Item K15 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY EMERGENCY ADD-ON Meeting Date: May 16,2001 Division: Bacc Bulk Item: Yes No XX .' Department: Comm. Nora Williams AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of resolution to commemorate William 1. "Spud" and Violet Kemp Albury, longtime Tavernier residents, both who recently passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Albury were both born and raised in the Keys, of pioneering families. ITEM BACKGROUND: Biographies attached. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: ST AFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOT AL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No XX COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ . . f{~ IA.J~ ~ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: (Nora Williams, Commissioner) DOCUMENT A TION: Included XX To Follow_ Not Required_ DISPOSITION: - AGENDA ITEM # J<. I ~ Revised 2/27/0 I Ha~ 14 01 OS:27a All E:'n 305-852-8152 p.2 ALICE C. ALLEN P.O. Box 205. TaverniEf'. Fl 33070 PhoN;: (3Q,5) 852-5143 Fax: (305) 852..8152 .~. .:" Violet Kemp Albmy - a lifelong resident of the Keys. Born June 16. 1911 in Key West florida. She passed away December 22. 2000. Graduated (1929) from Key West High School. However, she attended Mary Immaculate Convent for a time where she was a schoolmate of former Monroe County Commissioner Wilhelmina Harvey. Violet wanted to he a teacher but one of the requirements for teachers in Key West was that they spend a year in 'the wilds' up-the--Keys. She moved to lslamorada and taught at the lslamorada School. During this time she met and married a local, Wilham J. "Spud" Albury, and never retWlled to Key West. They eventually settled in Tavernier where she remained the rest of her life. They bore one child, Shirley Faye (Albury.) Violet taught in the Tavernier School (1943- t 950) and, after its opening io1953, substitute taught at t:oral Shores which was then a fun 12 grade school Ha~ 14 01 09:27a Allen 305-852-8152 p.3 ALICE C. ALLEN P.O. Box 2OS. Tavernier. Fl 33070 PhonE, (305) 852--5143 Fax: (305) 852-8152 ~: .',' William 1. "Spud" Albury - a lifelong resident of the Keys Born July 5, 1913 in Key West, florida "Spud" passed away November 12,2000. <'Spud" was raised Oll the family farm on Plantation Key. He attended school in Key West and Miami but had to quit in the eleventh grade to go to work and help the family. He eventually obtained his GEO. He met and married Violet Kemp - a school teacher at Islamorada School They bore one child, Shirley Faye (Albury.) Eventually they set11ed in Tavernier and remained there the rest of his lite. ''Spud'' worked for Alonzo Cothron and others but in 1971 became the toll collector at Card ~und. He remained in that position until his retirement in 1983. 'Spud' J. Was the SOD of a pioneer family - growing up on 8 farm on PlaDtation Key is nOt going to be found many times ever again 2. In the 1800's his family was granted the northern halfof'Tavemier' ocean to bay _ (land grant on the Island of Key Largo - southern section) (the Lowe family had the southern half) 3. Alonzo Cothron built much of the town oflslamorada in the 1940' s-1960' s