Resolution 149-2006 Mayor McCoy RESOLUTION NO. 149-2006 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE SUPPORT OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA OF LEGISLATION TO EXCLUDE 32763 TORTUGA LANE ON NO NAME KEY AND 32734 BIMINI LANE ON NO NAME KEY FROM THE COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM. WHEREAS, the Florida Keys have been designated by the Legislature of the State of Florida as an Area of Critical Concern requiring development an implementation of a comprehensive plan and land development regulations; and WHEREAS, the State and County statutes, ordinances and guidelines require protection of the shoreline and marine resources including mangroves, coral reef formations, seagrass beds, wetlands, fish and wildlife and their habitat, as well as upland resources and habitat; and WHEREAS, 32763 Tortuga Lane and 32734 Bimini Lane, No Name Key have been included by the Federal Government in its Coastal Barrier Resource System; and WHEREAS, 32763 Tortuga Lane is a single family stilt home built in 1993 and 32734 Bimini Lane is a single family 1995; and WHEREAS, inclusion in the Coastal Barrier Resource System excludes the homeowner from securing flood insurance and financing for the home; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, 1. That the County Commission requests that the Florida Delegation use the necessary process within the U.S. House of Representatives to remove 32763 Tortuga Lane and 32734 Bimini Lane from the Coastal Barrier Resource System. 2. That it supports the necessary legislation to remove 32763 Tortuga Lane and 32734 Bimini Lane from the Coastal Barrier Resource System. CBRS 1 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the fifteenth day of March, A.D. 2006. Mayor McCoy Mayor Pro Tern Nelson Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Rice COrnfnl~sioner Spehar , '\' /.,.; '. '. I {"/:' I {"~ r-f'" (S~a1) , , ' Attest:IJ,w~E' Clerk Bk?~ Deputy Clerk Not Present '11"9 Yes Not Present Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE CO~~~ BY:~ MayaFj hairmanlMayor Pro Tem 0 \0 C w <( 0::: (.:) ....J 0 c;. <-;. u_ C-:l -r~ t-= ....: W X =; u ;:.. ~ C&: o ...,.. 0.::: x:~5 0 M . <..) CJ u- f -J .<..) 0 0::: >-x:w ....J W a.. z(.)o -' C&: z a::: Li: '-0 <t 2: ~ C 0 <<::::i) :1: '" CBRS 2