Item Q1 BOARH OF COL1~TY CO\1\lISSI0:"oJ AC. ENDA ITEM Sl JJ\.'l \'L\R Y Meeting Dale. ..~.""l ")/0<; :.. \tAR D~v[sjon C(lUmJ'_AUomey'~_Omcc fhllk ltem: '{~s f\ 0 X_._ H Pl!llUC HEARING 3;00 I~.'M. "'''' Stall' (~omact Per~on' Susan. 0rim5k~'I," A{~E~Di\ rn~M \VORDII\G~ A Public I karifl~ ro 'onsid~r Lhc adoption of <.in OrJimmcc aftlle Boar d of County Commissioners. of \'lol1ro~~ rOlInly. f'loridrl to cst(lhlish <i Purchase and Development PmgnllTI f(}r Lhe purch.ase cfpmpeny fin aaindablc and ~~mrluy~e hnusing and I.he rlevelopme:nt ofth~ propel ty. nr.;\l BACKGRO [ N n; Tnt.' Board o!' Coumy C<.lmmi.,siollers of Monroe Counly, Florida. has determilled that a n~~cd cxisls .....irhin \1011ro~ County [Of the prov"ision or ,dklfdablc housing w people of modcrak. miJJlt or lesser im:ome _ The CQunty' desires to have a number of ll1~thods in place to increase the ~tock of a1t~)fitahJe \vurkflm:e housing_ On(~ mdrwd ic; lO provjde for the pLlft.ha:'it:' or propl~rty by 1he County ",~,'ith a lcase/back to a developer or othc, entities for development or redevelopment of property dedi~aled to am.)]'dab!~ 01' employee housing. J ........ I~IU:VIO[S RELEVA~T HOeC ACTIO~; W)CC approval 0[1 1"" J 8/06 or Rcque~t for Prop[)5als and adverti'}ement fur [he opcnlllg of scaled proposals to he receiveJ (1H Apdl 3, WO() for thi~ pllrpo<;e. ROCC appfl)va~ on 2/1 ::;/O{) to advertili< f(~r One publk, hCflrillg to be held \1ardl 15. 2006 in M ilr:it.hon to con~ider adoptiml ot'Counl)' Ordinar.cc COI\TRACT/AGl{~:~~_\1E~T CHA~GES: NiA STAFF RECOl\-1l\1t:N IJAHONS: Approval TOTAL COST~ N/A_._..____ '.. n lJ n(; fl:T l(l): Yes ]\'0 COST TO COl.'VIY: Ni_I\.. . .. __ .___ SOli H:Cft: OF Ft :1\'DS~ REVE~l.lE PRODlICrI\G: Yes '\Jo L_.__....... A\IOt'l\T PER .\10:'\1TH Year API'ROVF.D BY: C"unly Ally OM])/l'lIL"c~~,;"g ---:. '~l,mlg:':'el~-=-=-- . . DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: __~~ .... ~~:/."j;:q/~._- ;;..p/r/ .. SL . . I . IlllTff&1CTlNG COU\TY ATTOK't-:y ./ - , . , , Doell M t:NTAHON: 1m;luded X No! Required msrOSITIO': AGE~D:\ JTEl\l "# l\\?\ J sed Zi05 t\OTICE OF JNTENTIO:\ TO COI\SIUEH. AI)OPTIO~' 0'''' CO( ;NTV ORDI1\'At\-(:E l\OTICE IS H]-J< fH Y G j V ~~~ J 0 \VHOr\.i IT V1A Y COt-..'CFR \i t[:;<it Oll Wt'"dnt'MJll~', M:.:l n:h 15, 2006, at 3:00 P. \1.. or as soon Ihf'reaftt"f as if mar be hf;l rd, at the :\'j a rat hOrl GO\'l.'J'nffit'nl Centf'r. 2798 O\'tLl'o,;t'3"i BighVtH}', Mile \brku 47.5. \b.Falhon, Munroe Cuun')", Florid.l, lhe: Buard of County Comml~sioncrs of 1\.1onwc County, Florida, tEltclld 5 to ('onsjdcl' the aJl 'PlL()fl or' the Co U o v...' i llg Cmllll y pniinance. .-\.~ ORDJ'.-\.\(T Of' rH~~ HOARD OF COl"'TY CO'1'IJSSIO~U{~ Of' 'H)~ROr CO L'\iTY. FLORIDA, PRO\'IOl~<"; FOR TIl r rU{CHAS[ or rROPERTY TO BE.: DEVELOPED FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AFFORDAKLE AI\i I> E:\1PLOYEr. HOliSINC; 1~l{OVHH_~G FOR THE I"CTU{I': n.tV~~LOP'-JEYr Of SllCH HOeSING; PROVIDING- FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDI~G FOR REP[AL Of I~co,'srSTL~T PROVISIONS~ PIlOVJ ()I i\'(~ FOR I:"IiCORPORA'fIO' I ~ TU 1< :\-10:\ ROE cor "TY COfH'::~ AN D PKO\'mF:\(~ ;\, EFFECTIVE [lATE. ITltere1';l~d partic:s may appear a1l11e ltlt..>--etiJJg and be heald un this matter. PUbWH'it lO Se..:.til ~n 2 ~h () : I.}). Flori Oil Statures, n(lt~cc i~ gi'ven thal if a persml deciJ~d H) ilppeal am deLi ~iol1 mad(~ lh-' 1 he Goard ...vitti J c-~pect to any matter L~ msidered at ~uch hcari n~ ~ or m~cti n~> h~' v.. i II llC'ed i:l ~ccorct of th12 pH.1Cb~Jings. and t hal, r~)r such purpDse, he n1ay tw~'d 10 (:n~ure that J \. el hatiIl1 rccmd of the pwceedings is made, wh ic-h record indud(;~ lh~ lts,tinwJlY and evidence UPt)l1 \\:h id~ (h~' appeal i::< to he D(l ~ed. C~)pi~'s or ~i1l: ~[hm'e-rd~r~l1ccd L)rd i nancc: "n~ a \'adahle !\}f r eVle\-',' at t h~ '>a r~CHIS pLl bl it iibr",rit's in \hmD~ t.OUlH\'. 1:laridLl. Dillc-J al K~y W l~st. F J~)ridi\. thi 5 I ;~JI da:' uC Fcbru<.tr::. 2U()(~ DANNY L. ~OI.HA(jF. Cll~rk of the Circuil c.,url <lnd ex ~,m eio Ckr~ of the Board oj' C c.'lJrlt\ C(llllmi5-sion('r~ (11' \-1omue ('uurn)'. rhrida (Sf- .-\[.) Punl iC:-l.JiotJ Dm.t?: Rqwn (;f 2:.'2-1/{)() -. ,/,.....06 Kc\nnkr ~.':?';;'i(J(~., lAi06 K\ \. C~~7cll "2 '-:(1'06 - 3..:;:(;0(, Mayor Pro Tr.m \1urr.-.y Nelson ORnp.~'A 'Kf '0. -2006 AN ORDl \" A:\TF. OF TH E BOAliU OF COW\jTY COMMISSIO\ERS or .\10NROE COlJNTY. f.tORHl..\; PROvrDl:\(~ FOR THE prRCHASF OF PROPERTY TO BE UI:!:VELOl~ED t-oR THE ESTABUSIJMJ;,T OF AFf'OHDABLE AND Ei\WLOYEE JTOlJST\"G~ PRovmp~'G FOR THE FL TURE Dl:V ELOP,\U:'NT OF St:CH HOLSIN(;; PRO\'IIlIN(; FOR SF-VFRARIT..rn'; t)UOVlIJINC FOR REPF:AL OF T,CONSISTENT PROVISIOf'\iS; PROVIDING FOR l'\COHPOK\HON IN THE MONNOE COl.! NTY CODE~ PRO\-'! DING FOR /\ N I:::FFECTIVE DATE \\'11 F:REAS. lk BO<.lrd {.1f COllnt~ Cnmmissiow;rs. of MOllro~ County, HeJrirla (the "County') l1;L~ dcr;;:rrTlin,,;d that a T1c..;",d exists mthin 1\..1onroc COUP'll)- for the pro....~slOn 01' hOHs.jn~ affordable to pcnpk nf' lTlo~kr~l((';, llliJdk or ks.~er income, ami \\"HERE...:\X the Count}. J;,;~in;s to ha\'e a number 01' Sfrarl.:gi~~ in place to lncrcas~ Th~~ C()llnty'~ stock of anordablc <.lnd i,;f\lpluyu: housing. a.mi r'or fhos~' who an: cmrl{)~ cd or sdf ~TTlp loyed. housJng LlJtn 1ll0fll Y knllWtl d::; ',\'0rkforc~ hOIJ<>jng and \\iH [JU:':AS. (JIlC :'.uch :>lralegy is to prm- ide for [h<: pmcha~.:- and d.:;\.dopm~nt Qf Tcd<:\'dopmcnt of propi;rLY lo proVtct~ sllch an~wda.bk, i.:mplo~:c.,;. or \i, ork fon:=<: hmi~jng: .\O\\-', T1IEREI;OR~:. BE IT ORfl,\!NED IlY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM'1rSSIONERS 01: M(l\"ROJ: COt.lNT\', FLORIn,.\, as tolb.,\\:<': SEeTIO' 1. The Comlly hereby cSlab]j:.dlL'::-:; for lho.; purro.~c:', or inercasmg the a""'~.ubblc stod.. of afforrbbk and employee housing the program d(;scnb~d i tl th is Ordinance {the --Pllfcha~c ilIld D~\ ,,;lupmcnL Program--) ~ECTI()l\ 2. l~nder th~ Plmch;lSI.: J.lld Dt:~'dopm<:nl Program. tlte County ma~ purchusc from aJ1y \\ ill in1J, landO\\ ner prupcrl\' located in The CUlIllty and dccmc(] dl,;~lmblc l}~ the ('aunt\ f(lr the fi.LtLLrc d~\clopmcnt of af10rd<.l bk or cmrlo\c~ h011~jl1g ill a pncc or nut more- th.an (,3(\, (J r lh~' appraised \'a~ll"; of said proP(;r1: I\.S J. conditiO[I [0 such s;Jk the C ~}lInl\' mm ent~.. SECTION 7. TflC pro.. Lsions oj'tlm ordlJuncc shal I he fnclwkd ~wd i flcorfJor~lkd i rl In!: C(H.k~ or. Or di nnn(<::s nr. the Comity or \10flr'(l(,;, rlorid,L a.~ ,UL ,w{li tion or ami,;lldmcnl thcn::lu" an.u if Ilet::c~Sal\, ~h.i 11 h~ .wprupriakk [L:nUlllbe!'~d tel c:old'onn to 1 he ~J fli f'lmll flU lllbcrine :sy~t(,;rn of (he SEcno.' K This ordinal1ci,; sban take dtect immcdiJ.kly upon recupt of oflJci~l noticr: from lh(; OffL~'t..: of lhc S~uc1ar" of Slale of the Stale of l-'loricb that th[.~ ordinance ha.~ heen filed ,,'ith said Offic,,:. l~ASSED AND A DOPTED by We Bnard of' CouIlty ComrnL%iOfll;r~ oj' MOrlfUl,; ('oun1\'. Florida. al .1 regular meet!ng oj. ~3.id Board held ()[] [hl.: \-1aY0f C'h.arlcs .'Sonny" -"keoy . .. \-1a~ Of Pm Tern 'V1uni.l\' NdsOfl ('ommls:;iond George Ncug~nt Commissll111cr Dand RIce Commi~~it)ncr Dixie M. Spt:har (SEAL) Alk~L DANNY L.KOLHA(jE, Clcrl-. BOARD OF COP\'TY COM\'1J SSiO~ l::RS OF \.10NROt COl>NTY_ t-LORlDA 8, Ih Depu~j ('krk Mayor ~/ ~ :\1 ~I~~ F ....:. ."1.. "..' ::: .....:! ;"-: i" . <...--1 . ~ ,t."J2f.fi-7:'~" LC:~ -..::...-.. ~ -':.-";. ~\J-:-~ _..:.~,. . .. . .-. ., . C.H!"-:!:-; '... "_" ,..:':..: ~CJ' . ... ..., -,<". VL(~~"l \. ~~ . . ' j fltL) .1.n :J.grc-~rncnt acccptahlc to the County_ whereby tlK .~cllil1g !andmyncr or another entit} s,-=k{.:{~J b" SUfh 1,Hldm~fler lea!>'.,;~ the pmrcrr~ hack fj'om the- ('ount~ hx the dcvcl0rrnent h~ sllLh Iarld(m nL:r tJr' othc-r entit~ ~r aflordahk or emp!oy~'c hou.~mg to he located on such s.iw. PUf;:;ll,mllo ~,lid u~~r\:c.:I'IL..:f1t, 1h...: bud ;.;h2l11 he- (l\\n.::d by the Count:: bm the irlljHoH:menH ma~ h~ h.:[i{;~d l~) a pri ~'atL: l~ntit~ (H imi i \' idual ti)l' lltllii'..;ltiotl .18 r~lltal hOL1.~i t\g Of leasehold j tltcl cst" sold to IHi \'arc (,;TlritiL:~ t)J iwJi.. itiu.ds .1_<; .~iflgle f~~mily hOIJ~~ng. SEeTIO," 3. In addjrinTl to am agrCCIl1L'nt entc-red jnto hy the {~nunt~ for the- di:\-'d{)prnl~nl,)faflorda.bk or i;TJlpkl~ ,:'.; ltuLl:';irlg....S liesc;rib:;:d in S~Ltinrl 2 aho\\~, rhe- COUllt\ shali J~v,.Jop by TCSO~llti()l1 procuJu res 10 imp lcm~n! tl1-.; Purchm;~ unu Dn clupmeL1l Prugram krms of lhis urd~nanci.:_ includjng ti) ao appJic.alion proCC!;~ wllereby a properly o'wncr maJ appl~ for Wllsj(kralioT] b\' l hl~ Cuunty hH pllrcha~e and JevdopJlll.::nlllndcr tbc Pmchas..: and Oi:'.\'dopm~nt Pr1).~_~rmll_ (ii) ~l ml,;Ch~lllisJ1l fur pru,idinC r1.:J.sonabk public o0l i\.:c of the opportunity W partlCJpaW in Ih!.,: Pmdl:i~L: J.Tld n'.;\'dopm~~nl PTo!.)".l.TTl: (ii i) thi: eri[i:ria by which pTUj~ds \\'i11 be J.cccpted for the Pun::hasL:: .md fJt;..~l~lpTlH';[lI. Pr~}erJ.Ul: {ivl nl(l(litoring of income cllglbJllty and uHpli::Jn::::fltltion l)( [,';;TH,ll rate and pur~~ha.s;.; pri~T r~~slrictjons for umt~ J.t the prop~t1~ _ (..) tjm:::llllC:<- fbr Wh,;fl thl: kasi: of :~~~quiruJ properly \\'oLLld commLnec: (\ [) rc<,lr!ctjonf; on rhe ~1bdi(\ of a.n Lndj"ldLl3.j plJrCkb:;r or ~l h.:,l~~huld inlerest in .sUd1 property to sell hL.~ Of ~lC-f IntCrl:'sL (vii') the jmplcmcntJ.rioll of ~H~tn;Tli:slr<uion. fi,;~~ for Lhc ongomg operatmn J.Ild monirori rlg of ti-.aid pn.1,ecL J.nrf (\ j i i) ~lJLh (Jth~T pm1,- isil'llS as will further the provIsion of ::dtardahlc and ;;:fllP 10\....;..: lwuslng in thc (~nunt~ SI:.:CTlO~' 4. For plU pow~ hl;n..:l1( "affordable homIng'" ::l.nd '.cmployct..: hou~iJ].t.~-- shall hay;,; those muming.~ <1-" ddined UJlder lne (~urri.:nt Chapkr 9_5 of the .\.10nro.; County Code of Onli rtanc..:s. or Chapter (J.:; as.. amellded, Of <lll\' Sllcn:SS()L am~nd~d or :ldditjl)n.~ 1 '-.h:fiTlil iuns or ;.~n:tp1crs of the ~10m't!c C OL1tlr~ end\,: SECTION 5. if ani S(;C!jOil. SllhsL::c1ion, s\:[lICTlC~~_ cbu~e or rro~ i;;;ion of' th i~ <JHJinaIlc.e i!>' hclt] lm-J.1 id_ the rcmamdLr oUhi;,; ordFnalln: shall not ffi; affucted b~ ~lIch im.al id il\'. SECTEO:\ 6. AU md]nancc~ or par,-,,- or onhfLJ.]m_~~ iLl conflict \\ ~th this ordinance are ll~Jc-hy rcp;;,l kd lo tlu; C:\.h~nt of said counicl.