Item I3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ,- AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Mav 16, 2006 Division: Engineering ~A Bulk Item: Y es ~ No Department: Wastewater Staff Contact Person: Elizabeth A. Wood AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a Resolution authorizing payment of $5,000,000 for the costs of acquisition, procurement, desigu, and construction of the Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater System. . ITEM BACKGROUND: FKAA has contracted for the design and permitting of the wastewater collection and treatment system to serve the Big Coppitt Wastewater District. The process for securing bids for construction of collection systems may begin as early as June 2006. An advance request has been received from FKAA by the County. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: The Fiscal Year 2006 Capital Plan, amended April 19, 2006, includes a $5,000,000 allocation for FKAA Interlocal projects. Monroe County agreed to provide $20,000,000 for the costs of acquisition, procurement, desigu, and construction of wastewater projects in the Lower Keys and to an advance amount of $5,000,000 in the September 6,2005 Master Lease Agreement. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval as stated above. TOTAL COST: $5,000,000 BUDGETED: Yes X No COST TO COUNTY: $5,000,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Fund 304 REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes N/A No AMOUNT PER MONTH N/A Year APPROVED BY: County Atty._ OMB~,urchasing _ Risk Management _ (: 1 '/1aJ: / ,/0 "1 1\ , 1,- ~ Y I.^, .; (..1 _ 111 _._' 1,_ j Ik1 <j " I /'II~):ri ,/ David S. Koppel, Division Director ,./ [/1.//".>". ,/ . DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: Included ~ Not Required_ DISPOSITION: Revised 5/05 """"-3 AGENDA ITEM # j { NO, ,2l106 A !iESOLUnON cmlNTY DCMRD OF fA YMENT OF TO ASS.IST nit FLORIDA KEYS fHORrIY FOROEVFU)Pl\n:NT ANn CONSTRliCIION OF A W SYSTEM 1'0 SE:I{VE THE BIG COl'l'fTT, !(OCKLANIl, SHARK ANI) GEIGER iKEV KNOWN AS THElnG COI'I'I1'1 REGIONAL WASTEW'I'lER svsnlNL tI1(; MLmf(tr, uianLlatcd ,sash.:!,;,;}l:."! Ut;JTmcnt st.anrk:rus PktU M(1)fO(.' to I11t:4:t ,~\um: 20 f ,(t'ld thi' an.:,asis {hi-' ,tJLiliznnon mt;thod ,,:f \\'351<."W1]I;;:t rn:;lim(;tlt HI th;;.' Cl,;;SS ;:mdiYi4tcHl:S: and R(Jckkuld :u"d tilt, i:SiliitlwxLz.ed 76-'1,* 1" La,;,>,:; (if florida. JS (wycnd('d< to (~ot1stnvA :md \I,astc\\'tttct Lh;:'dJrnent nY3i1\3tns: and to act as tlI\.) YV~lsti.':V,;;;'.lltr 8crViCD 9:,\,j 19 La\y:) of Flnrida, hL\\tllcGcrveru()L (l1't11(: m an1:1:S: of tj}l,' thi; Florida the on pO~8CSSC8 ,and WllF:RE:\'\, !h~ \Vn:sf(:\Vatct iVfrn;r~~r \'h.:llfue Huard of with the Plnil "tytastcr Hlf the ('ommlssi{\ners on A~. in 1he of tov 1\;I<mriJc which '\\<1s the WHI,lREAS, Ille M(]skr Plan ldcnnt\cd (lnd 'Fisili>r:~ and tn'vjj'(H'f~ from the Insta!latiorlof 0Jeas and \\'hich should 1:;:(1 rU1CiltlOfL the: benefits to MOllfQ!J liS Ct;ntm!S4,;\VtT 'JystQHtS andidt:nrifted fuferfCd to +t% "Bitt " 8.nd pursnm:;t To \Vhl(h 'tftc,:. tn.::atmcEl mJd re-furred 10 as the' aDd the urt!:en;:u an itl(cd(){;Bl agn:cmcm otlNt^)VemtJ.(T j 8. }003. to f;;lUrbLLr:;.e the j~M' [h(' of SctaJltLtrds u! fhz:Hitt(::\ to S;;:T\'"';3 the a rt'::.l'i. ~.';JVH;;;,vDtcr i ni,zrkN.::aL :'If?,ft:(''!l'aSilL \'\,astC\\~U~r tr.;:-atrnunf J ad t1'l<': Flnri cia on n jA) \l{)fk a~ utc fl\:{.'.\;'SS:JJy fU fuWdl the ;'lnd \\ H~,RI' \;<" H, .\:\ h,,, ,,:'OJ!;," 1",1 j;" tile F\alnn;nt 'i)Sh.'OllO S(;ne tb(; \Vask'\s~Hn nnd and offh,;; W<1stC\\'i'lJ:t'f Lnl h;:Cf 1~1i:) Lind lire: !lOff ,n thc I ~ \.\ \: lih up L' TWr'\;TY \111 l.Im, DOl JARS a "'i'aSli;:W:J)j~if S)':Ylcm s:Jf\'ing lh~~ 1 <}\\l~r 2\)05 io((}r!t:>Lll ;1:~Tr(eIt1Cnt to u5srsl ill tin: :lit\ (;1' \:ldfl-::'[ WltfHr, '':, \!"HIe': lC:il:;{ (;\11 n1 th ~ J;cu'( !<~s ])l lud the- rl(l{xi\1 d:J,,~;j ,J::1 t"e ClJ{{:j';;.:d t\Jrthcf defiDe the atv;].'i of [he {('<!il!\- and ILl!!) 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