Resolution 468-2001 Mayor McCoy RESOLUTION NO. 468 - 2001 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONFIRMING THE ACTION OF THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AS ONE OF THE SIGNATORIES FOR WASTEWATER FUNDING WHEREAS, an agreement was entered into by the Mayors of Islamorada, Marathon and Key West representing their respective cities and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Mayor George R. Neugent representing unincorporated Key Largo for the purpose of arriving at a distribution of an anticipated $100,000,000.00 federal funding. This letter of agreement, dated April 25, 2001, shall become a part of this resolution; and WHEREAS, a confirmation of the signatory for Monroe County Board of County Commissioners is needed; and WHEREAS, the action may have implications for State of Florida participation; and WHEREAS, this resolution should provide further comfort to the residents of Key Largo that financial assistance is paramount and further that this resolution and all its implications are contingent upon the full one hundred million federal appropriation being committed; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the action of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, as one of the signatories, is hereby confirmed. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of November, 2001. ves yes yes yes yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUN , FLORIDA By 68 :6 HV 92 J30 /GOl 0~033~ ~O.:J 0311.:1 ~9. 19 2001 03:06PM P3 ....,,-..- ...----.. ...~.I . I'<t:r ,,~ ~ FAX NO. Hue lY UJ Ul:4~" ,- p.u MurTay E. Nel~ Commiaioncr. District Five I>anIat= Bcilt4~. Sub D 99191 Oversas HiP.." Key LarF. ~ 330)1 PROm (305) 1S2-1115 FAX (30$) U2-?1d2 EmaiI: boccdis!OlrWlstateJLus r"'- BOARD OJ COUNT'{ COMMJSSTOriEn~.. .\ ..~~=- MA YOK Vtorp t'J::llenl. Di~lrICl 2 " '3. Mayor P\'oo TCf\\ )tera willi.n. O\&triet ~ . ./ t)btc Socbar. Citlric\ I 0mrIc:s "SotI."'Y" McCoy, O~_.jct ) ).fIlMY Nc.. ~~tl:iet ! ~~ "'-. 3!l.~ ~~~E l"'~ . April ~, 2001 Rlpreseatative Ken Sorcmon 317 House Office. Building 402 S. Momoe StEeet TalJAMc..,ee, FL 32399-1300 ,Dear Ken: HetC are just a b tbouahts ~prding .the agreement on the $100 million federal a~pmJ'hiatiOl1. The Monroe CoUDly BOCC and the mayors of the cities of Key West. Key Colony Beach, Layton, MaEathon and IslamOIada reached an agreement to split the $100 mmion in the following manner. . t ,)- . . L R: I/.,,.J!I !:.e)-Largo . 29.S6%-$29t560,OOO~r- ~,;< ~ 4~A'! . IsJam~ 29..56%- 29,560,000 ~ . (J.:'J1""! ~ Marashon 29.'6~- 29.560,000 1'~7" _ ~;.b~V~ ' Key'West . .10.3 ~. 10,320,0' /tJ~ ~ 'KeyColimyBeaeh .2 % - 200,000' . . ,... ',. ~yton . .8 % - 800,000. All parties pteSent agreed to this and when Carmen Turner asked for a show of hands th2t supported this position. ~ J)?litica1 p&~les raised their hands. .', ..~J . . . ..;....,"~...'::: ~. . .... .....f .... '0 " . ~ .. . .~: -< .~~::A~~' 00 ",-0 . : ." _.' ,-0.