Item H2
1e/e3/2ee1 16:21
Michael R. Barnes
Ste-phen S. I~herwood
Law Offices of Michael R Barnes
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
80 I Whitehead Street
Key West, Flonda 33040
Tel: 30.5-296-5297
Fax: 305-296-5254
October 3, 2001
Jim Roberts
Monroe County Administrator
5100 College Rd. Rm 212
Key West, FL 33040
By Fax and Certified Mail
Dear Mr. Roberts:
I am in receipt of your communication of October 3,2001, a copy attached.
Having examined and considered your correspondence, my position remains that there is no
requirement, as a pre-condition to putting me on Sounding Board, that I describe the content of my
remarks ahead of my presentation.
In a third effort to satisfy your additional requirement you may describe my topic as "County
Government and the Constitution."
Please confirm that I have been placed on Sounding Board as I have twice previously
requested. and confirm the date and time certain of my appearance,
Y our cooperation is appreciated.
~::r;:,:mes if/ L
Michael R. Barnes
Stephen S. Isherwood
Law Offices of Michael R Barnes
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
80 I Whitehead Street
ey ~ L. IVED
SEP 2 8 2C01
Tel: 305-296-5297
Fax: 305-296-5254
September 27,2001
Jim Roberts
Monroe County Administrator
5100 College Rd. Rm 212
Key West, FL 33040
Sent bv facsimile and US Mail
Re: Sounding Board
Dear Mr. Roberts:
Please schedule me for the next Sounding Board in accordance with County Administrative
Procedures Section 1.11 (c).
Would you be good enough to have your secretary advise my office of the specific time
certain, by return facsimile, as soon as it is established?
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
SinceG t 1-
Michael R. Barnes
cc: Mayor and each County Commissioner
10/02/2001 17:08
Law Offices of Michael R Barnes
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
80 t Whitehead Street
Key West, Florida 33040
Michael R, Barnes
Stephen S, Isherwood
Tel: 305-296-5297
FII}(: 305-296-5254
info@ballleslaw .net
October 2,2001
Mr. James Roberts
Monroe County Administrator
5]00 College Rd. Rm 212
Key West, FL 33040
Re: SoundinJZ Board (Second Request)
By Facsimile and Certified Mail
Dear Mr. Roberts:
Thi s is my second request letter to appear at sOWlding board at the next commission meeting.
Please see my previous request, sent on September 27, 2001, at enclosure 1.
When my staff caBed yesterday, we were told by "Debbie," in your office, that, although you
ref;eived the above letter, you required that I resend the letter giving a description of what I wanted
to talk about before you would allow me to be placed on Sounding Board.
I have reexamined the paragraph in your Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
Administrative Procedures paragraph 1.03 (c) (Sounding Board) There appears to be no requirement
to provide you with the such content information as a precondition to speech. If there are
requirements to that effect in writing, please provide all of them, by return facsimile.
Jfyol! provide written requirement(s) or limitation(s) that are reasonably consistent with the
law and doctrines encompassed in the First AmendmentlPublic ForumIPolitical Speech arena, I will
be happy to comply. In do not hear from you, I will assume that there are no limitations other than
those contained in existing law or in the above described paragraph penaining to Sounding Board.
As I previously requested, please have your staff confirm my appearance on Sounding Board
i.ncluding the date and time certain for my appearance, by return facsimile to 305-296-5254.
Michael R. Barnes