Item M12 ADD-ON Rev 2/95 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: March 15-16, 2000 Division: DISTRICT I Bulk Item: Yes No x Department: Commissioner Harvey AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Consideration of a waiver by the Board of County Commissioners for the filing of the TDC application by the Key West Botanical Garden Society for the Special Bricks and Mortar/Capital Projects. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Key West Botanical Garden Society's application for the Special Bricks and Mortar/Capital Projects was rejected by the Purchasing Department as being a few minutes late. See attached. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: YES NO AMT. PER MONTH YR APPROVED BY: County Atty OMB/Purchasing Risk Mgmt. W~ G--. ~ Commissioner Wilhelmina G. H ~ DIVISION DIRECTOR: DOCUMENTATION: Incld: To Follow: Not Required: DISPOSITION: Agenda Item #: A. l~ -- .-..-- ----.------..-..--..-..-..---- To: Anne Hurlock, 293,8109 From: Joanne Meyers March 9110 TOC appJicatlon About 2:45, three of us, Paul Haye5, his secretary Mary. and I, were putting the last of 20 copies. of the appliration Into envelopes. We were running that late because the copfer, apparently as a result of overf'lf~atjng, had started Putting t~ pages at a time through the machine, thus skipping a page. We had taken t,me to make copIes of those pages and insert them 'nto the applications. We were WOrkIng at La Oris., across from Smathers Beach, not that far from the County Building. We sealed the 'ast envelopes and , set off with them at about 8 minutes to three. Many times f have driven the South Roosevelt route In no particular hurry from my Own home on Grinnell Street near Seminary to the Canr.er Center in exactly 15 minutes, so . rtattzed r (ouldn't dawdle but r thought there was plenty of time. I walled about 20 seconds before beIng ab'~ to turn left Gilt of LaBrls8, , did exceed the speed limit on South Roosevelt (45 MPH), and I made the light at Flagler, but had to wlit probablv J/l minutes to make my left turn onto Colfege Avenue. I turnM Into Aguerro Drive, parked straight ahead at the rear and hurried Into the rear door Opposite the Botanical C.arden's shed. , looked down the corridor and did not see the sIgn "Purchaslng" where I had thought it was. , asked the lady who sits in the office to the right where purchasing was. She prOMptly told me that It was at the end of the half, go right, and then it would be on my right again. That probably took 1 5 seconds. r hurried down the halt, found Purchasing, and was pUZZled by the room seeming to be unusuaUy dark.. like the lights having been turned out. (J don't know whether the lights were out or not-' was too upset by what followed to take notIce.)' wafk.-d imo the room. paused for a few seconds, observed no one thp.re, walked farther In and saw three or four women standing and talking towards the rear of the office. One asked. 'What do you want?" J explained that J had a TOe appUcation. Heads shOok and' was informed that the appflcatlon was 'ate and that they could not accept Il. They pOint<<!d to a clock high on the wall behind where I was stand'ng that by that tIme read three minutes after three, I believe. Ilaoked at my watch and it read les5 than One minute after three. I protested that that wasn't the time I had to which I was told that wasn't acceptable. That wall clock and only that clock '5 the measure oftfmeliness, , was told. I am poor at f'@membering faces, but f believe one of th. women was Maxine whom I had talked to at roc. I didn't even look at the other5 to see If I knew them. I explaIned that we had been done in sufficient time and would have been there earlier if the (opl@r had not staned giving problems. They told me that neIther that nor traffic was a valid excuse. , allowed that traffic had been somewhat of a hindrance but did not elaborate. 'was really upset when Maxine scolded me for our leaving things to the last minute. Wf! had started work, on the application as soon as we got the paperwork and had worked throughout the Intervening time. We had not delaved work; there were a lot of decisions to be made, several estimates to nbtaln, and many confirmations to get from supporters and donors who were frequently difficult to reach-but' did not say that. I Just looked daggers at her and didn't say a word. I think we had a second go-round about the tim~. I got no further than I had the fjrst time. When I started to gather up ttte envelopes to leave, they started falling. Maxine kindly grabbed some of them and ar.ked If a box would be helpful. I said. 'Yes" and one of the women produced a large box. Maxine helped me put the envelopes In the box If J rp.member correctly. I left carrying the heavy box. :~~nt bac~k to laBrtsa and ~Id my helpers what had happened, cleaned up, and , !..-I..yt4-.L/ rh..t,Y..J.A~-d.J Joanne Mrs 3/14/00 \ \ ,," \ Ke(j West B_" 1o~~. K.A...~=; / r' J-.. -..,.. A.. l' ~-" arMn Soc~f(j .:r. "8. ,. '-. t. ~~ ."" I S M.~2 , To the Board of County Commissions: I hope you can all find in your hearts to hear my plea on behalf of the hundreds of people who have donated their time, resources and money for the completion of the TDC application to benefit the Key West Botanical Gardens. Our volunteer, Joanne Meyers, was told she could not to drop off our application at 3:02 p.m. on Thursday, March 9, 2000. She personally carried in over 1400 a es of ocuments that were diligently worked on and contain 0,00 worth of match services from our community. This bid was for a NON - PROFIT grant of great stature for the benefit of both the County and the TDC, versus a FOR PROFIT bid. And what a great project this is! Imagine the wonderful payback to the state, County and city for restoration of both a historical and environmental site that was a gift by the Federal government to our community in 1934.. and with all volunteer effort. This is just Phase One of a five Phase project that will make the Key West Botanical Gardens one of the premier environmental tourist attractions in the Florida Keys. It is the largest frost free Garden in the Continental U.S. This project has been on the table since December and everyone was aware of our recent efforts to bring this "diamond in the rough" back to life for the community and tourists to savor. To deny all this hard work over a few minutes seems so meaningless to the intent of this whole matter. We fell that we have substantially complied with the filing deadline requirement. To deny this organization just the opportunity to show off months of unselfish hard work and loyal dedication by a group of volunteers representing a cross section of the community to a public land project would seem unfair because of the mass effort to get to this point We appeal to your sense of fair play and trust that that the balance and your wisdom will result in accepting our application for the TOC Bricks and Mortar Capital project. On behalf of all of the volunteers, donors, and friends of the Garden, I thank you once again for your time and know you will do the right thing. Respectfully submitted, A[. I~ Carolann Sharkey President P.O. Box 2436, Key West, FL 33045 · (305) 296-1504 · email: KWBGS@aol.com