Miscellaneous Correspondence ~httt J\ttnrtttu e SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF F~ORIDA 302. FLEMlNG STREET P.O. BOX 1086 KEY WEST. FLORIDA 33041-IOef5 " TELEPHONE 294-51155 KIRK C, ZUELCH 1...",11 T.--~';". i:-ictl'V 29. 1 ~91 P.eaaie Pal'os. Monroe County 5192 Overseas Marathon. FL Dil.t?CtOl' Public Safety HiQ'hway 33050 RE: CASE #SA91-008 :)ear Mr. Pares. As per our telephone conversation on January 28. 1991. I have met wi th the president and several board members of the BiQ' Pine Volunteer Fire Department. The purpose of the meeting was to review the fire department's audit and to discuss the fire department's loss of donated funds. My review has concluded that the funds were taken by the former bookkeeper of the department. The bookkeeper has since given a sworn confession. Prosecution is now pending. The fire chief. board of directors and the officers of the corporation have been cleared of any misconduct. Sincerely. ~J~r6~ MICHAEL R. BARBER Chief Investigator MRB/atd