Item R4 Revised 2/95 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: September 20. 2000 Division: County Administrator Bulk Item: Yes No ---X- Department: County Administrator AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to change the November meeting of the Board of County Commissioners to November 21 and 22,2000 at the Key Largo Library. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Board of County Commissioners has scheduled its November 2000 meeting for November 13 and 14 at the Key Largo Library. Because of information received by Mayor Freeman from the Supervisor of Elections, it appears as though any newly elected commissioners would not be able to assume their seats at that time. Florida Statutes state that the term commences on the second Tuesday following the election. The scheduled dates would not allow for the new commissioner(s) to take their seats until the December 2000 meeting. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: Scheduling of November meetings. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: -0- BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: -0- REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Arty X. OMB/Purchasing _Risk Management _ J'--~ James L. Roberts DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: Included lL To Follow Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #~LI ..~ 6_. - <'1.~\1" ......."'-"- /,:!if~'~~~iJ.' 7;$"; ,. ." , I '''A II~".,.~/, ~. '2'r \:~\\ t~; , :.(J~I,~~ t.':!" :,: , 'I i)'- - ~ .""~...,.,, , 'II.' .\;' .; (f '1] ':::~:; :r:~; ;~~:,"S;y "J:".;.>J-" Shirley Freeman MAYOR COUNTY OF MONROE 530 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST. FLORIDA 33040 305-292-3430 Fax 305-292-3577 boccfree@mail.state.fl.us DATE: August 31, 2000 TO: Jim Roberts County Administrator Mayor Shirley Freeman ~ ~ RE: Dates of November Commission Meeting FROM: The Supervisor of Elections has informed me that, according to state statute, my successor cannot take office until November 21, 2000. Our November commission meeting is scheduled for November 13 & 14. I suggest the meeting be changed to November 21 & 22 or November 28 & 29. This way my successor will be able to take office and participate in the November meeting as I took office before the November meeting in 1992. Attached is a copy of the state statute provided by the Supervisor of Elections. RECE1VED i i I 1 f COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' SEP 1 \ _'-' _ oJ The Florida Keys - America's Caribbean Islands RECYCLED PAPER " Ch. 100 GENERAL, PRIMARY, AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS F.$. 1999 election by the qualified voters of the Rheriffs county or any district thereof, and the sheriff shall have at least five copies of the notice posted in conspicuous places in the county. ~.-.. 5. ch. 3879. 1-= AS 159: I. 8. ch. 4328. 1895; .. 4, elL 4537. 1897; GS 178; RGS 220: CGL255; I. 1. ch. 25383. 1949: I. 4, elL 28lI7O. 1851; sa. 10. 35. ch. .108;.. 12. ch. 77-175; I. 3. elL 83-251; I. 544, elL 85-147. ~..8&OlI. 100.025 Citizens residing overseas; notice of elee- tlons.--A citizen of this state who is residing overseas' may notify the supervisor of elections in the county where he or she is registered of his or her overseas address; and, thereafter, the supervisor shall notify such citizen at least 90 days prior to regular primary and general elections and when possible prior to any special election so that such citizen may follow the pro- cedures for absentee voting provided by law. HIeIary.-.. 1, ch. 87-414; I. 8. ch. 680280; I. 3. elL 77-175; I. 18. elL 81-304; I. 4. ch. 89-338;.. 18. ch. 94-224; I. 1388. ch. 950147. Nate.--Fonner I. 87.0831. 100.031 General electlon.--A general election shall be held in each county on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each even-numbered year to choose a successor to each elective federal, state, county, and district officer whose term will expire before the next general eIectlon and, except as pr0- vided in the State Constitution, to fill each vacancy in elective office for the unexpired portion of the term. ~.-.. 2. ch. 3879,1_ AS 155: I. 2. elL.... 18115: I. 1, elL 4537. 1897; GS 171; RGS 218; CGL 251; I. 4, ch. 28870. 1851; I. 12. elL 77.175. ..... r_ I. 88JM. ;t. 100.041 OffIcers chosen at general electJon.- (1) State senators shall be elected for terms of 4 years, those from odd-numbered districts in each year the number of which is a multiple of 4 and those from even-numbered districts in each even-numbered year the number of which is not a multiple of 4. Members of the House of Reoresentatives shall be elected for terms ot 2 years in each even-numbered year. In each county, a clerk of the circuit court, sheriff, superintend- ent of schools, property appraiser, and tax coUector shaD be chosen by the qualified electors at the general election In each year the number of which Is a multiple of 4. The Governor and the administrative officers of the executive branch of the state shall be elected for terms of 4 years in each ev&n-numb'ered year the num- ber of which is not a multiple of 4. The terms of state offices other than the terms of m~bers of the Legisla- ture shaIJ begin on the first Tuesday after the first M0n- day in January after said election. The term of office of each member of the legislature shall begin upon e1ec- tion. (2)(a) commissioner from an 0del- e ene tion In each vearthe number of which Is a m eo, for a 4-year term commencln~ the second Tues~ lOllowlna sum :on, ana e county commissioner from an even-n rea district shall be elected at the general election in each even-numbered year the num- ber of which Is not a multiple of 4, for a 4-yearterm com- mencing on the second Tuesday following such elec- tion. (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), the go~ming board of a charter county may provide by ordinance, to be approved by referendum, that the terms of Its mem- bers shall commence on a date later than the second Tuesday following general elections, but in any case the date of commencement shall be uniform for all members and shall be no later than the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January following each mem- ber's election. (3)(a) School board members shall be elected at a general election for terms of 4 years. The term of office of a school board member and of a superintendent of schools shall begin on the second Tuesday following the general election in which such member or superin- tendent Is elected. (b) In each school district which has flYe school board members, the terms shall be arranged so that three members are elected at one general election and two members elected at the next ensuing general elec- tion. (4) The term of office of each county and each dis- trict offICer not otherwise provided by law shall com- mence on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January foDowing his or her election. HIlIIDry.-.. 3. elL 3879. 1888; RS 158; I. 3. elL 4328. 11195; .. 2. elL 4537. 1887; GS 172; I. 10. elL 7838. 1.111; RGS 217; CGL 252: I. 4. elL 2tI87O. 1951; I. 15. ch. 281118. 1l1l5I; I. 1. c:h. 51-140; I. 1. ch. 63-479; I. 1. elL 67-98; I. 1. ell. 87-1110;1. 11. c:h....18;1. 1. elL 6lI-3llO;.(4) lonneltr.. 14. Art. XVIII 01 the Con- I1IulIan 011885. .. --..: CllI-*IlO Il8lU1OIy law by.. 10. Art. XII OIl1le eon..tian........ln 1~1. 1. ch. 73-47;.. 18. ch. 73-334; 1.1. elL 77.102; .. 12. ch. 77.178: I. 1. elL 780121; I. 21. ch. 79-184: I. 14, elL 85-228: .. 1. ch. 8&85; .. 14, elL Q.a3I; I. a48. t:ll.ll50147; I. II, ch. 88-1211. NoIe.-FolrMr I. SlI.OS. " 100.051 Candidate's name on general election bal- lot-The supervisor of elections of each county shall print on ballots to be used in the county at the next gen- eral election the names of candidates who have been nominated by a pofiticaI party, other than a minor politi- cal party, and the candidates who have otherwise obtained a position on the general election ballot in compliance with the requirements of this code. HIlIIDry.-.. 53, elL 88. 1.13; RGS 357; CGl414; I. ... ch. 28870. 1951: s. 3. elL ~ I. 1. elL 7Oo<I3ll; I. 12. ch. 77-175. ..... r- I. 10u0. 100.061 Firat primary eIectIon.-ln each year in which a general election is held, a first primary election for nomination of candiCfates of political parties shall be held on the Tuesday 9 weeks prior to the general eJec- tion. Each candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast in each contest in the first primary election shall be decJared nominated for such office. A second primary election shaiI be hetd 88 provided by s. 100.091 in every contest in which a candidate does not receive a majority. HIlIIDry.-..8. elL_ 1113; RGS3OI; CGL359:.. 2. ch. 137111, 1921; I. 1. ch. 17887. 11137: I. 7. elL'" 1lN1: I. 4. ch. 28870. 1951;.. 1. ch. 57.188; I. 1. ch. 59-4: .. 1. elL 81-1745; I.'" elL 83-251. ..... r_ I. 1oa.aa. 1oo.D71 Grouping of candidates on primary bal- loIL- (1)(8) Where two or more similar offices are to be filled In the same election, the names of candidates shaD be placed or printed upon the baDot or voting machine In groups or districts; that Is, if two or mo~e members of the legislature or two or more members of 26 .. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY, Case No. CA-K-OO-1170 Plaintiff, v. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA and OGDEN WATER SYSTEMS OF KEY LARGO, INC., 3: C) \._~- . '/) ."1 ~_~. C- i:, i ~, r)" ( '0- .:'_ 1 " " , "0 C') Defendants. -.-: c...-:. I / ~"....:- , c,) -., r "" J;- po r: W ANSWER AND COUNTERCLAIM OF DEFENDANT OGDEN WATER SYSTEMS OF KEY LARGO, INC. ANSWER The defendant Ogden Water Systems of Key Largo, Inc. ("Ogden"), pursuant to Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.11 O( c), answers as follows to the Complaint of the plaintiff, Florida' Keys Aqueduct Authority ("FKAA"): 1. Admitted that the action is one for a declaratory judgment, and that the amount in controversy exceeds $15,000, thus vesting jurisdiction in this court pursuant to Florida Statutes section 86.011; denied that the Complaint seeks damages. 2. Without knowledge. 3. Admitted. 5/ 4. Admitted. 5. Admitted. 6. Admitted. 7. Admitted. 8. Admitted. 9. Admitted. 10. The first three sentences of paragraph 10 are admitted. The fourth and last sentence of paragraph 10 is denied inasmuch as whether the defendant Board of County Commissioners (the "Board") obtained the site was not a predicate for the FKAA to issue the Limited Notice to Proceed. II. Denied that any of the referenced facts and circumstances came "to light" subsequent to the execution of the Design/Build Contract and the Operation and Maintenance Agreement. All of said facts and circumstances were known all along. 12. Admitted that exhibits C and D are authentic, and they speak for themselves as to their content. Denied that their content is accurate in fact, or correct in their legal conclusions. 13. Paragraph 13 contains purely legal argument, which requires no answer. To the extent paragraph 13 is construed to allege a fact, that fact is denied. 14. Paragraph 14 contains purely legal argument, which requires no answer. To the extent paragraph 14 is construed to allege a fact, that fact is denied. -2- 15. Denied that Ogden's legal position is accurately stated in paragraph 15. Admitted that Ogden contends that the Design/Build Contract should not be declared void. Without~nowledge of the Board's position. COUNTERCLAIM 1. Ogden countersues the FKAA for a declaratory judgment, and alleges as follows: 2. Ogden played no role in the facts and circumstances forming an alleged violation of the Government in the Sunshine Law, section 286.011, Florida Statues (the "Sunshine Law"). 3. Ogden relied in good faith upon the capability of the Board and the FKAA to comply with their legal obligations, including their obligation to comply with the Sunshine Law. Ogden was entitled to, and did, reasonably rely on the Board's representation that it was legally empowered to circulate the RFP and conduct the contractor selection process as it did, and the FKAA' s representation it was legally empowered to enter into the DesignlBuild Contract as it did. 4. In reliance thereon, Ogden has inyested substantial sums to compete in the selection process, to negotiate the Design/Build Contract, and subsequently to comply with its obligations under the Design/Build Contract. 5. The FKAA is estopped from denying the validity of the contract at this point, or seeking to void the selection process. It would be a terrible injustice for the -3- Court to declare void the selection of Ogden to enter into the Design/Build Contract as a consequence of this action. The injustice that would result from a failure to uphold the estoppel is of sufficient dimension to justify any effect upon public interest or policy which would result from raising the FKAA' s estoppel. 6. In addition, the Board, the FKAA and other government agencies have invested substantial sums, and are continuing to invest substantial sums, in their concerted effort to facilitate the expeditious completion of the Key Largo wastewater treatment project. For this reason it would be inappropriate for the Court to declare void the selection of Ogden to enter into the Design/Build Contract as a consequence of this action. 7. Any violation of the Sunshine Law, if one took place, was unintentional and insubstantial and does not form a basis to declare void the selection of Ogden to enter into the Design/Build Contract. 8. Moreover, the Court need not declare the selection of Ogden to enter into the DesignlBuild Contract void as a matter of law. The TEP and the Board conducted extensive public meetings, duly noticed and held in full compliance with the Sunshine Law. Any discussion of issues in the selection process that took place outside of these public meetings was also repeated, made public, and fully discussed in the public meetings. Therefore, any violation of the Sunshine Law, if one took place, has already been the subject of sufficient corrective action. -4- 9. The TEP's actions were not a device intended to evade the Sunshine Law. The TEP did not crystallize any secret decisions to a point just short of ceremonial acceptance in any of its non-public communications. 10. The Board did not ceremonially accept or perfunctorily ratify the TEP's recommendations. Indeed, the cost per "equivalent dwelling unit" of Ogden's proposal was so much less than that of any other bidder, there is no chance any other proposal could have been selected had there been more public debate. 11. The cost per equivalent dwelling unit of the sewering of Key Largo can only be increased by additional delay. 12. Finally, the Court should not declare void the selection of Ogden to enter into the Design/Build Contract because such a decision would cause delay in the process of constructing a central sanitary wastewater treatment plant in Key Largo, a project of immense importance to ensuring satisfactory water quality in Key Largo. This Court's decision to declare void the selection of Ogden to enter into the Design/Build Contract would cause immense environmental harm to Key Largo. WHEREFORE, Ogden prays that the Court take jurisdiction of this action and the parties hereto and render a declaratory judgment, declaring either (1) that there was no Sunshine Law violation in connection with the award of the Design/Build Contract, or (2) that, under all the facts and circumstances of this case, any such Sunshine Law -5- violation does not justify declaring void the process by which Ogden was selected to enter into the Design/Build Contract. Respectfully submitted, THE RIVAS LAW FIRM 311 S. Calhoun St., Suite 206 Tallahassee, FL 32301 Tel: (850) 412-0306 Fax: (850) 412-0909 RobRivas@aol.com Robert Rivas Florida Bar No. 896969 I HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy of this Answer and Counterclaim was served by fax and by U.S. Mail on September 13,2000, upon counsel listed below. Robert T. Feldman Feldman, Koenig & Highsmith, P.A. 13 15 Whitehead S t. Key West, FL 33040 F. Alan Cummings Cummings & Snyder, P .A. P.O. Box 589 Tallahassee, FL 32302-0589 ~~---- Robert Rivas James T. Hendrick Monroe County Attorney Morgan & Hendrick, P .A. 317 Whitehead St. Key West, FL 33040 John A. Jabro 90311 Overseas Highway, Suite B Tavernier, FL 33070-2445 -6-