;tl.Xi ,r~lf or fCilthcrcd !:!~~l ~_Q!,',ml"..~tj ':.1 kd com jl.:l.t110ll 3)]Hli@, ..str, J-J ::!. COllst rudion~ m!lintl')'J afH':t' 01' p-tttma animal control shclttr; ptH:p6S'e5;' fees (or ttnjHHtlttidnui-ff11tk.. E.mpl'n,irl E!.. (,wutrartin2 .'IIlU l~intR1cnt uf HefJill'tnlffi't ~ ~njm.d ((]n~nA wp~n't~or !Ind ~vfficC'rs~.. l, I} Th(,,:' bo;,mJ ma~ p~H,,'h~~~~, b1.~ ,)r wil~tnLcC and nuy orcrak and il1:llll1~jn O..'ollllty !XJtln<.b or stJ-h-ilt~ 3.l1lm.al C(.t~trot shc}J~,r..~ tv rdain Lh..,;.,fQ.[luWi!l}~' t4) Aa.nimab 4L bf';'::, _LQ11all\ bl.:[~~';_ \ ~C'llU~ or d,m~)..::~nLJ.~ ,1IHmcll.~ net pWI';,;I"l! s~clLrLd O!" rcstrJ.Hl;.;d [n the \)\\': l\:f 0~ ~ i.;<.: p",T, {c) .-\a.<~lma)s (}nr 3r~ ;JlIisJ.nc~~~_ anlmals haYI ng 0r bdlC'.--:J to h~l\".; rdbi..;s ur ulh.,;r i nk":lll\'J" (If ~~<)nl~lgi'-'!l~ di!;.L::tS..~~, tJl PJ01~s ]l~lt f~c(n~GJ and i IiOCU kl"h.:J a~ rc:ql,.llr.;.-u 11; tln:,:. ..;haplcf, ,)r (..:) Atlll) a.ll imaJ Dl ~1C'l"\'" jg...-, ill \ J0 blJUll of tJus ..:( ha~J[ c'f 9uffilljr..~Q, h).' _tb \i'i_f hallh,'!J Q.. b;: 1",',!E~ll,J!.!!..!'':ij !1..r \J..!.';!..G~ulil!!.:(j t .> } Th,; b (1<L [..1 111"\ (; h ,tf~~ 'r.;.aSl..m,l iri t' r1;~ 4(lr iftttJi.lttf~ltftg .. ,\nft-u-i"th-, t lftdt;!t .. fl1t~ 'l;.4M rt ~ ..lhe L3-'t'>m'fS- (:I'f-~_"f."='P..-,.:.4...;mre.tl-ttJed.-d:lH,ma-h;--iJ:tai~- pa:.-. ,the-,i'ri>~ ,and. ,t!X.;.cUHl a SWafll,..slatt'H:ltmi. ,of th'-H~r~t1-", + t~fl4tJ<.i-i-l ~H-tt,... ~ it' ~ l41-tBtl-i}ft:-i;,dtffi-l .. to-te~' Af -uE!- ttll-p.:lt:iftt:k4..."ttttffl-,:tl,:, ~~ W~le(id sh<ll! be J~pU5Hed jn lilt' t!~n;jmj r~H'f1Ut:" funo {.-.[, lht: C-Otmt'i.. alld all ~Wt'I15e; of udm\m~lt:rtllg. ih:\~,dt.apWF ~-haa~ -fi:OOHoot mIlE!: '+'l1t!--beaffi 4a+I"flrotnu-lgat'l'--9)-~'l'lttt-too aH .. haf~,~~~ h:, be P<HJ uM~'r thi~ chapter, H * -:"I.ei:..",...tHt4d:fltj';"H~~tftts-8t.:;l';'t)t;-fA+:"i:l-tiB-J,~......,...kKH- I.y-Ui:;.{' ffiu,;..'tti;tl~J ~liff:;l'f,i+l~ -(:Ir wll i~ i t ,i~, rtU~ +i':-~n";I:)J ~* ~~t -br-+da~,k#tH-;t-;:'ITItfLf4;- feltitd-ttftttl,t,ft7'vj~ms.".f1u~ ;Jt7l:lf fflatj~ {o PfLi)":~f!! iWKli lal~' and !H,.enst.::..tfl.e d1uma~, ~n1J:t)9Y ;;lJ.1~ ,p~TS0n ;md Qr Llm~r,3ct, \\!th ;),.ny pfl \aW nt~Jl- gO\ (YrLllh::nt....t hunnnv.. rHg:~l iL4.~~SHl .. ,Ii t!~ ....\JJ~'.Jt.QS;.n,ni,U!l...i!.t,:.....gr\tF!l<.!1 ::;l..ld(.:r..fiU":lh~;~~,_~lliJ .JJ,Dim~0, (:sm,u:.l,'1.....rL..:'sp~~,2Qijjli.-.:s,..Jj,~~!.horJ_~~,_b:_,l_m-s: ~bf!1n~r.,_Wll.."'n th~ ,~l1ar~ cntltracts \~ i~h ,3..11) ,~(~t~'!.:.. ~_l,,"l,~,; i.J.~i;)n :.i.U,~...u.lJlc~G.\~illll.....i,JL~h'-".Q.!:' ';..l..:.;lli.l.~~...Qt' .s:...D.h.ll~ (Q.. ,Jnp1)..ql~ ,tp Pf.(1 \ ~~k aL11 mo.l Cl1lLlwl clad J.n,HD~ll ~h':][Gj ;;,'r\ icc~ 10 ~hc C (JLI rlL), Ill..: cnnLJ~aq, :,;htl.!l n,I.l),~d,;;_.fQ! ,.ill2J2.2L~[Qf..l!L9f tf.!.!":.,,.,l:I1! ilyj ~1,':~i..I,U;,lJ... ~dl,lB'L",;p.,;~'.i~L..',r:_;JI.!iJ_..ill~ir:~il: con_~d Un-\Cl,;f,LtS a~..L1b, fUL~rk ,fWmQ~";', Gf .in \ c~tlsatHlg, \jolat,()[]!;. o( ,11_l}~()Llb.Y P!~?Si~jorts Qf ctli!f'~rjilB." FloJ:.!daS1<1tuJcS,_f!lldJh{; prm lSlOns of tim (1 ~..lpt~~.r.,_:'~ , ail In 141, ,1.:0n.l.!.C1.. 9t1 k~.ri... J..!lQ...J;t!Q.;'r\ ~ ~,9 [~, \~ J let ll~r cnmraC[~u n~, ~~!l.l2!.v.~4_h:,.J..b...~ beard>. ~h:ll1,..,h;:: ai-l~xHr~tL;d lEl tll~ J,l1arlllL'f J'o.;tuircd h~, ,).., .J2,1i.. OlL2l......_E5,'-'.....QrQ..\,LdlnJ',..,fgr__.tl-u; Omn~btls Ani rna; Ord i 'Mn<:e g @l~)l [ltmenE of such uftli,;i,;r:.> to..he -,!pprm ed b:- t.lK ,!ll,1;Ul1..9H '<:~lmty ('QJ1.1IT!~;:;~jvw:;]~ and J. J u~g!,2 of [hc'_C0Un(~I.J'l;-CLJjt (\1Urt, Sce J--..l~, ..\ni mal ~'olll.,,-(li (pfficcrs and jupe..-..i~or~: quahficatiOll~lth"Vttf'I;ifl~ -flHH1.t\l;er; ftM'IOiffltlH"nt; dut !es, {+! 1-=fl.t:....BOatJ.+.r-tH itd!!Wl~~[fatM'!'7i tl<i.thortl...!.J-ti.-' U!~pojfH "Of Jc,;i3na~a---5-litt.aa!<:: l~F ,'~H lE't-~'T'" ~l-'" ~md~ niftffie,*"ffii:ltli3.,~cL 'to cmr:-' O\.tl IlJ~-f*ttlt);;cs- Hj~ tht5 chaplt:f. lftt, .~tl*~-<;haH pay lhe {kpHRment nlilfltlt~';tniffla-l-t.'ffltt+.7t--s+.tp<:'f...isor SliCh ';l'il~rlel'l_;ilhml ~ the- boord ~ll':i pi'Hf~- (1) The G.t'part!1lt'rH m~I~,~l;:f' -:Ulima] :..'ON.fQJ SLLQfP:j2.i.JI ,lnd 4i5---authoFi.z!~ti ~l.l1jma~ c~mln ~l ::\.;_,~~'fi~L'~~ mCl~ ca(ch, ,<:li': cr p~d ''P' \:.l.l '\ny ~trJ.\' allLrLLai, (bl An:- ~mlnui <:( larg.:_ ~;: ~ Am i'Ll..'fCC \ ~c~uus 0f J.;ljlgL.rvtt~ allirHal Iwt pr\}pLfl:- Ti..:SlrJ.iTlGJ <.If ::;~c:urcd b\ the ,)-\, n -:r () r ~ L'CP(;r: Hi) ...... [to' 3mnul C~ITYl[l~~ <Jr t>dl":'. ,..d w bl,: L.;lH\ ini; r.1bIC;; m oth"f rnf.'c[ lOllS ill cum.~!nL!s:. d I:-,.-;a~;:::-;, (,,' ~ :\m art! rll:t1 ~h;H i~ a nUJSJl.nc.:~ (j) Am' dog nol II c;,;nsC(j ;lF1U j]lO~Ldr~tl::d ,'L, [equLteJ h\ tlm CI1,,'pkL (g} An\ s[ck 0f 1;1J urd alli!1~,d ~~)l' \\ hidi (hL' n\~ n..:f 0r KL'':pl.:r carmOl b,. fc)uraj J.f'l,,;J n~'~(l":ibh.: ,;fhnr hl do :c.o, or J"m ~\ hKh the 0'" n....T '~!f kl.A;jJ<':T i~ lInabl~ ,)r lHl'\ i ilHl~ ll. rmude p rop~-f c,~ rl' ~ n~ l ,\L1~ ~l!Jj_ n.h;L~ b.t; h_bM l~C.1lu l"HHl d <;JlgJ. ~~;j ,m ant rrtJ.,l f;.l:~J1.t.l!E_,1 h~_1Li>_2!f)hi hi i q,!.J1.l. [h.i.; ( 'haw..:,! (il Any G{ Ih:r ~tm[!1<1: d\Hh(lri;,..:t1 h; thi:e; chaplet to h~ Ill~.J.J~~1!lled~impQ\mJcJ, C;\ui.',hl. ~t:: i/,..:d or jlH:h'd lj p, t 3) Th;.; ~Hi"m--tl'lafl~f-- am ma t o:mt fQl 5~t~f'G.~r or h. is:" u t'fl ~cT~ moo ~ ~~ s ha[[ LmpUllTHJ or llthlT\\'i~.,; dL~pUSl~ of ~w:h all inuh u-, prO\' idcd under t!m ('chapter, r,J-H The tM:)iI":-;]~~fIf ~Hd~li'lg~f ~UlJmJL (;i,111lr0t2~,m..,;nj~Q! Of ht~ ,~il~+r~1 ~lll~LaIlj_~Tl.tj contml c\~)tfLt(r.:' O~affi~ sllalJ in h:-::;tLgalc comp IJ.JnlS or adiol1s ;lU cscJ I" HI \ jui<tliofl ,..1" lh!'j .;h~Pl';[ ~ln(: sha: I i<;,sm: {;ilLlwl1~ de! Il..Hldi fl~~ thaI 1l1L' \' iobrinn:=:. C~':3..,~ Qr he cnrreCI~d, Th(J.~(; ;:m~m~; -;:,Xl1W[ ~\.QDk..:r;; ;lUthllflb:ci to lS~llC ciwliom pUfSuan. [(1 ,..'ction, :";!X 2 7( l ){,h} ,lIltl xn 1}( l)( ti. Fkf! ieLl StatL!!C~, h:l'd:: ,lUlIKIl'jl_\ lUlJcr this cllaph:r. (-~5.J P!lr~UjJH lu ~a.\' rh~' Je~- FtWnil.?er'-anllna~ COl1w:>J. ~w.p,e,r\ i~pr J.Ild nt5- auffiorit:e.d [l:;::;i~Wnts mlJ,t;:,Lc>.._may ~~IJl..:r jJu bli..; [lr LJnkTlct.:tl pri....utc pru~lcrr\' ',\ irhm , h~ (;ll\ml", l~x;,;~pl rl'~i dc;,' ial hu Iidi rq~. I,') carr: UlLt rht: Gu[ic,s i Inpns~d ll]' lhi~ chartL:L, (~{i} rhc depi:l;l1HllJFtf---ttttHl~all innl LLHHml ",up~r:. ,s.llr ma\ d~;:,:i<lrc ;'I,jj J.JllJll,)j tu bi: ;) "rhxcc ;tfliTTl..tl." "d,m~:lT'~US aniFlI;II" (~r '';'i('ioll~ ,minml" ~l_'" lk1!n,~J by ~(.X:IioTl ~-;:> <Jt- [his ;.;h...pkL :md ma:- Qrder the C\\Tk'f of SUdl allL m.a I to SCCUfl2. ft:sW:un and '~llnrLll" It Ln a fta.,wllahk manner ~pccijj('d: '1:- the ~rtmem Jl1fl:l:U:g€!l--aJHm:JJ Lomml ",upen Ism G.J lJll..: ~!nljn;lL~@m)L 0tf~c.,;, shJ.1 ~ fulti 1! lh~_ t0Ilo\S.!.!J.g dl!tLc,s~ L\D 1..; ~:n I,mai ";()IJ.l!nlDftlc_~i..)h:.ll1..urQ.1]JQlh_2",,'i (~~~ la~.: up _~lP1dl!lJCC ,!!!JDi; amm;,i.1 ]2n..lli,:~Ji!.Hl ~h...; I tp _ 0I. (;_illlJrac WI Si.;rvj;':'~Pill\-'J!.kL'-!ll_ <.j[l....im <ll~ j,li;_lDR_Lt.:[1L0rJU!Lborcd _qr f:,~Wl:"~ _r;~n mn.t_AL.1'!&-~ ,Ull-Plaq; \~Jth :n...LhL~,mlnb..sell.\L<I[\":'J_O tQCYTQ\ J~.i.Q g..,~ qf.1,h,lS Chapter l~'r \he Stalul':S of ~hL Stat..;, As cO .lJl) ca.t tound roaming 0J v'<indi..:ring Orl pu hJ.ic J2I ~";_T ,,)r P.D \ ill": ,2.1 :.,JQ"rt \ lli.!,..;;- ~ ha n,Jl~~lL~,; f.jJ"'-.Q w n <:_u b.;u, &HJJI,;;ilr;1irr...',cl L~11 hml t,) lS ~'.\"n,-)' 111lnFdi;)tdj and ~,L~,bl} pre::s.::m in "udt 3r~a and \,' i'ihout?11 .Jri(:ntj(::LiIJ,g..lj~_CJ1?,~ [;J,J;" th~ an I t,l1al C onlwl om C"T a lkr fL:;l.,ona.b 1 c i,m \,.-~tj gat ~Otl>, sh11 Lg,';;:, \ ~>J.YJt~ iU:! 9.is.fr<.:!is~!.!_J\l \:~~~i,:h!0,\'l...~~{ :,,;\!~,h_ C<l{~ ,t:TilL,,'r ;i.9a!')dorL~ ,~~t~.~~111d w.gi n,l<!} S,("[Li: 3.l1<.;l illlrOund tlll' W! in .l.cu1nlam::s .'-\jtl), rll~.J1,~~_\,j~.i~!!,!>,Qr~"j~ C~;Wl-.:r OmllibllS Animal Ord~j'lani,:~ ,-, -' t.BL[il~_a.I,lima] cULll[oLgffH;_.;r s.h~l! b~ ProPl;[lLJ!';l!Hl.izw ~~ J. pGl.C~' 9rJlv~l<';o.; ()JJi~;,;r !t)r UH;, r1!!:'p~~(.1.b,j)..O_r.,dinJ.n("e, He or.2~1..:....shdl!...b,3.~l: the kg~l ,mUl~',r.!l \. u.rl,~ dut~ to iss~ ilppLa~~Jn: t!\,,-kd~_ t;lta.rii"rl,? (Ir SUJl~mC'!1ses r~~ lh0:-Wr~] sep_, 0~Y,illm.'__ b,;L,:!2!.11E. l)r harp()rin!', ~1I11 m~j .1"-;>, cQn t rar) to t,!.1~IO\ l S i (In S. , ;.1 r.lh_~s 0 rdJ n,w..!~c. ((Ull~_;:H\U!1l!!..s()nlru1 Qni,LCI" _,ball [:h,5PQ~t..: vliD..!m)!!.!~~d J.nllnal~ ~\ hid1. ,ii!I,'_!!9l...fJ.!!lmcd and n.:J.;-:L"j..'::.d \~, irhm ,;c\ en ()l.sj<)S; GV on~...5,lf the fl)lkm ingJucthcl\Js' ( l) ;1d~~pJw,[l b\' J.,rr...!n.ili~i!,h!;iJ lK:r:'iun \lllQ.. meets ad (jmiill!....L:r itc.!ja for the ,all,mm.L or Oi humm_W,.s:ulhalli!,~i>Lu.!.!..~l;l ~j;,itt,; ~t;ltuk- It'Xh~illi~mJ.!.is 0o:.:fl5,J..llllJ.dnpt.ahk OJ q..nnot Q;,1!la;;..\L~\ ltJ.un J. JI'3....<;onahJ.:: pnK \l!J,U_;1 cJl!,Il...r.L1.:(~tti(,..:,j SCf\ lee llnJ...idy'Uv..1h~ CuuntL ~,~;;'l :IS Jl..Ji c ~m;.,;4..b ~14,1 ~~, J(J.C Ie'!} or a.ni Jna...lJl rot':Cl.,lOrp; ]-lL'::,~ ~~r..,_ p~ P.l fcl..:a~l' to};1 Q..LlQ ,n'::(Q~,[1 i;:~d S~n i,t;;; PI~O\ idcr TO til~' C WlI,rt!l',.21H,::h ~lS J.Ji.;,~n:;,~rl hlW1J. n~:2..()(.i <:1l!Jr ani ma [ ,PlO~Ltil! r\ sh c Iw r. HO\\i.C. er, .t';,j dQgJ2r cat..l!>ls a cuUar ,liC:~lJS~_, or other l'\ H:knc.,: oJ ()_\\'W.:r~.bip~Jl..G!nilE..li!.! (,:9n..li..Q!..yJTH;-,:I......':ibiJll....!~\1~ij~. the 0'\\ nn In \\fl1JE1R...q~r~t l,;l!l...'js mai.t..id-1h~ ,imp0utlUment, l))5jlQ,~!llil[[ llf lh~ ~Hllm_'!l;:ih<ll.L.th.,::..!!.. E1Qt In.: rtlilt'k: umil after ten, (lin..4;:I)2_Jroill...!JU; dak Df m~l]j ijlg...uJ(...:!N.!i...G,~ "j h..: ,;Ulrrn~!l (,::~ ~!.!!Iql, sl_Jperv isor shall mamQ..lt:l_J._fLCQ,q,_Q[,~\h";,!!.J.bs; "lIlL[[l~l..l, \\ ~b J.Ly'tal'cli and ll'hLr \~ h<H..J;E~l!!!.l~w.ni.:~~ ,...Ihis [1,0(,,:90 ~,hal ~als,' iJldLCaW the lli1Jt,; ~)_frl(,1.iss ~';!!!..,~2.....l11,":, m~lleI 01' an animal and 3.D.) "llJbs<':;Q!$nt lliiP-O~jtLOT1 oflh..: ill.Wllal.~_Ihi, s,,;;,;,~n....Q..(;h.;2.not..;Wj)b_ tt) :1.1]imat,;; \\hld ar~ slck .o,U;)jwed ,It,:t.....lI1...~ 1:::i1..<JJ..l...ln-'!l till' Iwldmg pcnnd \\Ould cau~ t)W ~D]1l1all..L.l .su.ffi:r,.....R@]h.'lJyJr\~ T~g"r~i!!g_!b_l', ~al~, of aP.tm~(s fron]J1!.<;....1illEm~lJHer..~t;li(,)..!l5~'-:lfl;r and hoarding and oth~r ,~j!3(gl:.s,lih.aH oc lli&,(gJ !..!!..J. (:;)..2;;ri"':U()US..Q!;l~": ~:t [\,; altirrl<.llt;L.,Hl~J~:1 sb~ltcr The hadll:s of all aJlJl11als lkstroy:,;d at t.hl' a,mmal contflll slIL][~r or .:le:ewhere ill lh~ ~',(,J.!d]l.t.~ ,~l1~JLb-i; ul,~~:scd...Q_n~~...Jh1,;ani~IlJ,1 ~L}!J!.r9..L,lffl~(r ~n...J!..rnJ.nn"T...ill?E,~\'<;~....b'...J..!:!.":,_\1':~,'r(l<.' C_Qumy I Icaltb Department arld the ~.l-rar.q 9f.CW11.u.lJS~,~om;_r~_,j\!l_Y J.n~ma~s 'VIU[lI'-l.QJ...' P,.:lillllJ!i:sh~.sl...w ~h\,: a,nim~~l'ntrt)1 shdtcr h; lhclr pwnCI;i !Of,,j,I,~'pQ-;;JllQ.fl,L~].oLb<::tardi.....DgLDOt:9. ;~qLQ~b:p..1...fQ[J,bLmtniTT1l1!l.! peIi")~L[)r $'::\;Il l7) 9r knJI 0) ria:,; h-cfL)IC fdc3..."~ l)r dl~lXJ;;al ohht.: J,mm.al h) tilt arumal 0;',nIwl ofticer W j 'J 'he atlJmJ.1 eontro) offie<;.r -~b~lI prommh W ~"Qltlg;tt~_"dl,...:mjnl?.I.. bi~_ ~'llit.;~!ll\Ql'-!!lg hutmll UljU ~ and shall ~C<:irch nut and attempt to dLscm cr ttl~ anJJm] 1m 01\ Nt, I Uhe ani mah~1(l,lrQLo..tlh::cr t1nd~..Jh..c anil1l~!li<~IDlI1~ibk for_the ..hib:~~' w_ ~h.,; shall '':lthl:r l.l:llplJlInd or qUJ.fJ.ntltll' the ammal for C\.ammatlOtl for dbcas.: Ltl J.ccorda,ncc \~ lIt! the .1J1[JII:~~tl),l,'::.:...pr(njii!)~"!j_9Dl1i~ Q.i\.lmJ,nr.;:; ;.tnJ thl.;. ::;tWU(I;> of lbs,..2.1Al[t,; ,Th,i; J.r,Jm;~L.i9,llt~~_~ S'"iTiqT ~,hal.l ,I hD.....Qi,; ob~t,:QJv ~L;il<: (l[ld,l!!!p-ounJ il..m:._rabW~'::illiP.CClCd alllmal,;lmj., caq;;~ lbe .J.n,im:;tt...1P bl.: GH.hC..I....unpOU,)qL'd or quarantined tor exammatJOJl tor dis.:;asc in ~J~!':_~)~ili!,nc:.: Wi{h..Jl,18~rv\ I~i,)no; or' thi!:; OrJiJluncJ,;, \F) "l1l,":, i!fli rrl;~,I,gHH ri ~..I....2.rrk:.,;r ~) iW (hLJri 7.,:d <111\1 ';!l!llil~~'(~~.Q...i,)l ~,;.;g:rdal1c-": vJ1h ,[~i.:: pr~'isiO,Bi...(!f thi,,~ Qrdl.nar!C~,....l'~i:l1lIT_ ~1.l;!0l1.'pri9h:,pL<':,nlls"':s (C\.c..:ptlng etHr: mto th<.: P..f1\'QK Of cas of bUJ1dJllg~", Lltlk's~ III jllN:,csSjOll of a. Sc.a.n::h Warra.!lt)Jnr..lh~_.r,1.!!J2.0)1.; {.{ jmp..;_(,:[iIl,t: (huSr...1!r..:rnlsL') ..1!Ld~le~rTTli11i.:: ~f..ll.l,l; U~\ n..;-r:> llJ" d9~ cat~ or lifli,fllJ.l~...h;tr09.r;Q., kjJr (2!pl}SS:..'S~~J c.~t~J)r(;mi:si,;'S n<JH,' i...'omQ!jl.;ti..lmh LbS.P_~QY!iJOllS of tlm Chaptcr. 'Ilk' Wlimal conu:0l...gtJl~~us .:;Ipth9J;"lz~d ,J..nd cmpO\\ ~red to issUi: (l, c!tilEiQ.!!..lQ_Jh;,;: (]\\ n;.:r.....Q[ ;1n~ Jogs, C<1ts or kfIC:l:';. li)r \\ hO~,II, rlO li~~!l:?,C;:_l1;l-'j J.)<';l.;n_QFY~l!rl,;J 1,!!..1\(.;cOr9an~s... \\!th this Chup!::.:r ~'..!: f,2!...~l1l),fJ.!h-":..L.lL~',la.ll9J]'(Jf.lb,i~ CJ.laptd, Th:: pw\ I.'LOns oU_h.jULJlt~~.;IH)Jl ~hillJ i Ild U ~Ic" tm [ ..!~()LP'~101,l i1Y,~~..l.!.!Y CstlgilllQ!L9L:~,nd _SC L c: I,J.re Ji.) r " U LJ L: l t) t 9 .ani m ~ am~ mh~s.titNi(ln <l.BU s~jnuc vf 1 jCi(Jl!~ Or t1ant:;L;r()ll~ ani 1TJ<.lls" Om nibus An; mal Ord i nari':;': lU \ n,JIl\; ;lll[ill~] LY2!ll_I}JI.~ltTiC~[ sh"!Jl ho;lL<;.1h Jl,lD...!Q_~F)~PCCt at1~ )..\1J.I1<.'I.o.-.i!,l!.c.:!l;;.: tl!f \\ 11 icj~ In~ r>c'c:n 1.~sm'q,lI;..Y1!y5till~orJ' ,)un~~' J.~GJ~0'_~f.lb-i! JlI,!~h'~fjZL:d 11ft)~'eq~;lllij jl~'1:'1'L;i \ ~. the dur\ lCJ not I r., lhc' Iiv,;n'jiTli' aJ2.:nn "f ;:-tHV CClndI1i~!l1:;' \\ hich ar'~ LlJ1h_0W~\ .~~ -- . . .....-. -.. -- --. --. ~...... - ........ - - ---... ..--.. - ;,..',r iIln!.!.n1a[t,;J~_ r1l';: ;_mlllu.ls hCpllll L[r,:-.h;11Q~L{hLIb~' arlim3.i cqnt,f(.JJ...g:Ql.c<';~.lh~1!) J_IJ.'~,": t~\,-, rl'J~:.c tel Ul', G,'a]!;';H~ (':Lf!ill,I.;!j r!!) (l ;tnim,ats al kgci! ~',)_h~ _@lillf.I~:'~_\ ;lJlJll12.]S or V [CL91J? ;!.Jl,l.!]1,1l~,,,J.~r~, ib,:~!] "ld \ ~ th-:: ]'Jgl}~ 1.9 ~.zc,.J~L,h !iV f!-,rlU i mnntlad~v~b wli.!r!.'IDj2,;;nr:h;,g d i~pnsiWHl pur~Jl~.t..!.\.~ Jlt.i~ Cb~!2t.~1 t (i) 'Ill,.:: ammo.lSQ!lt~~__Qt:6.":~.).b<l1j flq.> 0,: rhe: duty w ll,l! ~::;'l~ltl ;,J,,)P'.1!jilir'L~_ ~~.i' aU":]l) [0 ~lr -'lllliililiJ.T..l1JS.!.1, nr [h~~1 ~ct GL.1!\lfllaLs.Jnd ~h<lll1,~kc ..iLJI.~h ;J.crio[l i.l:Z is r~qWlL<"'f..!.-,)r p'~rn I ined b~ U1C ;,;~ctiQn 9ftt\,l:i, ChJP~~)"'c[l!.iIlS,dIlt[nal-,-: ia d!stK~,5. tJ.l) .ThL.: alliJlja~ t::0lltrqi ('JH1~,<c;-;.!li1tL_~_.; r~QF.!;;ib 1~..f~Lr ~~)()[dlllati ng ~, Ltll th..: C OlJ,Ul}: .'\Jll.!.i!l.i~l.c~![\ l[__llf hI'S dC_~lg[jat..:d aml9ll11\;<..:_t~J:.. ~rl,: o[lj_c';rl;~.,:~, "lnti t.h~ l-..cc'j)1ng ,~f ;}lli)I~)pr!ar8 I\:-ct')rds and rdme4.,lli,Alli.:?..Qf J.i.'illlJ!!r Ol_"I.:h~:Jllli,~ll;!.l_ ~.,l11f r,i,~] nfliccr ~haJl nm .';~] 1_, gL ,c, qr_fl!uk;';'il-U':LlkLt,h;jI!..,~!,J.!.~'.l~, ~ly II \ 'c' c' r, dead -,;n.ul1uJ~_::,,> f..ll'1;:.>r.<';l i ';"~_S:G,r!). ,,!!.l,i J.!~a ~,h.}d ~ pa rts m lJ rgan;:. h be; LLS":q. ff..~1' T <(~ 1.,:<1 n;:h., dC:H1onstr3.tLoJ1_, c"p~ r j Jl1 .:nt,,! r_m ;;l!1l... otlJC..LPJl.l"jJJ&C.::i _b.....ill!l..Qt..: r~{)u. ri r~u.., qH p,~r \.l.J10rJ ~,~l~ jn.:.;hri11WlL, C\.CLpt to the ~~X(~m ni:ccJ?~r.Y..l<').J.:...U!:!!1lb. '" i.t,12-_h~,!i!l..l<J. \U :ldlU r.;gWli\n,9DS ~\,l!lw.min~~ qbi'.,"S, Hl_v..l!lD.!l.lW, Q}I,~W~LQ!rtC~, i,ha:l!. b,,_' r(:::-;pon~tbk: fm ,ji~pns it; on c,f the bodie~ of 3IlJ.J11iJ],~,JI.:;_~~r.Qy::j "-l ~1':' ~tmJ.l.]'ru!~c,tlli.1u,h~llcr j!! ;L<,;l;onbnll; \\'i lb Slak bw and rC"'lJ l,it;orlS ,-,- --,----_._.,--, -. ,-, " ".;> - --, , In ,!j\~ :.l,rl in!!!!.. t,;.QrH T~L'-? jllt,:~r jp_aU_[l_~ ~_l_l!,"; y), fh ;,:,>t;ili::..3.rtoml;~ r,)f LIh {;~~(lgCltlon anJ pnssi h I~ pro<.\?CutlOl1 jnforma1~0n concermng Sl.ESp~t~ \,..~J;.!J LQflL\1(Jh!:.JuHl1"i~ ,I" j o.r: ll;!..5.l,B!HJ.:s.._..5,~~ lQn 1!.; h L~.:,.!:.\ l~!iI [!i TIE. .fi..8J~t i,n g, m_1Kli I' i ng JJ1 i Iml s., S~l mn Ie;.; ! n gO} \'-,~~~,n,g. h IljJ.1g _:. <;Log. ,)1. t:';J._um_ ~DJ,i,:JJ.l to )jjl !l<;.lLu:u;i,JlillS~',%j,@, ill~llill2....,-!f J1!.S~r .;::;,L l~ 1111 [l1e mkrlt to s'.:I~, S~'cllon X.:.:S, I ~3 I, gp\ ernl ng th~' ,;J.I,~' of' g,lml"';l"L~ or !tcnb "if ~ll),r,t! ~l.t....; :}T 'lli.i~'~!.!l..~Qt_ ,Q!, li!t ,~~~ S~SiW~lnX,2}; _ !)~, gp_\.,l:r~fli rl g I1t',:- l: ill i !'S.!H a.&!Q':l \ :t[~_4 q.Qm,~' ,OfI.;:g. s~~ r~p' hQf_~~S_i.1!lct, G.t! k,; illI~.5 ~t.I,Q.n _~;Z'~_'.f ~ggYcr.[1I,l]g J.b l;, J r;m.sQt.Jr:tJ,til.})l lllN Lh,', ~[J.k-, :and ot1t:nl1g, j~!.r s~lc ~'d~ .,:bg~ qpd cal~, , T1:w, {'()lll~ty AiJoft1ey 1S J.l.ltl)l)fJLCd 1~~ S>:d.jl~L! n":I'j \ L:u~~1 td~ ;8~in:)J LlH1t.trfIJ~d ~ iobti~!n~ ~)r:<;ai.i S~ilJ'C:S tf ,ul...in \y\l.!&!fLL)Jl d i ~f.::l.~SiQ Pl'f,I,~ QL,,' \,;:iHI s<": ,lQ..bs.,lj i; \' Ub.L ~:0.liHJQ!!~Jl!i.:_ .1.~s:..WJJl')g.;lll \JJ_h<l~ j~_ Fl0, L: r} l)1 ~ jH l pr\~~LclLtp'Jll 0:' til( ,'Lolat!l,m tf(~ Tile :U1JJnal (",)Jlth)] OhLCU, shaU..ha..c ~uch 1l1~ler dL,l]h'::'. r~,],~,~in,g_~')3h~_;;:r!.l~)_~~I.!.l~!!.!...~!.!- dus (jqplq ,a,~ th,c,BQ;]r~ pi' Com,m\S~iQqLfs 1ll3)- {rom tEIlK rn lime Jlro\j~k~ G\) Tt;e anjm;:;,! C0ntm] o(nc~r" in L'lltorc,i[;g I'll(; pfmi?I,S-:\1j,~_Qt.!J.l,l2..r1.9QL~r--,-1_nJJb":-_sLllUlC.~ 0f :h,' S:':.ik pcrt;J.If'l!l,;': h~_;,I!ir:n:J..!~l,~_:sS_l!:':,t~,Ul1_< (!\~, r1C.~ Qr ks~p~r ('f' ,p~ ::lllJmat .cL \ lObIillll f2,ft.!:!.i~, ...:hap~C'r <:l...,ki,!ill.1.QJ..1. Cvmi!,lllmg_~ ,mr~ILtJ() i1J.Y 0. fine andior o.pP:::,;J.1 ~~] ~~,!q~19E..rl..!.ill: mJ.~J<..~',vmIlI_q,j,m,J<) \Jw Sw,t.: :\ttomc_, for thc Sl.'it~cn[hJudH:13] Cif_C)lir ,lJld.t2 ,llw (iTClul ~)J' Cnunl} ,(~lL!T:t, !n_,f1~;Jm l!J_ ;m}~.o!atiQ[]LQf.this (),apJcr, ('J j\'u l:11lj1]uy.;c ,)C;I!t,: f.:!)I.lll!~:_9,UHl~fQ!~1,r~H;Ik~l...\,'111ih' ~halJ, p<;!fl~rn; th~ duti~!> oj~a..ll ;-lJ!,i lll;_~] '2nJ.':'~lL2ffl-':..;:I I,lCtk.s;;; tl1.at p~lvm ha~ be~1l ccrt~J:icd.!hL()L~gh,lll'::__!!Ai!l~!J..!;. Q.[L)~\t_m ~ks,(;.D,Q~d ]ll ~~ct.lon ~2,~ ,:;:!{ 4jta), FloJ ~lb...~riJtu.k,~ __ J'bi.'i,..wV.i.~~tOfl shajl_ IlOU2r~.I,i4d~ ~Jl)p I(~~ "L'S \~ lw tu~_ j~f (.:~~!i.fiy,d f"rl\~,ru,~'0)}lli ~.;:;m,~..t~}Lil-n.r.ll].~ls, rmlJ tllen;lIlCL:..of ~UD1,S!! !!...n~ ;lf~;1.'. ,vr ;:1!JQWmg, ~Q o!fu;r opcr.::l.t!onal ~'!..Ild a4l}l!.i.lis:~r.~lj~-'':....llt.lll<;,~ of th'2..~UwmiJ C"lLtr~ l[ .:l.Jld ~_hIJl.,:ij-'~t.f\!I!..q.illJlS, Om Ilibus : \ ni fllal OrLli 11 CiEL:e 1 ] ~l;'C. J-f!. "-res and \-J';'l!ies Collt'rted. ( l j T11(; hoard rlla~ dnr gc n;,<"L,,(;[t~!hk J'i,.:L":-'. flJr hLi~)I~UIl: and tor Jmpoutldmg ,J.nd ~;H\' ,of ~ll1Pna.!i illldf,;f J.b.t~ dH.m.l;:c_ '(~J:..<.,.'lli) ~L~ ,Qf k;.: ~,:p~l.~ oC!!Jllli-~l(J~~tuirT1 ill ~ ::>t!i~ lip:!; ,..llie ki!.:'-: _;.1m,L c:,ccut l' 3. -ill Q,~~ _ii,t,,1,h',l)ll'm ~r O.\~ [l~'r,~fJlp..QLf,G]JQJl~bilOl.1.S,ll. COn:Jillun pr~~cedcnt [0 r~l(,AlS"; Ol'~!!l i tlljHlUlltkd a,ninJal_ h,;c'i coll~;;:t~d ~hall OL: d'::j)os~tcd in lhe gcm;ql n~\'~~llJ~ .tiJ,n~, o.ftJJ.o; KPYPD.., ;Q1d ,l!.l.J;,3)en~.:s ill: ~L~r.l!nl':>lgl[!g, lhl~_J:h.m~.l-,';,~shJ!!",1;I..'.:..lli!,I,!lJr<)T1.!J f!.i!~ fl..tf.0._1Jll'; boa...!.~1 ~1~illJ l1f~~tl.aJ,tg.-~r!i:...b,:~_}~~r2J~!l.ionaJ] charge.', tn Ix:: paid Llndcr Ihis Chajller: ~~qr_~1) ct.9go c!Jt (lor rrr,a;t..!haJ ha~ bL'~'!! a ~U L!.!iL hi! d .L ~I ;!.Tln:r ..\:!,!J~....i ~!ir!!llL1!,' JI::; 19E1.! tQ_ S ;;:ct i 9u_ 7 fi 7 ,I,1_,..J' j!J nda S ta_~u tcs,... [he ] ice t\s..: tc c;s sha tI be i Il e rca...,cd hj $5DH, (.:!) The Board ma_\ prm .d;: f()( ~l ~\ !'.lenl of r~_e".' \\ hicll ilia) inclut1e a _~) ~lCnl ,~r~~51;;!J!J!!..t~,J~',~l I<:~!!!>ilik <J,"H~~:!.shwSill.o;~D4.. ".QJ't_w.L<",f apin;Qk , bD_ QrJcf for ;~I1J)_\lller W...IW';~Jll <!ll) i rI1DVU nde ~_.illli Il,mt th,~J,e_g,.,u l[.c.Q_fcc s ~mL~.u wtcn lli! ~ oos!1i..!Q...PLQ\idc &!li: h_~,~e m~q; ~ ~ry to sJj~t~m th~ ilninn] jn ;l human>:: manner \\ hi k: irnj)Ound~d :>hall he rcmirtl::(Uo _lJl~ a,r!!.r.!.!ill.Ul!.!li.d llu;1hJY i "ill OL o1ti i;..~r V) Ail t'c:c;; and rno!1LC~ colk'Clcd ~)) rh~ <)..!linlaJ.;::~~,r...t~~)1 ~l_f1ILcr" ~!.!J ~~~nigH(S) :;hu[[ b..; <l,X;()\J nl"d fo!.....~~nJ wrncJ 0\...'1 t0Jhe..i'9.1~n~' Cl-:'LJ....Ql1 [)r l;xtpr...; th.c ttrst of each and ~\':-lj r.!!,--)i!!h... t~0t"l.QTl,.:..J~!ll;'!..iLIl,;a:;llTlabh_ l1en'SS,I!:l.,.ill1der!.he sl~J,dard.p@ctjct:s OfIhc Clerk's aq:oun.lj_n~ ~1ilCm Sec. J-~l... V:ll.:cill.ltIOll uf dogs~ flnd cats-,- and ferrets, ( !} '\11:' r";,;LJ..:nt p..:rson \'> ho m~ t1S or k~cps a dog. flt Ql[_,...!H Ji,;Tn,;~ f'VllT ('-l) nlUJlths o!d or oJd~r :-;n;lll WUS(; the: dogo, rn- cat.. llr tenet 1(1 b~ \i..lc~il'1;ll~1 L;rr.;':~ t\ L.:h' a~~ljJJSl rable~ \\'Ith a Lnltcd Sto.tL's ~r!:J1leFl( [Jl.;lli1,I.!m(,;n!........uf A~,f1ndlurc...apprO\ cd vacclne_ b:- <l licensed n:ICTln<irian h ~d~rKl: or \ ilei,;lnHli<Jrt sllaJI enllsLst of a fahl~:'; \':l~cinattnll .;:"rtifica{(; si"n..:d b,: the \.:knnarian --' - adm~~~I..:;tcnng the va.:..:cirlarioll <.!Tld ,j ~[()ll11ly r:lbles \'aeCIJilltioll tag <l,u;lched to the ~umnal'~ coflm. The c...: 111 t ica tc ,.,han (,:()rl t.~i n ' t3.) A !!!-u.!!"rii..:,\!1b ~cr!:.I~j;:.cJ c.;rtJfLCak l,b) The L1ame_ 3.ddr(;s~. arid ph~)!11,: nllfllbr.::r ofth..: owner. (el 'lhe d:l.lL lJ( ~accil1~Uiun tJ) ThL" :":'-.~.Hr~j[ ion date of the \ aCClJlJ.[wn. (r.::) The sp.:c,~,. .1gc. >;n. Lof,H _ hn;<.'J_ \\'o..:iSf11. and Imm.; llf the ani rna I .....;u;(;iTlJ.lo.:d, (t) The rJ.bics .;lccillC mafllJt~l(;tun;r. (gl I he \ dt:ci Ik' lcl] rlmnh:r Utf 1l1;; II p\.' and brand of \ ace In..:: uSLd {i) '['hl: rouk 0/- ~d[niILI~:;tr;ll i,m of tl1,,; \'.1.Cl:lIll', U) f'l~~ slgnallJfe ,)f-Ihl,: ~Lt,;;';I1~r.::J \...:b.;rin~man_ (1) lLPlH1..Q[oQl,luion oLa_rJbil.;S !accilla.ti(Jn_c~mtJCalC ..l\]~LLJl..ll1r.::~~(~ th...: ab~~,(' crit~ria, a r-;1bil.:S \.KLiJli:t(i!d.!.!Jill.~_.I!l;\~, ~l' ~_,:iucd b~ ~l1~-,lQ!mJI CQntroLsupcf\ ISm ,or_;~!lim<1L~Q!)tLQJ offKCI li}r Iht; :J n i rl}~J d~;s Lgu.at,:-d i r~ (fn,; _ r,l b f G~laIT matwn c~ Etil.~L!<,il t,; .._ N 0 other, V:lCC ma tl(Jr I ief~tficak or' ~2. lssUl?d b~ ,lfl~ 0!hWIJIl~rlLLti~'n ~Iull b.: \ nlid in the county, A ~ - L~J I!!'.:T..lbl.c:'- \ J.CC! rlariQu_y(rlltlealc ~lJld tag arc IsslJ(;d for on;,; animal 14 J.t\9 il~J,;,.,.oTJh' \ aJ id tor the 3.nitnall-i~ :ll1d IS ar~,ll(lt tramkrabk, ' (B'\n... Fl0nr...."SHiIlRt- ~r4H-fl.g,,-it..t'klt>i'i ((,) I1lO-1ltM-~ Bf- otJ'I;''f' ~flto' :~~'" \'\'Lth HH~ffi ~~ ......ilhin lilt: C'-'lt!H:": -p-e~ffi-l~-;-0f'-kmpordn'y tff-a----ffl-i-tliffltttn uf 5t'i. f(}) motHl~ ~,hali ~~ht.u~n ,l hceme 'e-~-njrlei:l~e ;tr1(1 ,j hco;mse -Illg-ffum dw depar!mern'IlIil!la't!:el an.fllaf comro! ;,t:tpt"-f~)i -~~f '<i ~!cl;'ns-cd, 'rl-'l-ff1tSfti;lt\, "oTtlhtll thai)" {3-i:l-)-4H-~' ef ~~rn\'aj 1'4e -.fWrfl€f - fltllSl pro....~ (ft'rt~htp 0 f ! lle..aHtt-tHl-t: Omnibus Ani mal Ordj nil nee ]2 l,-1 J V~I,,',i.;il1~\j iUT1 i" .:,~:~I",;;d (,lrtf \' if :f.I<:..'-I.'>+'rtl;:f--f)f-h-eep-tH' ,,;:,an'fww lha.l lh~ .fli~~ ,;*-~,-Hi& l"eCH \ j~(~",tR,tl~i <t'c~a';~""l- r(th~ ~'ri1ltin.-li~ ~-~~4t-tlJfJ"ni-h-s.-h:' ;) \ d...:n 11~,lJian t;~:'JTls..:d It) pllh;ri<.:c in JJl.\ selk lu~. C\.,1tnIJl~d ilK ;:tJlHJ.J.JJ ,J.:lli,l..l.1s ..';.1:rlifkJ ()f ~r tI...ht.,~~"..._reflnil;U.Il-"'t.--entt!es Ln \\T!ting thaT :" \ a.;ci n,lrif'll \\ mdd b~ ,nj lJrious tD the lUllm,\l';;; hcolth Q.c;J;W:J)'l (~I ,~,t.; .1-!:~" mf.trllllLY, ;J~.i,l,bl i li:l, l,iJ,n.'::'~,_!)(__0!h.;.! ill'.:di,!,C,~I.;,Qi\.i!\kr;~ti2',t.2 l+H-ltt.-'-Iitl:tet,.~~ t lho.: cLllim;d shaH be k<:j.Jl ,~I an c!1clnscG OiJ 1 i dlllg LX b:lllld. ;J..Dg_J~'f-l(;:-l l'Ut':;l~~ set". s..1i!l..irlLJ.c..f,~LJ rc "haJJ b<2 Llnd..:r tl~c ~i[~i.:\ (;(!FL~ml.(;"f~(l!L: !}:'\~~o,,:r.. ll[ltil [he ~ctc:rm;)((at\ ca.n s.afd~ ,':.lc~m.aK lhc ~,l1ljTllld, r'i L.!)., (,\f.tg" qt or .t~'fr~t, \\.~i(: tu, ['loWEd t'JJl..l. i!!.oqd~l!.!,;,'!..,;.Ind_!:u:1. i!.!'2~P ~il1 o;,d, Agai rL~t i.1h ies. ~ha] l r1< ,t ~)l'. L":~~~1.~..,;~iJrc'll'l. ;:" ~,1LJ Ill:. iJ,[lI mal ,he li~f or pound 'EaB!, pro\, LSlOI}S....!t;h (L ,Q~';D Jm~q~,0 V1:QI)(r!.:" tn'),\:.~! ~H1...J~",llj1lm~,I" \1]) I ::,it.cjJ ,(;1 IL~ \ ,KLJ.llalcJ acconi:ng to tJm "celLoll muM llC ql!a.r<!,nl11led., \~h..:n L1Cc~ssal), ili' ~l.I\JilltJ\Uh .ml~~....Q(Jh!: ..Q'ill...l1.1I!.~l!J vf lJ ca,l L~,. (7 J An ,'Jlwn<\~ UH :l~r's nam,:,:, ,tfed ,3,1jdr<:ss, phone ,~~U mocf, ,and ;JJ,lIml) '~'\g, numlJer CoJL1W.i,lH;~ UI .L .---'0)2 i 0..J ~K(i..= I illi Qrl_( g::~ i!10H '.: R r.l,0 &<.:.s! J.'L! I.!.(;. _w!ir!.!!l L ~.Qr.!l!d .4l~il~ l,,!.!.Ll: j.~_'-'i.';~1L fr(i.!!l--,~. .l (,?'DU ),~J.~~ s" 24{;lL ALL J ().U.I~L$.ta.!;.. L,Qn~JHLu:j@, ,J-:J.9.\\D~r ~ ,~!1t p(L)flr;_\\'bG-,~a~ ~k'cJl,bl[t~n, ;?'':~;l1,<h~,j, yr 'Jtl1,,;n~ L;;"; e:\.J){ls~d to ;;1 2~"lLlqtJC dls,,:a.<;c ,lr thc nhYSlCI;:Hl ot" ~uch pers-on, .:l ~ ,-,:t,; r. i! L-,~ r [J J~ ~~J i!L i:L I !:.L;,:!1! IJE. jlI'.1..i! n t El ~,l LJhll tJl~~~Q:. Q iJli.;~~l}jtsi~.,;."r. o':_s1h ...::...rv.j~L ',:::5,p.1.>;;~_~1 J ~J..i! lJ'011mu;., ~J.'il_;l.i.";, qr tl,l~ l)\\'llq ~1r ;:Ul ;;l.mm.:l! Ihat has h~,~~ bltt~I'" ~cratdl""L.( ;.");' nthcm j~.: c'<:.I'DSed !~""';" ,~'0.9n~Jtlr Ji;;,'a..s~ ~hdil k ilrO\ ldd \'. jtll an:- Ltl f(HlllatJOn ,~,1nr3J lH.:d JJl :1 J~hli~,:-' ~,a;:.,': i rl~'-.i[ l~lEt L~r~i ii(;<'ll..1; ,~J.IJL{)~h~'~JJ!. ]..\.:.~!l.":-V, ]y lhl<_J\![lic.:,W;.!.!:. aTl.<!!l<1l b~(im~ o.r.:filldH!:!..U..,....!)I.9.!b(,:!.~~1~i; \;~lU.~.ll).g ~.2',QiM!',.:__'\D;:J?:;.J.'?:::m.,\'n.!1..(1.,n ;l]1ima,J tag nll,ll)h~r ll1J.J- r~Lci\e \'3.CC!natLoll CCrIj.flcat~ i r: f(!E'Il.!J.t.!9r! " J!..h r -.;ganj t,) th,J t ,-U.l i.r.Tl~!.l ,J :'~P' _ c.:.!!.fl)r~J.:m <,;!.!!. ,il f"\~Jl!l>;:;\2.8! l 06J.L<!Ri,; nc i9;""...,~1- ~\:I_,!l!J.illJ_':!.~, .I (lll!rn l J.l.lthurjll~s: .::':ITL,I2,[~ c:n,r,,) ,;!rI!J,ll!'.:Ji;,j!L,..!:i,;'WQ!l,~!::, llr.!ol4!~@i.l ~9.nJrOJ .<:1,g~DC,!L,-'S; ~,"!r ,othLf g,,\ crnmcmal 1 ~lLt h~~~:TJS:,i '--~ ~h~.l J ..h~_PLQ,~I,<icP_! llio]JTl;l.4Qn. c~'llpiJ:l cd in III c rar, ~C~ \ ace i! fat ~nrl ~~ rl.~ C~~;;1~ .i')~ llJ,,;, pmp0s":: ,) r ~,"Jmn III n~ the: tfiJn:-:.mi~~j9!-,- ')J ..l;@ .,;j., Jl'2.\~S.\ S"I ~t~..: ...2,',(;;': Ulru;. _~\g.(;Elci:;s an.J J..;,Ll~u~'jtics mLl",Z IhJt (~:,~;t.~ ~h;,:. .:~~!.!!ill,i.~tQ!:n)J.i0!1. See. J.~ l,keJlst's (i I :\n~ 1Jl:[~l)1l \\ hn <l\\'n~ or "..;c;ps in .'\kHU,}C C oLLnl.\ J. dog. cat lH k-i'r~[ ~i" If,l fUllLl':!J tll'-'rL:h~ ,)[ ;\g,: ,Ir ("t,b' "k\1 j cause the an Il11al W b..: JKC[I<"':..:! LJ.P'~!.,,'st.~bl i"')ll n!}. r"~;lknc..:\ tn. Monroe COLLn,.\ or upnn r~chirtg [hi,; ;!i.W "f ,;P.;,j(,j f~uL.i:l-} m(!nth~ .3..I:d 1 h";,";';'L fte,.:IS wnfllrms to th-.; CUnL'tlt .;;1.'11L.:'. of thL.: rabf[;S \ J.,:ciFlJ.hnn A I 1 Cc.: ll.';l' ,ha.ll COilS l<:.t ,If a t-<tfl.i~, "',r...:cinull-!,m and I ICcIlS<': ..::cmtlcah:: and 3. f'ae.;~ ''r;h:ol;H~a{fun and I i~'o..:n~\~ !~tg tor tlu.: .1..llllHa.!' s ~011a] I.i,:cw,;c ct;,ti fil,;~H";.s and llC....nsc tags 1I13~ be i:'sm:d "nil b~ 1h~' d~pitrrm~nt mani1g~f ;U,ll,np.l C(HL[roJ wl'<;r.,\-i?_(~!:~ ,\fld I Lc...:nsed \...~t(;ritldrL~LI" uQ.<')!:!']).f.(!{,\.f that (j~~ a!ll mJ I h~:-,;.b~~!!iTlQ'i<.J l!l'!"!':~IA{;L,Lp'~l rJbl~'s a~ rdll~j!'~:dJ/~,D.\., J.nd ~ilJ.lll)(; 1 a1id hH (iil.; ~1{lmb'';10f:-e<lrs \yhi~'~~ the Latm::-> \;H,;(.:in~Hion CL.1\HS. .\0 fJffi~ hL;l:n,.<.; c.;riificntc..: find or IH:~ns.: tab ,i\":.!J!--.:!J.. b\ iI1]l.Q!t:l.\:.~.Ju(JsdlCtlOtt sba[l bi; \'<llld i,n \hilIO,' C llUlm, A-1f€.<...~tf4iw~ ulld h':<'lli-e'lag; ~,fur-t~ animi.d i:-; o-H l~' ~' iil i-t:i- f(tl ! he <If\Hlkl i he-eRSt. "tI-aJ:l.d' -l5--ftHf-ua%fuf"dOk o Illnl bus t\mlnfll Ot'd inane;,; l3 l,,~.1 "l.l1.l11ll!lbJ:,~<.,:!!~D,)L?,!lP~~i'~T.iJ9JU,~..~p a rewrd d all dog., -;,4~Afld_fCTrd b<'::S1!'ik-'; ,H!.~i ::d I ~,-'nn~1 hC8115;t'S !sSLlcd durmg th~..Y1:,\u.r.Lhi;.QL.hG an,;..l.d. n;::;;w.,'.!p...,L,.l1,i.lir.:!. ,S LJch rC:c'OI ds shal I c(':nt~j tll;l~ Il;lm~ ;l,Ild ~<;lqL~,~~ .Y.f.J_h,1LL:[~JillJ.!L\~ l!!},JJl L.:..whJi~''':-!I$~~..i.S G,~!!l:Q,l.!lJi;:~c:1.S;, Il~,.A.l in~li\'.id~JJ.llil.:c;!sl:s. [h~ rcc;,)~d shalt ~,L<,0 ,s~J,(cJi;.,;.b[;'~~J0o ~i.c, L.nlor ~\11Q.)n!1fkings_ pf ~U.c.0,lliLi':Jl QI, f.~r~'L~J i ~.Jb,1,i-,J..i.I.:..!}lii tC~lrll,:J liCo,;D.~(::: jr 2D.ill! ~~a\,. (he:- rb,;~' ..~llvTv tk ~)u::;inl:~~ !i,i:!'~.!1!t.i!..~~TI,;(i .,.L\L.. {:!,'-lJ 1_2r.!l:;,~tJ!lL(miJill l~illi,l..li~!!.! .lJJ,!J:,10JJqpL~~"rbL: .r~WI d..~ (}j' th~ Ammal L(Jnuol s l~R<-' [\ I ~<)rr"t o.r.tb~:.!~~i~..J,~(SmJJ_.r>.:sQg;lli., .~bQ \U~Jh~....!l,@ ~ cl, tLl.L; ')~~.r,~ ~ ...ill\(i .Ill". ,li,\:...;,::r.!),~...!!I!l.!lh~!, t.t.l \\ h ich illl) license hils b<:::cn i"su~d, and tll~ iic~!I;,12' ~3.g *tih~d ,to llK_ q.!1k~I_.QiJJ~li"n\:.~~')f :.1l:.::..JlJg~J:~~.LQ..!:.. fr.:r!:!,:~ _~.h2\U;lli. OJ '.;ur~S.Q0!l,Li.!.1~[j.1!!nl:t.t,:i s(r~F hI.; ,lF~nlJ f:'tQ~ \::\ld;,,:.!~c,<; Qf \,l\\...TJCiSruJLl!LElf,JP:')l.\ nsri~J]. Qr' .J.nl.0~ ~jjtJJU~lI~lA1JQ ~L~:jllililce._Tl!.()T)-~)Jl~~I!~Lljf iJ....dOF. ~illorJirr..:t iien\sl.: r~I..J,ill.!_" l.1-:.1) Am' nl,>llf'o.;sidcnl \\ kl bring::; J l1o~', c:1Lill.fi,:rr'<L~i \:, (Ii) rfl,-'n(nS or age or 0locr inw :'\k\flroc (\Hmh \, ~l h ; Ilh;-nl j() r';Sldi; wilttjl) lhc el'tlFlh' p<.:rm:.!!'t..:-r;t1!. or h:mpomnly t'0r a mlJmHlJ III nf Sl" Uj) nwn:h~, ~h;llJ (JbUlI[[ 3 IIC~Ll'.~ Ll'nj1il:arc ;l1ld ,[ [iCcl1<';~ r.1g fmm th~' dt!fJ-..ttttI'It)ffi -fftriH,~f :lniJil.11 ,,;o;Wl)1 ~;,.;p~'I', i~or Ul :\ 11;;":~lSCJ h.l;,;l'imlflUl1 wi lhm lh irl\' (-' 0) Ja~;; of ~lTI ,.a~. The 0\\ lKI" Ill;,~~ p~ll\ :,; (I'HL..;!~hip of l he an irnaJ 1';5) TfLe depiffhtt<=ftlffl,Ullt;:~~f ~!!!.i[19)~'C,!!llIQL'iWf.f\.:.L-;Qf :::;.h.<Jtl Jt:~g.n !)~e ~!k llCi..'JlS(: .:t:I1,ti<.:J.w:', ami hC[I:->': lag~ \,\ hi,g,l,1F1:.. Q.[~.!lr:Jj.f9[111__d~SH.~I1, t'i.1r lJ',(; 1l1foLlghou1 MGnroc C9Llnl,: ,gl!J~~~,n t},!:: 3;!Dl":. ;.1ddr",.'i;, ,.:llld pl)(~t1L' [Hllltht-j 01 tlh.~ SbL'!r~! fr~Fr!....\,~_h i_~.hJ.b~ ;,:~rtlriC<UL4[lJU,ill:iMC 1.~~H!g:;!, !naj aIW~J I r)tl Lh~ l-;:;rt~j)_L;tll:'?_'lI~(U~\:'.L~PlJ S k~U is:>lle t!:(' I L~xns:.: c~r1it~caw, and r Jl:':::J I~e: t;lg:-; h) 11.;,;;],~d \ ;';lcri~klriall~, 'I he J....~)fI~I;....ffiflf$~'i...'+ ;J,n!.!.ll.:ll_~i ~t,/2f --,o.;!W<:ni~r1! sha II pf0muJgak T.;.;~~r.H"!"bk nJk:s ant.:! ,~g~d]thlh i'(Jt' cntlcdlun or [iL:~rl~<: !~:~S ~~nd "lll,:j ~ICCOllm anm;all~\ :.0 the board tor rt'h'nL.i~~ re:(;,,;i u;J Ph) The b'xlrd shall (:~<<1hJis.h bl r;:::snll!tll:on th.; f:;l~S (U b..: ,~ha,g..:J fur ltlc ~tCenSl' \;:.:r1:Ln;:;at:..: ;lJ1J ~ lu:n~~~ l~(! ,~lI1d ~::a! i prm lrl.:, (c)r ,i' QlS'::::~ ~!.El,t:;U 1.i,ITT1:>l.:J.'c~ tilr "ltlJ !1pJ<; rJnt hal':: h<2~nnrlJ.l.l~.!lt.~ ~)r [dtiCll.."Jcd II itl':..ii .!.!.I,\~n~_(".'f ~C(:m~lfK)J[ l(bH~IJcation, n 7) A \jl)llr('o;..: Cuunt\' rl--:-;;{[..:n1s \\ h" O\~ ns ~ 3. ,;(A;i!~g-L.:' <,; JCJt~ 0r :L hC<.l.r1ng dog. pmp-crh l~,tiTlL.:J and <1clual[y being i..i:'.cd l(l ,~s~;,r J. blind p..:rs011 or;] deaf :}~rs,nJl, rc:-~pcdi~.,;h.. m:~~ vb1~1tt1 from dl..:: ~Ht~Ht mm~t1g~T @U:JJill G.0l11f,~1 SUpLfH'or a lil,:t:M..;il ~t( flO chargc upon pr~Stnt.atlnrL '.if pI< 'I}!. \ H^ ,..uch lIl] Ilz~\{JGn. !,~ ~} j::J.-" r\:'S<~llLl.idIl, the: bc,l,Lrd may prlj"..~(,k add![J()naJ J cguL~llml~ fur kt:El!1t'is d+I4-, E'1.v.teritc:;. md-!hl/Bg' Ilft:>-\.,iSH)il~ fVf n:~~l,,;{rat~~l_.'fc\:hCttth,J.tl, A4 ~,lt'ltfi('lfl. dlSt',OI.Hl(.;:'.j, aAlHuH liCL'n,;.c f,,;;:-;, l'''cm I)lll)m ~.r'}]ll r i~'~'n~l' l~~g r...'quJ rcnlt'nb, m[;tb,~b of cnnfinuncnt. Lnspt:Cli(')Il~, ;m~i 0; her Ile:~~~'~~~lr::' illil~IIl!.;itratn L' rl..:qL[ircm~~H::-- (f/J) Tho. lYK'.fc1 rn.ty, hI i'c;,~)lw i'):-l. :.:tllthOfl.i.<.; ,,(:!,'rj";Hi,ms W r,".alll a sp....'cLfid PUWi)rl i)t' lhe I ic.:mc: i;,;..; fur <.:<ich JH:cn;..c I.,;.;uc.:d ,L). il:i m burscmcm tor th~ co.~[ 01' IssuiIlij the flccr,sc, ~ 7,lli, ill ~ilL; i;1 L.:n! ~, Ij\.,<.:nsc lag IS l;)<;i m J~~(r~}\'<;d. ~~ I'l'plau:ment ;;~1\l.1l hI; I~su;.;d Ii: th~ dt1Mffin<2ttt-ll11.-tft<ig~f~l!:!.lTl13j control SLiper" ~'i~~.! or I ~cC:J1~t,;d \ c1ermar l3.I1 u~X)n prc:;cnlatlOn of th;:: <':Nr..:~runJing llCC[l;;~ .:.crtjficlh: anJ payment of the ~PIHl"Jpr!ate f;;\; ~.Io;l..!.l n [S L.!lll~H\lid fur ,~m pt,;r~~)n 10 rCI1W>'l: [h~' li~:...:-n;:;i,: lag of <\11' IJC;:;Mt::!.i ;tTlIJllaI \1 Jthill \1unWt' C "IJIJl:. "" C';P[: Omnibu s Animal Ordinance ]4 ~ ~'i} '.\ 1\i:Jl (h~ :J,n un:;) I~ parliciJKll i rl~ LI\ aJl~ org:.tm7:,~(j v-..: hiili[imL fl <: hi [fLJ.l or -:'on1pdilJOl1 {'r is ill lr<.l ining fvr th.:::s.:: c', Ctlb. ,-,r ~~ ;:ll~~lg.;J in a k~.1.l s.pmt llillk'T 'ltp,'n'i~i(~!l <:;f lis: U\', :~,'r ,)r !--.".T":r. ,'i' ;~ lInckr.c;,~i ng gl"Jl~Jlljng. or lh) Wh~n the d(~g ~s ,:ol]lb..:J ~il ;j J i(l.,:rl~..;d kenncL groorl1 ing fi-:i 1 WI. \ LTCrillJ.0 h("'~Il'<:ll. (y C0L11J:\' [iU~EiJ ri~cillr.\. ,n ~\ hlch \:J~...' ',he hC'..'rl~1,; l,~', ,'~nrnh:::! ~h,'lt~ he [ccordeLl i:mJ re:;:~dt~~ dc[,UJJ.bk \\ lth lhe JnlmlLt Ie' Whlt,;h i: hdlJtlgS. if the ;:wlrl.lJl IS fla, II c<:ns,'d. [h,' f'ac::; i~. .~lwJJ ck:ld~ JIlOI catc It un the: t~ci I)l) 's ['(;(:L)r d". or i ('1 \\-'hcn a 1 ii;('n,S<.,;d \ dcrtllanan on.krs lfl writing th.1.t the IJC~Lu,' tag 3!ld l(~Jlar h...., rCmlJH~Li t~tr rca,Ol1S ~lf 111-: J.lliTmtl'~ h:.;;!lth, m \\hidl CJ.SC .hc a.."1Ul1J.l shall h...: ('onf'ir.;,;,l H itlll:1 an L;JK~US<..'d bUJ Idmg or k.ll1l1d~ \2!..b.i,~nl_~'!mr~rl~~,~(t <;Lr..::a a.lld ull(k~ QI r.-d.<.;LkQIl!L'dl f)f .lhc.;~t~~i!S:.r.., iH ai 1 (iml:i \lHl11 1h..: \,...:r(:rillarial~ penmts the Cl~1 br 311Lll;U.j.~ a~'w rI k' h'~ j!iaCi~d on tile: ;lliLtl1al, ~'[ IJ) \\':',,-'11 ll1.: :lnim;:; i~, b:';lllg \ nIIJJ][3ri 1.\ uJllllnd \\'UhlD an ''';llde':::i<:u bui ldi Ilg or kennel; (Jr L;L. _WbYi!, rh.;,:, ;l[~L!(l.;,}.,1 ha.~ hc.::n Lml1laflt~d., O.r.l;~lli~,\L~t..t!. ,;J..QY.nn<.!n.~'LJTl..~.!.~),_n.l. L,dql~; tlq~i(H,l" ..~l!, (;>..\-, nCC_yill9 J(A:~_.r'l ut J!. ffi '..ll,l!.VJn~ ~ t,lg a.nd I;qllar ,[,(1- .:J. dpg, q.~ Qr 1':;lliL wh ;Ll:l ria", rl(ll';;:rnun~'n1 iJ~t1t! ticarlol\. :L'j~uJ.r;;~uh";.,isL ~h~Jhy._~tni!ll<t L.s.\!!)l.~ql" (,Jl.~c;<::r", ill f'1l11i [1mb i:!i>']},~ dLJ t.i!,.:.~_Uf! d<.:r J:h~,~ Chapter. \\ j 1I rc ga rd th l clqg, , .C:<ll.. ~r J.~T.!:,'UJ:infi;,r{!.L Qr, i~f,llil.w'}Tl ~':;L ,.lJlSI t h~f;.~fQre 5 Ll PY~UQj.Q?;ll,~_;L II (t.!h po~ iL,~)ll il!.jl~gl! 9<:!-,n C L:_ \\ ilh th j ~ {~hJ.ptc r and s~aJ;: Ja\)_, _Tbe '- '\\ Jl (; r d" all ;lJWll;lJ n Jt II p...::nl).3.i~~lJt _ ElI~~j)ll.fK;.tJ.l9~1 ~J:m,JL k ...1,~:n"!p~lLJfum J.~.; j;;',:} J..VL 1l11j1Dll tl d mcnt lh~' t l r<;[ t, m~' that, ~lLCh an! 1)11! .~.J, fOY-H.d.... <!t.J.;!r..,gi,'....;J,lli!, l1.1!p'yU rld..:o;l b\' .1lu..1H"lI.I!:.a1 ~(J.!Hn,,;l ~i.,tk,:r, (Ci 1 ~) Pcr~'3,e. n..:\\ ]_~ r-:s IdJn~ In ....jcnw~. ('ollnty shan (Q!Uply '\ ill> [h..,: hi.:..,nsin~~ pr:)\ I;: l\j,t., U f liti,~ :-;c~t !nrL \\ i t,h i n :hin\' (3 (jt da:- ~ or ch;~ng:;: (If' rc:'.ideHcc (! ,l3) Il' L~ 1IFIb\\ fd j~)l ~l.Jn pe:r~Hl to us';: OF' tn po~s~" a ~tnlcn, COllIlIcd'Clf~)j fCH ~t::d hc,-'rl"'~' -.:(,,:'rt.trt.;J.[~' ,.r li.,;...:n~,,' [~l~':. \ ,ll~,' ITlll.lI('1l C~n i fi<'::dt;:, iIlO\:llhltioB J<:t<.:r f(;nl !(ml1 l)r o!n~:r du,."lIm~nt;]tu~n rcqtJjr~ O-\' (If jSSUi,'d pursuant to (hi, c!l<:lPWf. (i ,~^l ) I [ IS unL:m t~ I f(n rh~ (I\~ rte:l or h;cpe[' Di" a dog H, rdu~',:- W ,.:lH)\~ upon d..;E,;;;!td b, the: J~;lr{Ew.;'rH F1:1<lI1a~<:'f J.['I..ln'8.j \1j,[1.!\"gl ,;i,\'p--;nli.oLur }m i111lhrx!1!<:"-d as~is-tan{~ ;!n, a[!,in.).;l!_,~[Jntrol 9J})(,.\'" tile lied)'>..: c~'rrifLc'Lk G!. ]j~em::.: tag Of L)tbt:f d.-JCIJJrlCnl<.; r::::qu ired h.\ and iS~LJ<:,d pll r<';t;,i...'1t 1<) thi.,. (:haph;r {J;?j) A dog" c.at Or f~rrd..\~ hj~h ,is.J~~'J i!~c(l..tC.Ul~ l,i,c;:c;!~,-;;i;_tt:ViQ.~ bis:Jlj:L!W! l~(<:.!!:-;:;d 2~;UlD.~U.l..'::: ,81.;.:,,:..:d ,t ~U:~~ ,1 ..sL.lli.l~[\ JLL..lJlllu.,pnll.LP.I9ill,h.,!.i~':2m:(L UtJ ~~I1.i;,'Ll).::; or J IC~'IJ_~,;; [J.g iSSlL.:::d j[)J Llm: do::;, GH pi ,!,b'r"t~t:,<ll r. ~~.!!An2fi;rab!.~_J2_an.9.lhQ dog, CJ.[ or '~fr ~,t W~ c,;T.!.~~u:!'J,h!,;..~)\\'l1'; ~ W. ill lli'.~,L...-";s jQHJJ (;tlll, QQR. Q t, P r l~nlt IS PCPll.;,ln'.:JllJ:- ti'~l.IISrCfll-~1. r~(}~~. '-2!!I,.'-1'.,:,I~".m l!Lilll.Q!j,I<:' ~,llf-!ii1,Jlli; ~lJJ.'-'; S.0LJ,ni), tb~ 1l,cL'nsG cd the dog, C::H ,)!, fl;!~;;:1 m~ ulL~'JIk!;\~J~t; tGUlsJerrcd h~ Ihe las[ rcgi,~tc,( cd ....m ~~r..~WTLP-LQP-~L_l.l.otlJ.:!;miD, wrinru:. j.0_t.h~ r~",rL. ~0l'2....~l\;]J I, ,110~<; [,1)e' tb',lIl:-;.(U UpOl1 hi" r":~:,H(js _~f:b.iL O.IGiPl,J.l1'-;...' qU(;~ oot rcqu jfl; th.::: Wrx~'cmoCnt 'J,~ ~~ HL~~ j!<':.,!:!I~L;, Q~.Ql~lr~~n::;tC~_9f d...!!'-:~[\~ <llri:-,lQ.).., ~,~,ljrcd, \\ h~rc th:., JWS~8l~ ii t;l (=,.1' ~JW ,j();S" La~ or fCC.!:'![_,~s.nh2nlli;\,!:;!~lh',....l!:ansfrlT.;iL,tQr ...l!.K.. mLQlosc 9f b03rdin.s.- hL1,~ti!!B..3i!!.rL<:. h;,:.,:.ili rlSJ.IL~1l0f ~~ O.Y,., (,1 7) Ar!~ _~lIli I}.!ill _!~VU!.rcl. SU~~.... :s 1~r ::!i'l4.J,n) anl)pal C,)ntro] lJ I fi..:: L;,r ,. rll,{l,y...!..<:.1'u ;;;,,; lQj~~ \t~.Jr,,--<.l,[l~ p~:r~~rl ~ h() )KIUI\:iTJ <,;q.D.\is~p.:\ pf any slate or krl;:;raJ SJ~~s:ird~J.tt,;QjL) dllirrl~:~a II~~-n~:.: f'Jf a ~t~'R ~~ll}r icm:t Omnibus Anlmal Onjjn31LC~ l5 See. J-~..Sllspt'rlsiOI) or f"l;'vfI(..1 ion of lireme: sei:w re of anlm~1s. ;,\llliU.8'~l1iiy_Tl~_A!!<l.r0,~~~n.ri~)ns ()r IIL~nSL'S 3[lQ,::!.jUDDJ~Lt!!!dj}Jllwunrlm~nts,J)f>.ll!~ilmlulul] he 111 .:l<;cnrd;:mc..: \\Jrh l,hl.~_ (h.ill!1";Lmlc,L\~~.b,i.!J~hJJ]k~ and r~'glll~ltiQ!li illJlf..\<.,WUp-(c\!t!.mn tlnlC ,lflJ.n ''; QY..ih~,J}p;lrsJ ~.i' (9.mmi~';l'Jtl<.'rs J-lll. ~cn lie! Lice n~e Ht'Q!I i H'U - L. j ce n ~t' F ~ UL J~,-,h J!;;:r5~~f.1: gl'l)Ujl, as:K~~.'ltJm1, or SQQ2...<.!GHic!!1..1!Jh<.:r. rl1:l!! ~1 l.i.c(:rb~d \ cter Jnana.LI,..~nga~ i.!J, !l~\:... L_C,!ll.!...TlS'!.:fqL!2IJ:,;I_l.'_>;' l!1' bu: l[lg, ,;dilng, br~";.9Hl!LllLb(jarJir..!L';..fl{lli'i,j.).!...cE-I>, \~ h,) 01\ ns OJ k~c 2S jl, \~~'L-'LQL mQI~' Jvg,~ ;.1 ~cj,'~ ..\,;;l b.l!.l~ hi! n;,.: L ,IJail obwin;L };.ill.JlJ 1l~~1.1~t..: from t l~ G,)_~!!l.b IJj)('.... a "hm\ lilg or aJctJuatl' ~pacc, :;'(:1'1}' ::!.!lQ,r.bi.Q(!!.(;~i..l~:....p.!l):ulli'.lll.!!.n~nc can~ ::l1ld trC;),(m~nt tor !lli':..rl.lJ rIJJ)~'.2r ~-,'!]~_l[!.lJ.l:'i l~)r II Iud S<lJd h[ll1d ~tlJ,ll.pUt.!,;,.c.!J,~~d, !J~..l,~flS(; <!I21!.li9!!!,~ S!!!.l.!L,Q.C !5-1I!!lr~4, !Q.s!l~',\l' !!.Qt, Ul0.' an: III g.l!!lR.lial1~(; \~ ifh ;~II iJ'ppJ!fall(";: I'<::deral :llld statL Teg,ul;l1lOl~~, 'UW li'Jl ,:i,; I) i...: .,;m;.: l'.,;.; ~ h;1I 1 b(; a.o;, j~ l!f'.':l s.. _:i~_~vJX...::.r ,illlJ!u_mioL<.Lc.;m<.H'::E[~' 1,lj2"W fl \ <.':. $5(!!2~r:....''l!HlL.u~l t~)r a c.a.pacl1y of Sl~ to 11:11 'j; LOfi(1 pl.:'f J.nJl U [[l for ;l ca.pac ~ r} 0\ l:'f Il.', (?) -!l\L.;_Jill,L.EL..!l~b.). n:~,I!!li.Q1..1..Q!\!}.isl~ {jjj;':dlL.!.!li~qJ.!::n,!lCl 1 IC(;tlSc rc~~ !.l[1on proof of such \:..Q Jl~ W Q]"La~ tlF J1o!J 1-9_ d,~ CJll,;,_ Q..J lJ.mtl;t,l!l~' _IqJ.~gn.iQ.r. R "ill~c ~ ng,illLl,L'~~ns i ng fi; l~S , G L _ ~\9_ 4111I1WJ fi.)11t@ J,2~tiK_ I>l.;:.Q r,S,lf _an i)Jl~ n)m~Q]....Qffi <.;g 2. ~I,!.J.~JlS; ,;1. ~n,!l ,,;lljs<,;!] ~ ,111..;P!}.' iX:l~QEu\ll,(,~_h,~!\,-il!...}!lYli r.!!l~~~ s..l)!.!. \..!..q~~i....OL,!!!J!Jl'-!J ,~f1,l,l:*~ .._,ah.u~ ,tlf ,lI~gkct., CXC~pl \.l~)<")il J. (,)~Jfl_ Qfde r 10 lhm mg ;} sh,C'1\\ qw.!i~Jl~ar,Ln.R1.\ ill:rr.m,1b~-P.D"~gn S.:.d::J.lH.!. t h~ ~11!l<.:.u!B:_~S hJ1i: ~h~~\\)l tllJ.t hl' ~,r she' C~<..tl and \i III mB, ku:p <lnd opcrJ.te thc kennel m ,] ,at~ wd hutllJ.n~' tJ.shw[l IF1Q!!! li.~'Q)[.Q:m<;~ 1\,l!J .st!!V.J,:lJ.UL0!l~..JlH.~..p[dl.!)<\!K";, ~"...........IiI......."...."....... .................................Ii..... ....... s~. 3-7l!. ..\nlm:ds at large (ll'Ohioitl'd; reJ;traint of fit'r('e, dange:r'ouSi, viciou:!O all i m als: n uisauc('-s. cOllfineme-nt of female dogs and l:at.~ in he3t; "('urbing" dog!ii. (]) h-L; .dQ,.fu; /~ ,-ftftY ;-';0 i",\,~"';T or k~(;p(;r ~If ;m Jnimal ~Nhl:r tn;1I1 ~l uOTIlesti..' Glt ;d1;],H \\ innJII, or n.e,~~ljgcnrly {o al1ml th.: ,<nUllaJ [u run at JJ.rgc llLl J.n~ [)l.t/!C pr,)p\'tt., ()[' 0ll ~im [In \ aLe pJop~fh i .r- JJH)rher n j[h~~lJ( l.1~'mUSS~()11 of 1h..; pTUpi.:rt\' (mTll..:r A.ny ~ln lTll~llllnder the dose Su I)CI'\ i,iMl <.>t. H.. ()\\ m;r or k.:,,'pl:r or cthnwis.: ....llf,a~ed in all orgatllz(,d J.JUm:d ~,\lllhLIlOtl_ tidd u i:l L <,,:ollll.lC'r I r~ 0 11_ h: ~;;.d sport () r t ra III i ng 10 r th~>5C Jet] \ l t I Ce:. ~ 11;11 J iwl he d.::~ mcd to he ;~l! :'!,Jl i m:d at I~Hg~' It IS unb\diJl lor 0\1 ncrs or k~;:;pl'[ ~ l}f ;1 ui~\,.':;..l..';-=U J.11imaL i ndud Lrlg ~ dLSUls.l:d cat. tl1 :IIL)\\ the .:Hl iJtJ;:l! to nUl ~~~ br l;C- (~) l-i-t~tttiit'rrHtl--tt'tf'!ftlt '~;~o\\ne[ or k\xpcr of J.ll J.lllJl1al d~clared b~ til;; ~'tffttffil-tl~i:tHaJ~~el" <1.l:!i.~E!l.-'..>!nlrgl,s..lli.~r:'LLSN to be fJcfL'C. \ jCjtlUs' (.r dlIlgl,:TO\j~ ~h,l,LL.,;itkT wi l inl J l.\ ur ll"'gilg.~Llt~_\ 1-fl :1110\\ lh<.: ~HlImal tll run a.t large or ro [1i1 1n ~l'J,:lJn;, rl,:~tr;:lj,~ lor contllJo,? Illc' :llumJ.l 35 (J["d~r~d hy the deftttl*h:'t-tf-tltil'*a:~~ ;lnim;d c'-?l!.lwL~..!J.P";!U~J ('If anllnaJ conlml ')llE(,:,~~ [lur!::ollanl (() thlS t'Ch..'Ptl'L L'J Ii...j.,.;, \lFIlav.tll, t~)r 'oo~ _:,C' anJm~l[ l1\~ n~r l)r k~epcr M:l ::-hailv;,)rmit .:itb.:r \\'lilfuU~ nr lKg,1 igcnl;~, thl' J.nLtllJ.! tl) he ," :~IJ is;lILl.,:(,:' Ih~~ll!2r.J)linlliT_p.f an:- ;:tnJ mal f()f \\ h~~tLJ f!.\::,~,~..;,r ~1Lk~'qlL'r has l1~en gi ~ (;!,;t_ rlotj\,:L,: 1hat ~hi,; <lnimill. cons.li.!l!l~.~.. Q puhljc nLlis.3..n';C.~,l~.HJ;lh' 1l...,~l,;ss:u:~: pr~'CaI,lIji!nllv @;&e_l!l~ r:LWS.:J.llCC, A[ a minimum, the (l~i~r ou-_c;:pn ~~J.lIlwm..:Q.]J.~d) cO!lfulC (121. ~niD1aJ III ~ud1 manner :,J,,'; .1:.... ..!!<:J,:y~;sur.". l,'l....P.l.c;:Lc'ill l_h..: contJJlLlatH)t\ ~'It.:Jhf. J:!!Ii::;ilrl<';C', _":- ~thln lOll!1Ci.;:lJ ,day ~ {If fL'C<.::lgt Clf rl(,1i~-= l hm--,!" amm;1l.. \:.11H,->lijuiCS a pub[_ic Jl!!.is<.!n~...~t.h~ ..Q'i.!K:,f or [..,~l'p,-,r .. st!alJ. %r2J:\illJ.~1.1lli'_cQJ1tln~, t!lC anlJm], ha~ c tl.!.G ..il.r!.!l,t!S),L~9l!:9~~d ,b_y qLthJ.IlJ..~L.:l h} jl. l!!: _t..:..D ~(; rL\i,;ll:'.!.!lla f.LJft, OL Of re mm {:' th~ 91~i r:r9J.....fr~w1lJh{; .i:91!.ll!,;', \\ ,!,He b ~ \ (; r [[ I \D. b~...!l_t,:f(; sS,-!f'...:.JQ Omnibus Ani mill Ordinance J6 !h~~ ~b:Jt<":'l,fb::T!.\. QJ .1h,~_ ~L!i5;l!l'::C hljjur~ t.y .J.I:m~~ ib'.: '~\!.~'i,'l!lC~ <IS rC,(rlJ)r~~y"'!l~D,';.!,LUb;,~,1 In; ck:Lmcct I:,;: 11l~:nl~lll i Ll~ ;.;f,3 p).Jl~,~,~U,ll! LS~tjl';.~i!!...:~y'!.~[.i('n of tillS, (!mp(q~, i 4) ~I." t",-,HlH-{r'I'r-firI-l-1=lt-ilfl? ,\' c, 0\\ rn;r or ~ c:..:p~r !(1 ~h;tJ I ,kJ mj{ J. tGll1J.k Jog or cat ill hl~,lL {eol rlJ:',,~ cO hl U~)0n lhl' ~ln::.,'b (,lr f" JIL \ publ j(; p bec, .1 be m\ IllT {)T h;..;p\'r u1' [~ f'emal.: dog ()~ c,ll I)') k;;L( !)h;tli ~'~llIrln<; lh~ ;lIHma~ 'on ;L~ 10 11"illk..' II In~lC;,:..'~~ ibL: Tn a~i\. m."llc dcg ur <.:a\ ~'''C~'PI. ~()~' l;oro,~lkd ;l;~J jTlfl~;;l i, l[ul ;JfLl'dIJlg purpl lS"'::S. C..Hl(tllltmt'ftl ~6kj.'r--h!d lres~:. c-itattl -of ()lhtl ~jmjh.l:f' f~It;rtftf-, 'lalll~;l!lH,ng _~I r';<:..L~Qlli.illL\_'r {,:~!!.rL!lq~lc:lll, 1~ Jlnm a kn~'c, OpL.:l1 lCrllld. op<:tl wg.... or n.m may b~\ U.ll.t ..Jull 12.or. b.L pJl':>LJlllcd lu lx. 1!1~1I n!.i;.ll,'.!!L.i!'!Q ,~~:!l ill lnmpliancc \\'itll tht:i Sc.c(IOlJ....jITlln:;. elh_(t l~,l,"".bil~;,J\~'~,\,~ ~'!l.:eJl IIlst;[IJ[CU to ~)rc\.;[!ljm_";-J!1.l!'1.H-,,:dj)!..C;~iijng. ~}) .]. it b L1n~aWfli ~ for l1 ~i1 ,dug ()~\ nc:r m l<:,,:p,..:r It) shal~, J.IIU\l (lTl lJ 11 k.'<l~!l\.:d dog IlPOll J..n~ :-=.cbn~)= grr~L111d.:-i. 1, If-t''-ti-i-H~..fuj....t:e'f,a \.;9 den; 0Wll.:r m k,xV.:r_s.b;,ill ~ilhL[ \\jll1'ulj~ m LlLgILgLntl~. In p.;nlllllf,,~ d,-'g. tv Jefl",.;JlL..: lip<,m ~~m I!..H~,t.L\pmJH;ny. e'icept \" h.;r". ~...c1i.~g.!.l!lh;.Q..,b:_(!iJ~I~i..I~I;';l~~. j,Ji i\,at~ propcll: \\ ;thnu( ttle p(l'ml~SlOf! of I. hl: f)\"nL;~ A do~' ()\Hlcl or [.."':;PLf J;::' r<'qu Lred 10 fc'mm.: lh<..' J()~,',\ f',x<::-'. J'[l'lll J.!l\ p",bl,c pmp.:rl~' (jr ,~dwd g.ruuf!f.b uf J,m pri\;;~[l' pr('p,~n\' LJWlIl II hlCh thc J(l'.~ i.,.. ~~\,\( p,-'Fll in:,'d w dl.:f:,;c~lL~ ,,\ P,'f-,,)tl bavln~, cu;:[pdy ~'.r _cQHlr.ol. Q.[.',urUln i Wpl,Wlj.lC9jJ"';':}.1}, ,]thc,r lil.;'ltl.lm J.}~J1 ~~WIUtf \:..yl!.fQP.ut1Q....1,:2.1j~9.. ~I.sl sl,,~I,I, -,,)Ik~l such 31utl\3.i '.s soJj.d .1',i:lst~ .'\:b.~~ <,: 1 i.rTl ! Il~~r.:.li (; I '."<c.:pt 10, ,!;I[ma!<:.. thl ~t.~~r~1 d;~ahkri p~r;;(lm< dL1tnc:"uc alllmals ~iri.: proJllbj[-.:d frDI11 cd I count: par"!; J.nd kach~'s lJJ1L~~,..1l\.1t spccifkJ iE] ;;lt~"jl'tfl.J.,!bl:,_\1~1!!r(~ C9!Jm} ~:ClLk :\,) re;fS~)11 10,:1' ..:;3.LL,,-; ()[' :llhw, ~ltl\ Jnmc'stlc .:lJHmCll (e,f \\'hQl-:Vcr slze) olbd d,lln an :mi1l1al th.al a,~i,.h ;'j d~~;lbl:.;d PU-:';,'" lu he; hWLLg,hl to, or fu,l1.L un. any Cmml\' p;1rk or beach. ~qlh th.: C\.\':<;pllons 0f parb and h~L\JH;S sp.:(,;j h~d in slJb~:.x~ LUll d d. I-':.;L" ~ri: pcnmtl::.::d In bl.: talcn to I\.C) Llrgll Par]... m r-;.c~ J ,argo ;:IIId S.ombrero lkach PJ.rl Ln M;lr~llfxm, ,,~:hit;<':i ~.., p.;t -friCrlU I, park T<:~tTldi,m" :.-:p,\': i fi,;.d ill .:.:hapI~'r ~ 3 ,~ ,')f' (h,' M LHlf~' ('U'l!tl\' (..-...l-.: t" I:.:\;:I..:P[ tl:Jr ~UIH11;11~ th;:n .J~SF:;[ J.t~.1bl~d p~r5...1ns_ ~uld anunaJs lh;11 pl~: ZJ \\"ljrK-rp,-"lat...::d rc~(:. d()nll:qi~' :J.llilll:ll~ arC' pTohihia;J frOIll ali COVlll\' f~H;i!~(io;, _,"c.;pI, !1J~ -th!,~.V~I<-kS 'l~ftd.,b~h;r.-: ...... }~'i;' t~t)'nt;":,t1~~ ,H~tnl<Lls we wher.!.:...spcc IfkaJ II ~dhJ\\ d by other S~'Cl:on1; of thc MDnrec County (,-,,",to.; ~'!I.~ IPillj1!tj~)f:l, of t1,;.:, bCJ..Jr{.i, f. It" l.lw:. Sub,,;';"':Twrl ~.~} i., \ i~lb~..:.J, rhL dl;!MrITllL'rl~ t,~ duthoriz.,;d Iv n.:rnuy(; Ill.; aIlllllal or. ill ;r::; Ji~,Td t{'Tl. W (<f(.1cr lll~' 0\\"ner or l..:Ci:p<:r 10 do SQ. ~_ rh~ .'~~,D.J~Wl1cr or K':l-rCI" ,qr' .:J.n) <lLlLLllal ~balJ LmmLLilJ[d~ rcnw~;:: <.Ul) "....crcnlCIlt dcpn, il ~d b, :h~ ,1111 ilUI (Jd an) pL:5;:-u;rJ'::-._<ltl!':.l.,lll;1!uhJ,L!.'i. 1..b:;_(':i~ !:!.YL}i,~~b.cL Lb,c_,!!li,rrml ~ J~lsuldl}' ,~x ;HI LL.:,~:F!)J~,J'rJ, ili'"....r.ri).P-~,lli~, FmJlI rc 10 do so mUl1~dlatc~~ :-,h;)JJ C(mstLtllI~ :w ~ddjIL"HlaJ \ ;,)Iat;orl ,)1' t.h i:- ",'''::liol1. \ {.l ! ( lS un I zl't.".-t~i ~ {'f-a+t-~-''-h'" H~I'--&f-~~,ftH--8:nHH;%J -t.L.+-f-fdf~__Hftt:., <tI'Hn-u~ ,ifl ,{ h.: f I:'<.l r of a ~ ')rll::r~ ~rL!'.;k -ttl ,'>lh~r ()jNn ...d1tch~ unt.css "uch tl.mma.J. is Idhi.'f.-4 Hl5-'JC-h,a, ~a~,hH:'l-Il-fua!:--if.,€aftfIffl.-ffiU +tfflP.-l~ ~h!dt: ( i 1 lj I;; lHlla\-'r.fi~,! tt-<'f-.:l~ 'f:l-T'r'H~f-f:lr-ht't::~+.H.t-!;-Hf..'-h~ <H'': t\.fttftl,,1- in a \.d'tl~'j~ "" Ilho\.lt j}f0'ib.lOfl tOf ,1(].:.qttat-c.,<t..'tH-H-frFtHtt +ffl-.'~ aft Ifll,d t~' -h-t"'-~*Tb.....ti!i fo-f' ,my OW!1<:'f (i.) Llound,'!llm. ef h-ff-tioR~'Qk-.a-,::t:ftffitttJ., ~~ -12 AbslEdorJ lU~nt of .-\ n ~m!-d, Prohibited. iJL_/'i..!~~~.,:.L:~,!),::!/<;')/jl~jg (Ii,' Ani"ia! "n 1''':(''''["'. i'!..f!J.I"!:.L~:""" :\0 po:r;:;UfI ~h.~IL \A:t Impnunj or UJrirLIt.C -,!-!,l~:.:.!:!'}j!!]ill.!!! J.T]l..p1je,-~.ill1....Q, t}llUQ "I.!-Pl)!) rh~' d1ljElaJ..1!ldl)f ,m~ll clJtlti Lh:m.:nr l~.iH.] ;t.'1!J.1l~G:111.(]J!;~!J.l,!,~,Y_Qt,g9_o4 a:)d, ..... hoksmnc ((!.nd ilHd ~,\AIP'!'" un Ke;.1L-:.j.I!.) i!Jl_W:l.ah.HJ 3..!1} Cndn~Uf[; \\ ilhnL~t,~~b.q,h,.)Q.m...I,.1..,\~T~\\:.....MP ~(l,<t!Jg" al.ail, fl.1 !.U..0.I)-'.VlQ,OJl L,) dlC ;)11.1 aniIid U91 !~,rl~;!iI~!..I,:!i ,~4" illfiD1L ,~1r,J]~ca,:;cd, ! ?Ju.'l('\NJ(/OII1'!};.. <!.I?Ammu/ ,'.'I~IJ.::~'i~ti'~:;l',---,~ p...:nnll '1)]0 io. thL L)\\ llL.:r {'r l)Q3jl':,y)I < ur b~~ Omnibwi ~\r;i mal Or di!ldflc.e 17 cb;lrg.: dr ..:us~(}dJ ~o.L~l!0.-,lili.!}H! ~li!.n..al)3.Jldlln such 4!1!D1-'.!1 [() 'i!!llcL ilUllt} or !,ll~lmttr]JfQIl DJ ~!i)'i!.lc.h-,r!...;:~:!:..a,!:imJ.lll\ J. sue..:!, [i,;>a,~,.J)LQllQl~Li!i~~~ \1 ithollt prm,:uj,lJlg 0u!!...:_c.;!!!,,,,,-,~~I~[~tl::;,ncL, Rl\:1,,'g lL'rl" _'!D~L:.;,h(:.I11.:! of sud il.njmo;lJ,. Sec. J.13 \~uh~rill2. of doas and (::lts, j, I ) !J.!'.i]Ji!...rd-'. \i;..1(i 0.1~t .yt"U em.);', ~LJ per~oI.\ .mJ:.fy~~ i.:,Q!U![~, 81aJ J 0..... tl, PQSSC~S"_ 9LlliJ..'LC ""oI!JI},'I...1lI....<;!.!4,?ili....sl,[..:_iJ.I':$.. nr car fi)ur t4) mQnt,I~.of.agc OT ujJ.;!....\~,b_~l!. i:-,.. 1l0I,,-;pa)cod Of Tll,.'lJkr~d ~"CLpr tor rhi!s~ illlimab fOT \~isJ!...a!1 ""emplLon IJccrt.'i,C has. !r.xn lSSW';Q L0 1_:!Ti.~10.0j LXi'!!!FJ..l.o..!J'2c.... Jhl n~rs and kLCP~T~,QJ Q_uZ.~....J]lJ C<J!.~...lilic.!_dQ u.lJ.!. \\ am thl:ir 3.JlLmab ~ra)..:d (,r l1euh:rcd, ,r'-:gm(,jly-'i:~..2_Qb.Y...!~ltS.2..!.o.:-J.I;gJ. 9lltain ilJ1 annual JJCCtls..: from t r.....i.:\[ lQ\;.ilI, ~\niTTd CQ!lfg)lQ!.TjC'c:, of Monroe CPu..n1,~ ~1Jl1.an,[lUat fi.;c for In!~ ~ic.:.;nsc :s.t@l,lll~ ~5(Jn l~f ;J I~~L L L~ ,",;...a",--=Y'L'IIJC!' Or I.iUO.'1scj(')/" F.\WnlWW], K(ilW!'.d!~X:JQ..ill~,g_PL~.i.lL\~.iff!Js..fQ.jJ~, PJ lnntlth!. (:It'_;tJ,'._''' '1J ll1gn ~J:m!J. hL,LI-J~,,~U)l-ill!~ ((.\!.nl~ ,Ani mal ('ontrcJl ot)jc~r to an OWP.ll Qr k":~p<;UJtlJ..~ ';i_aLd.i!n_'.T!.;l~UQil~.!l OT nl;ll...Ii,2...".\.L.Qdig,:f!j~J!)'y_~'_C,~CillQt Crom the -~lKi: hlcL!I~r : I,:qL!irerll~nt Sn.J-I..t ChaJnln~ 1lnd t~1 herin~ animals probihilcrl.- Ul.J 'hQWL'1g IJ.J,~_WlfI2!IU..rl.J0jL<':0.,_~.Q,~,-'r.',J...f l'nC.Qf mDrc du~~.o..l" h\;lhl.:r, accmawd Of Llll\aCCLnJl-:J, IL'.:;;mcd ur LLnil<;:qlS,-:Q" 3,lp!l (l1[y\'Lan~,0i ~iljst ~03 .!9~Ul.Ld_QUhillJ)U.tLu i.tqg hOlJso..:s G,' :1.!~_9!.b..:!. ~,P!iQI9.0,...9Qj.;.!,;.!i.. t ,'.1 L i1!J.f..'J) r~ !i/V 'Q,;'fJJ ~'-['D IlJ<IIl. I tl..Xi'tll,: t!J. C ~.0_.P~.l}1 U,lL\l1l~ OLJl1{),rr...1L0...t..S~\,W11,h1: r...1 >l.!:,ciJl~_t',Jj or :..Ill> 3.CUIl3tt::d, !jcert~...'-d. m IJllJ,~C~":";i;.d,_,~h~U ::!-1J9Y~..,~,l~.. ol s~,iQ"A~,g,?,l"l.' l)_cJ.i~ ~r..~!@i~.::i t,!2 ill!l...llbKC L ~li:lJ.1C1naL':..QLothmDS('" ..l,h!k $iu.d3!!!imal 15 on thc RIQQcrl~ QLtb.~_f.tTI-_na~_ th..s (F' n,-fs l~ndl()J'd" or 3..11] l1tha pmpctt~ in ,\lolll'oC ClJUJlt~, (}J. i'1!!1f,;II.'m,f!,)J. -\n\ J.Q!;. c0nfm...4J! Ithm a f'.:rtc~J!.lltrd"Qf,JK[l ;shaJLQu)[~ud"~d,"a mmmlUm af,-,,' of].:'iU 'iquar~ teet pcr dog \\ It!UIl such ellclo~ure iar e,,,-e[u~c:, For l)rol1,-,:rt,i~\ \\h~h_a~L; nO[ knc-::d, th~rl; Shill[ Ill: ail L.:rtcJn~llf(;mad~ of ~h~Jlji!.!.k....s.>ui.!!~ili~.Js...ncir~ m,\ll,:riJ.I.~,~\i1h all. ftmr :i~t!.:.~.sJo~,,;9_lbl.: i;.!l,-IQ:m,rc :illill.!. b..: u.Uuffi(',1..:nl,f:l!.:~g!JHQ...QIT..<.:nt,!hu;l,QgJf,\}[n !;~nl!.!!!& See. J-11 15. Luring. enticing. ~ciLin~. nwJesling nr l~41_..ing 1In ani mal. j{ ~i-ffif,~ Ng [II';J:->orl f\J ~b,;ill,i,;n(llc Of lun; ~lfjY armmlL cut {,f~ ':l1cl(Jstlf~ or dlr~l~ rrop<.;rt~ nf as lm r1<,;r Dr J...t.;~p(.;r_ <.IT to ~G17(';_ molest or tC<Ht: :lIlY ,)Jllmal \\ hi Ie lhi.C a,Ilitlll\ll~ hd d or c(mlwfld Q\' its cwnu or to:cpcr or \\ [ule the a.r\iJlla~ j:-" on (he J1f()pcn~ of il~ owner Of h<.:cpcr. See. j-16~~rucJt)' to 3nimals. UJ N O_n~~()[!.....? ha lLmmvcJ:~:;g,n l..' en. c rl P.llq.~ 0 ~ '[; rdri ~ C, tonn c nr, lIep rj l~c_lllns,ct~ssaQ .su ~~nJ.!lS C ;)r ~~I...:-lt~'r_".o.!:,lJ.!;.rli.(,:..d,";H,!!l!:::.....nJ.lL.ljJ~lli: grJatJ afl) 3.111maL o[ ,ql,jl9 j_b,;....2.ill,!U!..~,lli.:,.!!(j!)C, or can~ III ~T .!.!!}Qn...JJ_~ vd Idc~Ll11.!~q~::::ls~" :;lJl) anima] !Il ~ e.DI!;1 oT__!.!:d'wmanC...ll@)..I1CL. Om!lihLl~ Ani mal Ordinam.::t 1 H C.L,~Str...c;,=?':~l,).l~t1~ jll~~lL1.~L)r1<),:l~ ..:ommi,! a.ll ~ct ly .!.m)....!:H!.irn~11 ~l!ifll !9~~JI,!~ in the cfj.,d 4~,~lb,_VI. j':'.~~<;<;1 ~;:, ,1]' L"L.il:';~WJ, l.t]t1J~J.l.Qrl~;f Ujln~~l":!:i24:.r)....~~I,[l ql SLJn\:l1l~g, _OL;;;'illlli.",--th'~"}1..l11J.: 1!J. ,h:_dqnc t-.D ,_"'. \_L1..,:r ir.!.;ir iWl ,I j~;,;[]s:.xl w pr~CIJC':; In rn~ s,t;;[.t.;.~b;u.LD\l!._bc; ;,;ih:d .1!.!.!!i~l.lh~ !JIm L.~I()ns of thl S ~,.:;,W~l].. tQ~ .. ~lm _ J...:. Q~2...("ll.h-"---.[f!;J~ _,l'!:"_lh: ~ ~C..i ~ ~ ,.L4c rcd to p L\)\' [d~ ca r~~_ .'JI. 1f ~l ill.10l1- ~) -'J.~h.L '.'~ 'lU LJfcd ::J1imal See. )- P. C onlanioul' disea~t"s -r.",--....._~.......-._-~ ~lJ_\~)..r.;~\!)rL ~CJll~ lhl: O\~ m:'r., or b.J\ lng.lh~ ,~hitr.g~' of;;IDl. ~wiIrU!,I~,~:rH}Y~, il12 ,rhi,,; ,:-'iiH1C t9 h,H-(: ~'l:> --"-'~1Wgl:)liLc'L 'J.!&:cli0r~ Ji,,~~~:?,'~_','! l' 'J~J\.~ ketl . r~CL:rH l) CXP<J5~,q tkrClOo f;lhl~; ~UU~1lQ~l or dl~p'J~;: nf -';L1ch ,umnai Wll!lO\l1 1irsi ..U!s..:J05 lng.. k' !h~ .,R,,,I''O;!..... L~ ..l\.h.o.!;,:_rJ.!..:;;_~ill!JS,...i:-;,:.... ~S!lg, h.':UkJ ed, (}L ,ji~jhJ,~:.::d <-( tflac "'oJ;::]; aJljmalls _sn d!s,,;3.s,\;'~, o~ h,>:.~ l;t!\J.H'.\P9SL:Q=-_lJ~.ill"orC..i~lld~ (2.1 '" n p~'["'-Jn, l~~lug llw n\~'ncr" or ha,\ lng nW, ,~])<).rg( p( iill;~,,:I_~ilJ1;! U":'DoJ:\i~)g. ~1';_5aJT1":...!Q....b.J.\ 0.: ;!~,:~:_YQnlilllLQ!I:i..lJ!" in1!,::!':l1.2IJ2 ..Jii...L<.'!\;':'_Q~ }S!....fl,;ll:..~nb~~[[ l~.:;J1tl~ np0.';~d th<crct(), shall kl1~J\\LtlgJ) ~rT]lH ilLQJ ani rn..~LVLQ1[ll~irH0 ,,'O..!llJ-CI with _il!~ 1i.VG~1L!jmill_':,!t..iJ~l\!~h:,:r jJL'!~QrI.. \', Ll,ho!l!, hj~ Cli' ~~;':!'.~t!,} \ \k lig.~ ()f.l'l<,: njll.?~L 911 )ec. )-I~. PruhibitUw~g fi~htjl1J: or baitin~IJ.jmal~ ( !.) :'i'l p(;r~<)Jl shall kl~tN i I I g)}' Umlrn II an:- 01. tJlC: f~)JltN L[!gad~ Li.l__liilill~b.IL:;,;li!!Jg, _l~~J).ll)g.,.JrjJ..I~p-,--'nH!g~_$-d[J1lgo .lmJIJng~J1Qss(;ssmg, C1f. oSlng any \\ lJ,j Cf lj()J:~;::,.;tjc: alliJlja] t(Jr Ihe puJ'r.o\~ u( ;~,Jlm,~ai, t'G!;hJLr.!.!t,ur. b.i!i.~rl.!;;,\ WJ_ Q.~~flltl& _P:2~~,~i?$L,IJ.i" 0f.. <;~Jl,l..t)g ,~q..u inn)ellt tor use In any aCIi vj~~ dcs~,nh~:9 ...!~~ j}J.f3.gr.l[1h ! AL t( L,D.~rl.!.r,lL J L.:<lS mg.,. Jl_1illlJ gn.~ ...QQ.';L4.1.liJg", 2.L t,Q \~Lng ~ p{ll.((1] , Qf an}' prqle rt} k ~ p1 0[ Wed t~)r an~. J.LiI" Jt~ ckscrJh"j J 11 glr:ag.,:apll ~AJ. ~}rv.'1IJg!:~ph U1t mL f~.n'El,,!JUlg, spgp~b., <la'. CJ1JSjl~g, m chaJ 2Lng arl~.,<ldrl.l.i;0,!,Qr.~J~-: l-,U,L,Dz...f}LQ!:. b~llli.!],g bJ~~:-:~:n_ ,\\ l' m m0f~' atlHrwJS, ,( t.L !.::,;-JioDlliJlR.<:Ll1) :')l"\.l C c ~)) :let 10 I at: ~I j~;J.tJ;_J.n i !!!;t!..f1 J:h [j ng. Q!,m~i!J!!g,,_ k1J,dudJJJg" 111J[ r_lgUI,r..1.ll~<.i hI, pru~ lJtng S~CUl'j:~-, n:rL:rQ-:i,rs,-:"t.:)@]~!in.u.(l! .1i.4.!!,5.2mq.rrg,~!1]m;lls l'f l~l:ing f~ st:'j...dwltl(;] ,; I~ ~r.1:"_I1I,S)[!:0:""'\\i..W~T.;d ('lum.ill~ill..tlg.~W~g,0.f ha.lting, (['"1- E.:!ll(l\i...n.t.!lL.!~~j UH!lm,g th..: fCJlll1\ al L)fal.lY N~! r.I.!9-Li.~.IW.li!lQ.~'J...lJ.l),4.;r ,lt~!~ ~~ClI,Hl tIg!ll .!lfLiJgo;!IC~ \~ befc th;; 1!lLrrl.;!t~~o\!!to;:L(;Ij_uQ[tJqm a k)(;J.linn d<..'}Lgr!;},tL,}U'0::... ili~ ml,l!1 \\ ithOllt tilt:' priof :,!..l!1b.()D7.a!L(lJl..of!-be_~(m,r1: (i'l..lkLli.!),1-',,1[. l.1..agaL,ng any nl<)n::;~_ <1.1,. '2..!l.1...<';,~\JI,\!;!!2.IL~im~j.;J~n~[.lon Oll th~ 1LghtiJ_1~ V.I. .b<.lHll~2-. cf J.t1jm.lJs (If U ~j:-:I"r.r<:l.!0i...nL ili..;_fighlmg (~r balttllg l1f 3.liL[I t<.1.1::; \ot\\ j[hsra~t,tirl,g, ".....0 .QfU\ i~loll.....{)f ,U::!l~.,>JJ.h~Gctt,m to the q,LntDl,!).:J-lQS~~2!Q!1_ot t1K' anLrn0-,I_:d,ill,t; Q':',., [\,H,C(Hl::-;:,.t.LJ[~'.;.i ~Jd:J.!.i1.J..!l.Q.C1l1i..:i. ~i.;;;W~11 (}J 1,(3L":-.Q~D.j.kll] ,orJ<:r the: (''')~Hll: _Jlr mnn1lli .I9mpJ sU!1~'f,..i'-,nf >;L.:i!!l.!".t_S~f a.tl).'_N.lJm.:ll~ ;lfld. ~'_qglpnl(m u<.cd in ,VHTl!!li!1 i.!::!f;_;I,~IQ!.J.!'QJLPf. ~tm ~;,;cu"rl u,i ,y.t5~:rJlOll.1i2h"l).'}.. Flm]da ~Lmlli-')~ (b~ Un,I,f1i.a! ,~llli'1;.r.yi~0~iI!....l_hi,.' iH,.\}!J.r:mI11c J~;L~l!~hi,\L,-;h4!L lak.,; lli4..~~.1J.l1!1 ].<; lS n~',::':i.s~\I\""':"J~ OIlln ibu ~ /\nrrrlal Ordimmcc ] ,,) Q IQ.~ _~ ~1-l2'~11 'i) LOp r i ;}[l' and h l,lJ.l1;"l}K ~<Ui:J,!" _:,F~ P~)S j (ion qf ~b~ J,Hl.! lJJ.!,l b .J f.jl \ de f i 11~ ~m!l fll1Q,'u.b~I! 3..:l ;)n~m;)~ ~;q1t,Y',JL~,\L I!! ~iA,lJ.[~l.!.l ~)r thiS ~~LlWIl,l;;L~~lli,;.riElg {r;llll an W~\l,l]..~_1! ,Jj~J:::L:_ sc. c-f": '~lH,!..Ogh lila, tI L.~ lL9t .,p-(r~,$;bh-E.ljlur'l,~r!~h l~l1:,Js.t' 3,nd..,..:..,;H.'d_Jor lh:; ;}!1,imalllt:t19!U1LS;vfi@N[l,nr,;) b'.d..Lf.!!::,:;", ~~,!,'IIJ !},rliL-r,~ ".2 ~ l}T UJ, i-:bri,;i_'LSJJ.lu~S!)}l;)'! d~,;;rOSltl,'n..~i.f,lb.'2.....c,:~rl.!i..rgl__d,l::!.rg,G~- ,-'r gJUn-'::.'fd,.:n'gJm-fcllmC, lh....\:...u;-_t~ij,l.J-.rJ;l.n Jl13y,L!Jtt;mi_~Jb.1; dIlir.!l<l)::-~ ,p:'cin~\Ul] ,~t::ltc st<ltlll~~~ L-:J ~\! J)~r~nJ.l \\ h~'} IS can" h.:_tqtQ{;,L:ci(~_;llin~~ Qf dus S'::':[19lt shall Q'.J-1.,;[!~1 it~..:tj. k' a.d(lpt li'),m a (QWm,:- -,Jmf.lbl,L?h.',;,!hL.:ln\..jil.!in~;~ i;; \\ !ll1iH the sP~.J.\')_ llJ-,tLill'_~!~ ,~Llbjcct ~lf tilt CQJlu(:tiS~!~o..l}f--.igt-.' anjm.1]s ~q)t for th~ PLl!1li':,?i:, Qf,.f!gblin~ 9!: l~<~i.tjng (..u Ir!i,., lL:~li~fl_5.~'.!I: [I\~t dppl) !{': (<)1 :\q) P-';D~lllclillJ! lati [V 1l....fi d!lI~,~~_P'\.;: j}~q)os..: ot'l,lS)DJl.Jm: slmll.h!J;,;{I-1\thL~ iJaJl~lt~;~ r!Ji,ltip!_l ]2LcJUJ i:," h,d \~ jj [ lK U>_Clt QjlJ~h;si;.i'J~1l!~]~ QIQf.Jn!l plct\Jr-<\ P,fL1\ i,<.;lcq, ,U\flJ )'10 ~l4t..:...H;P,1tJC l!LGll!l~0,QrJii ':l<W~;.; JS \ in Llt.::d (11) ,i~rl}' pCI :'.nll USJ I1g <Ull,WJ.,h,W, P,YJ~JJ~_vU.iik.!.:._ ~iJJl!ii~__~~!:,...tI,!, p,~[liClpatc III lll~ huntmg 1~,gllJJ~:,.\i l-~ ~llQj~,USl S'.!..!!l'-!~lJJ~~c.9 b\ !h..: rules ;)l1d n;gul,ltl,Ql1-'?_ u~)L~h~,-.l..I.2h_..,;ill) Wi ldl if;:; ('ops;.;!> J.tj0il C9.mmISSJ0'L td.._,\!:1.:~~_r~)~,_IJ:,!irg ;.fliTn;lb W \\ ,)J'K fi \ C~:~!-.. hx aB.ri;,;u!!:~l!:.:;11J'll_~-..~_~ t~ _ Th5 ...?';~li~l~,~~~Li It'!l pmluolt, Lmp..::.:k or ml1c[\\'l:;c 1l11,~r1i'ri:, ~'Lib ,_~c..:i.9.r.ni:;;~J...i.~lli1l1~~1 j)tl~,Q;tJJj'l :rn~Ln-;),u])J}~ Lc:dlnHII,i.rS (lL[)r~,clic..::-s not ulh~n\'i:;i.:~\:jflqU:-l?0)h~~~r~.::.~ h..la,\\" ~(. J-l,ilJ. Confinement of finn', dallger(lU~ or "idlJU~ 41aim.<lb._ t j) t;PLHl l~1 HTlp hiTlt_ lhL~ t'kr-affil'tCf-\t-~ :l!lLm4l c,)ntmf SElrC'n:i_~or shall im'.cs!lgatc \, hNhl>r :lj i .In: nul :~ I-I,~~C~, d<ill,r{;1 \.~Ll~ ; Ir \ iL :nLI.'; i ( [he 1k'flttfEt~ttf- Itl.m~ <ltllJll<l.J ;::;omml :-=:.up,-'r. J<;'i}f h IlJ,~ lhlli SUdl lmll11;:d It: a lte'rcc, dangerous or \ l,'IOLLS ;Ull!l';t:_ he ~hall1l0l It\' tl1;.' '_* ,~....'T ur kCt..:P"T In \', UJJlg. S,il!LI1t: .:3.1 I the Ji,Kh kJh)\~ n t" lllm, aml sll::d~ ,)fd~t th~ n\~ tl~r or he~p<,,;r tn cmllJIlL: the ~jJ'lrrl;illn a ,Lrf~~l.iHl,5;~.l ":Ild'-)~lJI":_ "T'l1:l"L..hlltn,-jf,~')t-;Ui,d.. h)-t~{w.-~f-'..;'f'f;'l'I'~"'" 1jT n~hI;Tni,i,.' hl CnJHl ~ 1l II i fl ;1 f"::l~'J'fl;~bk: ll'~l11El(;r ,p.;~:ifi~J hy tht: (l'cp-affnWTIf rffitffil~1'rlf illlU!li..l1 evlliml_'il!W;:_Flij.QI Tb~<,l,ll;!Ol<)! C0,E,:t~()! ,Sllrnn~0l' s!~al.1 rcq!-llB~__ ;)j a IT!L[lIllll.ll11 ,th.3.t (A J ~!.;'. C~ F..L;:,,'~ !'.!Fl~J ;)l!.iu'2" ~ ~i(,lu~Jl~iDl~ll m,~ ~(; ll];:_L~E.-,l~ ~~~~iY_~J--l'9..F_clLl1'-lll(L"'[ '!l :JllYJ\ll1l,.1t~,J hq)Js,,: qr $Lrl~ClLlrL thJ.t \\oald allow thl' anImal In 2;:....i_t such huddlllg \l_r t:r,l_cJ(")IJr_C 0n ,t~ ,) \',11 ... o[jtion: !lii_r shJJ.[,:;u~bJlI!! rTl,<),I--.b...: k.;r!Lj.!:!... ~!J!2!I..i<": c)~~lruU!jn:,~'bL;Il_\\ lILq01\~~H~;,:m N ~crCI.:Jl dil(lr~ arc ,lhL' \lHl,}'..nh"!.Jdc:- Qr.~\',.,:n!Lrt.:;Jhr <.lllif1).Jj Jhlm, c\jli!'1~ lhL~1I.ucI,ur~_ iJil ~ \jJ, Q.:. \ l_~ ~:f.i ,J,,~_'J) c r~_(N _hI! roor-,: r~ oJ t j l'rcc daJlg ~ r~lU_~ m ',L l: l~):~ S. Jjll,lll;IJ~, iD,l Ii <i~cQJ;0.' U1 ~\.rJQmJJ)Ull P~<lCL on their prcmi".::s a ~!gl~: Lasi12fl,:;'LJ~~Ji::hJfLl;,Wll)J~~' ~,fJ,~r.!!,J.Jini;!lll~ P)lj~!..: roJ.ci~ 0( SUt'c.:h LL'-.iIJg "11';,h \\ (!!,:h.1'i '1~c::...f',~..!/. ,,( / )u!!j;F.:nm,,- Anjmo...t',Q[QJu..~"..,;:;jJJl[~'pn0t~ \~'!DliDt..J;.!..!l8!El.2C~lllmr. \\ ~.lb ~..;;imj l;)'I slgn \\'hieh sbJ!j he PQst~d 0Jl th~ i"t:;n.Jlc[ or ~1.!J,)i)!!c!! illUm;;tj " C~'~, Jh.; >;L-v\\'lh~f c,r K....'CV.,' shelll imHledtul€l~ cemr~,....jffi p<;f111it.all ~~l.!irD;!LJ~:-':!.!h;j_f~i.;.Lc_~ Ucwu:> ur JJ.Jlg.::rul.L:-'.: to I~c: irl, rIO[i,-:C_(,lrl,!l,f,I.i';JUSLL,~tt, !k' d~p<~rlJjl~TH mtlfl~'-0f amm.1l ,contr_i.)1 ~llili:t" J,S-QL'\ II ritrc;, ()Hil.:r ,or d[J)" J <':-ili-'ii'~nlt;n[ of [his SCCllOil: il:'_aJI:\v::; to cnmrl\ u.lJl:;rtt.lk-. a \ wbtl,)!1 (lj tlm c:h,l.ll(l.:r ;,ind :-;llbJ':~:;~ In..; o\\'l1..:r l)f J...~..::'per to the T}..::!Iali.jl:~ f~t;;'!fl ,=~(his3..t~1)~~.r aml ~LLbj,(,;h thc amm;l~ W S~'IZur~ a,~ .PJ.O\ L4cd Lnl.hi:; Ch;lp~(,:'r tlfMkr-~hOR :~-4 abt'~, o Innl bu:-;",n i rnal Ord~nancc 111 (_:), ,'\ny U\'dKr_. ~~~'pcr <jf ,h~rQnf.\;r..Qfi!...:rc,~, dmw,;,;rQJ,1.i.'2!. \iC~~i!..,~.'}rl~Tll.ib, \\ ith:1l lL.:ll (((I) d.a~ ~ {)f the <:fll';::ll \;; d;lI,-' DfI~,i~ (tn:!LllJ.nc~ N or' nllHC~' b} JI1 ;)_n,i!:),ml ~,i),I1Jf12t ~Q.;D.,i~PLthal...41..!...,Hli!!.J:!t ~~l ilL'" ()I' hel .Ct)~t(!~:'L <~r l)'.~:;;'~,~' LQ!l r.~ de'<.:',t11cd I !.:::rce, ~ ~;:i~)u~ ell: d:l,!g.;.;n,l.m,,,, ,ID_:ill PXO\ id..: pro.of l0,!hs,: ,i,li rl:~ll_V!!l~!:.vl-""'-2..~!\".~i!,~'l..n(L:'l...,l~...i..:;Q!1._d~~l~~g J.91t,~:-:...<;jl":_;;I!.. or~,wr..::d n" _~3..ltj ani mal that !he Q\\..}'~:r h~\s n0~ ~t)ed, 11'1 \.'.rJ~1 ng, P[<.X)( ~~f ~_,~f\Y.(;' [',\J1Un~J~,1b'-'_!t'J~1IT.r ()fJ,i~_J!r~lll.0.g,,~h..1:rL1b.':: IF:u'Q1.ll.1 i:.;..lciH,: .t 4.i. o':0,I,.9.\l!.l.\I~~,~~l!.\,:r.~. ,f,l~ h~~Li,J(J.r~[;-; _Q.tji .,;,[~'c - ..lIQ (lm Q,-ili.J!l~.~nL ,!!! i!Il4h", ,\~,i~ ~!!Ll L.:..!lH [j) Ja \.' s Q.F II'.!.:., ,::.tT -.,;,~ 'i2 ..; _~ill<.: 2.! LLhJ~, 9 0jL!;~.r:!.";:,\;" ~1!. kLrwu.cL Ql. ili'- ill1 ~Jm i ;;'~Q)1[_1.!/.i"";;:~ill LD i S9L (t-..;~U,I!... ~l n,i m~t! m hIS ell' her C(>llt,Wt ,1I P'(J"_''':S~jOH L:'; deem cd t-Lcn:c, \ jC'J':'u~ Of d.3_ng.::;..ous, shall pro~' ide- tho: 3Hlmai ~~_U1:!.l:Jll_~LI,r.([\ (S0~ 'I,H h r\\\ul} ~D\~IC"ph~\\QlLWQ.tn:'.JDb...,; ..!:i,;ill1Y.~J acirllijL\;.k:.;,~[b:"';;).ill\lnJl':.J.h..:; colur :l.nd a.ppmxima.(c ,_-;i;:c, l)f I1.l.:: ;u!JnqJ.. \ ,1) :\ 1,1, ()~~,ll;; r~" , L:8! .:_,> J.~d\;!J'9r.0''2_9 L! !~_r;_';:~J- IQnil SJ)J.:.. ~ar ~';~1l!,,,,- i!!l.I.!1).i!:.bJ,;\!!:SL~~j ~bj Q....r h r,:~ ill d.a~" of the fOtb\\ lllg iIlcidcms-, rL1~on: the fol km jTjg JIl \\. itiltg to ail anirnal C(~lll!Oj SI~rV!2<,l! (~lJ:t.,:.!~:i!..1..~_<!.! frV[l~ r h.; (' Ot~ ~ ty ()r (h,:;;:H h.....Qfa_ .:fi.~r~' ~ .. i C!2U~ Of dang";TCJ,1 ~-"LJ)J_Gl;l, l; 18Jl'[h: ,\;lmjl, Qf ()ft.ipnng of il haec., ~ .ci,~u~ nr d<l!Lgcrou_~ .'lJlinuL i, (.) !h~, L\L'.\, )ftdJ_"::s~_Qf "dl,~;.!':-.::,_~j-",;,I,~g)Uj,Hlf;.2i)tl2..,~lJJ.j,~S,jf ,r.h~ U~J:liJ:, .J1Jf.;'..l (,:-,5 ,\~!thm l,lJ.~ (0U)~t~ ,llffilH; arId tD1J1.ILi!nimaLi~..QllJlli: JU{JS(':o......~ ~~J:,n_:itQj,.::f1, 01' l);;JE: :;:!rt::td.~d a pL.:rs,,m If<1 .-\ dogJ,~ f~ :-b..,biJ<':~ '-!.!J;:"'':!\2:~_Q.ll,p'r,qc,'I,nL'stlc .:lJ\J rn::ll ma) he UH~t!';!t.][i!!o;:Ji".J:? .Rfo\i1l~1i ,bS. $_,:c.ll(,Hl nUi,)'l(,l.Dda,Sl;l~u!~,S, Of Section :.-~6~_\!nnr~, CrX'!!D' Cxk See )-21-Q. k.ft'pin~ wild a.\nimaJs and [JH.."tod~ W ?I}..!l,!.i...;;~ \,~, J I \ ~_qL)cL _~uLh ~'i_, ~-"I\\~, ,~'/;J.".ll.';_ Shl:<.:1J or pIg,,: Ix.\m~ ilni "'-]iLmaf.~ ;;JlCh <I~ chid.:.,;-:-,;" dlLcks_ r;:;,hhih ('l ~<:L.':)(,:'_ shal! b.,;- ~o..:pl ~ith<':f p<':JUh.'d l1l- k(J,~c I rl ill]., ~un..; \\.hL;T,~ T1'_11 "Y hcr\' J~C p,:r ;,.,r:;;d III \1ol1fu;,; CiUllI" AIWIWb con~id~T:;d \\ i IJ ~h[lJ In01 be l--.cpt m am fl..~jd::::rlfi<ll ~(mc ll~ \1lJt1fOC CouHl<.' i~J \Viid A.>,,'mal'._ t .l.) ~_l,>Jl ~.L'9n, j1;).[tn~ r .,h ip or ~y ry~) ~ l i ()!!.~hjill....P_~~ss~s (II' !l3..rhor ~ l~, \.'. i I y <Ln.inm!{1iJi 1\J~ W,)bit)~Ti!,~IJj),':b;_\,!!'QLll!nl). to ;,:oolngic.a.l iF!~_h.l_,,_i!.!:.~ lQ;:ilili.!-:\:,.r11!..;d Uan:iol~m anima! c,..... hj~~L0!l:"_~1T-':'J5<..~J.Llg;~nscii \ '.::r~rL~! ians Qr..l1"'lR.-1J:~,n,;~qj careg.\'~l \ hl \~.iN apim;J~ lW ,~fl~ ~E"';_ L n, pn;>s(;~ s [\) rl u CJ.~:ii~ ~ ni m~J J,'f ,] cll~:<;:',h I L't.:d _':Jr_-.d.. \\0'114. Aw mal n I' t..'ptl ('. A t\l[md \ \ i.t!!_ \lfll.Hl J~..s tic.;.. 1, m, m.a l, Sh3 [j m<;~Iil~ ~)01 [()wi ng. [',:-\.J.1j I reIne' !H~ _HU::, ~';;:r. rllo.: J.mm~lL tjj (H!,l,:';~' ;l.P..i!.lJl1jt..fn,)Jn tilL: ;)1~LmatC:9rllr<..)l....>l,m~~r ,\\ lUHlt 9(,1 da\'~ from rII~:,1'.u bl ~i:i.~Uj:'.l.1,_ut' tl)lS ()rdi rl,!n~:(.:__fIfJfl.!t~sho.ll be ,'J.l id I'ur ()ne ~,~~'~ 't:~:~-;; [11..: . 4<!,l_~ oflss\)L illU,k rt;[1c\\ ~g ,iLthl.: Omji:;.!U1J com!,~i:;~l~'C:, <tl1drIT:IU.ix: r.: \ nk~_(J ;U,;t.t':} t][no; fOI....Il..QrK'ompJ 1a11~,(;" Onm;bu.~ Animal Ordinance 21 liJ) f...:~'ep ,",he ;lJl.ll)lJ!(if.l.j!....!.iB!.I!.b:,:"~.curLd ("ag.o: ,gr ~<,;ll.i!-n!J..!..;,~lfaLncd at ajj [ITIle,; .Ilk~ ;lnlll)aJ mill,l b<,; ~rmnkd o...r ~,;lg~d \\ h~PJnill~Qrt;;-L [I Ll)J'~Qli.;Lc.h~,~ill1i.!.l'gl emmoJ l)fj'i.~,~,r_ \:Lri.u,',;D,1!.r~~.u.!iI~;l .1 J LCcn~L'd ~.. ete rma naIl tha ub.~..iwilll a ljl~..~ llc.Qr~ 5 efl ~ :..:J 0 I" n ell ~CE:s:L .QJ .l\!,g 1'~101:!~!!...ClltS tr<Jill.iJJiCL.::ns..:d \gl,:'ri!9-I!aJl ~,h~ ~1l :\[I.W.1<.ll c:Lrll.~)t Or ~h0':ljrl not 0..; ,Sp;t)J;Q.QT. n~~al:r<.'d to Insll1!elloT1s t(Jr Obwinim( ~ilL:lmit ~o Po.~\..:~~.n. Wild A[limal, (J) $u!:l@(.NJb!;,llXlin!i},l...rQ..l'lr!,DL lJ.l1lLcr a ."Lic p,l.':!lI ,Jf!9. g.rmung.Jb..4yjl1 i.!!duJI,:'j,lrW~rb 1111<.':->_, c:-Isting .<;tfL.lC;,tUJ:'.;~.~4.JI!!.IMi nl'.~ ;!1.:!1~l~(; ].c><.:atioll and su.e ur th..: !l!n[1(,!,i.>:_(l ;;;,Ig.: or peJl. TIll.: J.fe.;t J.ll.9.J11"l!r.I!;1~S J!.~Q..pms.l~.s ~~ c;CjEnpl L;l11L~ ,\ lth standards ~.,;lj;J~:..J~l.:.ilIJiI,UilG:il.:l.lT(J! O.tfLL'CL and bas~dug,0U lhUI",~3,ml ll..1lliI;;",L.lf In..: :If 1 i fila L li r) Fjle an apphc,iH~Qn.lQ.L ~illli1illl~_th":~p-P~ll"U"i~~c fl~C, @l...;~b.!.)~ .ill ~ol f}lal haht! i(.~ JmUraLlC-'; ~'Ul. cr<!u: Ls,if).,.p.h!~L :sp,,;r..;.i (Ii.:<t.lb: ::H.iit!!.Ld.!Ir.~~.!Jbc;,a..rtjma.l j~ em crill, U~J. Ajb~\ rhe antmat Cenuo~ oHic-:r tr~.:dol~) 1"p ).Il~p.<.&lJhi:.,!!!@,~ 1l~:\:..,.Ls.J..D....l9--,-t~~1 n.:J..b.Lhwll h allit~'l!.."i::U !!.l;s:.J.~_J.!:.c ,],J(;.i, n,g IHC[ Lu S.!1!LP11l1.Q[1!')L~)ib<..:intr rn,...!,;(!!:l!1!! ial!f.;';.2.\.i1J!..lIl.Ll,~lh~! ,~9~ .sq\..,;n~rn<,-:!\~al lrtl it la \~ ~ and ordJll;:H1,cc~ con;:~mmg the ~":~PUli. or' \lLld,.011iIllil:bi. Of E\.ohe .-\m l,H!l1 s (D) P:..:r mET Lr.ll?n ~pprm <3,1 0f ;-111 appl1ca,ion In ~)\~ tl lJr poss(::',s a v-.'L1d A11Im.aL the anllmd C{)1JJfOI..Q...fft(,<,;r shalli:;slH: a. D\;nniL, U:::J Ui,;_~riD.g,..;UJJ! J2i.;illllsi 11 QD"J-\:J.K!l ~f.lJ:!illrllilU\1I\JI9.Ul !Iig,c..b12 .rr~li~m .ill k.:lJL' ~..: [lnt 3n i:di, idual J1o:';~':;":->l:s an l1np~rmjllcJ Wlld Annll,ll., th..;: lJifLc:.,:r :;;hull SlIbrm( ,1 rCD,ort to tn'.; OlTlcc of till,; C0unl~ "\([Ur;'l/.:\ Th<.: CourJt\ AH,-,p)...;\ ~lli!ll dL';I~C \~b~thq or.. r:\9t ,(o,f-'\;tLI~U.tl:l~ (,\-..l,111 ~Qr ~ ~~Cl~' ~ause l1c'anng lo dctnmLnc lhe anlnt1~'s status a.s a \,"'[rd ammal. If an AnImal ~~ d~r<.'ri11l!1(;d to b<.' yjlJ bY .Ih\....1UlFLJ!li:' iJldi\,jJlJill.llil~,;,-~inl\ l~,J.nj.!!l4Hml.!, i!l'1TTlcJ',illCh'j;;gmph. !\'iJb..lll~, r~'!Gl,Jlt ,~lnj ]J:l.i~lr3JW~ !J'qJ,li[~I~I":D~S, ~~-.r,fQrrb Ip lJus OrJHKLlKG, Al anJ lltll~ toih1\\ mg [he Judge's dCCjS1GlL j t. 3.J~ 3.IHmal cotHrol onJc~'~ bd i.,;.\ l::~, d-,I,l~. W iJil .~ r!i!l!<! Lb~, :!!,1L.Q ~E_<.J...\it.;q u;~ l Lib, ..E:;> I T a i T!..'.:.Uh..: am mu 1 .!:!.l!!):., b<; l1JJ.Il\-':U lmd \ !d..k.~ l!!!Q .',::u,swJ\ allilhc~4J!lLs.aJ.~'_~,HQ IJ.lut,laI1C manner until rile ~l~\~IC!....C;,!rL d...:nwnslratc compl iJ..ll~l: An] illUi \' idlla.l, \~ h())eji!1j~~!.<llJql ~'I,;lJ,~ .hd..lJ tn,liJ.,-" Jllj Jlul c('ntw 1 0 lli c{; r :<;h.;1,ll, (J(:, rc~p~.l!t';i fJ k.fu~ 1:h:..9J.sG...!..ll ell m:d ;,l.~;Ln:.s.Jlj t of t;l ij lL rc \0 conmb:..J'LI:t!lJhl ~J)rd_iJJ;l.l..lC:~, ::' Il~QNI'!.JX~SS,sMng ~L \\)lQ. !\IH[,nal sball 11::H c lOUrI\:cn (J ,I) c;,lh.:r~d~T d~~ ]\!llO\~ ing lh~ ('~llJl(~, rl,\.\i:;j',1!'l ill Jj!i!~ .J;omillY..l\ilhJ.his OrQ~QJ.Il.(': Att.:-r fiml1ccn ([ -l) ca[emi:tr dl~ ~ ir.P!.a.UJ~5()r',~!:i T!2L.2<,,1...i0n~m,!I.;d. <1!LJnLrI!:JLCO!llp.1l nllJc~r 11.t.:ill,!2.:>.!JS,lhill. QHSlll13U',itJ~.illJ:Lf\.l[ ~ l,o;apng 111JS Chapter. The Cl[atLL)1l 1b~1 !'cqt.m..: JJl appeara.rlC bel0.Jl: ajLl~g(: lJ1Q '21,,!l!~~u!li!!Jh~_wml_"_(tnkr..:d d~~.1!l!f,:ti1l[J_.oil,hl: W lid "\n1ml~L.oL~)l~l.cr, c:l!1ij;to.., Jt10n , at thc emt ut. fh~'~~n~ Omnlbus. Animal Ordinance 22 St'C. 3.811. St~i.l.ute, destruuion of <lrlimals adjudged nUlsann's; lhspUS,11 or imllOundcd animals; {'ompt'mal ion lu Ovr H('-rs; c\.emption of rel'all'at~ from the fh"~da} holding pt..iou. (lj W lh.:n ~l (;(ILlrt IJf ~;ump~r(;!!l jlir;sd ictH11l adJudgc-s ~Hl. ani nlui <l. IJL!;~aJlC~ undl:r tbiS chapkr or Olh~T la,\\ th~ tiqK~t1mL'ltt-'-:l:niMlag~r ani.!.l}JlL 5:-ntlf,r~~)1 sup.::n.'!sor ur altthof"t~j----as:;i:;lilHt ammal (,;0ntruj Oft', c'.;r m~\:-' "..;-i:r.: the: J,mmal 3.nd oth:r tt t'i-)r ;lJvptilln. (J[ dcstro~ it in ;1n humanL:' lTlaIlTlCr UJ. lll~ tk'fJ3;!'U"e;l1,-tHil-fla~r arumal <,;onlrol s-upenls.or may lJkl\\ls~ otTlT l01 ;l.(klptjOll. d~;;tm.\ m olh~n' lse thSpoSG uf a.m' ~!ni r11fll lmpounded pursua.LJt lO lhis ~haprcr but nfll~' according to {h~~ ti.1HGv.Lng pn::.~cdm~', L,nk~~ di..:'t~:nniTlcd h~ a "dl'fLl13fJall tel hi,; di~!,,;;,iS-(~d o[ in p;,un. an al11 fl1.1 I JTl.J.: [I,m hI.: (]t;sun.\ ~d durmg the h r,~l fI \ L; (~) \\ l)r k illg dJ.~ ~ Llrtcr IlllPf..Amdllli;[lt fr: J.dJi~;OB, dll ~.uHEnal mal, Ilt'l b.,; <ldopl\,;J out or rdru.scd to anYOllC oth~r t~an tis mIner OHril1g the t-LrSl tL\'C '~c1r~ lng days .:lfkr LmpOlmdmL,:nl If the: animal L, I:N d.....,nruy..:d a-":(;(lrJing to a \ cI~rin.ana.n's d>.::tdm in:ilion UJ cL::um\3d by Its c)\' ru.:r Junllg ~hl,: i;1 itia..l fL" e-d.a~. pcnod. thcn lh~ illlirnaj rna' 0;'; o!1l.:n.:d for ~dl~plion t)f ~kslr{l\ t:u j r. H,A) \0 0\, J1cr e:-;iSlS: or j~[~J All O\\n.:r IS rllJl itknltfi<.:u ~\Lthin jL~(' (5) \\()rking Jays atlt..:r ;IllI;H:pF h~ th~ U~panFll\7!l; mdn.tb~ ~!.~ir,n,;",d..Ll)1l[1"01 sup..'n ;W.I to J,) ~l', or (JC) The onn..:r .::x.ist~ bul CJ,lHl()f be conta;.:ted <1hcr rcasonabl'-.:' all~Hlpt~ tn' th:: dqL.lJ1m..'A-t--l-HaHflg~f 'JJlU.Wu:"Q.I] l 10 I ~rv i s (!,r 10 do SOO f(lr a rC3sonabk p cried of t j me or \ 4 J2) -\ fl L)\\ m:r hao;, heen ;:Onlac~cd but has b~ his.lh\T ,it:! ion:-., j~li lure In aLt. or st:lt~m~nL~, lndKah..'d all ml~m to abanJ0n th...: ;l[1 [nul ill, Th;; d~pitFfHH:t~t fHiHt~: J..:l:mal .~ontf~JI sUQ<;r.j~Qr. shlJ mak..: L..:vt;n n,;..."l-';Orl~lbk ;;f1(-~r( tl) ~d(ntJf:- and '!vtit\ L:'\' ncr~ or k~cp~r~ of th<.: imp.,u I1Cmcnt d' thcn ~mlLllJ l pll rSlIanl Lo rh i~ dnp~;;r, ,lnd SIKh dl~ln.~ .~hat: be mad..:: fur a n.:a~flabk' pcrwu oftHn\; ;L$ d~~crmine:Lt h~ lh~ b,l3rd In rC~;C]hf1.hHl r!O\\\~\ ct. \\ hefe till' ~A-t, m[j:BageqH')in~ll:o!ltfQt. ~.!!.2t;,!'\'iso~ (,;Or!lph~':-> I'll Ily J....t"Jd nlaks c\ ..::ry n:awn:J bk .:ffvr1 basi;J UTl Th\; sillJ.a[jOEl to id'::ll1 i(\ a.nd n.ot, (\' ~uch 0\\ I1crs aild keepers.. :l..tld \~ 11('('(' sueh dtons t;,IlL r.:sultmg m tni..:' adoptilm ur (h..,-.;[mcti(Jn or ~lth.:r dispn<;,;}~ f,( [hi:: atl imaL th.:: ~arffi'l1...'Bt:-fHflaagd ani,n,1;:\l ~~I)lroJ.. ?ti1'Sf'-'i~(}r shaH b.: d~<";TlI.;d to have <.:omplied full \' \\'jth Ju...: PW(..::c~.., cor ku\. ~ln(! 110 OWIl'.':l' (>r hi.:p"r shOll! he Lnt~tlcd to allY compensation fOT l\~s.~ M th",: a.nimal ill In llll.:: ~m:: su::;pect(:J f-.:ral Ci.lt,. U1C ~tfffl-t:fll--t'fl\l:~ :l1liOlal ;.:~mtwl ~Llpl;'r~ L"or h.a..,; the <lLllh0ntJ in hc'Jld and l1b_~cn:<? [hc 1illSpi..':.C1Cd t'i:ra.i C<.lt tf]f a s...;n;my-(wo-lmul period: thcn,;afl..::r. i( 1 h.:- l<lt i~ ~kt,~mliTl~'J (ll 01,; f'~r;.11 b\ fh~' tkv,--;'rtutellt,~ JJlirl~l c0ntml ~upCt'1. iwr. ltc Of Sll(' hil-~ d1(; ml[nor;ly III (;urh.mi7(: fhe kr;.ll ,;:al priur [0 lh~ rl\"(;--dl~' hnli..iJtlg perjod W !\D.;. an,J]J~l, \J~,I~lJll~p~~~!d.rr,E::Q.....in lQJt,l.G AnJ.maL(ofltm15i1-,;!b"Lfor W1,c Pl!IQ2~..::_ of cutl13Jl<L~!a. or ;:m,y 3J11Jl1;:ll that L~ _~~d, mJllriXl Of Qthc'-rWIS~ o;ulknng, need no~ he b~ld 'I'm the n,;~~u~it~, Jim'..; 'p-.;ril~t~ ~(;.!. for1~.i.!:!Jb.i.s S~1=tjlHL1!!....~tlch _~'~lSl.;_ ~h~~ '!!Ijmal, ,";:0rtlm,~ tlt1i~J2!...~!'ll. !mnwdi~t~b.J.14Dkllld)..q~,5tJJ;0..~.l1LJ.oima,I, iIL~~cord",tncc ~'ith t1K standargs o(Flon,j;l S4\mtcs (b) 'I'll(; AnImal L.)ll[rol SU~f\i<,()r shall tl1allltaJll a r.:."cmd t)t' \\h~rl, \\hl:',e and under \~h.aI ciru..im<..qn(;;;s W.l..:h <lgi rTl.,.l,L\\'a,.':i >i.;izs::s.l. "Ill(; r'::I;,prci rt!J~~ljl.l\,) ,i~~JL1Q~,JJw,!~n.~'::i.J.!f.fUl!i~,~> :;:;T1l..W O\~ n~' fS iJ.nd rhc dj spos II H)J l of c:...1.C h anin L.J.J , (7, ALlJ n\\ Jler ma:- rCdL:cn1 an 3.Jlm,al from jmroLLtld~HCJlt hy CXD.::utlng a ~',\o~'n slan::,iltc.~l.r. {~r Ul\'I.I';T~h.i[J_".J~ITllj~hirl..c.ll.li,i,;;.;ns_1,;....ill!.~,~, i;Jf....jts n.:~]llin,;d ,~:Jhi.~ QxJin<t[tC1; @\lS.mt\; la\Y~:d!JJq P.<l;.JD.!!. ill.L,...:" [.li,;..o;,,;~ u:;~rx:ial~'d \\'Llh. thc SCllUfl.:: UTHj lmpOlll1drllo..:m of the ~D.lmul..Thc _WlimgJ cO[1!.LQl l,.-dr, (~.ub~li.JlPU.J ~':;],,~ c_,;.)! 0 _J!J1P'Q!H~~t;:~;L;;\ f) lfl"@l W..;;t.l1 o!~ n~r \~Jm,l!3-~ ~eJl ~pll\ Ect..xl \\ IEh animal ~11-l~!~}, 3.b;~..tldontll~'m Ot th:g~cct Of uther "',EoJarina.~ of SEat:\." la\\ or orlh,~~...Ch~~r,\\ id,~(,).1J.!Jj. (\'L1rt O!'d~r 10,(.10\\ ir~g a...:~llo\\,f;l.!J.~~ .hcJ,~ing it!..l\..hj~,;J!.(}.H:: m\n;,;:r_,~~st~lbl~hl-~ .rhat hC_.QLJ;Jl~ C-<ln ~d o mnibm An i m;,;l OrdFnance 2J \\'ill,~l ~l!!0 lc~p th~' animal llJ ~L.b!lnL,Ul_C ra"!lH1ll, and m,~,ecordanc'.,; \'.i.t)} State [a\~~ am1JtLl"i o rdi rlarK ~ S~C .l-Ht22_ Seii.ure of alllmah by pro-pt'rty UWUU$ or tcnants~ dcljyt'r}' to ~8r1meRt f-nan9:!i:('I- animal l'ont rol SUptTI.' !snr; impoundment and disposal; ~tandard of care to bt' e)[erd~ed b) seizinI'!, part:,.'. ~,-I,ffi,J~-an,J-4ocI-ares lhal pf()bkm,,;-ffi"~lJ*liO:lil(lil iH ,"1tHU~.{~~~ rTOt ~fflh-, tht;-+t;,.,.;~}tttt:~-ffie-~-'s allimi.l~ ,.t..m1:n~ dCfMrtm~t1t, "91:thHSoO the atd [lnt.l .,~~~~ of prl \ 3t<J-Jefl.tH-k"S, l!krdofl;! ( I) 1 t i~ ~a\~ !lJ 1 ('OJ :l proP{;rt~ em Her or tenant lo Se:I7I': in <.Vi lHHna.rlc m;1nn~r any dog_ cai Of olne:f JJ:LlllJ.l runnmg at brg\: on his ~,m.)p\:r~\ Ln \ iolJ.lLnn ~~f ~cct[o1l j~ 711llf !his ;; hapt;;:r Where such ~1,-lJT.; is mad.,;, tll.: IHOPCf0 O\\na or Wl1UIlt :;ha.n irrlll'l~diald~ ddj\;:r th~ ammal to the: tkp<trlrnt:ft{, fffi:fH~' ;t,ni mal cnntml St.lPi:D'I,SOr or his ass~ill~n:@J contml oJljc~r. The prop..:r1y O\m~-r or tenant shall lfGit lni,; [~fliEfEal hl,Jrnand~ and shalt cxt;rcjs~ lltmust can.: W e:nSllT(; tbc ani rrl<~l\ s:lt~r! ~'i.nd ,\ e1] N:Ln.g, (2} 'n~~ utVar{m:~Il{ manager An ~1,n(m~,1 c('lntro] sU~~T!:.i,~U:[ m:J.}' i lllpDUlld iJ,.TlY nn i rllU] Jd i ~ i.;rcd b; lts o\~ ncr. or h_\ a ~}r0p<.:Tt~ 0\\ n~T or t<:fklTH pu rSU;UI\ W p,H:lgraph (1). and ma~ rd<2s.c or disp~}s..:: of l]-u.: animJ,l PIJT:';U;).Ilt t(, thl~ chapleT. (~) Any person who s~izes an anjmal pur~llanl to lhl:> :st:t:l Lon ~h;'lll cwrcj~~ utmost carl: to trcal lni,; <lmm;,d num;,uH,:h am.! to a, ~)id ,ill! i rljL.lr~, ~jd.!le;;;s, hunger or a.ny other ;Jdmcnt or aAl ictlUTl \\ hat~OC\\~f m both th<2 S~'Jm rc of In>: aJllTI1<l1 and the d~h\'~rY uf the animal to [he d.L::partruC'!'It ffialla!;~"f J.n~mJ,l conlrol 5LL~W..nJSOr. i\ [1: p~rson unabk lo ~Qmpl;- \\ ilh tht,; t;.m,;:~oiJlg for .iI'~ r;;,;,JSlJrl ~ht~1l rl(,H ~I.:i ,-c and ddi \,cr 8.n~ animaL and an: ~lt:rson \~ ho docs IIlJLLr~ or lmllm am' ,llJL[nal LJr \\nO dQ":s subJcct an <lIllm<1 j to hlHlrLT_ ~jCkrll';::;::;, Of ,~n\ ~)th~1 ai I rm,;rl( ur J.m i ctiOrl, enner mtcnHonally or Tlegl!,gcT1[ly_ in [hl:' (;,,~r..:ise: of th~ p;,;rson's <ll.llhoril~' llnd~r lhj~ Sl.diofl i~ i rt vi,Jlatiorl QI' this chapier and ~ubjcrt to the ~lcnaltjes h~r~IIl, Se[!IOl1 3-I3. In...esti~Htlon ] ) For the purpose oj' di::.chargjng thc dutje~ imposLtl b} dtis (~haptcr and 10 ~nforL~, its [1[01 Jsicn:'o., an~ anima] L,l,HltmUJHi~c.r or ~n~ ,~hl:ri.D~~ dqJt1tlJH' ~)()licc .onl~er._i$ ~~()"_~~.xl,iQ ~'m(,;f upon amJ;l,ITQ}is;,;s (,:In wlllch JIl afllrna~ ~s kcpl..or harbor~d lO demand tb~ ~\.hl,~il1on, of ~ b.:nn.:J lEcclJs~ b.y gl~ D~\.t).rr qr:,,(.lp~,Gnpr Ehcr-cQf. l) :\JJan 1f\1aj C~lnlroJ, oft)cu, Qf. a)ll,shLfl(r~ ~cput~ Of polic~ nlliccr mAl} cnt...;r uJl~nch):,;ed prcm IS~S ,\,.f!c1\Ar1 :lBi m,;!Lii.h~1!Lllpoll rW2!J~d in[orm{tti(Hl_!,uli.1 b<,;jj~f ill J. ~rll..:1 o~ inhumane malln\;T ~u)d dtJJmnd tv c'Q.!mn~ tlw ;tHjII~~I_~d ,~q?C a).illJml~I.llld the animal v.h.::ll., LI\ hi, nr her {)11jn.i.2!.1" (hI,: <lrlLITqllS ~IJbjl.;l;ll.;u :0 ~n.H,;! Dr inhumaFW (r~atmi,;(lL abandonment or n.egkct" ] J A, 2!!\Cfi W <;...~ I;pU,t;_~o Ii C<.:_ofnt;-,e r may en lq --1!n;D.1is~"S P!ol rSl,l,flfl!. to ~lg.!:H of. miL! ia \\ s 1!OH'mmQ cnmumli!Ct!Yl1Y ~\t!crc ;lIl amma! !~ ke~n in ~iO!;,lti(Jn Mthe cr~rt1irla[ f<lws of this Stat~, {L-i\IJ, :;1l],l,lllal control otflCCf J<' auth(JrlLL.;UlO I LXllh:$1 "l:nAJ.!flini~l9tl\ ~ )(,;,~n.;h_ \~'urr:~mt frQ!11lh,<O: Co lJrl if h <,; ~~f, :.;,hc h;1-i.QT9babl V (,;,i.I uS',e: to qdi (';\',~Jha t Jjobt IQ)l~ of tl) J5 Chapter \dlL en COJ~'tjIUl( a, rL.::<l..'::;unabk kill_or CXP;,;c~;]JJon mal o.n allmw.l ~i? 8Llbj~ct to abandonm.:::nh~l),u~~i!li~!r\'. (1r nc~lccl IS COm~tni;d \\ lthm ;] hmldmg or other LncJo~l.!re (CJf .,\ hidutl~ ()r(I(;~r is. nvl J,llthon z.:J [0 ~nlcr 4b,~S!!UI \\ ~t IT~~nt. Omnibus Ani mal Ordinance 24 St~l;. 3+~2.t En fOrU"mCfll; fines. ~] l ~ 'ioiaJ.'ons ()fyn:rv.:J Lpon obs;,,;r\ lflg ,l \ lolahon of tlm chapk~r, [11<.: d~ft<lftnll.mr lT1a:llilli!ef ml!m~~ i.:vntrol _illQ~'oi~,')~ or ;l s\\om .:li1lmal comrol 0.111'1(,:l,;r or any oth~'f [0." cntorccmml ~~ftli.:er nlJ.\ \.'ilh.,;r: ~<li LSUl' a CLtJ.lIc1tl to ~h<..: 0\\ 11,,'[ or K';';~.T of th.,: ;l.r1 i mal. \duch shaJ] b~", lJl.?l-lQ.SJ.~I.rlli"IJ~ !h,-: ::;3.!nj::., ..h~rrn appro\e,~, ,by-J3oan..l r~:s()hllion fuL r~l.lS pUIl1O~e. ilnQ..wl1irJt snarl L.::0n[~lln The.: dak and tLtn.: of In.: issu:mc..: vf rh,,:: (,;i~.J.Ti~Hi, 111 ~ name and add rc S~ of tho.: plTSOIl Clk:U: Hi.; dut.; ~rlJ Ii flle ;ho ;;i \ it mii.a.ctlon was commilt..:u: Tb~ (i:!C['i C(.'llstl~uung prob.lbk c<m~-.; '(lr llK i~~ijan(c ;)1' rk: citat.on: TIle ~)rdinan(;( ~'iolawd. 11,,; narul~ arid aulhuril\' of' lhe:- Olric,~l is.,:;uing UlL~ cjta~JOn: 1l1L' pm;:u:Juf~ tor the p;:f~[\ 10 foll(!\\' in OTJ(,;f l(l pay lhl: ~t\ i I p~Hiilly or In conlt::',I lk citation. /\. '::1~lkIlwnl ;)t' tf~(,; Jll:.L"irTlLlltl clIIl Jlcn~lt~ (not 10 c'l:.cc~d S.~on.()o} WhlCh may b;.: Imp0s~d Jf the JXfSOLl >::ll..;j '.:0ntc.:sts thi..' cil<.ltiur. and i) Clc(I;TrTl i flI..:d to ha....c ,inlatcd t h,:; c rei i [l~lll~<'::. 1\ s!3lcmcrH .)f thL:: Cl \ iI r~cna~t~ pJ.~ ahle If the pcn>on CJlcd docs not conksl th...~ c~tJtLOll ~ .l., ~~()ib pi l utJu S !:'r,i ~Jtl<,::n ( lhal i f t h <,: p~' r~on tl,j J ~ tL' pJ. ~ tile C !'I'll r .::nalt.' ,\ II h In tb.: ! i flll; :.1] lum:d Ol hi l~ tu appc-a.r in l.;()urt tl) o.mtc<.;t th~ cita.tkHL IJr bj]~ td 3.Jlpcar In wurt as fiAjUlfCd by lh..: Cllatiun. hi.: shall b~~ d~l:m~d 10 b;J.\ C \\<1Jvl'd hi::: right 10 ;';'.'flt..:~t ('I\.' (,:iWfwll. ;\Ild tht1~. lfl ~lH,;h .;:a..s:;:, .iwiga;.;;rll ill~\' b~' GrJ[.,:rc:c! ~ig:W15, th.:: p..:rW[l for an amounl up to tho.; nKl.'>;:lmu m \:l\-'it penallY of fin; hUllJr...':i.1 dolbrs ('!;'ino,OO), 111 adduLon. !f a persoll falls to pay th..: end p...:rtaIIY. Dr tails to J.ppGlf m court t,1 Ll)lltC.;;t the c!talioll or fai ls ld a]lp~r in c<)Un ;L~ r.:~qu ired hy file L it3tiOTl, tho.; ,:uun film' l,~S~J(.: <lfl ord(,;r tu ~hm\ ~~~tU~~ IJpon lnt..: ri;qu .:sl of lhi,; bu\'\;r.nin~j blld~ (jf th....., c.::oUfll\', Tn!, order :sh...ll n:q\lir~ su~h pe:rsoll~ lo app;;ar b,-~tur.: lh~ C0Un Lu ~\.pbin wh.\ actlcitl on the c[l:;l.liotl h.as IlCJt heel! t.aJ...cn [r 3.H~ r~'r'LHJ ,~ho I~ is:SLJ(;d s~H,:h orJl,:r IJd.s t{) ~lJlp'..;.ar in r;;~w)n~~ to rhl.:- <,,:oml\ dirXliH. thm p.;rs-on may tK" h~ld iTl w nl em pt of court , '1 "- ,~ ,; (', -, I H ~ in At\T-~P..(J-ft \...i~jt'tJ-~h. n;!t~~t!l~ 10 ""ign dl1J il.;;.:.:tpl a <.:itltlioJll !s;;ued -b~ an Oft'K:-er,4a:l-I-bc guilty of iI, mLsd~llilallOf -O+-th~-'i-t.'€-Bflii ffil.gt'....'-e:-f)t.lnj~ha:bk ~~-E'4.tt'Ftf1'f~t+t..fH.4 to ~"I:c<<-d, s-t,"'~,"' -~ --6a.'<-S--i:}f a fj nc flO( to e" c~ed 11.,'; fl.tttTt:ir~th.k,~-htf~.f \500, (if~) lJl adJ.ili~He-t~~ftth.t:~ (b) JFHj)(}und the ammaJ Whld[ i:; the subject of the do]alEnll and Cur1'utll;nl,;(~ PH'oS!';cution ofth..:' otTcn.~L pLJr"u.lJ!t t,) ~hi,~ ('h.iP(~T ;if r:]()T'iJa St.:.llut~~ sV.:ti')fl r:~',~,2 ~ 7(] }(1J, (c) I, rhe roJJm\.mg t~ p~ Dr "Jo!atiollS ot IhLS chapter H.'tJ.uil'(,; J. mandatory court ~Ppl\lr.:Lnc~ b\ llH.: pCf~OJl CHell, a '\K~r;i\J.t\;J \'i{)r~\fion~ f\..."Sul(ing In. the: t.i.npfO\okoo h!llng. iJ:u.ackinS i.-'T wounding b~ a domu,tic ammaL b Vioklllons n:sulling 111 tll," Lk;;trucHon 01 ]0'" oi' fJcT~(}nJ.1 PT()p....Tt~ . c. S~cr\l1,j (Jr sL1b:-;'i.,;q,~l,.:n[ \ iuhHiorl:;', or J, VioialwDS rcsultmg in dw IssuanCe of a tllHd m subs(,:'qlJl.:nt ula! iun., 2 l\;r~s r.:qu ~r,,;J 10 appc:.lr :n c.-mn do lInt ha.....~ Ill!': ()p(ioll of p~n ing lhe ti tlC HtSI..-ad nf appcal'lilg jn C()urt 3, Tlk' di rectoi of pllhf i.... \\'()rh shu Il m.<'unt.11n rccord~ to fHOV<; th;,; ;1umbn of ;:iw lions issueJ to ,.lJ1\' om" t ~) pcr~nn Omnibus. Animal OrdimlTlce ...,- -=-' (1) (.Om,n/(lim"\ ai I ;0[, IJ'/(Jr,',\ :\-'01 UhSd"l'eJ l,'l--"I,Jn ri.:\xipl of' <.ill anJd.3\ it of c.omp1aiTjt ~i~~Il~:d h\ om; {I:~ p~rSOLl und..:r v;,~[h bi,;fUiC an Iltdl'.'tdu<l! auth0nz.:J tv t;ll-.~ a;h no\\'k:-'Jl~mC'rl ts, setting t'mth th.: LlJ.H.l rc :mJ JUlI..' or the :let, thl' 0\\ nc:r or l..~qK"1 or tlk 3[l[maJ~ nlC J.l!dn.:s~ 0f the m~ n{;{ or h~pcr. ~trlU a d,;sf,:ription t)f the ammJ.L Ih;.; Jerafltrtt:nf-t-!\i:I,t~a~_ er ;]llltllal conlIiJI ;;\l~l'Jr\'i~or or i1 .~~~ urn arum.ll C<)[l(T,}t ~~,rEt;.cr ,"I' cJtl1~r b\~ Cllh..m'::<':Tll~nt ,~)!.rLCt;r "hall m\'c~t'gat-: the c.;()rnrbj nt to d<'1errnm-.:- \~ hdhc-f there is prubabk c;HL~C 10 hi.: I ie~'c a \,tolation of lhi~ chap(~r has occurred, II prvf)J:bk c.....lb<:: <::>"I:';b. Lhl: uep[lliFf~. llL<ln3.f,t:!r anima: CO!1troJ supl:r\.i~t)T or a ;;\\ mn an rnm 1 cOfllroi OffIL~[ :;halll'(JllU~lCnCl' pr()SlTwion vf thl: nfknsc pmsuanr to l-'lom11. SmtUll0 ~i,;cljO[l .'\2~ ,17(] )(t'J. (:;} Fiimshm("m lpon COm j~l ~on, my pcrs~1n \ aA~H lll!:." this (;h;~p~i,;f sh;:tlllk pu;}L~l1:..:d ~s pro.... Ld~d oy k1\~, Ea.;h ~l~,' ul.Jfi [lg \\ hH.:h tho: ....iolmion i,^mltn~I~~ ~lI.iH b.; d';l:nK::d a Si,;p;~ F',H.: (,Jl"L' fi S C (3) \'~ubllo[ls of allY pri.)visiu[1 L)!' IlIh chap[c[' sh2.!1 C0111;tftU[;'; .:.t nni mfr.~(,;{io!:l, l11C UlJ"xilllun I Cl \.J po..:n<l~ty sh...1l nol i..'x<"";Cl,;,,j f.\ <,; hllnt1rcJ doilar:'. {S500 OU) per \ ~Qlall.('!!:l, (b) C(}\lrt (XJ<'~;;, ;;uTcha.rg~s J.1H:l olhc.;r spc;<,;ial <..:h,lrgcs. sht~ll bl: deducted by the dC'rk of th~' (' Ih".lH cOllrl LP. tht,; ;j~~Tll::; m::U1n~r and amounts 35 pro\ HJCJ for ~Ja::;i I :lUTh,:rErrI i it\11 ',lOlaEJOnS, (c) I r the palt~ cIted d~-x;s !lot COllk-st lh~ C il.atiorL the pellalI\ gi vC-1l shall be one ~lundrL::d J(ljbr~ ~S ~ HO 0(') ~x.c~pt as lO]],m\s" (j) , VI(!lwf.?!n~' pi Si'('!i~~>l,(.,:,L-:l_:L..l:..[), j)...:L.,) " (" , ~~i('l.~Hi(m h) :In 0;\ ,l...'f or ~~<.:p~r yf a dog or calCJf SC,(~U:9Jlg ;{J Z ,gp,y.~Ulm,CJ!!:mTl~~CJnr!lcr!t. :,~ 1 }.&lYi,!~li,n.,g,-'Jl.<l~.ing and m;ln:':TIIl&l.:...! ct :(ll~\:'mi 11j; dL~iIling i!lJ.9 I"::,r11C}mg alld 3-1 (, gQ'~nH.fJg ,~IJJ.~l.~:_!11 -ll.J1JJ,l<!b... , evnsm!!1 ~s a cj \' i (! 11 fr;J C' liD)] for w 1I.i (; h 1 ~L'-2.~\ D..!>:.r__i,)L.h.:~p'c f t!f 'Nil(j aIJlI a.a I :'ih",n iN: .b~uq1.a..L.:jtalicm, h) an otliCl:'r hJ.vmg prQQabh.:- _c;a_l!~e tQ_hi;itf,':v~-.lLp\<rs.Q[l. h.\i !,2).rr.!!..F!i,D,~,(~, ,Hl <iA,:l.!!.l \jnlilIi,)Il (~rthn:<,l:' .',.,::c!ions, Ifthc,pta!-iOIl i~.po1J.Q, tJ.w-,,::M1.l{1f! s.h.a)j ,e.<:. ,m. 91;: ,,'L!y_ ~b.; fQll'-?,.yin\l,ID:..D.dtiL.~:;> for _w<..:/:t <ini_n1J.j rj{~!.vis..],nioJ] ~"am~ng SI.:(ond..Viul;.!llOl1__ ._,.__...IiD,": of510() All SuhsequcEU VI,CJl3.t!ons hlW oO;Si] iL) ~ '/(Jh..((.'r,) [tlC.:'iXi!J{('jur pc:' r~'LkmpfWI? W' atjopllO!1jrWtl ,'-f{~II(~j(', r 'owlfy >bdc~'r, (l } -,.,~nmd ,md s1,bs~'qIWnf L.'I(),1.'IIW."1,~' o( 3- i 2 (I~i 3- /-1 An\' PlfWIl who has ~Tl ~t.;~Jm..!1. ,\ tO~J,~Lon \,f S~q!QJ1" .:.l~ Of :';~H ~~, wl10 h;2,~ not 9trl4!nro a \tamp..; rOl..lnt: ( :ou n ()rdc r J i s.m ,i -S'S [ng II ~". ~ j :,aJi~ m,J;,hll.,IJ. .IlL: ~I'],L;'] !gi bl~JQ. r,~'!J!;s!'...!..Q~ ,~~U()p( <.l n).. an i TJ:I.."!.Lftorn. ~ f\.1.Qnr(l:,;"..L'!!!.!!f}__@ i!.T.!Jl~hdtff t1)r..i!...P..~.riQlJ,ortt],CIT .c~: .~':i.!:D,...flOfIl .t1w ~l,ltl,: Qf :;"ai9 cil;~l'Ofl" hi ,~'~~,1<7~iEt'" .(d.'3,-j6,An..<;[~{jl] ~,'l!.l....ict.;4 oj'.1 \ ~,)~a.ljon or So.:L::ti,Hl, ~,~;-;.12:...fl.v.nd<l: S{;lrut~s, -:)r cj~~(L r,'O.fJ!. ~,il1bvjOfl. ;..)f S,~cli(H~...l: I, b. \\hidL.situtlun ba<; fl~squljstTl(;;-,<;-.:(j W (J....::rrukd h. a..,cq,un_9rJ~.~\... "hfi.IJ.....!!..'?t b;: .,0,!ITH(~~d ~v uJoP( an\' ammu! from rnr:,' ,(.9JJWl ;Willl<\bl1dl~I..lln~il.moof KP-xQndt;G..Jll;lt tJ1C 'p~[sqn has und~rgoJLc p<;;yc-hohlQKa.Lco.l.!.!l,S,C,W!.g \\ ilh Jc-gard (0 the \' iolilr.i~~I,l, or_.0El"lQ.l,9WJ .<l.~ ang~~r ,rrl4!!illl.~mt::lJ! tn,:;t[m~.IJLm:.o,g.G!,l:Jl: . ,.~pyplq. Ll I" fW t u S0, nt ::Tl (~~rc- :;.ha l' ]x <,,:ons i U(,,:TW .4 00 ~ \- jcl~ llTI fQf...QY,~~"!i._0~ ,$t~, "'1,.1tm:'Cl iPll , i.dJ ('mull)' ,w,.dlarg~'. I;Of (;,;lcb ci..rl pCBah~LiTl~E'":.!j-:(L_!Q~~0.,~~lljlH~_uf aJ!_jJJgiml!!~~ fcht]n~ ((I ;ll,\lmal. crHI~ml..\,H ~{Jl~,[t.':~_,J!_21!.r~.k1.r.!:'.l1_Qrj.~ SJ1UU ~!!.:.Jl.~Ft!J1Y lQ~ p\;fson ch~lmni III \lOnTLJ-,' C 011D[;', lb;: procccQ;; rrQnL,'>IKh ~ uTdJarg~s ~l:al: l~~' jl,\r,:,!U(:..1)-,Jl th...~ .casU..2f.tr?-jnmg,.ti.1I: ilJ..l.imI!J. CQn,t!,CJ! t)~r[(;er~, Om r.ibus Ani mal Ord lflanCe ](1 i ~j ; ,'~!!.!.,,' ,'~\ 1.[,>,); {~. r m!Un. ,-\,n: ,OJ~':, \.:i...1]/..'....!.<;J.:: ~ t '.~,~ _ ,l 6tidi l}!UmdCI tll is; ~~'<.:tj o.n J11J y~.~\ )!hm ten dJ.Ys, Qf.l!K.Y}11J.flC,L; ,(JLlh~;,;.i taljQ!.~,..P.~t~,j9,n t.lH; Cmmt) , (. QLLn.LQ[iL h~;arinfr OrlJb~ mcm~, .'\ C0p~ l1f 1h~.~:t.Ltjon t~~r :l [Jpt;a I ~h~U!.s;: f!]~d \\ ill\ th.;'.\p~IJ1!1J..r(jntro( QHI v: [rQ.!!!,.:-0l i,(,;lLltle Clr,..~uiun \~ as J<;suGd, . hJW.J;L9:f th"'-Ql,;J~~~I~jlktl~L" CL)IJJ~ ~halJ sta~(h~ JcqHj lSm'.,JlUQjJ~ th-.; fI m; J!!Itil}1 L~Aa[(:; () f. tll C hillr~iJ.g, sC,h~g~t!,,;,g 9.~Jb.1 (\)un F di lilr:; t~~ 4QJLC,;lJ'..iLt t!l~ ~clKdukd b<.::a.llD-2 sh,d] subj\:.;l (he pd~t inner t\) the r2mf.di~~.J:..":Lfur..th, ill...tllis ('ha!)tGr. (l) lf a pcrs',.'Jn f;:lll~ to pa,y Jb.~\;lyil...P-";:Jl~liD~..llu~~ lu uPm;::J.r..i!.L ~.m:!J~)..~onl(;:',(. the ciwJ,ion. ~E_.f~\i.!.iJ9 <WQY~~.!:....i rUQurt \})}CJ] I..::qw ~red h~ a ClIat~(ln m,U),q.;lt,lJ1li. -;;::Ql![1, ~UID.,;.::m!p(.,:~" th~' i.;~)LJ n 1n3) lSSiJ~ a.Jl ofp,c,r ~0_shQ~\ ca[.lsc,.illLon Lh.: r<:qlli.:"l 0f lk gC1\ cming bo.1b....\)f the (:{JUllty ~)! munl{;l~)ajity, Th!~ (P~dq,_~~}H .~ffil,lir.Lsuch pcrSQID ~!,Lilll~Lb!;f(}n':_lh,~ ~!,!mU!Lt,:3JJ.!niIL ;\ 11\--.!:i~,t j1)T1.....@ lhl.: (,;i 1~1 i O.!.IJ!.~ n (lUX,~n__Lilkl::!' J f an~ penoJl \\ h,) b i~sUL'd such order falls 10 allPCilf ql. n;:~.prm~.JJ) .llJL\:.illln's_ Wr<':CH~J:,jhal~:;Urt m.a~ Q,L~..:lJ _[n ',~~q.!.!2t..(2.cc.Q1JrL {4)......, "hrih.rt' 1.0 S.l_~tl ctla.l/o,n, AJ1J p.::('Spn :"')J~lfLd~l...~J1L'it!!gJQ.~ill!.,allct aCCi.:lJt a CltatlQJI lS.S\.KG h~ 3.Jl 0 nicer shall he gu i It} ~}~. a mi.~d~mcaF\or 01" th~ scconq dc:grec~, punishah!c a.~ D:l~Q\. i.~~~.Jir.l.L775 ()~:2 \)u:~.17:'\..iL~.~, FhLri<ii! S,l,?-~U~.,.~" (~r ~ fine, !mllo~:...ec:(::dD... ~ .In,lllg.fcd ~OH::Lf.u..t'ijJJ}JiW.l!l <!.d.4Jill"1.u,.lo .tl;lt:: dvlJ QI.Tl.ahL (5 L_!.::~ 1ch_ {iC(~/ un 1:: S I (ltlJ!.i! !..il!!J m~,lL l_iflJ(1 n~li: (} iff.: flse i\ v to [;1[1 on of t hi~_J natw.:r_ ;~(Lj <-:a<;:,h a.[l! 1n,,,J. In lh<,.' p1n\ custoQ.Y 9r, ~p)ltro,l .:?f ~t pU,s~,m C9J;lStltuk'~ a ~<,:p;;!.fa,rc ott~tl~c: each ,;,cparJ.l\: oft~n5~ bc:mg SUbl~Cl to to..: .Q!,:..nattll..'s VW' Hkd_illJ.his ,ChJQKf. ~fI ul.!. ~ill)ah9flS, )\h(f(.P.~ll<!.ltl('.'i. .v~ P~~1~'].G_c,d_ fl)~~j 3.ct or anmsJOn, the_\ ~h,,1.1 I hch..;ld In ~Hmt:,lQ_~.(':~ ,<;IJ,ld q, ~,~ act ur OJlmSlO!l, When any act or omi~sion t~ df a_cn~l!jl1ui!lg 12har;lctL.:.r~,~~b,.:!!.J.,y'''~:!'Y din':; ';OlltillLl;l,m:l,; o( th;,; acl or omission cOllstitu~.~,.)_~~P~Qt~ (!ff;,;n>..: ,;HJdA.ll!.(:~..!d.mPJ.!l'll.pfs,<,Jl1tHIU!l1.f,. Jnrm :J..lld \ Lob.tic1tl of tb ii; Ordjn.:irtc~'_ ~~f!i~h_E1.\;~~ Q':: S,~parail:j) charge~..;lnd,]J~r'i~h.~QHl,':~Ql~qills..!o th.(; pro\ i~ions or [bi? Orj.ina!lcl,;","_ (t,j_ 1.)r{((~I The commi~~inrUJJA;,;,b~r~~(ij.!!fr<K~~OTl alA_J'lQri.!!l;..illLthQ(IZ<:d PJJ[Sltam 10 (h)s ~illiP-l\.:r TIJ.1j~U2..'; pruvo1 b\ <LN-';:I!QJ~\J~T;:JJ!~ OLt!lC c\ idcncc, See J-IJ25, Surrender 0 rani !l!;"llto t~r1ttleffl ftllm~ ani mal control s upcnisor; jnle(kr~m.:e wit h d~~partme8t AHIlIIigei' officer in p(:rforma",;:~ uf dUl). It I S un Lm fu I t'('Ir <lfl \ P\;T:';(j~: 10 r..:iu $': to smr-:nde r an animaJ lq)()U I a wiu] del nand b \' ~ he ~~ FfIaild.g~ JonJ t).1al.<;,9J!~rQl SU~r\ ,-~~,r or 1tt-;--a..fftktrt~~l~ldl'}j an ;Jrlim,,:llsQmrol plTiCl.:r~ IllS unlawful for ~l.n-, pC'fs..Jn (0 a.nclHpl tu l,ih~ am' Lllllmal trnm lhe CLl5[Od~ of {he d"1"ilrlmt:flI !FI:arta~anjma.r crmt.r0.l, \ul~r \ i~OT_ur ~is '[,l~i'.::'tant ill:! ~D.1"1L~ontrof otlicc!s or t~) all<:mpt te) talc .:lJl~ ~liHlal frmll a ';'.'U nl1 POU(l,J II ilhoUl pcrn1l~~Jon or [li,.,:: <ffit1<fflntl;!-lt1: mll.nu.g~f C\~~i m.ill~()nfrQ'.L~lJlliJ''L':i.(,lr or ~HS- ass-ffit.1.flffi ;:lIl auimal (,9.!!!!.'QlJJ.(fi(,;l,;,r~ In thc pl'rformanc~ or thci r dUlL('S under [hi" ch..'i:ptcr ~L 3-,1416. Qllaran1 ine prO"lSJODS; impoundment and treatment of .sick 20d injll red aniuull!\; di.~pusal of dead anllllal.s. {[) \\ikrl;i lhml'SllGJtvd ammal has bittcn a peT~OI1 tl. ,Ulothl.;r Ullll;KIL or is heliC\eJ h' Ft:l\'~~ him:rl ~L p<;T~\}l1 (J ;U1athcr anjma~, or i,,; :-:;1~~p\,.:.;,;ii,;J o,\' the depaftnl~ 'ffiaftd#t'~ 4r.l.!!l.!;-!,~~\Jnt'Llj SL.wgr~),~or to han: r;Jbl~'S_ Lt shall he quar3Jliill\':d b\' n lic<:flSl:c..1 .....ctcrinarJan urld~r the SUPl.;fH"Oll Omuibus /\nimal Ordlnallce 27 GJ' the ~j)dfiEH~!l! fl:lilllager ;ldl!!.HJ.1 <..:<.mlrol ~Lll)~~'. isOT. or the J..nj mal may h.: hclJ in qUJ,.1 anrin!..: at ,1 ~;OlU!h' 1~u":llil\' Th.; qLlarJ.IIItne shall h~ tor a rellsonablt' ~fJoJ- o+--t~---4eternHt:cd b,~ th~ d"''VlVlffi1;!ftt m,t~.~ knJJ;!~"L :~,~ t!~.L' end oj' lhe tel~ da~ @:}ranlin<.:"Jb<: Om'l(;r :;haH.lli0,i!nSq~t<, ill qlJ..:)..ra.~lLiI1,~. iin...J ~I(J\'i.Jl: J_o(.:1I.rn(,;'I\l3ti()nj,Q n.!.~J\:~ 0\\ r\crshlp aJ1d that J,hLJni ml!.L.s i..:urreTH 1 \_ prot{;ucd h~ a F.bi-:s ,>~.l(;,::ltlatinn jn ord-';I- to rq.!~TljJ the animaL J(_j_Yfl.rl2_Jhl,;l~Wl) _~a~ l-Joldim~ ]J(:f10d. the animal diSDIJ.\~ ~\ mpl<'jrTl~ QGallj.9~~ th~n an anima.l (OJ;l\~C!'L9.fflc.;I ~haU ~lj,!1,[;llJo.;h ..oi12~!lli\_lh.e '-l.llinl;!LluuJ i.!!!.nt.,;di.ill.<..::b_~;end -1b~..!;t,Jtimal or sample speeLm~n to a L~l;J 3.1)~)f0\ cd b] the ])qI311m~nt of t:kaJ$, (2) llH; dt:1'Td:ffti+l:ftl..fffitH:L~1 4~rTl,ill ';,t,2nu01 slJpcrvi<;or ma~ JmpounJ an.1 J.IHnml b..::JH:,;;d to be ~Z1rr:- tng an 1 nf'.TtJOUS or c.DmaglOlI~ d,seasc_ or '-lny mj ur<:d anil1ML and mJ,. T(,;[aill the ~cn:iCI:~ of d jiu.:nscd \ crC:liIlarj,:m tu trQt it. 11~~> &:t;aftffieflt-ffii:1:f~'f ~m;li CQIllrol,~~r\ lsor may aceo.:pt :->.i(,,:k or illjurw ~mTTTl<ll lJptJrl dchvcr~ \VhC~t a sick or j nllm~d ammal I~ owned and the owncr is ] de nH fkd. su c h ownc r <; hall hc l La bk: far p~ \ l1K'Ill of... e tc rma [y c \.pcns;,;s Of n:i m bu rs(,;m r; n ( of t h;,; CVllnt~'\ (,;Xp<:n~;,;:s in In;;ui ng rh...: 4flim;d At th.,: dis.ctcti~)11 \)1" the depaltm~m: maIlil:5.or animal .,:im( r<..,1 ,:3lJpcrvisor. a sick Of Plj up,;d animal may be dcstroq.:d or olh";r\\'~,~<.: d ispos",;u of. und it;:; r~'m~1 n~ dLSp0~L..:ct of \~'lt hom cUl11pensatlon to the Q\\Tler or h..:pa, PT0\'IJcd that the d~panmo;m{ mLl,.nit'.5~r iUllIil,tI ~unrrol ~lJpl;n.:I.S0T :<;h<tlllllaj.;c r~~lHlnblc \,';1Ton w rloti!~ (he ()\\ rll;r Of hcp~r rha.~ In,.:: anLmJ.l [0 i rnpolLndcd. A 0.:.1.', or cat wille h fS l10t mocu lat~ U:g<lHlSl rah~ Of .......'IH~h I-S net lK1.?i~ s-HaJ.t-fK.t-~ lmf:if-JlfO'.-.SIOI:S ha'>L b~ttn rnade to iancl:llate-ilihi l!cel::;~ the animal pmped:> , TIle .icpartRleflt tH.~t,."f '~IJ,ir.!illJ...',,~Q[il r~ll,.i!!Pr.::r; ,isur shall charg..: ttw owner the applic~lbk ke for \'J.cci n.aljon or 1 i(;":i1::,ifL~~, \\:h(,;;] an !rnpounJed ,ulimal is not claJmed ,\ ItlllJl a r...;asonable penod of mn~. as dctGJllined b: hoard resolutio]], th~ t:iYJartfl~elll ffltlr1Ct!5~r ,lfli mal I.:lmlruf ~upr.:n iSUf may [ran~fer cuq~"h ~.lr ()\\'TH,;r~h I p (}f lne a[l i n1<Jl to a num;:Hl....- agmcy cr a n~w 0\-\ na, or llill) d..:stroJ Uk' ani ma I and d LS pos e of lts r~ tllaj n~, I n c:idw r 8~. ~ He tt L';: ,) w Il,,;r or k .;:cpc:r \\ i II nut b;,; .,;nt ill.:J ~ 11 compensatIon. (l) V,'hen an alumal dll.~s. [he OIl [leI nr l~cp~r oj"" rhe: UIIlITl;ll .shall dispose of lh.: r..:mams i m mr.::dl:ue]y, W hCLl th..: ~ti'leit!.--tft~ J.JliJld, ~Ulltrl.'12.lJJli,;n:l"sor or illS as~t~aflt 3.l~Lmal C<..1tllrol QtF~.':.:.L-di.s;,;.o\-;;~ a dl.<ld al1imul. he shall flotlt\ the D\\llCr or kCCPCL if k110\Ul, and Sh.lll ()nk'T llH: o\\nl,;f or k~per to d]spos~ or the remains jmlllcdlLi.ck T r th(,: p;;rl\ nu!ifkd fails lO CQ[llpJy \\ Ltlml hI en!: -fl}Ur ~ n) hOLlr~. th~ tkpl~ 1Tlliflager i:!.ni rn.al S9mrul supcr'l'1SOf shall caLIse lh.:: remains IO b~ dispo~.;.J (,1' unri ::;;hal1 bi II tn(,; animal owner or k.:cpcr. a~ ap prop [ ial1.;, !~1r th.: costs oj' Lli'-.jJoS,11 S~lI;h ~\n;m<.11 OW)ler or kGcpcr ma~ furth~f b-c held in \ lnLitio[l of lhi~ ~ hupkr J.nu jJlLnlShl:d :1:';' pr0\ ld~~d h~f~i n .nL"; dt1fhHlf'lt<;fil ftlUfiuger animal control sLlp~n is;:)f ~hall dl~pusc ofthe rr:maul;; or an animaJ ,I hie}, hH~ dlr;J on pllbtle proper!) " but OIlJ., whl,;rl;: ;~n L)\\'nr;r ()I" k..:~'rd L~ilHl~H br.:: [lo!ifH::d, ~(}lhmg Ln thIS section shall h-: rle~IlH:d to iimir or mD.lr~\'t::n..: I.h...:- prU\ lSI(I(l.S Df !-'londa StatUleS S..::UjP!l ?i23 (j<l I U) An) wi ld J,mm31 lhar biles or oTh~n\ is<: ~'(poscs a human lO rabie.~ s.hal[ b'o: i ntrll~Jlaldy ~ Llkd anG teSkJ for r"bil.:~ un I.;~~ the C0Ullt~ heatth (mJL~r d";(';:!ITlin..;~ lhe ;.;ircu rmt,mo..:s \\ J.rr.:l.nt ;}Jl \.::x r;;;pll on, Sl':'r. 3-t-527. Impounding, nxlecmiZl~ hy n,^'nt':r. di!ipO!iition of unredeemed dol':~. ( I) Imp()!l1IdmmI A whorJ:!cd, Am dt)~ fOllnd \\.jlhoUl a currem l~ Uf 30rlI an i nl'-lJ 10und tn \- i(lbtwn of t1m chJ.pt~'[ 111<1;' b;; c<uJ,ghl b: an auiliert~ COUtH~ ~1'l1rk~ O'f ae al::tthonz~d emjJ~'e-e-et.t-hB htJ-HllHtc socidv <lull1onz~.e.~ -tOO ~ ,!-nj rm~l control offi'-'.~r or [Hft'H*f!-*-tft:t.t~ ~ --if:-> dlf&...:!tOll ~B.~mar lnnIwl sup~~:'-.ur. and impmon~'d and irnpOlJnd-.;d .,It a plac~ m,un[J.i Ilr.::d 0r d":slgnakd f[)J tha~ pur pow O} I )l'posa! (lj' ['nreJi'I:-m.:d AmmO/I"' /'tn' Alter a pt::ril1J 01" l;onfinemcnt oj' tivl: (:1) dJ.\~, thos.: ani rnab Hul ~'IJ.inlC-d ma~ t....:- d.i;;;p0seti of ~nr'-'llt~h appro\'\.;d hUiH.3JlC; '1f,..;n;;:i.,;~, or o(hcr\" lS~ in ~l humanl.: Dlannl.r. Animal<> shal t be rd'-"i.lscd to 0\\ 11.:-rs Oil prC!,CL;'llf.<ttiuTl of proof of OIl rH::..,hip Omnibu~ Aninml Ordimm(,;e 2~ ~~Ild ~dh;r pHlp<;j lrHXLj latll1n, I ic...:nSli1f and p,j\'fTl..;-rH i'~t' fcc;~ as \\ LlJ.~~ s~~w,_i,~,H! _iLu.~-':L'~c;;lry III C'(,Ell P l ~ \ ~ itl1 ~h ~ ~ ~': !lilpll.:r, (,) Adu,rmon (I.ninu'Ulm~'d ,!nimak 111(,; fee for th~ adoplLon of an und,~ilTL,;d 3.rlima] shaH be as ~HtUp'.-.:J h' ~ he ni).ml A -':lllJ Il!\ (;()lHtn LSSfDn~T~ phi::; ;H~ ~t~_ C~l:-)l [(:'qu.r~d by r lC-fid~L SlJ.tul(..."'; W q'-l.:!hf~\ the ajHm~1 fur adGptL0n, S~(' _ J.-I-62R. N l.Ember of do~s. ll:IW cats and ferrd:) re~trir.ted. w......) p,~r~OI~ rIt(ly ds.cJ1.')_\\ n ~)(hS('';'; "hdt:';L kLcp~r,bit!:.\.r;)r mOr:;: Ih;)t1 ti,<ur (,q dom~stK a:Fl}rmll~ (,lQt~,_D:!JS ur t'i;rn;b,~)\'q .(!?u r ('l) mOllth~ qf iU;,~,:aUllll. un'.: !i!lI,~~41_~~!J~ _~~l-,(; .reS IJCtlCC or ;;l.ddr~'~ ell all" Wctll:t~~~.'\lf1ks.s !h<: -4(ti4-<illjmJ.l.~ arc ~,l~JQ_!I!,a \'ctcrman rnl,;Jic.:ui fJ.<.:ilt1\' 91' gmcmmlCllt (~p~J'i.lh.;d or IL'\,Il.S&J_nilT!i!!_prot:.:qi~~!l ~hcJ.h:,l 1)[ :ax ({)) mom.i\S or ~'U".Jnger. wi~hout fl1*HttBHg-a, dH.jV,llC~J1s.cd kctl (]~t_~J.t[rCl L)r pl~r, sbop, L~) ..b\ fl\Lr"hc[ lJi' imd_~ lH:l:> he k,:-,pt J.S long as th~\' ;\r,,; J.J';~\LJ.L;I\ :lJJlJ hllnl3Ild_, caro..:d for_ and lhur flOl~C do~s Ilal r.,;.[mHlubl \ lllLmJo; into the UOma!il of othcr pcrsOm~;,l,L1Q..Jh.',:.l.f i"':":Jl!n".il2~l nO( nl:~Lh.:' Jfl\' thiwt [0 the hc.:.lhh Ull,0 \<!.fd\ of' th~..1)l1b lie due h-:> un~;lll,jlan, ~,P1v.,1Jllilns, See J-2'). , Poi~on prohibited. tit) I!~!S~lll sha.ll lea....e or ~<;p.(),s~t .:!.!J.)_ ,P-9j_~Q.D_ QL;Im:....sub:;;lal'1~f cont;.llJlill~JNjSf)!l..,,_tlJ_n!!y COlTHn~~!F,:-<!,=-_;!Jl~~J40-_C, ~~r !,~!Qr0.ugll fire of a.tl~ kInd, or in 3..Il} ~~Q.rQ l)r Cl1d~'S.llfc' ;)lhc'r th:Jjl the ~ ard or ClW!o~L.l~(,:,2';g]p'i~'d yr o\\TIcd b\:. SlKh pcr:;(Hl StC, J- n J!!. Ke-eping of fov.t Uf ""jldlift'. {U 'I'll.: ":Oll I'.t\ ~hall not <!vxpt, for, P_lJLQu~...'~, .A ,J.iwos..d, (]~,. rd l){,:a~i,(~I'!....2~~h~, I ~;';(9~)l,lo;...,~J,l_hL~\!{~b f:2111,.;!~i!~_Al]i!ll~bJl.-:>...s:j~_~!~1-.!&:tL~1 d~ hO;,).n:J: jn a f($ol m,io [1, If not pr.o\ld~q !;ly QHil!p_n,c~..qr n.~,S0JUli':'~,!1_lJV; l.l11111I;:....;Lha.!Lhav~:..l!.QJlor be' i'~pi~iNt! 'fltf-t!l~-k~Of,'-ttf' H,..~ptJIl~ ibiJ ih lo ~":lZC_ nnpollnd l1[ GJ.fC f0r any llefl-dQm\:s~if,;.;,ljL'J fuwl CJr ,\ IIJlif~ w ,-\ t\ _,~tI1 i rqilL ~_ UnLf,..,..l..Au;6J vi S UL_m _ an j ma 1_ w n ~ TC 1 ;,u;,~,;nL.!!1~l.' tssm:_..J........(' itali Q!!....~1)..J!!l~s:~t!!J ~'~\_;p;j:...>1I.lY, ,1l9_5J..:0um...>tg;,I,t;;,q. f9~\_\, ~ m \\~~l~.l!t\:_, ]D_~~., W-,HlJ~c'T iQ. iJ.~,..i~) G.Qm:mil,l<:.....:!:\. ~JMLcj LJr..1nC healt~l or f.,;lfct}' nC the JlubhL or w com,titu.tc a publi:e m.JiS3J1Cc_ F~j]urc l)!' tlw m~ llL~r Dr h..~~:k~r. .j !-L~,lh4h;, ~J!_~ .r!!.-!_~~'1!!~t:" ,j. h<1flJ~ ~~_~j ~t ,iu..JJ1";, 1',1 J~~i" I]_~l. i :?:,-!!..!I,:;.J..t,~"~_ 0 t_ilii"~ CI.L;1Qkf_ Sec. J-ISJ!. ~ ~r-t':.IHll:lnd~, 9ud fll~ Anirn~h, in County k% than 30 dll)'S ~l:t'mpt Tlt:..: \ ::lC;: iJl,u:n[i ami I id..'rlsj~lg proi i~ ioJl.~ d' lhis CII~trHl..:r ~;h,lJl Ilol :ipph- ~l,f L~ht,'k:IFltP.; k~: fH,~tnh~fnt:d 0~' bwughl H"tl0th~ (")mu~' f(.r tttc purt}n~~"Gf.til:ltl~ a+-,ht.-t:fis~a'g.f~--Bf 10 dogs'~ a~,IMrt-ilf <;l~Ra:imn€nt-ael:s-wh~H,f*E't)€H:<'-eeffimll~ '.\ h~n uo.;<, animals y~.hj,L,i,1 rem.ain Irl ~JlC: c::olUlh [('r ;~ p<':fioJ of k~~ !han lnirl\' CHI} J:lY~ Set--.--J....-t-9,-( :.mtfftet--wifh- ftmffiHte- fffpflYf.1triotts; h F~ ho::r,,'-t-~ -adt\.&rt.&.:a- !hffi--l.48-~ft>rtfJ 4-L.-'dtl-ft{~~'jfffill~":"';H,\fte'!'~, hy r~~,AHtH_~fl_ l11UY cOlfl.n.tt:'1 ~Hh ~..t'+t\.<w=, Flf?ng(~"'~f'nEt~Ha~ hUfTw.\~ vr.g<lAi7.-iHI0fi r;)r th~, p~rteH':nall~~' ~>f oj'M..'f~-ef aH-i-fHat ~IH~r tbc!ljlle~ and of this'ehaj3'ttl'L aea:.ff4flg-k.l,ffie.p-ffi'" if,ion.<;---af s@odiw-i.4 Ser. J-1Jl. Rulp.~ imd (egu~.ations_ Thc.:- b(\trd !Il;~Y ,;nac:t r~nabk rul(;'s aad r.;gu[atlDll_~ to lmrlcmC:llt arld can~ out rh,~ provisions of lh i~ ci1<.tplcr. lm'ludLng. tan !10t l1mltcd to. the rrghr IO r~gulat~ 01 l'\~mpl ;,:~:rt<lln ammals from tlm chaptcc and t~l\..- rj~llI Tn r;:;gldfitl,; ~hi.,; fl~J rr1U~T~ anJ lyp~~ uf anin~a!s <Lf1U till condmnns UllU~f \\hidl :hl,:\ llla~' rn: l'Ilail1lam~tl in r..:sidc[llia.lly zoned area.!>, Sf'-(. J-MJ3. Areas uf enfon:~mellL Omnibus An! mal Ordi ~l~Ulc~ 29 l\ir,lJ;'Un [(.' ;utiLI~ VIU ~c'.;,:t Ic1Ll 1 of the ('Qn~,aj, III iOJl ,,(. th~ Sl;1h.' cof Flf.mJ<.l, thL' hoard ma.y cn1orcL' this cb,..1pk~T lhrougbuut the unincnrpornkd ar<.:<.l~ l1f \-lonroe (aunt!. and \\ Hhi rL Lh,,; Lllcmpm;)[l'd .1r~;1S ()f tlk' C('un!\' lp thi: e:-\.tl.:rlt the chapter d(),:s 1]ot (,:(1Tl fl ~C( \\ ith ally municipal unJi]]J.I1C~ Sec, J-.\4, Aniln ods found In distress; when llll:ellt nUl\" takr. charli:.e; hearin-e:: di~..lli!.'Sition; sale.--, l!..LJh,;, W.Ll'P,)s.:: of lhi5> sec(to.ru~.JQ NQvid~ U....!!l~fl~..Q: _\\ htch a ncgk,ctc~r mi~lr~.arc:d <'l!Iirn,;l.1 ~~~~ (.1) R~m(l\ e4 trmn_l!s pr,,;~~nt (;llSlOd\'. or bLy1<ldull~~UQjcd ,l)~. dEl l)rdcr (() pro:~ t~.',; CJ.r~~~Sll(:J !(,l iL; {)wTlr;;rb\!hg COLHll.y court, all} b\\ ;,;nfQrI~lJl~l!L.illT~Cl,;L.JJr ~m i~nim;1LI;Q!,H~.Il)mCCr, and ,gn'~,n P.[Q1L~l,tQJl ami <111 ill2l!Qlli r~1~ ;!n d h ml1an L: disp os L t J qn. Jll.ad~ , (J.) :\nr...Javl.,.enfQTCCJl'h;nl...Q..ffic.:r o~ a!1~~liTrlal ';:9!!!!0] l)tr~ccr ma.! : Wl.l.i!~,\ fll lh~.J41...; <::,~S!O~t\ ..~~f an~ ammal fOLlJ1.d '1~gk_c;t.Gdpr crudh treated b\ r..:mm i n~ the. ,;;will1.<1J .from..l tJUl r(:Si.:nt loc~llvJL.JLf {t)} Ortkrrh:.; ()\\ Tl i,:i_9La.n)__<lni mal fOutld ntglccled or ~lUenj ,tJ:"..;:<lJ~d.IQ,Qm'Lli!~, cqtaiI! :\:ar...: [JJJJ1l J.l)rmJ.! a.ub.~ U~\n~fL<':~y'n~'.: \\ i!}]()~l.(...D;:n.!...t)v'1!, of' th~ aniIllal, i'wrn j~:<;, p[;,;~cnt :OC;1([;)J\ and shall rortj~\, It~l pctll!0Il..tJl'..d;:Quntl-Suur1 tud\~.,; of lh~ '.:QUilt\'. "'n,i.:r-,'I rU~,s;, <!!:!j~la.]..i2J~'un4.Jnr._~..i~~ri!lg~ In.}),; ~\...'I..\~ilhLt\ 30 d.a~.~ after we, date of S~tLl.llc of the ;,tTl;Il~~{)T i"slIallce ofrh,,; order (~~J!!.Q~.d(':9!~ 4tJ..d..ht:ld not more than 15 d.a)~ attcr the s~Ul tlg of s uch d.a~(:, to delcrm L tlC ,\\ het hq ,lh<.; , O\~Ln ;;r~ ~L.JqlOWI1. !,L.i:l bk, .19. illP \lih:. aJequatd..' for lh.:- _ani mat .J.TlrlJ1Lf!!J{l hnv'.: ,~"$\0dY__!J,Lthc ,~j.rl)At ..!1l~--.h.C{l..!in.bL2!14!l \.!.c mn,;J!1!l:;~lnd ll:!L~0U n_J!!:dc..:r .;nl(,;r:;u Inr;n;o~u:Jlhin b(Ld;,~\> <.IQer ~h.,; ~....1~ !hi; h(;iui!!t:i2 emu tllt;l1ccd, N 0 f~~ shall he cha rg,,;d t()r the tllmg of th,(,; pet Jt10ll, N OIjm~g hn ~ Ln (s i rrl~llJcd lo rr;qviry'_courl J~lion ihr tnl;: wkJ!!g into ClJs~oo(.h' <1nJlmak i rlH prop!.:! dispu!iiliul1 y.Lm~u)[ -,;l,p~~d,rJl~4.illJIlJ.N lL~sJID,"fi.IJ.b':...Q~rf QmHx! b \ aJum<;l.l.g;tnl ri..Jl.Qtj'ic cn~ (3) nlC o!Ticcr or 3JHETl:l[ c(lnrrol oq"iccr U!J.;ing ch:\ltgq of ftt1} ar,i~l r.~lT~Jlun.l t~)i!!.~ Q!Dy;si,on~,cl (h i :-", .)';';(,:J ion.. ::;n;'l (j i-I<~ \\Ti tl";Tl TIU1j,c;: ?..:n e d. ~l1...kast 5 J<l~ pri 0,L.W Jill; hqnng .s c1 fa rth---1!'! ~ulJS(;C~ iQ.!!.J?l..uQQn.Jb.C...Q,l\'n..:r .2i Lhl: ,;ani,mal, jf..hL9L2l1;;:_J~ ,kJ)Q.~\Jl 'l!ld, IS T..;~:ad1ng J n the CDUJlt) \~ hcr~ ttw aminal, \\ a"- 1Ak~tl_ llJ,~(l!}J('lr.tnaJ'!f.~ \\ ir.h.1~~.Q.C.[)\ jsjon:s of c;;f-tapr~r 4~ rdHtim! t.~,C5~ni!;_",-i!.!j}r()~,A';:>~ T1w, !;h<:rlf(.!2Lth.: couffiLshall..J!9.1 cbillgc a, fcc. fQ[ SJ;f~'IC~ 9f.~uc,h 1101 Ef,:LJf lhl: O\\'lJCr of thi.: aJlill1.;.lJj1\k!lO)'l-Jlbu[ IS_ r,:sLding Ollt:Sld~ ol'1.hc munt) \\)1~rc.Ln t,h.~ ;Jn~m;:d \\J5 taken, nNLCe of {he hearing ~h<1JJ b~ b~Pliblicalj~illS_onformanc~ with thl,; prm i~iu]]s oC Lh~!p~\,;r .l2., l:!l ~ a} Thc. 0ffLCl,;f. or amm~conl.rQL9ffl~eT,Ja}';'Hlg charge of all animal a.o; .rr.9...l..i,4~.dJor ,j!lJht~ ~~dlqn ~i)aH P[(,)~ Id~ tor the animal until l:lthcf L Th( O~\}lCr IS J.Ql.!J.d2.cd D\ Jh(', coun_lO. ,.Q G a!;J Ie to, !)[O\ I d~ adeq u,;ud y fpr, .J!!l"Lh~ I. i; ~usl.oth', 91:. t11l. <!ll kmJ.J., Ln ",hleh cas~ the all i mal s,b,;~~[_Jl;.:. rdunH':Q..1() tnl:, m'!.I1~T 1JQ9t1 pa'j mcm b~ the:- 0\'_HCJ:.J{)Ut~c qr.,; Jnd ~i~ioELfuI...1b...c all)lllal j~hLk in the ag..::nt's or Qf1i!2"_c.!'s (,,:uSlOih : llf ) 'n~ an unaJ i :;_Il~ n lCil ~ ..; r t ~~ In<.;:-2....fj-k~ r --2U:ln.una ~ c: QJHr9,J om C~ r a ~ p 1~!0I;J ..i!! pa rail [':l,ph {f.'L;}.nd .~1 IlU mam; d i sposlhoIl of.tb..1..a1J.imal is made, Omnibus Anima[ Ordinance 30 LtL ,U::,J.l<i..' ,:~)'''''! d~JL~I...!.HiJ.k'S th.3.t th~' OW~l.;.;r .1.'..,J.bk to pr~)\ id~_;l(i<,:~lua(l:]) for: Q.fl9 ,I!il\..~. CLlstGQ) c( th-:, ;:;',Lll.!lWLJ!!": ur~kf, ;;n,;tlLpr(l\ ~(jl.;, rha,( the a.mm..1l iu tl~ 'p-0s~~SS~!::~.!!JLlh~ qrTI;::Cl' ~K a.njll1a~ ~omfOl, pt'fiL'.:Lbs: daiUll.:d al!4J:.'<f.!l0y ~d h) the owneUYl1hI~Ll!la\'s ;\11:0_ {k~i;Lk__([Jh,,', ,(H.~lo;r u,~!~. y.!.;;_.. ~:.9.lJrt\ judgm~n!, :th_4~ ,lli.~,...ill~.'Il(';T ...2iM. :lni!.5J.1. .i~. 1J-,'1,ahl~ W Linr~t to ~,y(,tIJ;J[~ l} Pf(l\ ~d~ f(J[ Ih~ atlLJ\1J.J: L_.:nlL~_90Llruh~]1. order. Ihe aJun.l?L.!p ,PI' ~olqh tk)iht;fifr !!!"pII_1!l.i~,_;,Jt.lI.:-ri';m" a.nn. "h:d~ w:o\id<.::in it~ ',)J\i:.;r thJ.t lh~ LUr!'.;m i?~~lhJ.,5b.;;i.l,h:l\_c T](\ tl:~n~T ~'11?~o<.j~_.Qf1k~i..iJ_~,n~1..l .md [11<.11. am, ,;.I.ill!lJ!lLl,lliLbllL,!J,g1!r.!_~.bai J JS_J.:;!!!ilJ!~~U:() th-o: ;:-li,~tudy of Ii...: Soci~~y ,l(},ub..: Prc\l~rlti~~B .,l' Crudty tQ .~mn;lts.~lJ,~c HUln~,m; Soctcl'l._ 111f:_~(jLLTll\', or am ;g~,J~.Y, P.I. Q~_;~.qJl [ll~' J LJdgL' ,j(::cm.~ appmpDJ.ti:;, ~q b{. qi4!.l.)S<:~JQL~!:lih.\: i:.t~~l;r:C~...2!:.m,:..r2.lm )t;~s... (1; f)J L_ Ibe t;9ur1 tn.J.: ordd tb~ ;).l1t,m~l.,Q:CS~rm,I.Q, QLE::m.aJ).di,;dAircdlv to, thc__o..:m~ycl"'...\2LLil<.: S~}c.l.d';: .fQI.Jt~,Yr:.;\'~:miLJ,u....().(,C..n~LTYJ9. A.n~!nak th~,j lLJmanc S0CJdy" th~ county, 0f om ~~l_~}I...1l.~2Y...!.Uh..,: iuuj~"; dYS.T!,l~ a.pu.um.ti~J,~,.,t~)~ ,qjsW's..::d oC a~ th~ ag~nc: Dr pcncm sees JI:, upon ,tlW t<;;'itimPJJy_,.';:lf:JJw__Qg,cnly'b9 took cllst~yf lh(,; ,~nir'1<!!........2uwofl In.; ~';::SI!!!!.,-~l!l-;~L~A,b,y.! !J..paWjcJ_ ." Ltn~s.".;~, that the anunal ft?,qUlf~S P~St!1.!CtH.)t) w. (I~.hsr ~::5,tl.Q!!..f2!...hllm\mit;1.rjan r':':lson~J)r,i,::.> l'{ n!L~fItm.~,r,C,i;ll \';,llu~, :3- lvl,l.I.!.....iJt~'llf .d ;;9~~\i.r!~i~!l0;i~,.lbc .;,jgcr~L ~'u!nl(;~r,_ ~hL ({)Iut m:l~ r egu ~fC, tl1~t the: V\\'Tl.;i....P~~l...!~uh~ can; of th~ ,an il_"al jvni.!y in ,t~<,; su~joJ\ _2!i!l''; ,~r!i!!.!~.l~?IlHl\~..2ffi~(;r_,1!.!:. otlicc:-r. A ~Cj)arJ.t(' hLe.:lnllg ma::, he he!d, '*~ J 'bLi; 9.1L8 may _Q.rd([ ,~t.wJ 9111~ r au lll];l, l ~...!J:lJ.L;:!r;;;,lH Jh~.. CJJ,'j,l ~J9~ (JLOI.~.,q \HIt; ~, iloUd ,t)JM ~Y;;;:,e [Wr sClzed by, th<.:: officGr Of ag,C'1l1 ,be, LumC:d q\'cr to llW otYLcer or ,anqnJ.l cornml (~fTi .:.;-r, i! Ih~ C n~~ IT ~ft;; r!!!! r I ~,~, r h::i!phs...o'~...!J t:'rii li.@t'l,~'. \~U~n fjPtJ..;W ~_Y.!I,;l,r.ili', !21.:..Q,~ i~ for. thi,; .J.T1jmai~ ,l~.\L l.::o)JJ1...m,m. ,QJj9ln thi,; .Q.'~ n~r~.J'i,mh-'L"p(JJi.~";~::ilQ.l~...9.r. ,~U~[.o.J...) )rf olh~r J.njma~s, (j j ...!.!ul ~[..:n!!il! l.J:!&-.lI1,~ GnQI1:~. tl tl]~,~~.t.9 hm' ~ 0; us ~m;jy Qf at) aJ~1 'Xilll ~,Ildi:r IlK p rm' j 5tK'lb of tllLS (lct_ t]l~ ~P,!.ll1 m.a.:> Cl)ll",idc[', a.mong ~)th.;.-r Ir~att~T~' (a) T (;~ ti 1Il.'!.Tl~..J i:.~ 1 rl!.Jh~ _stTj! muJ CUrl' ru l__ofrj;.~ QLQ.tfi.:1.:: r__r~_ h q, .~(,);;:'lq Jh~, J,lH mal and otht:l witD'.:S~,G', ~,~ t(> ~l1c condHj011 of lhc ~ntm;11 \>,hCtl ~~izcd. <'J,!!.Q ~2.l0.~ s.:ul1~tjt i i.)J1~ ul~tkr, ~\'hi.Gh the ,;mm~>ll ~\4--~ ~ep'L (~) T ...~1[fI\O,)J'0:"A!I!:L.;\'ld~,llh ,;1~, ~p ,th~ , c,t.;:rin.a.ry W,lC pm" idcii Entht: ;ui!.!:n;}L (~J 'I'esllmml) :lJlti .;:.\i.d~!!~~ .IS, tQJb",-bP-~ <11]11 af1l9UnL2f_pr~ lJ'.rou4~.g,tQ ,the JJlIm3:!. uu. ,[ '\P..~rt t.(,:~,tlJnljnJ as EO tile: C(~mmuj]lt_\ \p:HL::brdlJ.9r---m:c...'lliJ" _and r,:a.-:;oJJJDk care of lhe ~unl~ l \ 1)1.:: o.L;1nWl~l. f c~..,r csumQlILt.fQl,n 3.l1} .wlt.nc~SL:':;as tn .pnr~f_,~r~ltUFnr 9T C.(}.uiliU9il w(ltl.li> Qf Qlh~f JJHtnal,;; iru lu.: s~!m nIBt.od) , (0 J~b:,....!,~:nc r'',i..p-~l.::;,t J..::c<.)r.;Lo.f J \tugmcms u nd Ler th~ p [~\ i~~a,~J::!l ~k~.b.uR.1:-:L f l!) (.Q!l' Lct~lln~ tll1dl'r th~ S41J!!I~l...P-r0hi b i1 i tlg, crll~h ~_ !C1.A1Hi~~::ri.~, tbL...6..!~ VI .!:U;U: YIC.k m:,c t.~~. q1lU'[, en tl~ j dCfS nl 1),(.l:.!!OJt~ ri ,~LQL n.~lc V1JJJL Omllihu:- :\ ni mal ()rd~na!l(,;~ 31 ( (,) j f [lll: :;\h:j.C,lll' e JUdi!.\H ~.).,.a b d,,~I...V!.0pl:'l: a.nd f~;a.~, )ll.:!-,Q l..; .~lJ~~}f tIH'; ~.!!.i!.l !~.L I!h~ b LlrJe n L,~, Q[l thy ()\I::!lt.; r.. l(), ih;r.1 !.Q~\~.'ri.H~..b}, ck-.ar a.w;! C~!,l:I.\ In~L.!!L;';\-' id\;IJ (~I.:: (haf ~~~ ,!r...~ilt: L" ao k ;mJ tk ~~Ul~ H.~ ,',,~[uiJ\ 0f <lIlJ~d.., ;~d..;ql~d!.:J~, fl)r [h~ ;::mir(iaJ. UL) f!..j!n:-:.... ~ ~1'; in. ,~1,1 i c h :in a.n Jl11al i~ iJtf~n: d-.i~1r ~ <t..~t LQ!.UE~.rl..,;!-.lhl:.J} ~~, \' i" ElHlS (J f t h LS ,s-.:q IOll.-.. un; QlQCl'..:ds ,sjl.alJ k; (a) ..:\pplied. first, to, tlK CQ~t vI I.~L ~ah;", i9.L,l\,Qph~,L~,l:un9.b:".1g ,~.fl'; c,<Jrc and prm ~~]01)..for tb~..J.mmal b.l...llll:....Qfljc_I.:.l....2!. <.'lni rn;lJ ~~mtr~1l, QffJ.;p .,,;J!-;ITIi' ,-'h;)I~L i\"J_~\,Jmlj~J. lhlI.dl\~Q (he Jla~ rn~llt of the ~)Wl1cr for W.e s,~~,~_(J.f lh~ <lmmaL uD !:ij~0...2}S.I}l) .~!!,,;...l:.cJU!.lAJhc, ~)\\Jl.cr IS Llut kn~~\~n, UillLal!.3!lli.r.H~.bb.~]r';;'Lo!...\!!b(:r .h:x;ati onlS unJ.\",llbhk::, J. c{)IHl nw.~~, D.r:q,~U.DC anm1;:llJ9.......hi,: ~l!Jll.v..LL.rH~-.:,9__q~; J~,~~.PJUp~D...::::_'=-:.(J.ts o~\ncr l'r...r2ssl,;-:,scr ,and ;:;h4..!lJHd:.:,r......2.I,l;;,...h...l);,::r:-;,(@, t~lJH~~...i(I~...(l.1! !l...C,c.~-?o-l.l) ~Jf ~ ,E-..r .....(,l1};... JJl.!m:>lJ.. ,@j..l9., M9\ \ rcgular....iIDmJ ivJl.;i_9Uh ~ ~~rt! mJ.Lb.........u......p~r.;;('il dcsjgr\ah::~1 h) the cowt. e! .Llf.~_Y~lJ;Jt tillP,<;JJl. fiJl..G.~ llc;l,Lg"n,_mm:na,~ l\;:pl.Qr J.~,..:J !fl....1...igj;llion 9f th 1$ s...~Cl j.urt ! S SLJ m::r i rwJro ~. ;in i tlJ!Jl:, or J. di.,C3S8 se ~.crc enmjgh that II lS m:rt pl!~.sEblc to hUJll..anelj hOlJs~ ;],.nci car\:; h'f the ;~Tlji.].Jl...JJ-':-r,~.i.!!J.... ....:llrlill..!..,~l iOT.l :)f...Lh.(a~i,,!~ hl: IsL....!!THlq S,'c, K).;>; c'~17~.f !.l......EIl'riJ;L.2...tiHlJ[..:~.... ...final dlS.P<lsJttUn of the cl'JmlJu.J charge,;;, 0f cOl..i;rt~or~ercJ flJrte~tmc, the ...'<:~~rJJ1an;)Jl 111;1) ~uth.a.llit:c the :.tJHm;:tl as liP~;Cl!I,'d Hl ~, iC~,(),~g" Fk...jda StatllteS A ~deJ iuari3.H Ijc~ns0d to pmctic.t:,I,tL t!li~ "tat.~ ,;;lla!l. be jldJ, k.l~ll~kal'lHil l:riTll i nill 0rsi\'t1 I iabilir\' (or :.In...;.....it',X'islOn~ ~qJc or so,,;r\'j~''':s...[.;!!J.L..n:~ [j nJc r ..l!.l!0., SUJl,C~ ~.9Jl ( I 0.) If ;Hl ;l!~:[nJ.I. >:;,!f1,.h..; 11,v,~J>.;~U!l J.Jl!.~..!I!,;J.!l~ ,lll~,Il.Il.;r~...1.b,'.:......Qr()\' is.ioT1-?...ilCL;>; >"....IEi"l'l.~triJ;:\ ~i!!J,l(<:~. 'Sh~~l....i!pill...ty.L.!b.s.'....mJ...illQS~...2.f l!.........~~J.Wl!!..o i-lm' {!!],In\;;I1 Q'lltcJ, !;Jr:.xJ" Irained, (rampOlted. ~Q.ld. 0.\\ tl,ed.. ~ws~~ssd, 0f Lbed fc.: tht: 'purl(i/?,-",.n[.<,i.J1ir1l41J!~l!li!.!R.Qr...htLtlnLJ. sl1~lJ I b;.: (~l1midcn;d, ll,H~U9l~ d, (ill. !.n..;1,.;J.41tlQt.1 [9 0lh,'~ p.cl1.:1ltJes pJcS':l"ibed b~ l<l\\..,J!l.;,...;nLl,IJ..r!i.::!), l.';SLJ...~_...<.!n ()TJ~r pr,-'h~bilillf.! a p,q~J)n \~!w IS round in H~lbltQtl nr.thj\,~~~t!9!!..Jr:.1).!~l .o"',r~~o,!~o;;I.::SSinl:. k<,::I,]HJJg"....l.l,:':lLbQ.ci,nz.,....yr tU\ Ji!g ~11~.r.~-.J: ,..J2I.,.......~onJ.Icl......!D. cr aJll,J.nlmJ.l~, ,}}lnW\ 1,1,\\', Sl):=::C.l~S t)];![ ar~ tlK: s~,l~)j~~L ~lLn~ r~~n\i,;;l~(l)L'/r,. ;~JlY ;mln,l,aj~ kept for tbe 1)mlJ9'W"p(...iighri,ng,...~H.:.......b,tittl1L_l(Jf ;!..Q....;.rioJ, of. tirn~' ~d;';f.lJli ns:i.. ~},lhe .;.mtrt, (, L~)., IJ !!!i.j<,,::L:wm oS tJ;iil~lQL~!p...ill.i to: III ,,\J].~, nqSOLl sillllLlaljng a light, ti)r ,t!!~,P...l~XP-2~~ ,;f u sin1Uh~ SLrl}l!.@kd, ~i.ght ,~,~ pJ.Jl of 3 JllQ.tj,~!!:l.Q.i...lJ,'1 r(::..lili\d!....,\~, Q...'-!., !)~<J, 2.]) .tdc".ISlOn or in a mlltion ,P.i.~f~!S_Q!.Q.! iJI;~t......l!91 PnJ.hkb~(Jlms agajast LrLldI~, to .1,;.'lill,~..lS.;J;t~ .!lOr \'!llJ;...~,~d: or (b) An), ll~f'sL)rUi:i:;li!ll aTliJllal~....l1!.J1urS\li: Qf !;l]q::, Wih;!lifc or tn pa.rric,i,Qa!..!:i......i.fl am h\.l...ntil1e;. ~~~~lJ Iak'u llr. i1~bi'~\ to b[E~g 1"~~LllJ.t;P. I"!) rho: rlJ h..":i and ~I<lllon~uof ElK h8h, 0.3.;],1 \\'iI1;l~fk Co.rh-~kn;~J~(ll) ~.omm.,s~i.")I,!..: ll.l)......-"'fJJj~>iX: liQ!1_ ~,u...<4J loo !wt pro!u bit, j m p~d.~"... 9.!...., 01 hem j ~c i 11' crtcrc \:\.!1R. J~C Ogfll :.::.~d ~jJ U. m!!! Im~bJru..lr:'..alld t~inJ...ng ts:c,hr~!q~~~ ~!r~V!.fi;;ti(;l:~ lln.!. <--,t hi.:rw!sc spcc~fiq[h .l}[(l~ti1)!tcd b}..J;H\ Omnihw; Animal Ordirwnce "-' .,...::. ~r.tl(JlL 3-35- -- Standards oJ animal (3rt' ( ,l1J.hl~_ fu:-,c,U,Q,n ctpJW'.'s lQ.ij,U....r i,:..!:5OJlS ~\119_.ar'(; m~ nc rs - qf~ )9L 0 r ,_lI<:_ ell H (1 Qi;ln~.....Q r'. ~, n!.!i.i Ib ~~h,.,;,rjl~,I~;1,", i,nd i \ idual per~~lI1~ ~~r 'J~fillY _,)[her _\!dL~ll ,,;n.til~_, .~r~,..v~r~C'1a who :lllO\\'~ an ~!L[]J;l1 habi [[Jalh (u 1~IT~!:tjr.1,{~1~t hoc ]~)d.gC'd ,'>Jthin hi~, )1f..'USl. ..stw~'_ Q.!!i.LJJnW'rlcl!:"..:i~J..~'..()L pr~,Jlljsc, _,11..-::] be c,~.m;;ic\'-:f'.:q,~'lQ1\11g...for p~jrpu~<.::-s prI.his,(!1.an.~,~'( , 'lllc,~ sla.nd;1~q." qf.~i!.G:: ar~_H!PQh;.m,,:nt~"\rl 10_ ~wJ _Jo []()t,difl.l in i,:sb OT nQ@.t,:_~1~_~,11!t~Ul'{jtll..~'nH~llL~ Of lm)hi.bJ~j~t1~....11fthis C'llirnll.:'r. l~) C\'CJ]' ~l~\'JWC {~r qn;g.i,u,;r l'f J.n all;1n:1,~ S)Hlll pro.~dul,1~hn.i..t)1'-!] \~ irh sLlftkiC!1l gond aJ)U ~J~I~t\.:'$QI~,~ ~t<~J:!L<iil4_\,- .~~~.!:,,_,~l.l~ In H j ~ mum _~t.1..t\c4rd~ _yJ :,\' hi", ~_ .1 r.,; a~ fQl J a\\"5 : (.-\) Sl1ffLCIt::IlI tihld, Pm\ ~Slqtl.," nOI o;:::,...;,;~._,;d,l..ng_~:l- honJ..1_0f ;UU1<.tflHl,Luf \iliQksnm~: fQl1q~!l..tf ~ ~~ !la b k ,:fur. l.b~..ml,i mJ.liL,~Q!!.~~"i fi ~~ t>.:S a!~g, ;!g9, ~\d __\~ hi ch mal t1ta I ns il rca~mna llle 1.,;\ .:.:L9..(...!! ~J f6 ~i ~ln_ illl.SHffi.\~:i;1l{ w.lh,:~__r lHF,tallrJi~~.;sU9 ~l_ slln~l~ ('If dc?-n, fl~:'.~l p0tab~e \\ at~f JRll\ Id~d at i_r1H!'" a t~, I !~!, J'L <;:,~_~~.,:,d. )_:!)12!!, r3i.. cJ.........f~~~ m~r Or ''':In:v.i\~0f ;),IJ.i!.Tl~~I~ ::;ha[l.....".,;~p all ;'Uli[n;I[ii!L:l ck;al,L,,;5<"l,tliJill)-,l.Il(1..lli;:llth) !lKHUll:,[" _<!.n~ )..1,PLWlj n.H{_Q ,S,Q. iHUO _~_~, ,tQU7,rQj9. ,~kl,H4,_ sJLP[J\~ J!l, IDPL Q.~~JJ C.?:ls,1"Cl1Wm.. l:JJ_ ,j;,' (D. ,Q,\\ ut.;r o.r ,.:;::tf,egl\ t,r:,qf ~,1LD_llJS. ;;]mH,pm\,ld~..J,!L~mJJQ,],~_ ',i.l.ill ,~.,slw]~~'J ~hau;h~ll be a it.r',~I,l!T\~ \\hiSh i;: \ cn,il<'!tc,d ,wd pruh,'l'.[ci.frOTll,i,;>:cc%i\c h~;lt and cqlJ and, .Jf ,~unl(i..;!!!...:?il:(:,_lli permit Ill", aHtm3.l,;. 1(> ~:-;<':!Li:->.;: ;}j1Ll rr10\ ~ ;dX'Llt fr.;ch . .. -- .- ... .--- .. -. .........- (.:') Th~ em no or C3Jc,gi \~; ,of .i_ d,t~g,~~f. ~fr.. ,i1.tiL1T.!:.9_i!f!iTT..!!'lJ _~h:l!.!_p_~~!\, 0~,J:!I,~ _JQj!!...~~l ~~ ill1.P.I2Vna~~...l:<.:.t:'dt~Q'S';Jr.:1,;_w.!.~_,sb;lJ!..~':RI:~g<,l.Le_ ~,h", 9,!S.<.:,ilS,....g ~u:lt!naJ frDm 0lh,~r '4,jmals Jf [tt:c~'~sJ.r~ tn pre~'crlr !rausmi.1:J,il), oc..4i~@s!::... ((1);\ n) fllle r:i tN (~f ;,'t _rrl<:,.lJ.L) r_, Y,~,t!i.<; is;..... \ ~J!..o ,'>fri_h S _:l q ~)z.,... ~~ 1 _OJ, olh..: r -'!!!ifl1~d s ha.ll..st Qp. .'!..U;mi:~ ,;l.~ld f'.:qJ~T_~uc:llil:~~i~_~~..lJl~~_ ~ [l,l,J.Y h(: pGsslbk and ~!lalf Lnl[n~dlJ:tt: 1~y rcpo_[l:..~:":_ch _1!~!J_r) ,Q{ ,~_g!J!..!9.1b,,; @lm,:l]'s 0\\ !ler .J r1 ,(~_H:: ~~~rl!Jh!''-Y,''\'!I~T \;"nrHJ! b(; aSCi,;rtJ.in~:d. ..tn;; gp<:ra!of slt:illJQIJR~4p~,,;t}' ~~P'J!,t (hi; ;u.::!,;,tdi;n.1.l!,,~c arpror.nato..' l;J~\..,~nfofn~n)'..\.J11 ag.,qlC)' ()f localaHtm.a[ pf(l~l\',(io.~Lsbi.rt_~!:_ t 7) ~o p~r:';(In,~hJ.n i,::_\'pV_~(,:''';~!J}'...lllll\\'!!..Q..qi::;Qlwu,'i subJ!.hllli:g.......l~Jl(~th~.L lllDi"GG ,~~ lI,h j()nd or I'WL SP [1~~,~u~'&..Q~ljW[l,011:? SlLQ,it<;Ml_,,_l;,..I\lJ.Y .j:t~ ~a\~n h~ any JJHmaL, prO'. idea t}la~ ,ji;..~lq!.I..!.!.QT b.: UlllJ\\flJl fOrA iJeISOtllo ~'''pt)S~, {)tl h!.i9.!..JI_~.!Jl!Ql)~rt\' nH,H'lWrl rat pi.}jo;()n l~j?\,<,,;U OI1..b:, ~'.!1b ~Xg~p,b!~ ~ 1I i:1 s [;Im.:-,',!;, !...8J.,~,v R~~.r~()tl, ew~pt ;) licc!!s~,~.,~ .;tc_rl tl,1_l'i3 fl. ~hal1 l:mp all a!limal '::; ~~Ii...f.,~_J,~k an 3..l1lmaf';;; lail, Gf spa.:J\U!';~.!l..T....illJ ;1nlmJ.L t)} ,:,\r!I!T4..l.:;: .~k.iI.t..h~_.ill...illillSJ \'..ull_J!.,hu n~aD..1: [Jl,;J.m,l.;-r, l.' ndcr no. c . ri: um ~[~!Ul,; <;~.. s h.l.!.lJ!.D...i!..W ma j, b<.: bj.U~xJ.._Q):'Jh.: ..-:\m,mJ! CDl1!mi Officer N .1 PQti~c_QffiW,D~J1l.:Il, ;...s~~;:JrOTlJ Ju..c .!\ruma1, (~ont~'nl s...~~tt5-'fJ'CLP! iLl cm;::f~~n0._;;-a~~~ u~ ,\ kn m~dica!, hclp...i9LL1JJ. !DjUf~d 01 ::;u!1i::rirlg....J,.~~j,I!!;.j! c.J1UWl h~ (}_~Jgif.l ;;:J_X~J!}lill....." r.~~(,'l.lfl_gk ll,c rind llf t lm~ Omnibus Ani mal Ordi Ilam.::e ~u llPll ,h2ll',!!!S..LnrJ.di[,!mL~ j'lJr JfIlLlIJ-::tnUlul.LhQ,WHng, 8..lli<.lti,~j!!B. i~i';:l;iii~~ r'.!X.J,ni mals ~hal f he ~tl.1.l~tl,l~J.JUOll!lJ and Sh:lll bL:...!!!~int~irl~J I~! good repair., to protect th~ il-ll,lE:n;II,\..from illll~S~ Of iniuf\. ro conl.a,i Q..lh~an!mals_ and to rcslm:;U!b; :-:ntpT)"."'; uf ('l hl,.:r JnimJ.h_ LIllI. \ .,;-r~.'p LJ iJ dh 19 s).r, end m U r.:: \~ here: 31uma15 J,1'l:,J.'!l?il1:l~.!D cd ~ha!.!...b.,;- ci.)ns! rw.jt:J ,()f m,jJ;.,'ri.4l \\ 11l~~Jl c;]Jl,bc ...;a~il:~JkaIlI.,::d a~Hl :}hall tk.; k~Dt :!.!...J., d~,l}!..ADd ~:l.nitar.! conditlon, The l)lJj]~ijn.s shall be pmp~rl) \ cnrllaIL:~d to pre\'cl1~ drafts_and 10 n:mO\ C odors, ]-{(;,;,Hmr. and_ cOllliT1.g ~llliJJ.h!-:.lIl(}}'jJl.:;d aLr<a..uin.:u, al:cofdin~ W rh~ ph., ska! nc~Qs, QJ tf!~ all i tnJ.ls., with SLLrfLCi~l1l hght tq. :111 m~ nl?,S ~ry:lt,!~mo r ;In i ma t:'i and san itJ.tion: ((L.o\.!L~t~L ,O(HlJi, caf~,-,~5: ~cn~~ls-, and l1.lnf- ghatl he of SUJticIC[l/ SLZ': ~o prond..: ~,! anum,ls \, tth 3dctJ.Llolr~ room for ~xcrcl~e and g~l1~ral prop~..r aq:;omn1Qd;!..1lQns, c D) All aJlI mal r(!oOm \ ca.gcs" h nnd;;, and ru llS s ho.J[ pm.... Ld e aU anim;ll S with ru:op~r ~h.dt.,;r ,a)ld.QIYh::e,~i0n frqlJJ.Jh<..' \\'I.:Wh<.:rJ!)...illl..llrll";-s. In..: IllQ!,..n...!.,:=--bul Ilol,!..i.!J..1 it 1,.:(1 ~l}_ u rllillimlJTll l)f u roo!~, lhr~,-'-s1dqf st,rud,uIT of ~lE.lll!bk' SIze, i\.1L;!lllmab mm;t b..: pw\'id~xi wIth ~H1. ar<:<.l prutcch:d fr9!.!.!Jh<: ,~krw:n.t~ ~() a~ to pro\:.!de ;i d.!}:,...ck~n :~~t.fQT Jb.!; arll!llab t<.) reg., [F.L.'\Q..p1.::1"'i9.!!..)b.ill1. ti~i,l IO..QIPVldc: <t~...ill:1Imd~i1h..;:1J<;'lllWL: ~bclt,~j!mt;: an :mirna!..i2 o..wt'tnl'l~ ~tl ~u,:h J. m;lnnCf that it IS Lmahk to ~ed,: ~beltcr, regardless of the I~ngth llfnme rile am ma I LS oUU.l.u1\(,:...1' ';1!.t!1.'iL l!...!)~'f_;!.tlJ1JJAL~h'!ll, b,c left \~ltho1Jt proper attention and can~ tor mnr~ lhan 1.1 c..lrt~e..:~!..t,i,\,~ hour~, WklK\ er an :Jnim.3l...l:'i 1.~1l.!d.~a![~n4~IL.ll ~~om.nt~rcjal ;\nimal.l~ilit\,. rh.,; D.;lrrl{..., adJn..:~s ;J!!\t~,lu2...hon(; rtllmb...'r "f [1-.-' n..'SRQDSlqls:...p,crson -;:,hall be PQH<4 III ;1 q,llJ..S;picuous place at the front l]fthc propertj, and: tA) \..;n Gondl!it}!!, ,~h~l! I be.. maintained ()T ...Qf!JTllH.;J {ITHM'r e-quloj b..;. mj.,U,UQLlS, t,o ~11C ;.lni ru:.l I::;, (tl) All r~asonabl~QIccGIJtjani..iha11. b(,; takc!!l!J..J![!Jln;:lJlli;...Q!tblic frunJlhc ~mnaL~ and ,IIlimabJr(lrrl 1 tn: publ ie, lLl..~D p.:rSO!l. :sh:ll i,Jll\~ .<!,II ,;lnmtal any alcohollC ~~\.~"!:1?~ oL.Q!',',-'Soi O(lOll dDH!_ ur~k~~ PL~' SC(I bed b) J. \, ~.1t.: rmJ n;j.l]~ L I:') \n p8rS{~n, :<.halJ-'!Uim "milJ.ill.!s. \\ Iud ,<:If1 p;ltural ell~m il~S. rcmp.'ri'im;;nIll!0, ,Lllsllil~L<Jr illllL.:r\"I~C .iTlGmnpa1!~k. ,to be quancred ~Qg~thcr..il!, :;.() n;,;m c.;a~b other _~_JO, !;:atLSC lnj UJj" kar,.Qi tvnnt,:nl... j f t\\ (: oJ.JI!..Qrc Clni.p~~l.> are so tr~incJ U:!;\t l.h~ ~tn b~. p!ac.:d_1Qg.cthcr :J.Jld d~) Il.LAiill!.!-;;k ~h (~hn QU)s:...o-O,(I)I, Of attempt an! ili)":!i!~, aJ.;l, tu c.;)lch, o[h..:r. tlJ.L,alll!,n.als ~hall hedJ,."!;I}It..:d n(ll..l1! t~c:. Ilarur.d ";-ll,,;mi(;~, Ll ,~.. QIh ng an i 1m ls sha! l.. ~c, g j '.'';11. ad;;:q mlll.:: rQl,.PCILQds, Cant] n ~d qr rC5~ r.. i r.! ~d al1.HTj"d.s ,~hi::l,1.l b.; g!~~~"q:~IS';..QLQPh[ for th~ mdi.... idu;lJ ilJ.!!!,D;l1 lJad...:r th~lJ1i.~J..!.lill cqndltic>u!; (! ,I) "i~,Y-L:rS()!!...i~j!U \\'oJ:r.L ~s~, or fell! aEl) olIliu!{\l n h!d!..!~ mnlI10)ln~I~~do undenh>tJriS,~5~t ~ ,r h i..\.1l qL..JlL'!1,c n"d, ~x h3.u ~ tcd,,--,"j,.:::L i T\i u rc.;u. di ";>:~I.::~.LL?I)Wo Dr oth er\~ i ~lC ...!H) !!i...Tn i:; S h;.l, j l mC;lIuJlLIt iLHl :Jllim:!.l i~ Tl!!.1.J:,~od. illl.1llSt. be PTQ\'idcd \\ ith f()oti~j ,t:.. ~1J.ss. ~~_WOLJd sJJ..j\ itlg~ ,~r dLr1)......::.\~-'LmmlTllU[J1_,_1~..orl--,i1!.g all illl.ab ,s,tql.l...J2...:....ci1. ~T1 lwCE1!l,...111,l!lLltl: h-rc.a.l;~~\..ill Omnihu<;, Animal Ordinance 34