Resolution 169-2006 RESOLUTION NO. 169 - 2006 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 328a-2005 AND APPROVING MODIFICATION #3 AMENDING mE AWARDED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) CONTRACT AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, on March 19, 2003 the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) granted approval of accepting the 2002 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Agreement offered by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA); and WHEREAS, also during the March 19, 2003 BOCC meeting, the BOCC approved the reallocating of the CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Work Activity funding in the amount of $1 50,000 to the CDBG Sewer Hook-up Work Activity funding; and WHEREAS, DCA executed the Contract Agreement #03DB-IA-II-54-01-H32, for $750,000 on April 9, 2003; and WHEREAS, on February 18, 2004, the BOCC approved Amendment #1 to the Contract Agreement reflecting this allocation; and WHEREAS, on February 16, 2005, the BOCC approved Amendment #2 to the Contract Agreement for a six-month extension revising the expiration date of the Agreement to October 8, 2005; and WHEREAS, on September 28, 2005, the BOCC approved Resolution No. 328a-2005 approving Modification #3 for a six-month extension revising the expiration date of the Agreement to April 8, 2006; and WHEREAS, the modification was not successfully processed timely to provide for the extension, on November 30, 2005 Mayor McCoy requested reinstatement of the CDBG Agreement and executed a revised Modification #3 for a twelve-month extension revising the expiration date of the Agreement to October 8, 2006; and WHEREAS, on December 13, 2005, DCA executed the revised Modification #3 (Attachment A) extending the CDBG Agreement expiration date to October 8, 2006 and forwarded approval of reinstatement and the new Agreement termination date of October 8, 2006 under cover letter to Mayor McCoy received December 23, 2005; now, therefore that: Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, Resolution No. 328a-2005 is hereby rescinded. Modification #3 for a twelve-month extension revising the expiration date of the CDBG Agreement to October 8, 2006 is hereby approved. This Resolution shall become effective upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board this 19th day of April, 2006. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE CO Y, FLORIDA Attest: Danny L. Kolhage By: ~~ c> cterk :0. C. . o 0::: C) U lIJ cr; 0:: o I..t.... o lI.1 -' I..t.... ..:I' N w <t c;s ....J ~ u._ =--'r-: ~ .::r:;o~ --.J r- ,:::> '2 ::C~::J .uo ....J .w >-:3W 2:(.,)0 Z a::: <2: :z Co:) 0 :2:: MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY APPRO D AS TO FORM: .. - - %: c:c Lf) N e:: 0- CIC '-D c::::. c::::. ~ SU N M. GRIMSL ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY 4- 7- (), Attachment A MODIFICATION # _3_TO GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND THE COUNTY OF MONROE This Modification is made and entered into by and between the State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs, ("the Department"), and the County of Monroe, ("Recipient"), to modify DCA Contract Number 03DB-1A-11-54-01-H32 ("the Agreement"). WHEREAS, the Department and the Recipient entered into the Agreement, pursuant to which the Department provided a subgrant of $750.000.00 to Recipient under the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") Program as set forth in the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Agreement has expired, and the Recipient has requested that the contract be reinstated and the contract period extended; and WHEREAS, the Department and the Recipient desire to modify the Agreement by modifying Attachment B, Activity Work Plan section thereunder. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises of the parties contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Agreement is hereby reinstated as though it had not expired. 2. Paragraph 3 of the Agreement is hereby revised to reflect an expiration date for the Agreement of October 8. 2006 3. The Attachment B, Activity Work Plan section of the Agreement is hereby deleted and is replaced by the revised Attachment B, Activity Work Plan, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 4. All provisions of the Agreement and any attachments thereto in conflict with this Modification shall be and are hereby changed to conform to this Modification, effective as of the date of the last execution of this Modification by both parties. 4. All provisions not in conflict with this Modification remain in full force and effect, and are to be performed at the level specified in the Agreement. DEPAR RECIPIENT: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this docu dates set out herein. By: y. Name: - , Division Director //J?,YALL L~uE Housing and Community Development DATE: \ L' d . 0 S ~\S ~ BY: Name:Charles "Sonnv" cCov Title: Mavor. {iiJJ of Monroe DATE: " ()S' *' RECEIVED APR 2 0 2006 4 . 11. <9[, J,ONROr:: COUNTY ATTORNEY Attachment B ACTIVITY WORK PLAN RECIPIENT MONROE COUN'IY DATE PREPARED October 17. 2G051 Rev_en CONTRACT NO. 03DB-1A-11.s4-01-H32 ACTIVITY BUDGET $112.100 (for this activity only) AdivIly Number of PropoIed Ben8llCiariea Proposed ActMty Unite for... 8dMtv anIv HouIlng Heme AdmilllMl'8l:ton Units Number ID 100 H.U. SeIvice AN8 t# IfA LMI \Ill Totel No. of Units Type of Units 08te Oate Oesc:lrh Propoeed Action to be Undertaken or Ccnract Special # UnIl8 to be Pwaposed .. start End ConditIon CIIerance Doc::unBUtIon Comple48d to be (month (1IIOOth to be SUbmiIIed by "Dale End" by "Date Encf' ReqUllled by & yeIII') & year) -Date End' SubmI Requeet for Release of Funds & EnvtroI<<nentII Conditions SubmiI documenIaIon to c:Ie8r SpecIal CondItion Nwnbers..!lL- 05103 06103 AdInInI.ballw Quarterly .................. $5,000.00 rJ1103 08103 AdnIInIIfratIw Quarterly 1Wmbu...-nta .. $3,381.00 10103 12103 AdmIn....... Quar1aIty ReInIbur8IIMnI8 $7.732.00 01J04 03J04 AdmInlslratlv8 au.wtr ~ $5.932.00 04104 0MJ4 Admln~"_ QuarfIIctJ Relmbureem1n18 $8,748.00 07iD4 09r'04 AdnI....tIw QuMWfy R.eI..............ibo $5,974.00 1004 12104 AdmlnlatrlltlV'8 QuaItIrIy R.elmbu......... $15.0400.00 01105 03105 AdmIn...ttve Quuterly RelmlJunMllMl'" $15,400.00 00W5 12105 Admlnlatndlva QU8rfl8r1y Relmbu......... $15,400.00 0110& 0M:l6 Admlnie........,. au.rterty Reimbu.......... $15.400.00 0MJ8 10J06 AdmInIet.r8tlv8 QUlrterIy Relmbul........ $14.132.00 10m 1 DI08 Subml Administrative Closeout \- ,~. ACTIVITY BUDGET TOTAL $ 112.500 (must equal ActiVity Budget in the heeding of this fann) ~ ACTIVITY WORK PLAN RECIPIENT MONROE COUNTY DATE PREPARED October 17. 2CIOI1Revlud) CONTRACT NO. aaB-1A.11-14-01-H32 ACTMTY BUDGET 1137._ (for this acIIvily only) Activity Number of Proposed Beneficiaries Proposed Activity Units for this acIivity only HousIng Name ...... connections Units Number IWIl 50 10 100 tOO H.U. Service Alee.. Ul6. LMI VLI Total No. of Units Type of I Units Date Date Describe PropoIed Action to be Undertaken or ConhcI SpeoIaI #unna 10 be Prupoeed . Start End ConcBtlon Clearance 00cumentaI0n Completed lobe (monI'l (month to be Submillecl by "Oate End" by "Date End" Requested by & yeaf) & year) "Date End" Submit Request tor ReIeese of Funds & Envlronmental ConcIItions Submit documentation to cIe8r Spedel CondiIIon Numbers ALl. . 07103 09103 Sewer CorIiWCtlona (0%) 0 10103 12/03 Sewer ConnectIont (0%) 0 01104 03f04 Sewer Connections (0%) 0 04104 OMM sewer Cor."18CtIona (0%) 0 07104 09104 Sewer ConnectIone (0%) 0 10.04 12/04 Sewer ConnectIone (O%) 0 01105 03105 Sewer ConnectIons (20%) 20 $127.500.00 04105 12105 Sewer Connectiona (50%) 50 $191,250.00 01106 05IQ6 ...... Connectlona (80%) 80 $191,250.00 06106 11W6 ..... Connections (100%) 100 $127.500.00 10106 10J00 Submit Administrative Closeout ~ :~. ACTIVITY BUDGET TOTAL S 637.1GO (nut equal ActivIty Budget In the heading of this tonn) 2 . STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS "Dedicated to making Florida a better place to call home'" JES8USH Governor THADDEUS L. COHEN. AlA secs.tary 2 ;3 2005 The Honorable Charles "Sonny" McCoy Mayor, Monroe County 530 Whitehead Street, Suite 102 Key West, Florida 33040 Re: ContractNumber03DB-IA-ll-S4-01-H32-Modilication Number 3 ~ i>;/ Dear Mayor McCoy: Your letter received December 1, 2005 requestini a reinstatement, extension aDd a revision to the current Activity Work. Plans bas been reviewed. The review indicates that 1he requested cbanses are acceptable and arc BplWOved. As you are aware, this grant Agreement was originally executed on April 9,. 2003, and I must strongly emphasize that it is imperative that Monroe County proceed expeditiously and complete this project within the new time period. The enclosed modification reflects a new Agreement termination date of October 8, 2006. This modification, along with your request and revised Activity Work Plans, bas been made part oftbe approved Agreement. Should you have questions, please call Mark Nixon at 8501922-1880. Si Kim Love, Director Housing and Community Development KUcm Endosures ., ,jc.. ,,' Q:; Thomas J. Willi, County Administrator Lee Ann Broadbent, Acting COOISPO Director, MCHA ------/ U'I 8HUMARD OAK BOULEVARD · TALLAHASSIE. FLORIDA 32UI-Z1QO Phone: 850.488.e4S6/Suncom 278.8"88 FAX: 850.e21.0781/Suncom 291.0781 Internet address: htto.lIwww.dca.lltate.fl.us CIImCAl STATE COMCIRN FIELD OFFICE 27M o....~. 5uiIe 212 ~. Fl. 3305O-m1 (306) 2n-2MX1 ~NnYPl.ANNItG 2$$5~o.k~ T...--. FL 3:2399-2100 (lISO) 488-2358 EIBlOIIICY III'IN~ 2IS56 SIuNnl o.k ~ r..--. Fl. 3239&-2100 (860) .'3-Ill8lI tIOUIaG & COMMUNITY DElIE!..OPIIENT 25li6 SIw.MWd o.k IIauIoNwd T~. FL 32399-2100 (1150) 4l1li-7956 asegaDEMIONIILCOMMISSIMBE �-..-.-...- Mayor Charles-Sonny"McCoy,District 3 i Pro Tern E.Nelson,Disbud 5 _-1,.,�_^ I:,' -Tr Mayore Neugent,MurrayurrayDistrict 2 OUNTY MON ROE _ ^' „ - ' Dixie M.Speller,District 1 -. David P.Rice,District 4 KEY WEsr GLORIDA 33040 }r' " (305)294-461' ( i,,, t . •q„! r Tri Charles`Sonny'McCoy Mayor • ' 530 Whitehead Street - ,, 0'- Key west,Florida 33040 ,Nil, 305-292-3430 FAX:305-292-3577 E-Mail: BOK [)IS3@monrecounty-fl.corn Mark Nixon,Community Assistance Consultant November 30. 2005 Florida Department of Community Affairs Bureau of Community Development f 2555 Shtmrtard Oaks Boulevard Tallahassee,Florida 32399 Re: Contract Agreement,County of Monroe,Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)Contract Agreement#03DB-1A-11-54-01-1132. �rj �_;, i, n Subject: Amendment Three LI", ! -r Cr. — f Deer Mr.Nixon: - -v ti, The revised attached Amendment and Activity Work Plans reflecting a twelve-month extension request is heingg resubmitted to include a request to reopen and reinstate the contract. The revised Amendment has been iPProved and is being forwarded to your office for approval. i',4crevision ottbib Am i nit for Oa rootracz ro be reopened and reinstated was teary beeau a the prior amend submission was not successfully Processed by the Department prior to the end date of the contract. The reinstatement and extension of time is necessary to be able to complete the much needed sewer connection assistance program for mnnroe('n,r,•a" The CDBG sewer program hm,made considerable neogress and conrin uec to move forward. This Amendment does not reduce the number of intended beneficiaries,accomplishments or scoring points from the original contract.The Amendment does not affect the Environmental Review Record. The County of Monroe appreciates the technical assistance and continued support you have provided for our Community Development Block Grant program. Sincerely. de Charles"Sonny"McCoy Mayor,Monroe County,Florida Cc: Thomas J.Willi,County Administrator J.Manuel Castillo,Sr.,Executive Director,MCHA Lee Aral Broadbent„Acting CDO/SPO Director,MCHA Page 1 of 1 Pam Hancock From: To: Sent: Subject: "Hutton-Suzan ne" < Hutton-Suzan ne@MonroeCounty-FL.Gov> "Pam Hancock" <phancock@monroe-clerk.com> Friday, April 21 , 20062:55 PM Modification #3 Pam: The "True Copy" of Modification #3 executed by Kimball Love on 4/17/06 should be treated as an original of the document which shows that she signed the original on 12/13/05. Suzanne 4/21/2006