Resolution 204-2006 Commissioner Spehar RESOLUTION NO. 204 - 2006 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RECOGNITION OF THE LATE MURRAY E. NELSON WHEREAS, Murray E. Nelson, Mayor Pro Tern ofthe Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, patriarch of a large family, and wonderful friend to many, passed away on April I?, 2006; and WHEREAS, Murray was committed to the preservation and improvement of Monroe County, and finding solutions to the problems of the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, the community mourns his loss and has exhibited its heartfelt sympathy for his extensive family, including his wife Mary and their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren; and WHEREAS, Murray's strength of character sustained him in tackling public issues, particularly workforce housing and wastewater projects, until the very end, notwithstanding the toll taken by serious illness; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1: Hereby adopts this Resolution as an expression to the family of their deepest sympathy in the passing of the late Mayor Pro Tern Murray E. Nelson. Section 2: Hereby recognizes and honors Murray Nelson for his unfailing devotion to family, community, and friends as exemplified by the following: Murray Nelson served in the U.S. Army in Korea; Murray first became involved in the community shortly after becoming a full-time resident of Port Largo in 1992, after fourteen years of part-time residency while operating his own electrical business in Miami, and was elected to the board of his homeowners' association; Prior to, and while serving on the County Commission, Murray accomplished an enhancement of services to the Upper Keys, including additional parks and expanded facilities, many road improvements, and setting the course for the relocation of the County's Upper Keys government center to Key Largo, instead of the municipality of Islamorada; Murray served on the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County from 2000 through April, 2006, serving as mayor and mayor pro tem during his years on the Board; During his tenure on the Board, Murray was indefatigable in his pursuit of workforce housing solutions for the residents of the Florida Keys, and was instrumental in securing a commitment from the State of Florida to provide $93,000,000 to purchase environmentally sensitive lands as well as substantial funding for workforce affordable housing and wastewater projects; Murray always maintained his integrity and stood fast In carrying out his responsibilities on the County Commission; Murray E. Nelson was a man of vision, commitment and faith. Section 3: Hereby directs the Clerk to forward to the family of Murray Nelson a copy of this Resolution expressing the Board's sorrow. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of May, A.D., 2006. Yes Vacant Yes Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE CO TY, FLORIDA By :x .... .... ." Cl C c::o :z: )> .... .- ::oC")% c... 1'"1 c: or-x :z: Cl '"";x-< N ." n. 0 0 MONROE COUNTY ATTO oc">" 0 ;;;0 C::-:A APPROVED AS TO F :;,:::=Oc, :po ;;;] -- -In' ::It rT1 -<-II n . " :l> - 0 "T1 G? .. ;:0 r- fTl to) Cl ):> CD