Item R2 Revised 2/95 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 19. 2000 Division: Industrial Development Authority Bulk Item: Yes No -X- Department: Industrial Development Authority AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of: I) A public hearing to be held on May 17, 2000 at 5:0 I p.m. at the Key Largo Library as required by Federal law for the purpose of providing the public an opportunity to discuss issues concerning the Wesley House financing. 2) Approval of a request by Wesley House for the waiving of County fees in reference to the proposed fmancing. X ITEM BACKGROUND: Wesley House is requesting the Industrial Development Authority to act as the conduit for financing for its physical expansion. A review by the County's financial advisor has found no apparent problem with the County's participation. In order for the financing to proceed, the next County Commission/ln'dustrial Development Authority meeting will need to include a TEFRA federally mandated hearing, the passage of a resolution approving the issuance of the bonds and the project, and the passing of a bond resolution approving the issuance of the actual bonds and various documents. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: IDA has supported other fmancing and has adopted a fee schedule which includes a $5,000 nonrefundable application fee plus a fee equal to one-half of one percent of the face value of the industrial revenue bonds. For this project, the total would be approximately $10,000. ST AFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. TOT AL COST: -0- BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: -0- REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing _Risk Management _ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: -J.!-~ James L. Roberts DOCUMENTATION: Included lL To Follow Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #~2.. Sent By: WESLEY HOUSE; 305 292 7156; Apr-18-00 11:45AM; Page 2/2 WESLEY HOUSE PrOfJidilfg Etuly ChilllJaood IInd Fomil, Sm1ic~s t"mllglt(JlIll~ FloridJJ ~s 'P.Q Box 1033 Key West.FL 3304I-J033 'I!} (30S) 292-71.S0 . OOS) 292-7J 56 Toll-free J-R77-59S-S437 April 18, 2000 Moawe County Board of Coumy Commissioners 5100 College Road Key West, FL 33040 ~ar Commissioners: l appreciate ,your consideration of our request fUT the Monroe County Industrial Developmc:ol Authority to SPOnsoT the issuance of tn-exempt boads for the Wesley House Ley Memorial Project. 'Ibese bonds and your involvement a... the conduit will greatly assiSt Wesley House and OUT future preseuce in Monroe COUllty. J am aware that there are fees related to this process, and , am requesting your consideration of a waiver, The two Monroe County fees rebted to this bond conduit are: 1. A OIle time nOD-refundable S.sOOO application fee; and 2. A titc:e vahae of the bond fee for ~ of 1% of the $1,000,000 ora $5.000 rice value fee. 'lbese two fees represczt a SIO,OOO cost to Wesley House for the project. Your consideration of a waiver would Dot only be a sUbstantial savings fOI Wesley House, but it will give us these addilional fimds for the Ley ~l Project. I am always available for your queuions or ooncerns. Sincerely> ~~ Executive Director (j ................. ..c..... -............... _........ -.......... w.,..................._ o'i...... F_. 1114,..u.11y .-..........~!be "'''1'lGnda Dop.--..C2Wdr. ....,...... Diaid II