Resolution 199-2006 RESOLUTION NO. 199 -2006 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF $5,000,000 TO ASSIST THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY FOR DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION OF A WASTEWATER SYSTEM TO SERVE THE BIG COPPITT, ROCKLAND, SHARK AND GEIGER KEY AREAS, KNOWN AS THE BIG COPPITT REGIONAL W ASTEW A TER SYSTEM. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan requires Momoe County to meet State mandated wastewater treatment standards by 20 I 0; and WHEREAS, the prevailing method of wastewater treatment in the Big Coppitt, Rockland, and Geiger Key areas is the utilization of cess pits and septic systems; and WHEREAS, the Authority is authorized by Chapter 76-441, Laws of Fiorida, as amended, to design, construct and operate wastewater treatment systems; and WHEREAS, by virtue of Chapter 98-519 Laws of Florida, passed by the Florida Legislature on May 22, 1998 and subsequently signed into law by the Governor of the State, the Authority possesses authority to act as the wastewater service provider in unincorporated areas of the County; and WHEREAS, the Authority participated with the County in the development of the Momoe County Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan (the "Master Plan") for the Florida Keys which was adopted by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners on May 18, 2000; and WHEREAS, the Master Plan identified and acknowledged the benefits to Momoe County, its residents, visitors and environs from the installation of regionalized central sewer systems and identified areas and projects which should be given priority attention, referred to as "Hot Spots;" and WHEREAS, the County and the Authority entered an interlocal agreement on November 18,2003, pursuant to which the County agreed to reimburse the Authority fur up to $40,000 to be expended by the Authority for the preparation of performance standards and criteria for the design and engineering of collection, treatment and disposal facilities to serve the Big Coppitt, Rockland, and Geiger Key areas, referred to as the Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater System; and WHEREAS, Monroe County and the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) entered into an interlocal agreement (ILA) on September 6, 2005, to work together to construct and place into service such wastewater treatment plants as are necessary to fulfill the 2010 goals for sewering the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, FKAA has contracted for the design and permitting of the wastewater collection and treatment system to serve the Big Coppitt Wastewater District; and WHEREAS, the BOCC agreed in the September 6, 2005 interloca1 agreement to provide the FKAA with up to TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS ($20,000,000.00) to assist in the capital cost of constructing a regional wastewater system serving the Lower Keys; and WHEREAS, Monroe County and the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) entered into a Master Lease Agreement (MLA) dated as of September 6, 2005, to further define the cooperative partnership of the parties in sewering the unincorporated areas of the County; and n~~ If't:. A,\(\ t\l\1\ D:~ r"___:o-<- A ..I~.____ WHEREAS, when the ILA and MLA were executed, it was contemplated by both parties that further interiocal agreements would be entered to govern the specific projects; and WHEREAS, the Authority has approached the County with a request for an advance for financial assistance to construct the Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater System; and WHEREAS, the BOCC fmds it in the best interest of the public to provide $5,000,000 to be applied by FKAA to the regional wastewater project for the Big Coppitt, Rockland, and Geiger Keys areas through the Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater System; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section I: The Board hereby authorizes the advance payment of $5,000,000 to FKAA to be applied to the construction of the Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater System in furtherance of the commitment made in the 9-06-05 ILA and 9-06-05 MLA. This payment may be made from any funds available and may be deemed to constitute the obligation under the 9-06-05 MLA. Section 2: Further funding committed under the ILA and MLA will be provided to FKAA only after the execution of a Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater System project ("Big Coppitt Project") ILA as was contemplated by the parties when entering into the 9-06-05 ILA and 9-06-05 MLA, and upon submission of documentation meeting the County's accounting requirements for reimbursement. Such documentation shall establish that FKAA exercises fiscal control and fund accounting procedures that comply with generally accepted government accounting principles in order to assure that the $5,000,000 advanced under this resolution has been spent for the design and construction of the Big Coppitt Project, including project- specific administrative costs and other project-related costs. The Big Coppitt Project ILA shall include a provision that any funds transferred by the County to the FKAA that are determined by the Clerk or an auditor employed by the County or State to have been spent on a purpose not contemplated by this agreement must be paid back to the County with interest calculated pursuant to Sec. 55.03(1), FS, from the date the auditor determines the funds were expended for an unauthorized purpose. Mayor McCoy Mayor Pro Tern Spehar .. cl:.:pmmissioner Neugent ;.,:;::,:.l~s~22~ssioner Rice <1>"\;C{~~s,sionerDistrict V ~(!i:;};: .," ' Deputy Clerk PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Borida, at&tegniar . . :;,: )> ... - meetmg ofsmd Board held on the 16th day of May, 2006. :u :z :z ,... o(""")~ :r. !"T1 f"'I'l.~-< -< 0 ("). r- N ." 00' N <:) S;;ox ~ ==t~~~.~ -0 ::0 :-<~=:: :z fTJ ;,' .}."" W n r- (7) _. 0 )> n-J 0 :;0 \0 0 .Yes ...x~s Yes Yes Yacant BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE CO , FLORIDA By: n~~ 11'1:. 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