Item K1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA TTRM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 'Mnrch 1S-1h. /.000 Division: BOCC Bulk Item: Yes No x Department: D;Rtrict Five AGENDA ITEM WORDING: SOUNDING BOARD ITEM Request from Ken Carter to address the BOCC concerning the Management Agreement for the County-owned marina in Marathon. ITEM BACKGROUND: See attached request. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH YEAR APPROVED BY: County Attorney OMB/Purchasing Risk Mgt. --~ -Kay ~ / tlf0 DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: MARY KAY REICH. Comm;RR;onPr DOCUMENTATION: Included: x To Follow: Not Required: DISPOSITION: AGENDA TTRM :/:I: I.~' FILE No.01? 02/16 '00 10:46 ID:WAVK-CLEAR CHANNEL FAX:305?439091 PAGE 1 February 16, 2000 i":'\, ~I ~ r~:; nl '-V/ I;~J D 15~7 Le. I \:1 . ,.' _-1 t_~.::;~:;_ ~!. ,: ':! rj j I if ffB I 6 200J j~ County Commissioner Mary Kay Reich District S Monroe County, Florida Dear Commissioner Reich: 1 am requesting that you allow me to address the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners on the Sounding Board at the March 15 and 16 BOCC meeting in Marathon. My address will concern the Management Agreement that Monroe County has with the Marathon Economic Development Council for the management ofthe County-owned marina in Marathon. Attached is some background information that will be part of my presentation. I am aware that the BOCC cannot take any action on my presentation at the Sounding Board. My interest in coming before you is to give the Commissioners my perspective as a Marathon resident on the Management Agreement and its high cost to Monroe County taxpayers. Please let me know if you will be able to till my request. ~ Ken Carter PO Box 500261 Marathon, FL 33050 (30~)731.3721 r.. FILE No.01? 02/16 '00 10:46 ID:WAVK-CLEAR CHANNEL . F~b 1~ 00 0~135p Da~~~ L. Kolhace FAX:305?439091 PAGE 2 305 285 3615 II. 1 ." "',"'. ...................................;0.........-.............:.........:....,..... .:............... ~".; .,t", .\...... Enaineering Department 5100 Concae Rd. Key Wett, Fl 33040 January 13.2000 . Mr. Kirby ScheinmaM Marathon J!conomJeo Development Council . P. O. Box ~22.sB2 Marathon Shore.. FL J30S2 r"-- ~RD or COUNTY. COMMISSIONERS or 8IrirIC)' J7roan.a. D..... J ~ r.v URn a.arp Ntupne, DIIIrict 2 Wlllltl..... Hamr, DlIV'Ioc I Nor. Wflllama. DtIIa1a .. MIry ICq Rtioh. DiIatoc 5 OOUNTY"-CMONROE 1CFt\WJJ1' \:J '~1:IlMO .. ......., RE: Marina Manqcmlnt Asreement Dear Mr. Scheir'n: X,ro/, According to the contract between Monrot County and the MEDC, 'liSe, the MBDC must submit to the County an aMual audit performed by a CPA no later than three months after tho end or oaah County fbo&1 year (yoar end. September 30). Th. CPA .hould bo an independ.nt accountant who has not bttn involved with the marina and who i. not a member of the MEDC. In addition, I have attached I memo written by the CountY'1 Office of Managemont and Budpl Director. John Carter, which.l would lib you to acldre... I'm aura that John would be willina fO meet if you have any qu~ion. about hi. l'Iqu.at. Pleue provide th'. lntbrmltion to me at your oarIiolt opportunity. Thank.. cJ;ncerery. . ~ Ie , D.vid S. Koppel. P B. County Enaineer - DSKljl MthnPkAudit.KSNA Cc: J~e.L.RDblnJ/ Danny Kolhaae V Dent Pierce John Carter FILE No.018 02/16 '00 10:52 ID:WAVK-CLEAR CHANNEL FAX:3057439091 PAGE 1 WAVK News 216 The Marathon Economic Development Council, doing business as the Marathon Community Council, is in violation of its management agreement with Monroe County to manage the Florida Keys Marina Marathon. The violation stems from the requirement that the Council submit an audit of its financial records for the operation of the marina not later than December 31, 1999. The audit must be performed by an independent certified public accountant. On January 13, 2000, the County Engineer, David Koppel, sent a memo to Kirby Scheimann, Executive Director of the Marathon Community Council, stating that the audit had to be submitted. As of yesterday the audit had not been received by Koppel's office, and Koppel told W A VK yesterday that he doesn't know when it will be submitted or what is being done to get it submitted. Clerk of the Circuit Court Danny Kolhage confirmed to W A VK yesterday that no audit has been received by his office despite the deadline for its submission being over six weeks ago. Written by: Ken Carter, Copyright 2000 FILE No.018 02/16 '00 10:53 ID:WAVK-CLEAR CHANNEL , F.b 14 00 04.35~ Dann~ L. KOlhaC~ FAX:3057439091 305 295 3615 PAGE 3 p.2 Monroe COUD&y Office ofManaaement &. Budaet S 1 00 College Road Key Weat , FL 33040 vuicu; (30'> 292-4470 fax: (30S) 295-4320 r-- BOARD OF COUNT)' ~MMI'SIONERS MAYOR Shirley F".. . DlIIrict3 MQ)'or Pro ..,.. Ooofos. Noupnt, J>l<<riat 2 Wllhtlmllll HItYC1, ORIrIct I N," WUIlIIftI, DiI1riot 4 Mil)' Kay Retch, Dlltrlcl $ O. oUNTvo!MONROE KEYWYT \5 ~S3fMI) 1l1li........, . rilllM7rn JAM 1 0 zooo L _ ../_ MEMORANDUM Date: January 10,2000 David Koppel County EDain.sr JohnCarter ~ ~ Director. OMB To: From: Subject: Marathon Mllrina ~; Sl11dra CarUle James L. Roberts .-....---..-.- ..........----.......----.-....-..---...... '...-....----......... Each month. an audit slip to authorize payment to the Marathon Economic Oevelopment Council. Inc. i. routed throuah my office. I have confined my review to whether there is rutlicient budget to make the payment each month, However, I hive noted that the attached dooumtn" do not includ, laY ItQndQrd fUUU\oialltatcmcau. but rather include several worksheets that finance UH' to support il.Dins IL check. Although the supportina documentauon is sufficient for issuing a monthly check, it is not sufficient for proper management and monitoring of the marina operations. It is particularly fmubJesome to not be Rble to .. how the CIIh floM are handled, what the ;roll profit margins tor goodl ad ICrvi~CI'lOld an:, U1d whether revenue powth trenda show that the taxpayer subsidy can lVer be expected to phase out Since Monroe County taxpayen arc effectively naUent plltnCI'I" in chi. venture, the BOCC should receive buic. standard (mancial .tatementB. includinll a proper income ltatemtnt, balance aheet. and statement of changea in financial po.ition (cuh flow). I understand that the Marathon Marina uael the .crvicca of a Certified Public Accountant. Therefore these fundamental fananoiaJ atatemon.ts should be relAtivoly cay to produce and I re.pc~tfWl)' m}\JC.t that thcae atatemenu be provided to the County. . 1 FILE No.018 02/16 '00 10:53 ID:WAVK-CLEAR CHANNEL FAX:3057439091 PAGE 2 WAYK News 216 The first year of the management of the County marina by the Marathon Community Council has been a very profitable one for the Council and a very expensive one for the taxpayers of Monroe County. The cost to Monroe County taxpayers for the first year of operation of the Florida Keys Marina Marathon is $86.598. That's the difference between the $155,800 in management fees the County paid to the Council and the $69,202 the Council deposited in the County's bank account. Unaudited financial records released by the Council show that the Council had a total of$147,364 in expenses. The top three expense items were: professional fees, $46,635; payroll, $33,169; and utilities, $17,557. Since the Council took in $155,800 and paid out in expenses $147,604, the Marathon Community Council actually shows a net profit for the year of$8436, at a cost to Monroe County taxpayers of $86,598. Although the Marathon Economic Development Council, Inc. is a non-profit corporation there is nothing in its Management Agreement with the County that says it cannot make a profit operating the marina, even if that profit comes at the expense of Monroe County taxpayers. Fwther, there is no provision in the agreement that says the protit made at the marina cannot go to fund other Council activities that have nothing to do with the marina. Although Kirby Scheimann, the Council's executive director, reports that the Council has secured over $300,000 in grants for the marina, neither the County Engineer David Koppel, nor the County Budget Director John Carter were able to substantiate to W A VK any specific amounts of grant money received, where the grant money went or the specific uses the grant money went to. I n a January 10 memo, a copy of which was obtained by W A VK from Clerk of the Courts Danny Kolhage, County Budget Director John Carter informed County Engineer David Koppel that the financial reports generated by the Marathon Community Council are not sufficient for proper management and monitoring of the marina operation. He goes on to write. "It is particularly troublesome to not be able to see how the cash flows are handled, what the gross profit margins are, and whether revenue-growth trends show that the taxpayer subsidy can ever be expected to be phased out." Written by: Ken Carter, Copyright 2000 FLORIDA KEYS MARINA. MARATHON Mayor Freeman, Commissioners and citizens of Monroe County: I thank you for this opportunity to address you on a matter of great importance to every taxpayer in Monroe County. The purchase of the marina property now known as the Florida Keys Marina, Marathon by Monroe County was, in my opinion, one of the best investments that the Board of County Commissioners ever made for the future of the people of Marathon, and I am only one of many residents grateful to you for having done so. For the first six months that the Marathon Economic Development COWlcil (hereinafter referred to as the EDC) managed the marina Wlder an agreement with the County, I visited the marina each month and got a copy of the financial report prepared by the EDC. Last month I asked for, and received, a copy of the January, 2000 financial statement, showing the totals for each month of the first full year of operation. What this statement revealed astounded me. When I compared the monthly statements I had originally obtained from the EDC for the months February through July, 1999, to the new statement, I saw that most of the expense amoWlts had been changed. Not only did monthly amounts not match, but also the six-month totals for specific expenses. Examples: Payroll and Professional Fees totaled just over $36,000 on the original statements, but on the new statement the total is more than $39,000; Office Expense on the originals was a little over $2000 and on the new is almost $3500; and the amoWlt reported for Insurance Expense differs by almost $500. These are only three of the most glaring discrepancies. I called the office ofthe Clerk ofthe Circuit Court, Danny Kolhage, to request a copy of the latest financial statement he had received from the EDC. It was then that I learned that the EDC had failed to submit an audit of their financial records for the marina. Essential to an Wlderstanding of my concern in this matter is the fact that the EDC has violated a basic and critical tenn of their contract with the COWlty by their failure to submit this audit by December 31. The executive director of the EDC, Kirby Scheimann, had been sent a written reminder by the COWlty Engineer, David Koppel, on January 13. The memo went on to point out that the audit should be done by an independent accoWltant who has not been involved with the marina, and who is not a member of the EDC. The information was requested at the earliest opportunity. However, no audit was forthcoming in response to this reminder. At the Town Hall meeting in Marathon on February 23, Richard Fortmann, a member of the EDC's Board of Directors, assured you that the audit, "should be available by the end ofthis coming week at the very latest." That date would be March 4. Today is March 15, and the audit is still not available. Therefore my financial analysis is based on Wlaudited financial statements prepared by the EDC. What these statements tell me, in addition to the numerous discrepancies in amounts I mentioned earlier, is quite disturbing. It cost county taxpayers $86,598 for the EDC to manage the marina the first year. That's the difference between what the county paid in management fees to the EDC and the amount the EDC deposited into the county's revenue bank accoWlt. At the same time, the EOC reports an income of $8,436. That is the amoWlt that was left over after the EDC paid operating expenses out of their management fee. But this isn't what causes me the most concern. There are three very puzzling entries that show up in each of the monthly expense summaries prepared by the EDC. One entry is called "MEDC Reimbursement" and for the year totals $10,000. ~t \ Questions immediately come to mind: What is the MEDC being reimbursed for? Why is it an expense item? Where did this $10,000 go? The second entry concerns the amOlmt of the start-up loan obtained by the EDC. As with most other figures reported on their statements, there are two amounts. On the original statement there is a footnote that says the amount is $15,000. On the second statement the amount seems to be $20,000, broken down into two entries of $10,000 each, which is shown as a negative expense item in January, 1999 and February, 1999. How much did they borrow? Incredibly, on their financial statements the EDC treats their loan principal payments as an expense item! Every first-year accounting student knows that loan principal payments are a capital item, never an expense. These payments are reported under the entry "MEDC TIB LOC principal" and for the year total $20,000 on the revised statements. However, on the original statements for June and July the loan payment is $2000 each month, but on the new statement the amount has been changed to $1000 for these two months. Why were the changes made? What happened to this extra $2000? The third puzzling entry is under the expense item labeled "Professional Fees". For the year the total is more than $46,000 and is in addition to payroll expense of more than $33,000. Not only are there wide differences in what was reported for this category on the original statements compared to the new statement, but the amount of this category differs by hundreds of dollars each month. To whom were professional fees paid each month? What were the professional services that were provided in exchange for these fees? There is yet another area of concern in this matter. The records that the EDC has provided to the County and to the public do not reveal what the EDC is doing with their income from the marina. For this year the annual audit will have to provide the answer, but in the future this dilemma can be prevented. Please consider what your own County Director of Management and Budget, John Carter, pointed out to the County Engineer, County Finance Director, and County Administrator in a memo dated January 10, 2000: "I have noted that the attached documents do not include any standard financial statements. Although the supporting documentation is sufficient for issuing a monthly check, it is not sufficient for proper management and monitoring ofthe marina operations. It is particularly troublesome to not be able to see how the cash flows are handled, what the gross profit margins for goods and services sold are, and whether revenue growth trends show that the taxpayer subsidy can ever be expected to phase out ... The BOCC should receive basic, standard financial statements, including a proper income statement, balance sheet, and statement of changes in financial position. " Proper financial statements would reveal that the income reported by the EDC is grossly understated by a total of $30,000. If the entries of $ 10,000 as MEDC Reimbursement and $20,000 in MEDC TIB LOC principal payments are removed as operating expenses from the income statements as prepared by the EDC, then the EDC is shown to have an income of $38,436 and not just $8436 as they reported. Other than the $20,000 that is shown as loan payments, where is that money? Has the EDC removed that money from the marina accounts and used it elsewhere for other than marina projects? I bring up this question because on December 4, 1998, Commissioner Neugent, who is a former active member of the EDC, told me in a discussion I had with him about the Management Agreement, "I think the Economic Development Council plan is to plow revenues made from the public/private relationship with the County into good projects in the community." It is surprising that the Management Agreement does not preclude the EDC from taking their income made at the marina and using that money elsewhere. Is this what the BOCC had in mind when they approved this Agreement? Is this what the taxpayers wanted when their tax dollars were specifically earmarked to go into their marina? Does the EDC have some $18,000 sitting in a bank account somewhere? Or was it removed from the marina bank accounts altogether to pay for what the EDC considers "good" projects in the community? Do you want to continue to wait until the EDC finally makes their audit available to you to learn where the money is? On behalf of the taxpayers of Monroe County I ask that the provisions of paragraph 5b of the Management Agreement with the EDC be invoked as soon as possible. That paragraph calls for the EDC to hand over all its financial records pertaining to this agreement to auditors employed by the Cmmty or the Clerk. You, the Board of County Commissioners, and the taxpayers of Monroe County need to know what has happened to the taxpayer money that went into the marina. The marina now has a new administrator, hired by the EDC. I respectfully ask that you require that his tenure begin with accurate financial reporting using adequate financial statements, as recommended by your Budget Director. It is the only way that you and the taxpayers of Monroe County will know what is going on at our County marina. Written by Ken Carter PO Box 500261 Marathon, FL 33050-0261 (305) 731-3721 Delivered to Monroe County Board of County Commissioners March 15, 2000