Resolution 502-2001 Petitioners Richard 8r. Pauline Crise RESOLUTION NO. 502 - 2001 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, RENOUNCING AND DISCLAIMING ANY RIGHT OF THE COUNTY AND THE PUBLIC IN AND TO A PORTION OF A DRAINAGE AND UTIUTIES EASEMENT BETWEEN LOTS 40 AND 41, BLOCK 4, CUDJOE GARDENS SECOND ADDITION. CUDJOE KEY. FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways, and WHEREAS, due notice has been published and a public hearing has been held in accordance with Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing the Board considered the argument of all parties present wishing to speak on the matter, and all premises considered concerning the renouncing and disclaiming of any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that vacation of the said road is for the general public welfare, and conforms to the requirement of Florida Statutes Sees. 336.09 and 336.10, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNlY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNlY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby renounces and disclaims any right of the County and the public in and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, to-wit: 5 FOOT EASEMENT FOR DRAINAGE AND UTILITIES BETWEEN LOTS 40 AND 41, BLOCK 4, CUDJOE GARDENS SECOND ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 159, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. r Charles McCoy ro Tem Dixie Spehar ioner Murray Nelson ;/c-J ,...f~ \ _ ioner George Neugent \::::: fft~~,,,. ,';c"~' ;" :; ioner Nora Williams -"'~'~""~"]:'~~:':::~\ \fX~ :,:;~5' /:// '\,' "d-l,,~C"I')' _,,;/ , ',/1 "'\'~. ,,:::\~~ \:~~::>7" / ~+/7 '::..:;:ZX~: J)~ L.KOLHAGE, Clerk '"-,,cc,y,-/ ~ q~rk ......;) :I. =." PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe ibu~y, ~ridcj;;at a regular meeting of the Board on the 19th day of December, 2001. ~~S ~ 0 ("'). " ." 0('")' 0 C;o:;:K; ::0 2:. 0 ' -f (") r- " :;1.) :< -f:J: :x rr ...". > .r:- c r-C)" C > ,.., : . U1 r yes yes yes yes yes By BOARD OF COUNlY OF MONROE COU MMISSIONERS , LORIDA Mayor/Chairperson FLORIDA K.I rs KEYNOTER Published Twice Weekly Marathon, Monroe County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION no. 08501 00 NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION flENOUNCING AND DISCLAIMING ANY RIGHT OF THE COU NTV OF MONROE AND THEPU8LIC IN AND TO A CERTAIN STREET, AS DELINEATED ON A CERTAIN RECORDED PLAT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE , pursuent to Chapter 336, Flori- da StsMss. thlll the Bosrd County. Commissioners of Mon- roe County, Florids, st s msetC r801~:'1y ~O::=lutl:n No. 502-2001. renouncing snd dlsclslmlna sny right of t County of Monroe snd the pu lie in snd to s portion of s drsi sge snd utility easement b =~~:n~n~IOCk ~, tion, Cudjoe Key, Monroe Coun ty, Florlda, end further scribed.. follows: 5 FOOT EASEMENT FOR D~NAGE AND UTILITIES BE TWEEN LOTS 40 AND 41, 8LOCK 4, CUD.JOE GARDEN SEeQND AODlTfON, ACCOR ING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 159, OF THE PUBLI RECORDS OF MONROE COU N TV, FLORIDA. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE -. ... Before the undersigned authority person- al/y appeared WAYNE MARKHAM who on oath, says that he is PUBLISHER of the FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER, a twice weekly newspaper published in Marathon, in Monroe County, Florida: that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: (date(s) of publication} 1J;ij1ttt2Vj /9r J?/ll!J.- tffiant further says that the said FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER is a newspaper published at Marathon, in said Monroe County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida, twice each week (on Wednesday and Saturday) and has been entered as a second class mail matter at the post office in Marathon, in Monroe County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement. The affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm, or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper(s) and that The Florida Kevs Keynoter is in ful/ comoliance with Chaoter 50 of the Florida State Statutes on Leaal and Official Advertisements, DANNYL. KOLHAGE Clerk of the -Circuit Court end e officlo Clerk of the Board County Commisskmets Monroe County, Florid PubUsh.Jenuary, 19, 2002. Florida Keys Keynoter "" 3: c:::t .." 0 CJ <:;::> z ::r... "" r ::0 C":> 2: .." f'TJ 0,:'" m CJ I'TI :ll:: -< CO <"") . r- N .." o C":> . ...... 0 ~:o~ ::0 .0 :Do ::0 -4". :<~:t: ::J: rT1 'J> \.0 ('") ~ C1 0 , fTl )> W ::0 0 CJ BEVEltL Y TRAmEIt Myec.. &po Wl~ ~ No. CC 870842 ........, ~ r J 0Iw I.D. @/IJUV &A~' No ry . FLORIPA I<<TJ KEYNOTER Published Twice Weekly Marathon, Monroe County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION no. 6120400 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tha 'the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County , Flor" ga....;:~d1 ~~1f8g1h.:lni:88 PM; at the Marathon Govern STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE Highway,~8ratho~, Floric;la; f<:l tha purpose ,'of determining whether or not the foHowlng strMts, ,aIley_ay,. roads highwayS shell be abandoned: 6 FOOT EASEMENT F DRAINAGE AND UTILITIES BE- TWEEN LOTS 40 AND '41, BLOCK 4. Cl,JDJOE GARDENS SECOND ADDITION, ACCOR , ING TO THE PLAT THEREQf A RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 169. OF, THE, PUBLIC RECORDS Ol;,MONROECOUN- TV, FLORIDA: Pur.uant to $!K:tiOn 286.01 ()j;, FIoride_Stalutas"notice is giVen that if a person decided to.ap.- peal a,ny decision m,ade by the Board with raspect to any mat tar considered at such hellring or ",,,,,tings. he w, ill need, a re- cord' of the proceedings, and that, for sucl1 purpose. he me need to ensure, that a v,erb,ati~ record of the proceedings' is made, which, record Includea the testimony an.d eyiclence upon which the appeal IS to bel besed. ' Dated at Key West. Florida, this, 6thdeyof November. 2001. , DANNY L. KOLHAGEi Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex: officio Clerk of the. Board of, county, Comm iss ioners Of'l Monroe County. Florida Pub"sh December 1. 2001 ,--Floride Keys Keynoter Before the undersigned authority person- ally appeared WAYNE MARKHAM who on oath, says that he is PUBLISHER of the FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER, a twice weekly newspaper published in Marathon, in Monroe County, Florida: that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: (date(s) of publication) ~L!;J&I Affiant further says that the said FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER is a newspaper published at Marathon, in said Monroe County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida, twice each week (on Wednesday and Saturday) and has been entered as a second class mail matter at the post office in Marathon, in Monroe County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement. The affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm, or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper(s) and that The Florida Kevs Kevnoter is in full comoliance with Chaoter 50 of the Florida State Statutes on Leaal and Official Advertisements. Sworn 0 an this Lf. Day (SEAL) gf~ (fia-r Notary r-..:I 3: <= '"Tl 0 0 .::;:) I'.) r z ::t,. :;1;)(")2: ...., fT1 O,L ,." a rr1A-< co 0' r N '"Tl <::) (") . -' <:) c;:;O;:l';; :::0 :z:. 0 :Do :::0 --In' :<,-!::I: :x ,." 'l> '-0 ("") .." C') 0 , ..., 15 J> W a