Ordinance 019-2006 ORDINANCE NO. 019 - 2006 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 2-299(G)(4) AND 2-299(G)(5) OF THE MONROE COUNTY CODE CONCERNING THE TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL TO REVISE THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN DISTRICT IV AND DISTRICT V; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Tourist Development Council met Aprilll, 2006, and recommended that the northern boundary of District IV be specified by designating its northern boundary Mile Marker; and WHEREAS, at the same meeting the Tourist Development Council recommended that the boundary between District IV and District V be revised to coincide with the northern municipal boundary ofIslamorada, Village ofIslands; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. Sections 2-299(G)(4) and (5), Monroe County Code, are hereby amended to read: (4) District IV: Between the Long Key Bridge and Mile Marker 90.939; and (5) District V: From Mile Marker 90.940 to the Dade/Monroe County line and any mainland portions of Monroe County. Section 2. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance shaH not be affected by such invalidity. Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. Section 4 The provisions of this ordinance shaH be included and incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the County of Monroe, Florida, as an addition or amendment thereto, and shall be appropriately renumbered to conform to the uniform numbering system of the Code. Section S. This ordinance shaH take effect immediately upon receipt of official notice from the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of Florida that this ordinance has been filed with said Office. PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting on said Board on the ,16th day of Mav , A.D., 2006 :J: ..... c c:::> ." 0 c:::> :z J> .... ;= ::o("')z :x r'1 o ;;:: :p- o l"'fl' -< -< ::><: w .." o. r 0 00' :.D ~:=u ~~~ :=. ::0 -4 _.~ :x ,." :-< \>~~- -i--- n . . '" "9 0 .." - CJ ::0 r Pl N t:J J> (oJ Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy Mayor Pro Tem Dixie M. Spehar Commissioner George Neugent .~olll1llissioner David Rice ~issioner' District V -<...,~ I; '~." __/';"-;'i~\\\i.\'~'t>\/ ,..- \ c'\ '., ':;~~AtS]' . ','~' ,~::)' '".: . " ". :'\.-;.,.: "-.-'.., .:- ',,' '-~-,;. ':~~RK Deputy Clerk .....YelL Yes Yes Yes Vacant BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE C Y, FLORIDA "Sonny" McCoy By: MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY AP VEO AS TO F Dann!, 1.. Itolbagt BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS lUGHWAY MARAlHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL (305) 289-&27 FAX (305) 289-1745 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 292-3550 FAX (305) 295-3660 BRANCH OFFICE 88820 OVERSEAS lUGHWAY PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 FAX (305) 852-7146 May 31,2006 Ms. Liz Cloud, Program Administrator Administrative Code & Weekley R.A. Gray Building 500 S Bronough Street Tallahassee FL 32399-0250 Via Certified Mail 70022030 0001 2668 9662 Dear Ms. Cloud, Enclosed please find certified copies of the following: Ordinance No. 019-2006 amending Section 2-299(G)(4) and 2-299(G)(5)ofthe Monroe County Code concerning the Tourist Development Council to specii)' the Southern Boundary of District 4 and revise the Boundary between District IV and District V; Providing for severability; Providing for the repeal of all Ordinances inconsistent herewith; Providing for incorporation into the Monroe County Code of Ordinances; and Providing an effective date. Ordinance No. 020-2006 creating Section 13.5-5(q) of the Monroe County Code; Prohibiting skating in Key Largo Community Park except where posted; Providing for rules and regulations for the use of a Skate Board Park; Providing for the repeal of all Ordinances inconsistent herewith; Providing for incorporation into the Monroe County Code of Ordinances; and Providing an effective date. These Ordinances were adopted by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners at a Regular Meeting in formal session on May 16, 2006. Please file for record. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at (305) 295-3130. Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of the Circuit l':ourt and ex officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners by: Pamela G. Hancock, D. C. cc: Municipal Code Corporation via certified mail 70022030000/ 2668 9655 County Attorney Public Works - Ordinance 020-2006 File BOCC IDC - Ordinance 019-2006 ru ...Il ...Il rr <0 ...Il ...Il ru U.S. Postal ServIce CERTIFIED MAIL, RECEIPT (Domestic Mati Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) ~ t:J t:J Retum R"'~pt ,.. t:J (Endorsement ReQuIred) D Restricted Delivery Fee (T1 (Endorsement Required) t:J ru postage o .. o .." <r ~ o ~. ~~ 30 -:; Certified Fee Total Postage & Fees $ ru CJ ent 0 t:J Liz Cloud. Program Administrator I'- sii88i.AP"t:1iiO.;.-.._'-'.-'-"~'__'_hh"-'-"----'-'-""~---'.__.u..._._______._ ~~~s-ef!f-9k-'3lj9f9--!?---llX-9.!!Ql'Zh--?.t:-!:gg-t. PS Form 3800 JUI1I:' 2002 S1)C Reverse lor Instruc;l10ns U"1 U"1 ...Il rr <0 ...Il ...Il ru U.S Postal Service" CERTIFIED MAIL" RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage ProvIded) ~ t:J Cl Return Reclept Fee CJ (Endorsement Required) Cl Restricted Delivery Fee rn (Endor$elTlElnt RequIred) t:J ru Po_ Certified Fee Total postage & Fees $ ~ ~ tTo . ~ "0 ~ 'ii'~<~,:;"E:f-~(/;-~~~---~~~~9.J:9-t.J.QJ).----.-----------~--.p.--. or PO Box No. u__uu-_uhnn._._n_"':t'"_q__n Ci,y,-s;,;;,;;ziP>4f~il;t;~;~~'~--Fi. 32316-2235 . 0 ......FLORIDA KEYS.... _ yW.; � No 1909.700 ;. based. • � I EREe Published Twice Weekly ORDINANCE variouspyblic libraries in Monroe County,Florida. _ Marathon, Monroe County, Florida NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT- Dated at Key West, ;--MAY CONCERN that on Florida,this 20th day of • - PROOF OF PUBLICATION I April,2006.May 16,2006 at 3:00- P.M.at the Key Largo Li- DAN NY L.KOLHAGE, brary,TradeWinds Shop- ; ping Center;101485 Clerk of the Circuit Court STATE OF FLORIDA ' Overseas Highway,Mile and ex officio Clerk of the ..Marker 101,Key Largo, Board of County COUNTY OF MONROE ; Monroe County,Florida, Commissioners of Before the undersigned authority person- : the BoardofCounty MonroeCounty,Florida, ;-Commissioners of Mon- , ally appeared WAYNE MARKHAM who on roe County;Florida,in- { I Publish April 29 and May oath, says that he is PUBLISHER of the -tends to consider the 6,2006 adoption of the following ; t Florida Keys Keynoter FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER, a twice . County ordinance: ��. weekly newspaper published in Marathon, AN ORDINANCE OF in Monroe County, Florida: that the THE BOARD OF COUN- attached copy of advertisement was ' TY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, published in said newspaper in the issues FLORIDA,AMENDING of: (date(s) of publication) , SECTION 2-299(G)(4) AND 2-299(G)(5)OF - 1 THE OE 9' c 'TY CODE CONCERN: ING THE TOURIST DE- �G� VELOPMENT COUNCIL ; TO SPECIFY THE ��%� / SOUTHERN BOUND- ARY OF DISTRICT 4 . Affiant further says that the said FLORIDA AND REVISE THE ' BOUNDARY BETWEEN KEYS KEYNOTER is a newspaper published I DISTRICT IV AND DIS-.-- at Marathon, in said Monroe County, TRICTV;PROVIDING I FOR SEVERABILITY; , Florida, and that the said newspaper has PROVIDING FOR THE heretofore been continuously published in `REPEAL OF-ALL ORDI- , NANCES INCONSIS- said Monroe County, Florida, twice each TENT HEREWITH; - week (on Wednesday and Saturday) and PROVIDING.FOR IN- (. CORPORATION INTO. has been entered as a second class mail , THE MONROE COIJN- ; N matter at the post office in Marathon, in TY CODE OF ORDI- . O ® - -71 Monroe County, Florida, for a .-INcNA AN EFF TIVEPRO - 70 period of ING AN EFFECTIVE C oneyear next ors cn preceding the first " DATE. ��-z = >,•D publication of the attached copy of Pursuant to Section - 0- N advertisement. The affiant further says 286.0105,Florida ::0 Statutes,notice is given , ,0 • m :47, that he has neither paid nor promised any ' that ifapersdn decided to; c-)i— = , ; person, firm, or corporation any discount, ' appeal any decision:- i .1-1 9? z,- made by the Board with 1 -r1 t� c'" rebate, commission or refund for the respect to any matter . : r . purpose of securing this advertisement for considered.at such near- ?' urn( ea • , publication in the said newspaper(s) and -neeingd •re meetings,hppro need a record of the pro that The Florida Keys Keynoter is in full 1 ceedings,andthat,_for compliance with Chapter 50 of the Florida need to purpose,hetroy..er P P need to ensure that a ver- State Statutes on Legal and Official batim record of the pro- ceedings is made,which Advertisements. record includes the testi mony and evidence upon , which-the appeal iG to be .", • , J !3 _,1...N 1:' .. 11J Sworn to an sub ri ed before me thi'V D of , 2006 (SEAL) 7 KATHLEEN BRYAN r pg9AY P,N. CorruniPDD0241827 $ 12/12/2007 Not ry rt3 Bonded thru(800)432.4254 Florldo Notary Aeon.,Ina ?be",.,.".,. Only DiM.r .. . ..". ,.,. Cooke Communications, LLC Florida Keys Marsha F. Kirkwood Advertising Coordinator PO Box 1800 Key West Fl 33041 Office... ". ... .305-292-7777 Extension.. ....x219 Fax.._... ". ....305-294-0768 leaa'.Bks1/snews com INTERNET PUBLISHING Keywest.com Keysnews.com f1oridakeys.com key-west.com Web Design Services NEWSPAPERS TheCilizen Southernmost Flyer Solares Hill Big Pine Free Press Marathon Free Press lslamoracia Free Press Key Largo Free Press Ocean Reef Press Seaport Log MAGAZINE The Menu Home Guide Citizen Local's Guide Paradise Keys TV Channel Guide MARKETING SERVICES Commerciai Printing Citizen Locals Card Direct Mail FLORIDA KEYS OFFICES Printing I Main Facility 3420 Northside Dri....e Key West, FL 33040-1800 Tel 305-292-7777 Fax 305-294-0768 cilizen@keywest.com Internet DIvision 1201 \M1ite Street (Suite 103) KeyVVest, FL 33040-3328 Tel 305-292-1880 Fax 305-294-1699 sales@keYW8stcom Middle Keys Office 6363 O....erseas Hwy Marathon, Fl (MM 52_5) 33050-3342 Tel 305-743-8766 Fax 305-743-9977 na....igator@floridakeys.com Upper Keys Offlte 81549 Old Hwy PO Box 469 Islamorada, FL (MM815) 33036-0469 Tel 305-664-2266 Fax 305-664-6411 freepress@floridakeys_com Ocean Reef Office 3A Barracuda Lane Key largo, FL 33037 Tel 305-3674911 Fax 305-367-2191 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Randy G. Erickson, who on oath says that he is Vice-President of Advertising Operations of the Key West Citizen, a daily newspaper published in Key West, in Monroe County, Florida; that the a ched copy of advertisement, being a legal noti in the 2J;tter ~f . 52' In the Court, pu lished in said newspaper in the issues of ~ 4L'JI J tJ 91- 7'Y)t2y?t ~ Affiant further says that the Key West Citizen is a newspaper published in Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida every and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida, for a period of I year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publi",",. do "",,,_. ~~.~ , Signat~61Affiant ;; ~... ?'J C~ ..." rn :::;""," ::J: C"> --<.-1:;::;' _ C1 .. ',-- - ';0 Sworn and subscribed before me this---L day of ~ g , g:{l)06 Notary Public: Marsha F. Kirkwood ~A~a- ,:;/, ~~~ Expires: September 15, 2009 Notary Seal .."~~~~r:",,, MARSHA F. KIRKWOOD i~m~ !<.;~'S Notary Public - State of Florida i. : . EMy Commission Expires Sep 15. 2009 '<" c..r/ Commission # DO 472620 ".~o~P..O-,,' , -.."...... Bonded By National Notary Assn. Personally Known x Produced Identrfication Type ofIdentification Produced PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CONSIDER ' \"ADOPTtON OF COUNTY - ORDINANCE. riff NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN -TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN'that on May 16, 2006 at 3:00 P.M. at the Key • Largo 'Library, Tradewinds ;. Shopping Center, 101485 Overseas Highway, Mile Marker 101,'Key Lar- go, Monroe County, Florida, the • Board of County Commissioners'.of ;. • Monroe'County, Florida, intends to ' • consider the adoption of the follow- ing County ordinance: -• AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ' MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA, I AMENDING SECTION 2-299(G)(4) AND 2-299(G)(5)OF THE MONROE COUNTY CODE CONCERNING ' THE TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL TO SPECIFY THE • SOUTHERN BOUNDARY OF DISTRICT 4 AND REVISE THE BOUNDARY'BETWEEN DISTRICT IV AND DISTRICT V;PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY;PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH;PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE, ' . MONROE COUNTY CODE OF., ; ` ORDINANCES AND PROVIDING •AN EFFECTIVE DATE. , ; • Pursuant to-Section 286.0105,Flori- da Statutes,notice is given that if a ; person decided to appeal any deci- ; sion made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at such... hearings or.meetings,'he'will need a i record of the proceedings,and that, for such purpose,he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of thee proceedings is made,which record I includes the testimony and'evidence. • • upon which the appeal is to be based. . PUBLIC NOTICE • Copies of the above-referenced ordi. narice are available for'review at the, ` " -' _ - various public, .libraries in Monroe • County,Florida. ' Dated at Key VVest, Florida,this 20th day of April,2006. , - 'DANNY L.KOLHAGE, ' - , Clerk of the Circuit Court., and ex officio • Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of .Monroe County,Florida. (SEAL) , April 30&May 7,2006 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION . Complete items 1, 2. and 3. Also complete item 4 if Resfricted Delivery Is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Ms. Liz Cloud Auministrative Code & Weekly R.A.Gray Building 500 S Bronaugh Street Tallahassee FL 32399-0250 (Ordinance 019 & 020-2006) 2. ArtIcle Number (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811. February 2004 . . . . . A. Signature x 8, Re D. Is deliveryAiqress different f ? If YES. rJrkI/VJe"@efJ "ttJo; below: Cl.€,4,R o Agent o Addressee C. Date of Delivery DYes DNa 3. Service Type ~Certmed M"n 0 _MB<< o Registered 0 Rotum Raco\pl for Men:handise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Oellvery? (Extta Fee) 0 Yes 7002 2030 0001 2668 9662 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1fuU'1 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Sue M. Cobb Secretary of State DIVISION OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES June 7, 2006 Honorable Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of Circuit Court Monroe County 500 Whitehead Street, Suite 101 Key West, Florida 33040 Attention: Isabel C. DeSantis, Deputy Clerk Dear Mr. Kolhage: Pursuant to the provisions of Section 125.66, Florida Statutes, this will acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 31, 2006 and certified copies of Monroe County Ordinance Nos. 019-2006 and 020-2006, which were filed in this office on June 5, 2006. Sincerely, MrsCJ2ov-~ Liz Cloud Program Administrator LC/mp :J: ~ ~ ::o~z o"..z I'T1J-< ::::: n. r- OD' S;u~ ...... - -.-~, --4("")f" :<:-f?= "TJ :J> r C) :r> f"T1 I:JSTATE LIBRARY OF FWRIDA R.A. Gray Building. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 . (850) 245-6600 FAX: (850) 488-2746. TOO: (850) 922-4085. http://www.dos.state.n.us I:JLEGISLATIVE LIBRARY SERVICE I:J RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES I:JFWRIDA STATE ARCHIVES (850) 488-2812. FAX' (850) 488-9879 (850) 487-2180. FAX, (850) 413-7224 (850) 245-6700. FAX, (850) 488-4894 I:JADMINISTRA TIVE CODE AND WEEKLY (850) 245-6270. FAX, (850) 245-6282 ~ => "'" en c... <= :z: N :ta ::II: 9 ..., r- 1'TJ o "TJ <0 :;0 ;;0 ", n o :;0 o c r Email Confirmation Page lof2 Municipal Code Corporation P.O. Box 2235 1700 Capital Circle SW. (32310\ Tallahassee, FL 32316-2235 850-576-3171 Fax: 850-575-8852 intQ@.ffiunik.o.O?,90ffi Monroe County, FL Code of Ordinances -1979(11270) Supplement 92 Recorded: 6/6/20069:52:51 AM We have received the following material through Hard Copy. Document Adoption Ordinance No. 019-2006 5/16/2006 Ordinance No. 020-2006 5/16/2006 . Are you a-mailing us your ordinances? Send them to QI.d~_@.m\J[lj99.d,l;U';Qm . Does your code need a legal review? We can help - a-mail for an estimate . Ask us about electronic supplementation and our newest service N.O.W. posting ordinances in between supplements . Need additional copies of your Charter? Zoning? Code? Binders? Divider Tabs? . Also we have a GREAT new service where we provide Codes and Supplements to outside subscribers at no additional cost to the City. Contact our Distribution Department at gl$.t~m!mJ~9.d.,e,G:Qm . Looking for Records Management, imaging or indexing minutes services, we can help there too! Contact us for more information at if1j~t@.mc.!;;inDQYali9...nS-,-QQm. ,', wpyrlllhl2005 MCC. All fillhls ".e""'d. .Z b ~ <:> ..... z )> r= ::0(")2: c.. 0..-2 2 1"'1 ""x-< 0 n. r I ..... On' CO 0 c-~ ::u 2:?Jc :J:lo ::0 ;('")!:~, :x fT1 :"'-j"-',," ..,,' y - n - a r C) - )> Pl Go) ;:0 en 0 http://intranet.municode.com/bis/Recording/acknow ledgePrint.asp?jobid=572I 0&print=true&contactID=2... 6/6/2006 Your Upper Keys Connection , • THE REPORTER P.O.Box 1197•Tavernier,Florida 33070-1197 --t C' FO RECORD (305)852-3216 Fax: (305)852-0199 u- ' PROOF OF PUBLICATION -20 JUN 13 1\1418' 22 -THE BOARD'OF COON— +lt-,1t GE ---TY COMMISSIONERS STATE OF FLORIDA 0 ; iTDC , OFMONROE:COUNTY; n *A., . FLORIDA,AMENDING COUNTY OF MONROE R SECTION 2-299(G)(4) �� TICE OF INTENTION AND 2-299(G)(5)OF -THE MONROE COUN- • Before the undersigned authority T ON OF COUNTYDOP- - - TY CODE CONCERN- personally appeared DAVID GOODHUE ORDINANCE ' = I .'ING THE TOURISTDE 1 VELOPMENT COUNCIL, . who on oath, says that he is EDITOR of NOTICE IS HEREBY TO SPECIFY THE THE REPORTER, a weekly newspaper .- GIVEN TO WHOM IT SOUTHERN BOUND- ; entitled to publish legal advertising MAY CONCERN that on ARY OF DISTRICT 4 �_ .May 1.6,.2006 at3:00 AND REVISE THE published at Tavernier, Monroe County, i P.M.at the Key Largo Li-- BOUNDARY BETWEEN brary,Tradewinds Shop- DISTRICT IV ANDDIS- TRICTof V;PROVIDING advertisement, being LEGAL NOTICE in <" Overseas Highway,Mile FORSEVERABILITY; • Marker 101;Key Largo,, -PROVIDING FOR'THE , said newspaper in the issue of: -REPEAL OFALL-ORDI= .Monroe County;Florida, NANCES INCONSIS- the Board of-County Aril 28th and May5th 2006 Commissioners of Mon- -TENT HEREWITH; p roe County,Florida,in- PROVIDING-FOR IN- , tends-to consider the . CORPORATION INTO adoption of the following' _ THEMONROECOUN- Affiant further says that THE REPORTER County ordinance: TY CODE OFORDI- is a newspaper published at Tavernier, in I , e- PROVID-; said Monroe County, Florida, nd that the AN"R�i 'Q +c CIF . ING AN E•FFECTIVE I Continued on the i DATE: ' - ..I,•Next Column said newspaper has heretofore been Pursuant to Section continuously published in the said - . 286.0105,Florida - Monroe County, Florida, each week (on r - • I 'Statutes,notice is given • Friday), and has been entered as second I .that if a person decided to „ appeal any decision class mail matter at the Post Office in made bythe Board with Tavernier, in said County of Monroe, _ respect to any matter , • considered atsuch hear Florida, for a period of one year next ingsormeetings,hewill preceding the first publication of the On- �. needa record ofthepro- --ceedings;and that,.for • attached copy of advertisement; and 0 / -a oO( sucii purpose,he may affiant further says that she has. neither 9 l(J need to ensure that aver batim record of the pro- paid nor promised any firm, person, or _ceedings is made;which corporation any discount, rebate, record includes the testi- - mony and evidence upon , commission or refund for the purpose of "which the appeal is to be securing this advertisement for p, .based. publication in the said newspaper and that CoPiesof the above-ref= The Reporter is in full compliance with .erenced ordinance are- Chapter 50 of the Flori State Statutes on I. available for review at-the various-public libraries in Legal and 0 " ial A rtisements. Monroe County,Florida. r Dated at Key West,Flori- �' da,this 20th day of April, 2006. . j .DANNY LL KOLHAGE, -. Sworn to and subscribed before me this Clerk of the Circuit Court and exofficio Clerk of the' , 5th day of May 2006. Board of County Cam- missioners•of Monroe County,Florida '.Publish 4/28/06 and. •- 5/5/06 -The Reporter 1-X010—L.t_, 1 0 J `�� ;.Tavernier,FL 33070 LAQ-va n ry \ rJ I�� ( o6 • p,.,..,. MARGARET J.WHISENHUNT so11�!ttPU'9G r.: •,o MY COMMISSIONDD4Q3753 vrt.,, , EXPIRES:JUN 22,2009 '�,--;;°_' Bonded through i st State Insurance