Item B DOAIW OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGI'~NOA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 4/5/00 Division: Mayor freeman Bulk Item: Yes No Depurtment: BOCC-3 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Resolution asking for permission to effect a voter rct~renuum to create the "Village of the Lower Keys" to include Summerland Key, Cudjoe Key, Ramrod KI3Y, SugarloafKey, Saddlebunch Key and the Torch Keys. ITEM BACKGROUND: PREVIOUS RELEVANT DOCC ACTION: ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: TOTAL COST: RUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: COST CENTER # REVENUE PRODUCING: YCS--=--.No_AMOUNl' PER MONTH YEAR APPROVED BY: County Arty __ OMB/Purchasing_ Risk Management_ DIVISION DlRF.CTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: lneluded: X To Follow:_Not Required:_ Agenda ltem #: 'B DISPOSITION: rO.d ZOO.oN 8S:Zr OO.~O ~dtJ : a I MAR-20.-ee lS.Sl FROM.MONAO. COUNTY ATTV OPFICE 10.30&2823618 Mayor Shirley Freeman RESOLUTION .2 000 A RESOLUTION ASKING FOR PERMISSION TO EFfECr A VOTER REFERENDUM TO CREATE THE VILLAGE OF THE LOWER KEYS TO INCLUDE SUMMERLAND KEY, CUDJOE KEY, RAMROD KEY, SUGARLOAF KEY, SADDLEBUNCH KEY AND THE TORCH KEYS WHEREAS tire current request to the I:lorida State LegislRture for permission to effect a voter relerendum to create the "VUlal~ of the Lower Keys" includes ollly Swnmerland Key, Cudjoe Key. Ramrod Key, and the Torch Keya, and... WHEREAS the residents of Su&arloaf Key and Saddle BUl\ch Keys dosiro to be included in the area proposed thr the incorponWou vote, and.. . WHEREAS the inclusion of Sugulofd" and Saddlebunch Key. will increase th~ population and the financial strength of the proposed vmaa~. and. . . WHEREAS the present request for a referendum acknowlcciacs that Susuloaf and SaddlebUllCh K.eys should be included in the proposed ViJlaae by a provision for a subsequent vote for annexation, and.. . WHEREAS all the people contemplated to become citizens of the proposed Village should be given an equal opportunity to vote for or asainsl the proposal. and... WHEREAS, wtder the legislation as presently drafted, vOb;rs in Sugarloaf and Saddlebunch Keys will be oftered only the sinjle choice of accepting or rejectinl annexation with the already coftStituccd Village after its creation alld will have no opponwlity to participate in its organization and formation or to vote in the election of its Mayor, and... WHEREAS the unnecessary costs for the conduct of an elL-ction for annexation and 2U1 election of commissioners to represent the annexed district should be avoided, and... WHEREAS a basic concept of a democratic aovcnunent i!i to give people an equal opportunity to vote to detemtino their own destiny,... We, the MOIL"'OC County Board of Commissioners, uree the: Florida Stale Lesislature to take all ap9ropriate steps to inc;lude Sugarloaf and Saddlebunch Keys in the proposed vote for incorporation otthe Village of the Lower KeyS. ZO.d SOO'ON lZ:91 00.6Z <./I;::IW : a I PACE 1/2 MAR-29-00 16.51 PROM.MONROE COUNTY ATTY UFf'ICB lD.3f1)&~a23S1e PACE 2/2 PASSED AND ADOPTED hy the Board of County Commis.ioners of Momoc County I Florida, &1 a QpeciallneeriJ\g of said Board held on the J 1 al day of Marchl 2000. Mayor Shirley Freeman Commissioner George Neugem Commissioner Wilhelmina Harvey Commissioner Nora Williams Commissioner Muy Kay Reich (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAOE. Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA By: Deputy Clerk By: Mayol'/Chainnan ~O'd SOO'ON 8~:91 OO.6~ ~~w :01